

[3rd POV]

When the kung fu masters of China reached the city of Shigatse, the first thing they did was focus on defeating the city guards stationed around the walls, preventing anyone from escaping.

They made quick work of the Tibetan soldiers and immediately went on to evacuate the civilians. The sound of battle and carnage was loud. It made them realize the calibre of violence that was happening.

They needed to move quickly.

"Crane!! Monkey!!" Tigress yelled, "We will go ahead! You guys continue evacuating the citizens."

Four of the furious five nodded as they continued evacuating the city while also killing the soldiers of Tibet.

Tigress released a growl and with narrowed eyes, she ran towards the heart of the battle. She ran through the Elephant soldiers and paid them no heed. Her focus was on Tai Lung whom she had located through his smell.

"Master Gorilla, mind giving me a lift?" Po asked, having a different approach to the obstacle ahead. He wanted to do something different from Tigress to reach the heart of the battle.

Master Gorilla, guardian of Zhou Kingdom and the King of the seven mountains, let out a gruff of affirmation before he swung his powerful arm at Po.

His arm hit Po but it did not hurt the Panda as his rubber like body only shot forward like a tennis ball.

"WHOOOOOOOHOOOOHOOOO!!!" Po flew off with a trail of screams as he head directly towards the location of Tai Lung.

Tigress and Po made it just in time to save Tai Lung from the General of Tibet and Samudraguta. Or did he know they would come and was letting down his guard?


"Who are you?" Samudragupta couldn't help but ask when he looked at the Panda in front of him. For a muscle freak like him who sculpted his body to be as strong as it was, Po's fat body was almost revolting.

But one thing kept Samudragutpa on edge and that was the absolutely bottomless amount of chi he felt from Po. It was different from cultivators who absorbed chi in reserve as well.

The Panda was just naturally born with that amount of chi.

He felt like he was staring directly at the world.

The champion of the universe.

That made him weary.

"Oh, me? My father named me Little Lotus." Po said and took his signature stance. "And I'm here to put you down, umm- evil elephant with fur?"

Samudragupta looked ahead dumbfounded. The aura around him, his literal lifeforce burned for stregth- faltered for a moment due to the contagious stupidity of the Panda.

Little Lotus? What kind of cruel father would curse his own son with such an unflattering name?

He shook his head and his aura regained its intensity. He released a deep growl and towered over the Panda who sweatdropped when he finally realised thier size difference.




Po gulped, "I will but first, you have to ask nicely-"

Samudragupta did not have time to entertain the foolishness. He had a fight to win and a god to slay. So he threw a straight punch that pierced through the air before slamming straight at Po.

But such blunt force was never a way to fight Po. Especially not after he had trained under Tai Lung who polished his true potential.

The earth-shattering punch, upon impact, sent a ripple of force throughout Po's body. The Dragon Warrior's special body constitution worked overtime to absorb the impact fully without harming him.

Samudragupta's eyes widen as he looked at the force returning back and gathering at the panda's arm. And under his shocked gaze, he was hit right at his lower stomach with the same force he had just delivered and more.

It was like hitting a rubber dummy.


Samudragupta's body was sent back and it left a trail of destruction for many meters until he crashed into the remains of a building.

"Hohoho!!" Po raised his arm. "It worked!!"

Po looked around for cheers as he had just accomplished something he had trained months to do. Then his eyes found Tai Lung who threw him a smile and a couple of claps.

That was all he needed.

He narrowed his eyes and finally got into fighting mode. He faced the direction where Samudragupta was thrown away.

"They also call me, The Dragon Warrior."

When he mastered chi, it was Tai Lung who taught him how to enhance his body and also brought into use his unique body constitution. And it turned him into what he called a living rubber dummy.

Now he was the perfect counter to brute force.

"You..." Samudragupta came out of the rubble, eyes shining deep red. His gaze pierced Po and killing intent ozzed out.

"I'll kill you first."

Then a fight between the Dragon Warrior and the King of the North, Samudragupta ensued.




"Are you alright, Tai Lung?" Tigress asked while turning back. She had a soft smile on her face as if she was not in the middle of a war right now.

"I've been better." He chuckled.

"You don't have to worry. We are here to help you." Tigress said, her voice firm.

"That's cute. Thanks for the help." Tai Lung said and gave a nod of appreciation. He was running out of chi and was nearly overwhelmed before they came. So thier presence was a relief to him.

Tigress nodded as well and then finally turned towards the new opponent she had found. A fellow tiger and this was the General of Tibet.

