
chapter seventeen

Callistus asked, "She snuck into my room in the middle of the night and told me she doesn't want to be alone" I said innocently, "Do you think it's because she developed a trauma or something?" Callista asked, "I'm going to see her" Suga stood up, and we all went back to my room, on getting closer I noticed she was sweating, RM touched her forehead and said, "She's burning up" Suga did the same and nodded, "We need to get her to the hospital" Jungkook said worriedly, "You can't" Callista said, "Why?" Jin asked, "If there's one thing Jennifer hates it's hospital, she detest it like poison" "We don't have a choice she already lost a lot of blood last night" Jimin said, Suga knelt on the bed and woke Jennifer up, "Jennie" she opened her eyes, "Oppa what are you doing here? ah my head " she held her head, "We want to take you to the hospital, you lost a lot of blood and you have fever" she glared at him, "No, no hospital, I don't want to" she shook her head, "You have to" "I'll manage, don't take me there I don't like it" Jungkook turned to face Callista, "Is there a reason she doesn't like hospital?" "Yeah, she was there one time all alone , and really sick, she hated the needle and the drip and the smell of it she could cry" "We don't have a choice, Taehyung compel her" RM said, "Are you serious?" I asked, "I said don't!" she turned around and covered herself with the blanket, "I'll be fine, I just need some alcohol and malt and tomatoes" "Malt?? what does she mean by malt and tomatoes?" Jhope asked, "It's a way of replenishing the blood, but malt is something I don't know If you know" "Of course we know, but Jennifer if this gets worse I'm taking you personally to the hospital " Suga said, "it won't and I need sprite and salt" "That I can get" Jhope said, we all left and I went to get some of those things, "No it's blended tomatoes, the ones like paste" we finally got all those things ready when we saw Jennifer coming downstairs, "why aren't you lying down?" I asked, "I hate staying in one place" she nearly fell but Jin caught her, "I got you" he held her hand and led her to the dinning, we all watched her pour the sprite into a glass cup and put In a pinch of the salt, it sizzled and she drank it, "Wow, what does that do" Jhope asked, "Replenishes energy, Nigerians do it a lot, I watched her mix the tomato and pour the malt inside mixing it like juice and then she drank it, "Wow I have seen a new method of replenishing blood" Jin said and tried it, we all sat down in the couch as Jennifer sat too closing her eyes, as we chatted away, she dozed off into Suga's laps, "Guys shh, you'll wake Jennifer up" Jin shushed smiling, Suga just stared at her smiling, "She's pale but pretty" "Quick check her temperature" he checked her temperature and then her pulse, "Her body temperature is stabilizing but her pulse is still a bit fast" he said, "Let's trust her and see if she'll really recover on her own" I said, "But she hasn't eaten yet" Jungkook said, "The sprite is enough to hold her " Callistus said, "Come on let's go eat " Suga removed her head and followed us and we all went to eat, an hour later, Jennifer woke up as we were all busy with one thing or the other, "How are you feeling?" Jin dropped his video game and looked up, Jimin immediately stood up and checked her temperature, "I'm okay, I told you I would take care of it" she said, "Your method are like magic, especially with the sprite thing" Jhope said, "I'm still dizzy though so hold me" Jimin held her again, "Are you hungry we kept sone food for you" RM stood up and led her to the dinning we dropped porridge for her, "Thank you, you knew what I needed just now " she took a few spoons and left it, resting her head on the kitchen table, "Do you guys have any plans today?" "Fan signing in an hour" "You should go don't worry about me" "No that's not possible " Jin said, "Hey, do you want me to beat you?? I said go, I got people here and I'm okay" "You sure you'll be okay without us?" Suga asked, "Are we seriously debating this?" Jungkook said, "What if we took you with us?" Jhope asked, "I don't want to go anywhere at all, don't worry I'll wait for you to come home" she looked at all of us, I went outside, on my signal werewolves surrounded the entire house, then I went back into the house, looking at RM I nodded, "It's alright I'm sure she'll be safe with the others" RM stood up. I went to my room and got dressed, wearing suit, and loafers, then I went downstairs, everyone came down in suits too, "Ahh I think I'm going to die first before armies do" Jennifer fanned herself playfully and took pictures of us, "Aww Jimin Oppa you look cute, the Jimin effect, my kitty cat Suga Oppa, I didn't say that your fans did, awww my love Jhope! smile for me, Jungkook kookie!! you're handsome, Taehyung Oppa, my Gucci god!" I grinned, "Jin Oppa look here, smile for me, I love you!! Namjoon Oppa, you don't know what official clothes on you do to me, take the jacket off trust me it makes more sense, oya button two buttons down, perfect " "Tae Oppa, one hands in the pocket and you're fit to go " I smiled and did what she said, "Jhope my love, longer jacket suit would make sense for you, Jungkook you're perfect, Jimin look more sexy, tell them to give you eye liner at the edges to look more sexy" she was just dishing out fashion compliments, "And finally Jin Oppa tell them to move your hair more forward to look childish, fans would love that and Yoongi Oppa, they should divide your hair in the middle and bring a little out, just like in Agust D-Day time" all of us stared at her quietly, "Why not become our personal stylist?" Jungkook asked and she laughed, "You're kidding, I don't want, I'll rather help you at home, this are for the professionals now go go, I'll be watching it on TV " we moved out and boarded the van, waving back I sat down,  "I never believed I'll say this but I can't wait for this to end so we can come back home " Suga said, "I agree with you on that Suga Hyung" Jungkook said.

