
Where It All Started

Sam and the rest were getting pushing back by the large horde of zombies. "We can't hold them back anymore," he thought, grinding his teeth. Once again, he commanded them to retreat back to the orphanage.

Getting surrounded by the zombies, they fought their way through losing one of the boys during the process. Zoe and Sam tried their best, trying to stall for some minutes more.

Zoe would shoot out her water towards the incoming zombies, causing them to fall and the rest following after them. Sam had resorted to his plant spells, sending out large crawling roots towards them.

"I hope he has put the plan to motion," Sam thought, staring at the orphanage with the corner of his eyes. He could see Mrs. Sheila and Ray ushering the children outside, leaving the building behind.

"Remember the bottle I gave to you?" he said to Zoe amidst the chaos. "I'll inform you when it's time to drink it! We just have to stall for ten minutes!"

They slowly moved backwards in order not to get trapped, and finally, they entered into the building drawing a lot in.

Zoe was already feeling drowsy from overusing her magic. She had used the first bottle in replenishing her mana and Sam had given her another one.

"Arggh! They are too much! We would get surrounded at this rate," Zoe said, moving backwards. The doorway was already filled with fallen zombies, and more were still rushing in.

"Alright, drink it quickly and join the others," he said as he brought out a similar potion and drank also. Zoe gave him one last glance. "Be careful," she said before finding her way out of the building through the back door.

Running out of the building, she could see some of the zombies already ignoring the building moving forward. The potion had replenished her mana and also her stamina.


A large explosion occurred behind her back, and she couldn't help but look behind. The building was in flames, and Sam was nowhere to be found. "Sam!" She yelled stopping in her tracks. "Don't tell me he sacrificed himself." She thought with a sob, staring at the building.

"What are you waiting for? C'mon, let's go,"she heard a voice behind her. "Sam!" She cried out, pulling him for a tight embrace.

They quickly joined the rest and continued forward, heading back to the outer zone. The journey was a torturous one. The area was filled with zombies and beasts, with them having to fight their way out in some situations.

They lost some on their way and finally held up in a large wine factory for their last stand. Sam was already exhausted, with the potions having little to no effect again. He could feel they were at their end, with the barricaded door buying them a few minutes.


Alex felt himself relieving the past times. He couldn't help but shake his head furiously.


He heard a feminine scream, one he recognised instantly. "Zoe!" He charged forward, speeding across the area. He could see the large wine factory getting surrounded by zombies and beasts.

He could feel the ground rumble underneath with a large creature emerging from the ground. A large beast with two long spikes on its back and a long mouth filled with a deadly row of teeth.

One of the spikes pierced through the horse, and Alex barely jumped to the ground avoidingthe spike. He drew out his sword, staring at the large beast before him.

"My hands, my hands are shaking!" He thought, grinding his teeth hard. "C'mon, move!" He grabbed onto his shaking hand with the other trying to stable it.The beast leapt forward, opening his mouth with a long tongue stretching out and towards him.


Everyone was startled as they darted out of the area. The guy held onto what was left of his hands with a painful groan escaping his mouth. The beast jaw stretched out, revealing a mouth with razor-sharp teeth that perfectly sized his head.

With a snap, his head was detached off blood splashing over the area.

"Sh*t!" One of them cursed out, covering his face with his palms. The beast stood tall, letting out a chilling roar. A beast with long dangling claws and dark furs smeared in blood. Its face has a total of four eyes with a long horn jutting out from the side of its head.

"Fireball!" A large ball clashed onto the beast, causing it to explode into bits of flesh. "Damn it!" Abby cursed, dropping her hands down. "Get a hold of yourself! Everyone! Form a smaller group of five!"

"We continue onwards!" She declared, kicking the sides of her horse. No one wanted to be left behind and quickly urged their horse forward, following closely behind her.

Alex was trying his best to move but felt his body disobeying his every command. The tongue latched onto his shoulder drawing him in.

"Is this were my life ends," he thought.

"Alex! Take hold of Zoe, I'll draw it away," Dalux shouted his gaze etched in determination. "No way! I won't let you do that," Alex screamed as they ran.

"Take care of her," he said as he pushed Zoe towards him.

A lone tear dropped down with a scene of the past flashing before his eyes. A day were he swore to eliminate all the beast within the land.

The beast slammed him hard to the ground and raised him high above the ground.


He screamed out in anger. With a forceful swing of his sword he cut off the beast tongue latched on his shoulder, dropping to the ground.

"Roar!" The beast roared in pain charging towards Alex.

"I won't let it happen again!" He screamed kicking off the ground. He evaded the beast attack and leapt high, twisting his body, he struck down the claw coming his way.

His attacks was being powered by his Qi. The beast claw crashed to the ground with Alex landing before a wrecked building. He dashed forward making use of his Crane's footwork. He avoided the beast swipe, sliding beneath its huge body, his sword cutting through its underbelly.

Dark blood dripped out with the beast crashing to the ground. He climbed its head and struck down with his sword. The beast head rolled across the ground with a bit of blood splashing over his face.

Alex jumped down and withQi powered legs shot forward. "I haven't mastered my sword technique and currently don't have any large range attack," he thought approaching the factory.

"Silver skin!" His body was covered in a white silvery layer and he broke through the zombie ranks, swinging his sword rapidly. With his physical prowess he held onto one and ran forward using it as a shield.

He pushed through with the zombies unable to harm him due to his silver skin. "I need to limit the use to conserve my mana." He thought storming into the large room.

Everything was going awry, they weren't only attacked by the zombies but also terrifying beasts. The situation was getting dire and they were on the brink of getting overwhelmed.

Sam was managing to hold the line with him forming a barrier around them, buying more time. The zombies and beasts attacks finally shattered the barrier and one had slipped through targeting the already exhausted Zoe.

"Zoe!" Alex shouted dashing forward. Stomping the ground, he channelled as much qi to his feet and exploded forward breaking through the wooden floor. Twisting his body, he swung his sword which was wrapped in his qi.

The sword emitted a red glow clashing onto the beast back and sending it tumbling down. "Don't give up now! Help is on the way!"00⁰0000000000⁰0⁰00 He shouted to everyone before rushing to the front. He could feel is body pumping blood faster and a surge of adrenaline.

With each swing of his sword, zombies kept on falling to the ground.

"Alex... Alex... no way, my mind... my head must be playing games," she muttered with disbelief evident on her face.

Alex scanned those left and couldn't help but shake his head sadly. Most of the kid had been killed or turned to zombies leaving only a few number.

He saw Mrs. Sheila trying her possibly best in defending the kids the creatures were just much. "How did it come to this?" Alex thought, swinging his sword.

"Why's the world this way? Why can't we just live our normal life? What did we do to deserve this?" This thoughts kept repeating itself in his head and he couldn't take it any longer, he let out a frustrated yell.

Another kid had been taken by a beast getting torn to shred easily. "Damn! Where are those guys! I can't do this alone!"

"Everyone get behind me, I'm going to clear the way," he shouted, casting his silver skin.

"I'll protect the rear," Sam said loudly for him to hear. With a glance and nod of his head, he channelled his qi to his legs. His sword held up, "Alright, let's move!"

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