
Chapter 2 Start with Ralts

"Dominating the Battle Frontier, Special Edition on Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town."??!!

"Pffft!" Roy sprayed the water he was drinking out of his mouth.

Setting down the cup, he grabbed the newspaper, his breath quickening.

"After enduring three arduous challenges, Ash from Pallet Town used Pikachu to defeat Regice, defeated Battle Pyramid Leader Brandon, and established dominance in the Battle Frontier."

The accompanying image showed Ash, Brock, May, and Scott posing together under the Battle Pyramid.

"The date, the date!" Roy exclaimed excitedly, his hands trembling. He flipped to the last page of the magazine, which had been published three months ago.

"Calm down, calm down..." According to Roy's memories from his previous life, there were subtle differences between this world and the TV world. At least based on the image in the magazine, Ash didn't look like a perpetually ten-year-old kid; he looked to be around thirteen or fourteen.

Based on what he knew of the plot, after Ash dominated the Battle Frontier, he would come to the Sinnoh region. If the TV series was true to its nature, Sinnoh would be the toughest challenge Ash had faced yet.

Without going crazy, Roy would at least gather all of his old Pokémon before the conference. The writers couldn't control this fully-evolved Ash, so they had to resort to introducing an oddly placed rival with a team of mythical and legendary pokemons, including Darkrai, to stop Ash from becoming champion.

Three months... Had Ash already arrived in Twinleaf Town and set off with Dawn and Brock, or was he still on his way?

It was confirmed he had crossed into the TV world line... What should he do now?

Roy paced back and forth in his room, feeling restless.

Should he catch up to Ash and tell him he's a huge fan of his battling style, then smoothly join the main character team?

No, no, that seemed too eager. Although Ash wasn't the brightest bulb, Dawn and Brock might get suspicious if he acted too enthusiastic.

Maybe he could become a formidable rival to Ash, help him improve his strategies?

Roy quickly dismissed this idea as well.

After a while, Roy stopped pacing. He suddenly snapped back to reality, realizing that his encounter with Ash had distracted him from his original thoughts.

After much consideration, Roy decided to first visit Professor Rowan in the nearby Sandgem Town to see if he could obtain a Pokédex. He felt this was a ritualistic act, something that symbolized identity for the generation who grew up watching TV and playing games. Whether one became a Pokémon Trainer or a Breeder, having a Pokédex was a mark of status.

Roy stood outside the director's office and lightly knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

As Roy pushed the door open, he found the director repairing the large floor clock in the office with a screwdriver. Upon seeing Roy, he quickly gestured for him to sit down, then wiped the sweat from his face and put away his tools.

With a wry smile, the director looked at the clock pendulum, which was no longer swinging steadily. "Getting older, that's how it is. Always feels difficult to manage."

"Director, I want to go to Sandgem Town to meet Professor Rowan and become a Pokémon Trainer," Roy got straight to the point.

The director, with his deep gaze fixed on Roy, had a premonition that the young man's transformation after overcoming his fear earlier in the day would be significant, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

Letting out a sigh, the director said, "Although it excites me to hear this, I have a point to make... it's too late."

"You mean my age?" Roy asked.

The director nodded.

"You must know that the enactment of the Age of Majority Law at the age of ten was a last resort. Fifty years ago, the conflict between Pokémon and humans led to a war that ended, inevitably, during the era of population decline. The League was forced to announce the Age of Majority Law without the consent of the masses, and it was enforced rigorously."

"The early births of that generation brought some negative effects, but overall, it led to positive development. After more than thirty years of recovery, the population returned to its peak, and the use of Pokémon in daily life also led to labor liberation. The emergence of the League, Gyms, and competitions ultimately made our world so prosperous, giving birth to so many dream chasers who aspire to become Pokémon Masters."

"But you are already twenty years old... I speak from experience, I know that you have overcome the nightmare that has plagued you for many years, and you are impatient to experience this world again, to touch it. But I would suggest that you find a job now, instead of competing with those Pokémon Trainers who are already far ahead... it's like crossing a single-plank bridge amidst an army, your opponents are tens of thousands of Trainers, all aiming to become Champions or the Elite Four. Among the vast numbers, only a few will succeed."