Jungkook's POV

             After the army signing that took time, I knew Jennifer and her friends would be watching us, we finally ended in the night, we boarded the van back after passing the paparazzies and  cameras we finally enter the van to go back, "Man that was exhausting" Jimin said, "Jennifer's fashion sense paid off, did you see how armies were screaming?" Jhope said and laughed, thinking of going back to meet them was exciting, the moment the van arrived at the mountain, we all got down we didn't wait for it to move up, I saw Yoongi morph into a red gaint fur fox, I changed into an angel, Jhope into a wolf, all of us raced up to the house, the moment we neared it we changed back, and saw jennifer and her friends waiting for us outside, Callista was with Min hyun sitting and Callistus was on his phone Jennifer was holding something and looking out from time to time, the moment she sighted us she smiled and stood up, " I knew you guys were gonna change to your animal form and run up, I brought towels, you are sweaty I'm sure?" she passed it and helped them wiped their forehead and reached me, "My angel, you must be tired huh?" she raised her leg up and helped me cleaned my forehead after passing me a towel to wrap myself, "Here" "Thank you" "Come on I got surprises for you" "She wouldn't let us near them until you came back" Callistus said and followed us, "What actually is the surprise?" I asked him, "You'll see" he punched my arm and I rubbed his head, "Surprise!!" she shouted, "Wow!" all of us shouted, the table was full of food, "Okay you see, I ordered some k food because I know how much you guys can't do without them especially my Dragon Oppa, but I cooked the rest and specifically baked the cake" Jungkook Oppa I know you fear microwave so that's why I didn't do it till you left" she whispered to me. "I watched your fan signing, awesome!! I want autograph from all of you" we didn't say anything, "Oh oh" Callista said and Min hyun started making noises, "Why aren't you guys saying anything? did I do wrong?" she looked hurt when all of us have her a group hug, "No, you're the sweetest sweetest girl ever" Jhope said, "I suddenly I'm looking forward to be coming home everytime" RM said, "We love you but this was still dangerous, your hand remember!" Jin said, "This is wonderful because I'm really hungry" Taehyung said, I quickly checked her temperature and everything, "Oppa I'm okay, you should all go change first and come down okay" she came to me, "Should I help you out of your clothes?" she winked, "No for the sake of my chastity " I made an x sign over my chest, "Hey it's nothing I haven't seen before" she whispered, and I opened my mouth, "I meant the chest only, don't be so shy, I was just teasing you " I drew her by the waist closer, "Actually I might take up the offer" it was her turn to be flustered, "JK leave the girl alone, go wear clothes" Suga hyung said, "She came at me first" I defended, "She always does, why? am I not enough for you? should we do a twosome?" I was shocked, "Hey Suga Hyung don't talk to Jennifer like that" I said, Jennifer punched him in the chest and ran off, and he laughed,  "Let's go " we went up the stairs.

