
Powerful ally

[Tai Lung's POV]

"Shen and I have formed an alliance." I broke the shocking news to them and watched as their jaws fell in shock.

It was truly a piece of random and impactful news, one that even I was still processing. I never expected Shen to ask for an alliance. In fact, I expected him to hate me to the core for being an obstacle to his grand plan.

But I guess you can't get in the mind of a psychotic genius.

"What?" Tigress asked the justified question.

"Shen and I have formed an alliance," I repeated.

"You mean you decided to be the guardian of Gongmen City?"

"No." I said, making myself clear "I have formed an alliance with Shen himself and I will be helping him in his quest to conquer China."

Everyone gasped at that revelation. At first, they were shocked but now the hard truth was shoved down their throat and they choked on it.

"Bu-But why?" Tigress asked me again, I could see the swirling of different emotions in her eyes. Anger, confusion, hesitance, hope and even a flicker of understanding.

Why did I ally with Shen? It was a great question but one I would not indulge in answering. No matter what I said, no one would understand me or my vision. They lack the knowledge to do so.

They did not know of the future where Kai would return and I needed to get stronger, they did not know about my ambition and dream nor did they realize the extent to which everyone else hated me.

"Why not?" I asked back with a raised eyebrow.

"Why not?!" Tigress repeated and stepped forward, "Shen is evil. He was the one who destroyed Po's village and killed his parents."

There was a beat of silence as everyone looked at me, searching for my reaction to that news. They thought I would be surprised to learn such information about Po's past.

"I know." I said instead of showing any other reaction, "I was still not imprisoned when that happened."

Everyone was stunned to silence. They all looked at me with varying eyes but interestingly enough, Po seemed the most unbothered by the whole thing.

The kid had such a precious heart. You'd expect him to be the most upset amongst everyone and even if he felt betrayed, it would be reasonable. But he just wanted everyone else to get along.

He was just chill. I could understand why the universe chose him to wield unimaginable strength. He never wanted to hurt anybody, his heart belied no daggers or malice.

"So then why? If you know that why would you still want to work with him?" She asked me. The thought that Shen was not a good person had cemented in their mind even if he acted differently from the movie.

"Being good or being bad has nothing to do with why I work with him." I said with a shake of my head, "I form an alliance with him because Shen with his genius and weapons, is powerful in his own way. He is powerful in a way I am not." I said.

"He is useful and we share the same ambition," I said and Tigress thought hard for a while before she nodded in understanding. I smiled and reached out to pat her head.

"You don't have to worry about it. Shen wouldn't do anything wrong as long as I am around, I will control him by force if I must." I said.

I looked around the room and eyed each of my students one by one. There was not even a speck of wound on their body so I was pleased.

But then my eyes fell on the food on one table, and my nose instantly smelled the intoxicating aroma. I was hungry since I came rushing to Gongmen City the moment I heard about what happened without stopping for food.

"Okay, let's eat first while we will all catch up." I said and headed towards the table.

The Furious Five and Po followed behind me and we sat around the table. There was enough dish on the table for us all and Po ordered more food too.

We sat and ate the multiple dishes, my students had smiles on their faces as they were finally relieved of any stress they had prior to my arrival.

How could they not be, elder brother Tai Lung was here and there was nothing they had to worry about while I was with them.

I asked them about how they were while I was away, how their training had progressed and how they came into conflict with Lord Shen.

Crane was the one who answered most of my questions even though Tigress should be the one. But alas, she was too preoccupied with devouring her fish that she couldn't even answer properly.

I knew she would love fish since she was a fellow feline.

Apparently, she was hesitant to eat any of the food Shen had given them so she was just as hungry as me, if not more.

We shared a wonderful meal and after we were done, I told them they were free to roam around the city and everyone except Po and Tigress left the inn after four days.

I spent the rest of the day with Tigress while simultaneously training Po in using his Chi and explained to him how inner peace worked.

I was not like Oogway who wanted to keep all the secrets to himself. I would gladly share my knowledge and who knows, Po would make a quicker breakthrough into mastering Chi than me and I could learn from him then.

And of course Tigress wanted to spend some time with me. She even asked me to teach her some techniques she could use in case a huge number of people attack her.

She realize during the conflict with Shen how she lacked the ability to take on multiple weak opponents even though she could fight powerful oppoents.

We also spent some time talking about Shen's weapons. Her official mission required her to get information so I have her some.

I told her how the cannons work and a way to counter it. That is to move around quickly so that they could not aim at you and to wet the fuse with water.

The day soon came to an end and my students all went to sleep as I allowed no one to stand guard. I told them I would be guarding them the whole night.





Patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn

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