The director's words were a familiar version of what Roy had heard from his parents, persuading him to give up his unrealistic dreams and choose a stable job.

These conversations were always the same... you always knew they were right, because it was based on experience.

Roy also told himself, "Never think that you are the special one. Do you think you're special just because you reincarnated over? You have no system, no special encounters, you're lagging behind other Trainers in basics, those experienced kids in their teens might be better than you... what right do you have to compete with them?"

Roy knew they were right, his rational mind told him how he should choose.

But he just couldn't accept it...

He had been so mediocre in his past life, how could he just... not chase a dream once?

Having crossed over, looking forward and backward, doing nothing at all... wouldn't that be the same as being a couch potato?

"I want to be a Trainer!" Roy didn't hesitate, each word pronounced clearly.

Never had Roy seen the director's gaze so sharp, it felt like knives piercing through him, making him wince. But Roy didn't back down, he held the director's gaze firmly, knowing that if he retreated now, he'd be no different from his past self.

The director sighed softly, taking out a Poké Ball and a Great Ball from the drawer on the table.

"I respect your choice," the director said, pushing the Poké Ball and Great Ball towards Roy, then stood up and led Roy to the artificial pond near the sanatorium.

Under the moonlight, pokemons near the artificial pond were soaking to cool off, while the Grass-types enjoyed the water from Marill and Wooper's watering. Roselia dipped half of her body into the pond. On the grass, Jumpluffs were huddled together, welcoming the shower from Ralts.

A water ball floated out of the artificial pond, landing on top of a Jumpluff, dispersing into a gentle shower under Ralts' control. Jumpluff happily jumped in the water for a while, then floated away.

The few Ghost-type pokemons, Gastly, Misdreavus, and Shuppet, remained motionless on the trees.

Roy had never seen such a lively scene before. In his past life, he had only seen the pre-written scripts played out in animated shows on screens, or the data stored in gaming consoles.

Everything before him now was filled with a dreamlike haze, tranquil and peaceful.

"You can take one with you, only one," the director looked at the courtyard full of Pokémon, feeling somewhat excited. "Your father was my student, and he always hoped that one day you would step forward like this, make your own choice for your first Pokémon."

"Unfortunately, he didn't live to see this day, but at least I get to witness all of this. Come, Roy, make your choice."

Roy's gaze swept over the evolved Pokémon, skipped past the ones with drastically reduced looks after evolution, and finally settled on Ralts.

Ralts was so good, whether it was Gardevoir or Gallade, they were both stylish battlers, absolutely perfect. Decision made, Roy's adventure would start with having a Ralts!

Roy carefully approached Ralts, who was still using her psychic power to splash water around. But in the end, he still startled the little creature, causing the water floating in the air to burst and wet both Ralts and himself.

Roy gently caught Ralts' tiny body in his hand, pressing his forehead against the small head of Ralts, softly speaking, "Do you want to travel with me?"

He didn't want to make big promises, like becoming an outstanding or excellent Trainer. He didn't want to put too much pressure on this little guy. He chose a more imaginative approach.

This world was so vast, and Ralts spent all its time in the sanatorium, interacting with patients, helping them release stress, making them happy... Would this little creature also have a restless heart, eager to see the world outside this room?

Roy felt the slight movement of Ralts rubbing against his forehead, instantly understanding Ralts' thoughts.

"Can you use a Poké Ball?" director, very inopportunely, interrupted the rare moment of connection between Roy and Ralts.

"Of course." Roy happily took out a Poké Ball, gently tapping the button on Ralts' head. A faint red light enveloped Ralts, and it disappeared into the Poké Ball.

Then Roy threw the ball again, and Ralts' figure appeared once more on the grass. He picked up Ralts, placed it on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "I've decided to let it stay outside like this."

Director Cilan was momentarily stunned, then smiled. "It reminds me of that little guy who conquered the Battle Frontier. He also had a powerful Electric-type mouse and didn't keep it in a ball."

Roy paused. "Do you know him?"

"Three months ago, they set off from here to see Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town."

"Director Cilan, can I ask you a favor?"


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