after changing we all came down, "Wait, before we sit down let's do something first" she said, and then cracked her neck left and right, then held her knees and cracked her body too sideways, "Ahh, you're copying Jimin!!" Jin said and we all laughed, "That's true!" we all repeated the same thing she did and Jimin was just laughing, "I feel like I went back in time!" he said, "Okay everyone sit down!" we all rushed to the table and sat down,  "one more thing, no waste tonight, I hate wasting food especially I can kill for it so we'll store the remaining in the fridge when we are done" "Is there drinking?" I asked, "Of course, what is the alcohol on the table for? decorations?" we all dug Into the food, "This Is nice, I didn't know you'd be preparing all this things for us while you're sick?" RM said, "I'm not sick"  "no, no drinking for you tonight, you have a habit of saying things you normally won't say when you're drunk" Taehyung tried to snatch the bottle away but she glared at him, "Hmm, I won't be like that tonight I'm going to take little, you should be worried about yourself, you're a lightweight if you think I don't know" she downed a glass, I chuckled, "Did she not remember we are supernaturals?" " here have this, this is good" she put food for Hobi and Jin, "You must all eat this! huh rrrraaaap monster" she mimicked me and we all laughed, "And you too lachimolala" she winked at Jimin, "She's already drunk isn't she?" Callistus asked, "You have no idea, just tipsy " she stood up, "Let's have a toast, to friendship with BTS forever" we all raised our glasses happy and drank.

An hour later, more than half of the food on the table is gone, and beer bottles are all around, Callistus is passed out, Callista was still wide eyed because as a vampire she couldn't get drunk anymore, but Min hyun was asleep, but Jennifer was still persevering, " Guys I'm really very sorry, I wish I was the kind of person you could bring outside " "Jennifer what are you talking about " RM asked, "Because of my skin color, I Definetly defied Korean beauty standards and even if I want to be with at least one of you it's impossible, army will ruin the world" she laughed, "And also I know how I look like chocolate to you all, especially Hobi, all of you are dirty minded, I watched your interview" I smiled at that, "Well you definitely look like chocolate" I said, "And RM you scare me, you don't want a family, you don't want a girlfriend, I'm just giving myself false hope" she drank a glass again, "Oh no" Callista said, "what happened?" Jimin asked, "Jennifer always does this things in relationships where she imagine the worst case scenarios in every angle that's why heart break might seem like nothing to her, she'll never show it but she's been hurt a million times before the actual heartbreak, it's an addiction, I can't stop her at all " "Yes you got that, it's normal thing for me" I stood up and grabbed the glass out of her hand, "That's enough sweetheart time to sleep" I said, "Did you guys enjoy tonight, I'm trying to make you feel comfortable as possible" we all nodded, "Tonight was the best jenny" RM said, "I enjoyed the food" Jin said, "As expected of my Jin Oppa, you have to eat more, I know you love food very much and you too Tae Oppa, remember when you called Jungkook to cook for you one time, that episode was hilarious, especially when you slapped his butt, I screamed" I held back a laughter, even RM and others, "Indeed she does talk anything when she's drunk, she looks cute" Jhope said, "I agree, do you think we should use this opportunity and ask her what we want to know to be sure she's telling the truth" Taehyung asked, I agree I was tempted, "No matter what you ask I won't say what I don't want to say, especially matters of the heart, cus I know you're targeting that" she looked at me and Jimin, "Aish, how can we break through her defense " Suga asked, "Jenny darling, what do you feel about me" Jhope asked suddenly, "You? Hobi you're a breath of warm air, I can come to you when I have problems and not say anything and I'll suddenly be comforted, you are truly worth keeping around, I'd steal you if I could " she laughed, "Jenny do you like me in a romantic way?" Jin asked, "Uh.. maybe I'm not sure, but I definitely like you, I could fall for you anytime" she smiled and looked at Suga, "Oppa, you're full of surprises, you're like a storm on a sunny day, you come without notice and leave your remains back, you're tugging at my heart string but I don't want to let you in because when you finally go like a magic dust I'll be the only one hurting, I got one song for you, uhm.. 'like an echo in the forest, like an arrow in the blue sky' when I find you you're gone " I sat down to listen to her, I couldn't believe she sang our song 'life goes on', "I'd never hurt you Jennifer" she nodded, "I'm still scared though, "And me? what do you have to say about me?" Jimin sat up smiling, "An endless fairytale, you're the perfect man Jimin Oppa an endless fairytale I'd never like to end, I'd see ourselves in a fairytale with your song ringing in my head " "Which song?" I asked, "Uh.. 'like crazy' " I laughed, "definitely fits you guys", "You'd be someone else I'd be choosing if I didn't like someone else already, but that someone I'm scared of " "Why would you be scared of me, I don't bite?" Namjoon asked "Because I fear you, you're the biggest chess piece, one wrong move and I may become a serial killer, you don't like the idea of a relationship, my greatest fear, what if you suddenly abandoned me, you're like a cotton candy, sweet and soft to the mouth, but at a certain time it melts and disappears, living only that familiar feeling and addiction " that was true I thought, "Who hurt you? why are you so anxious? who broke your heart!" as if flipping a switch, Jennifer recoiled back to me and I held her, "Namjoon Hyung that's not fair" "Stop it, it's a sensitive topic " "I want to sleep with you tonight " Jennifer said and I opened my eyes wide, even everybody was surprised and she laughed, "Not that kind of sleeping, dirty minds, just stay with you, I'm scared to stay on my own" I nodded and smiled, jennifer stood up and staggered, "My first love" she suddenly said, "Yep him and the rest, if you really wanna know "

