
A king vs Tai Lung

[Tai Lung's POV]

"I am Tai Lung."

For a short moment after I said my name, all sound ceased to exist as the world acknowlegde me. Then the mammoth infront of me crossed his arm and borke the prevailing silence with an introduction of his own.

A name was finally attached to the mammoth infront of me.

"I am the king of the northern region of the great Gupta Empire." He said, "Second to only the Emperor himself and the greatest shield of the endless subcontinent."

"My name, is Samudragupta."

I was initially caught off guard by his name since I recognized it from my past life. But the difference between Samudragupa from that world and this world was starly different.

"A king?" I asked, "So what is a king doing in a battlefield, are you sure you can even fight?"

"Unlike you backward Empires, we don't let the weak rule us and being a king requires more than blood relations." He said.

It was a logical concept for a world like mine where the law of the jungle prevails. The storng ruled over the weak.

"Even so, you might die."

"How is a king supposed to protect his subjects when he can't even protect himself? If I die so be it." He replied and then finally unfloded his arm.

He bent his knee down slighlty, his posture now ready to explode with unfathomable strength.

"I won't die to the likes of you though." He said.

Hah, thats funny.

Everyone dies from the likes of me.

A behmoth like him whose main stregth lies in thier impenetrable defence and overwhelming power were not exacly rare in this world. Master Wubao, Master Rhino and even the turtle monk were some of the peopel that immediealy came to my mind.

He was nothing new.

So I used flashsteps to close the distance between us in an insant. With the advatage I had over virtually any oppoent with my sheer speed, I might as well have the ability to manipulate space.

The way his eyes widened ever so slighly and how his whole body tensed - beacuase it knew it could not react to what was coming next - told me that he had never seen a speed quite like mine before.

And this was not the fastest I could go.

I stopped right before him in the air. My face was mere inches away from his and I stared direclty into his eyes. But before he could react, I was already behind him.

He flinched back as he finally reacted to my afterimage but by then, I was already preparing for an attack. This attack was not instantaneous so I had to take a second to focus.

'Armament Haki'

"Internal destruction." I said - a phrase that have ended behmoths - and slammed my fist on the wide frame of his back.

It was meant to be the final blow of this battle as I was in no mood to play around with an oppoent so weaker than myself. The other army had appeared and I was angered by thier attempt to trap and kill me.


But something strange happened.

My fist slammed on his body and the full force of my attack went through his tick hide and exloded inside. Normally, it would rupture his whole body but I only heard a muffled sound. Like a grenade which exloded at the bottom of an ocean.

"Guah!!" Smaudragupta doubled over and vomited on the ground and I took a step back and watched him wtih strange face.

He gagged for a few more times and empied out his entire stomach before turning to me. He wiped his mouth, "That was a cheap shot."

Now that was a first.

How the fuck do you just vomit for an attack that was meant to rupture your organ and bassically turn your body into a bag of soup?

"You look surprised." He said and stood back up before he walked towards me.

"I guess you've finally met your match." He said and then he brough his arm down at me. i swifly sidestepped while landing three punches at his face.

His forearm slammed on the ground which broke like glass under his stregth. He pivoted on his foot and swung his arm, trying to backhand me but I ducked under his swing.

Then I attacked his exposed torso. In quick sucession, I landed a dozen of hits that targetted his nerves but I got no result. I could not penetrate all his fats and muscles.

He stomped on the ground, his heavy weight and power pressed onto the eartth which sent out waves of force as if it was an ocean. I leaped back and his huge body followed me like a machine locked on a target.

He kept on attacking me like a relentless bull and I was like a matador, dodging his attacks whil trying to chip down at him with different kinds of attacks. But none worked.

I was hoensly not trying at the moemnt as I was more concerned with finding out what his capabilites were. The first thing that alerted me was his supernatural body and stregth which seemed to come from other source than training.

His body was void of trainning scars and his attacks were also without technique, I ralized. But he was extrmeley experienced in combat as even withoput proper technique, he fought better than most masters.

But his main strength lies on his raw power and defence. It seemed he was born superior than most people which made him what he was today.

Everywehere we decided to take our fight, there was destruction. The short exchange went on for a little while until I decided to try internal destruction once again.

Maybe I was still not ready to accept that the technique I developed solely to deal with someone like him had becoem useless.

I ran circles around him and this time, I used everything I had on the attack.

"Internal destruction." I muttered and gritted my teeth before landing a devastating punch right at his stomach.

The pucnh was so hard that even though it was meant to only attack the inside, the force escaped and rang out in the surroudning. Samudragupta's body acted like a bell as its body expanded and tensed for a moment.


He paused and then he coughed out blood.

It worked, but not to a significat extent.

Samudragupta grabbed my hand and he looked down at me with bloodshot eyes.

Then for the first time in our fight, I felt his chi. But it was not how masters normally used thier chi. His essence molded with his body in perfect sync and he gained an impossible strength.

Then he delviered a devastating kick rigth at my belly which shook my entrie world. I felt his chi explode at the point of impact nd multiply the force.

My body foleded and two consecutive shockwave erupted on my stomcah. Then I was sent flying away again. But this time, I reacted quickly and spun around before sliding to a stop.

I spit out blood and quickly healed myself.

"Okay, no more playing around." I said and pushed out my calws and slwoly traced the ground as sparks crackled out.

Then it happened again.

Samudraggupta was enveloped in a orage aura. It was his chi but he used it in a way that I have never seen before. It was almost ike an enhancement but his body and chi flowed too smoothly to be called just an enhancement.

He looked like a saiyan.

I suppose they have thier own unique technique as well. I really wanted to understand.

But I had to shelve that though as he shot at me, his body buldozing through any onbstacle that stood his way. He looked like a meteroite.

I pushed myself off the ground and blitz towards him at an even faster speed as our fight elevated to the next level.






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