"Your help does not matter." The General said and he gazed deeply at Tigress. "You all will perish today."

"Even you yourself, do not believe that statement," Tigress said, her ears twitching. Then she got into a stance - Dragon Claw Kung Fu.

"You're right," The general released an amused laugh.

"Then let me rephrase that. At least you will die by my hand." He said and let out his claws. His eyes turned into slits.

Tigress's ears twitched again, he believes that. She growled in anger.

Then they both pounced at each other, their claws glinted like sharp blades. They proceeded to try and cut each other.

Thier body moved with the fluidity and flexibility one might not believe. Thier feline body granted them natural speed and coupled with thier kung fu, they moved like the wind as they clashed on the battlefield.

Two of the biggest players on the battlefield - Samudragupta and the General of Tibet - were now taken out of the war.

Tai Lung turned his attention to the remaining enemies which were the elephant soldiers of Gupta.

But it seemed that he wouldn't have to fight them as well because Tai Lung saw familiar faces charging through the battlefield.

Master Hippo, the living fortress was as large as the gigantic elephants of Gupta. He stormed through the battlefield like a hurricane and each step he took shook the earth. He was clearly heavier than the rest.

He wielded a shield and a giant war axe which he was able to hold in one hand. His huge frame and strength moved with evident technique unlike the elephants who only had a plethora of experience and he knocked them down with each swing of his weapon.

One of the Elephant soldiers came at him from behind and hugged him. He tried to grapple the guardian of Chu and take him down. If such a giant animal fell down, he would surely never get back up.

Master Hippo merely released a gust of steam from his big nose before he opened his gigantic maw and then he bit the Elephant's head. A snapping sound rang out and then an explosion of a skull before Master Rhino ripped the head off.

The elite warriors of the Guta Empire could not withstand the most powerful jaw of the animal kingdom.

"RAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Master Hippo let out a raor.

That was not the end of it. Tai Lung turned to his left and he saw the Wu sisters moving like lightning around the battlefield. They were small but their speed made them nearly untouchable in the battlefield of giants.

Each of them did not have the power to harm the enemies but they were not alone. The Wu sisters were one and they worked as one while they killed thier prey by incurring many shallow wounds.

There were lots of blood with their tatic and the sound of soldiers moaning and crying in pain dded a horrifying touch to the scene.

Tai Lung looked to his right and he saw Master Hyena. He was the guardian of the kingdom of Minyue back in China. But right now, be looked nothing like a guardian.

Tai Lung saw a group of elephants surrounding the Hyena as they watched in horror while he devoured the fallen corpses of thier dead comrades.

"oo~ Such a feast!!" Master Hynea said and resumed cannibalizing in broad daylight. His head was fully covered with crimson blood and his jagged teeth ripped through flesh.

No one around him knew what to do but at last, one soldier had enough. With a disgusted face, he ran up to the Hynea and tired to kill him but a deafening sound ripped the air.

Master Hyena plunged his hands at the elephant's chest and then he ripped out his heart. He was strong, so strong that it caught even Tai Lung off guard when he saw it.

Master Hyena was never this strong.

But his strength was directly related to the corpses he devoured in battle. And at this moment, he never had such quality corpses around him. Therefore he was at his strongest.

His title now held a deeper meaning to everyone.

The Scavenger of Death.

"Delicious." Master Hyena said and ate the heart as the elephant looked in disbelief. The hole in his chest healed but he lost a chunk of lifeforce.


It was then that the world stilled. Something faster than the world itself cut through the battlefield and cleaved everything in its path.

No one saw it coming.

No one felt it coming.

It was there.

And it brought hell.





Tai Lung watched with an evil smile on his face as the once-metropolis city slowly turned into a graveyard of his enemies.

Nothing felt better than when you absolutely crushed your enemies after willingly playing into thier plan.

But it was not over yet.

He disappeared from his place and moved to someplace more quiet and hidden. Then he sat down cross-legged and started mediating.

He looked deep into his soul and then took control of the two chi inside of him. They were mere flickers compared to his usual reserves but it would have to suffice.

He started rotating them and through imitation, he started cultivating.



But something went wrong.

Or should we say..

Something went too right.

[Images of the guardians]


Author : A new week so stones please.


New book is out, "Demon Slayer : The Silent Journey"

Check it out.

I insist that yoh at least add it to your collection and read it after the chapters accumulate. That one will be an awesome read like this on.



Patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn

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