I came downstairs, after making sure Jennifer was asleep, "Okay, Suga hyung, let's do the dishes together" "No sit down here I want to tell you all something" it seemed after giving birth even Callista became more matured, "You shouldn't have asked that" "At least I got to know" RM defended, "At the expense of her hurting? good thing she won't remember this tomorrow" "What did-" "No no I'm not telling you anything again" she shook her head, "Please huh please!" I begged, "Fine, it's just series of broken relationships, the first and second one hurt, the third and fourth was expected, and so she became a Casanova, if you tell her I told you guys" "No no, never" Jhope said, "Good now good night, I got a child to take care of and I'm hungry" "Didn't you just eat? oh I get now, blood" Jimin said.

Suga's POV

     I came downstairs and saw Jennifer sitting on the kitchen counter with seven glasses of water in Front of her, "Good morning"She waved, she looked exceptionally bright this morning, "Hi, you look happy" "Why shouldn't I be?" she shrugged, she didn't remember a thing about last night and was just busy writing things down on a book, everyone came down too, "Good morning everyone" they looked as surprised as me, "Uh, is everything okay?" Jimin asked, "Yeah, come on, have a glass of water everyone I have been waiting for ages" she held her face on her hands, "you're okay right?" RM said, "Yeah, just need to change my bandages it's really uncomfortable" we all grabbed a glass, the moment I drank it in one shot I howled, and others too, "Jennifer started laughing, "Oh my god vinegar!" Jimin shouted and squeezed his face, "The jimmy Fallon show, you copied it!" I said, "Exactly, serves you guys for asking me those questions last night" only Jungkook and Taehyung that got water, "You remembered?" Taehyung asked, "Of course, all this times I surely got better at drinking so I'll remember, I just need to play pretend that I don't remember, you all fell for it hahahaha" "You fox" I said and laughed, "Hey you're the fox here, you just howled" she skipped to Taehyung, "Who wanna help me with my bandages, "Me!" Jhope said, "You're not angry? about last night?" Jimin asked, "No, you're family after all, what's the use hiding, now come" she dragged Jhope. "You seem excited" Callista came down, "Yeah, I just wanna go out, I don't like staying indoors for too long, should we go to an art museum or let's paint?? or do something fun please" she was literally begging, "I can take you to our dance studio, "Really, even more better"

it's been a month since the gun shot incident, I was resting and closing my eyes with a comic book, Jin was playing video games and others were just talking, Min hyun was growing way faster than a normal baby, but then again he wasn't Normal, he had started walking and his vampire powers were coming out already, I heared Jennifer's footsteps, she was running to the sink and then she threw up hard, I removed the book from my face with concern that's the second time she was throwing up, " Now I'm really starting to be worried, "is it food poisoning?" Jin asked, Jimin passed her her a bottle of water and rubbed her back, "Should we go to the hospital?" RM asked, "No no, no hospital I forbid it" she waved her hand, "Then I'm thinking it was something you are, could it be the crabs yesterday, you ate a lot of that" Jungkook said, "Do you want to take a hot shower?" Jimin asked and she shook her head, then turned around, "Ahhhh!!" She threw up again, it was like war, "should I make you a warm tea for your stomach" Jhope asked and she nodded, "Anything to stop this" "You could sleep and see if it passes" I said standing up and moving to her, she looked up at me, "I don't feel like it though" "Jennifer are you pregnant?" RM sudden asked throwing us off guard, "What do you mean by that?" Taehyung asked, "It is as I said it is" "Did I hear someone is pregnant?" Callistus said, I looked at Jennifer, "Whose child is it?" I asked, "Could it be mine?" I asked, "Or mine?" Jin asked, "I'm  not pregnant! I only did it once and with RM" we all went silent, and RM was shocked too, "I can't be pregnant! wow" she held her tummy and almost fell but I caught her, "Come here I'll know if you are" I led her to Taehyung, all of us waited, he checked her pulse the moment his hand touched hers his eyes glowed red, "it's visible, you are" "No" RM suddenly said, "You can't keep it" "What!" all of us shouted even Callista, "I don't want to be a father" "Hyung how can you say that to her and your child" this time Jhope said, Jennifer stood up, "What? say it again" "You truly don't understand, it was never supposed to happen, a one time thing, and this comes around", "how can you talk about this baby like that, your very own flesh and blood" "I don't want to be a dad Jennifer, you won't keep it" "So what are you saying I should abort it??" "Hyung stop!" Taehyung said, "I don't care what you do but I'm not allowing you to have that thing" Jennifer slapped him and all of us gasped, then she laughed, " you can get angry at me but do not call our, no, my unborn child a thing " she was crying this time, then she ran upstairs to her room, "Hyung this time what you did isn't cool at all, how could you tell her that?" Jimin said looking angry, "I'm really disappointed, she carrying your child and all you could say is she should remove that thing, I'm pissed off now" Jin stood up and left the house, everyone left the house, Jhope wanted to go upstairs to her but I held him back, "Use your wolf hearing, she wants to be alone" Jhope punched the wall and cursed silently, then we left the house.

Short on Jennifer's POV

            I crashed on my bed when my door opened and Callista and Callistus came in, "I appreciate you guys caring but I really want to be on my own" "Being pregnant and on your own is not really the best especially as you're carrying a dragon baby, you only got three more months till you give birth" I looked at her and rubbed my eyes, "Three more months?" "yeah, Jin told me since you're already a month old, it remains three more months" I held my stomach, "I feel sick, you guys should leave okay!" "If you need anything I'm here" "I get that, now leave" Callistus just hugged me and I started crying, "Go!" they left my room, I ran to the bathroom and threw up but it was hot, I sat in the bathroom crying, "I hate you Namjoon for doing this to me" how did I even get pregnant of all things, I went out and switched on the Bluetooth in my room and connected my phone and started blasting the entire house with music, holding my pillow and crying into it, I screamed my head out, holding my stomach, "If your father doesn't come to his senses then don't worry mommy won't do anything to you okay"

Continuation of Suga's POV


             Jhope and I came into the house and heared the blaring music, "is that fake love music?" I asked, Jungkook and  Taehyung came In and we all looked towards Jennifer's room, then Jin came in and Jimin followed all wet, only RM was nowhere to be found, we all went up to Jennifer's room , Callista and Callistus came out from their room, "Great you guys are here, it's been going on for like forever, she's played different songs in a row and doesn't want us to come in, I opened the door of her room everywhere was scattered and she was cuddled up in her pillow crying silently and it broke my heart, I sat down beside her bed, and all of us hovered around her, Jin switched the song off, "Why are you switching it off, it fits the situation" she laughed sarcastically, "Where's Namjoon?" she asked, and we didn't say anything, "Of course he wouldn't come back, why would he want to see the face of his child's mother" "Jennifer If you want I could take responsibility for the child? you wouldn't be alone" Jhope said, "Thank You sunshine you're really the best, but I can't burden you with a child " "It's not like it's a burden we love the child and we'll take care of it" Taehyung said, "It's not about the child having father, he promised me, he made me a promise, that's what hurts the most Because he promised " she shrunk into her pillow and more tears came out, I rubbed her back, and she hugged my neck immediately, "Take me away from here please, I beg you Suga, I can't see him, it hurts" "We can, but it's more dangerous, Right now any moment from now, we'll be attacked" "Trust me I won't be in any danger, just three months till I give birth, I won't ever disturb you anymore" "That's not what I meant" "Pack your bags Jennie, let's go I'll take you away from here" Jin said, she quickly got down from the bed and Raised her bag, she had already gotten everything ready, Jungkook carried it away for her and I held her hand, "Are you guys coming?" I asked her friends, "We'll stay here, I get the feeling she wants to be alone" Callista said and Callistus nodded, "Thank you guys you could come visit sometimes"she grabbed her laptop.


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