
Rapid Development

"By the way, how are Emma and the Azazel doing?" Johnny inquired, his thoughts drifting to the Hellfire Club he had recently conquered.

Hearing Johnny mention Hellfire, Medusa's admiration for him deepened. After he had taken over the Hellfire Club completely, she realized its power was far more formidable than she had initially imagined.

"Master, Sebastian Shaw was the former head of the Hellfire Club. After you eliminated him, the club experienced some disruption. However, once we spread the word that you are the new head of Hellfire, the number of celebrities and politicians wanting to join the club increased significantly," Medusa explained, a smile spreading across her face.

Johnny was slightly taken aback. He hadn't anticipated drawing so much attention without taking any overt action.

"The club controls funds amounting to about 10 billion dollars, with 30% contributed by the White Queen, Emma. However, the most impressive aspect of the Hellfire Club isn't its finances but its extensive global network. To facilitate management, the club's headquarters has now moved to Fifth Avenue on the east side of Manhattan, and a special Hellfire Club residence has been established there," Medusa continued, her face flushed with excitement.

After gaining a clearer understanding of Hellfire, Johnny couldn't help but marvel at the potential.

"This is excellent, Medusa. With this setup, Morgan Biotech will find it much easier to develop into a consortium. Morgan Biotech can operate openly, while Hellfire handles matters in the shadows. Ordinary forces won't dare to provoke us. Even if powerful entities investigate the connection between Hellfire and Morgan Biotech, they will hesitate to oppose us. With the government's and military's goodwill, we can consider accelerating our progress," Johnny mused, a plan forming in his mind.

Medusa nodded in agreement, her confidence bolstered by Johnny's strategic vision. "Absolutely, Master. The synergy between Morgan Biotech and Hellfire will be formidable. We can leverage Hellfire's network to expedite the expansion and influence of Morgan Biotech. This dual approach will secure our dominance both in the public eye and behind the scenes."

"Precisely," Johnny agreed. "Let's ensure both entities grow stronger together. We'll use Hellfire's connections to secure key alliances and Morgan Biotech's innovations to lead in technology and business. This way, we can navigate any challenges that come our way."

With their strategy aligned, Johnny and Medusa felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face the future with their combined forces.

Johnny shared his thoughts after a moment of hesitation.

"Of course, everything has two sides. Where there is sunshine, there is shadow. The Hellfire Club is a force in the shadow. Now the outer layer of Hellfire has many forces, but the core is still too weak."

Johnny had a preliminary idea for the Hellfire Club, but the specific implementation required coordination by Medusa, Emma, and others.

"Let Hellfire connect with Charles and his team. In addition to carrying out some daily tasks, Hellfire can address the mutant crisis around the world and protect mutants. This way, Hellfire's status and prestige among mutants will naturally rise. As for the troublesome mutants, they can join Hellfire if they wish; we won't force them if they don't."

In just a few words, Johnny outlined the future plans for the two forces of light and darkness at his disposal. Medusa couldn't help but admire his foresight.

Although she managed the day-to-day operations, she still had a lot to learn from Johnny in terms of overall strategy and long-term planning.

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of it," Medusa nodded meekly.

With work out of the way, it was time for Johnny to relax. Soon, soul-stirring music played in the seaside villa, creating a soothing atmosphere.


Time flew by. It had been more than half a year since Johnny resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis. Calculating the time, nearly a year had passed since Johnny came to Earth from Sakaar. Johnny had become more mature and restrained compared to when he left Sakaar.

In the past six months, Johnny had spent most of his time familiarizing himself with his abilities. He only went out to "move around" when Hellfire encountered some particularly thorny mutant problems.

During this period, Hellfire had completely transitioned between the old and new leaders. Emma and the Azazel had come to respect and work diligently for Johnny, fully convinced of his leadership.


One sunny afternoon, Johnny stood on the balcony of his villa, looking out over the ocean. Medusa approached him, holding a tablet with updates on Hellfire's activities.

"Master, everything is progressing well. We've managed to resolve several mutant crises, and our reputation among mutants has soared. More are willing to join Hellfire, and our influence is expanding."

Johnny nodded, pleased with the report. "Good work, Medusa. Continue to strengthen our core team. We need to be ready for any challenge that comes our way."

Medusa smiled, "Of course, Master. We are prepared for anything."

Johnny's eyes drifted back to the horizon. He knew that their greatest challenges were yet to come, but with his abilities and the loyalty of his team, he felt ready to face whatever the future held.

At this time, the Hellfire Club is divided into two parts: the core and the periphery.

The core of the Hellfire Club is headed by Emma and the Azazel, with over 30 mutants with various abilities forming the backbone of Johnny's forces.

The peripheral members of the Hellfire Club have expanded significantly, attracting celebrities and politicians worldwide. Many vie for an invitation to join, seeing membership as a status symbol.

In the luxurious and extravagant room of the Hellfire Club's official residence on Fifth Avenue on the east side of Manhattan, Johnny was relaxing after receiving the devoted service of the White Queen, Emma. She was now briefing him on various intelligence matters.

Emma, being one of Johnny's most loyal and submissive followers, had finally earned his favor through her absolute loyalty.

"Master, in addition to the club's affairs, there's significant intelligence about the X-Men, recently formed by Charles," Emma reported respectfully while leaning softly on Johnny's chest.

"Oh? Tell me more," Johnny responded with a curious expression.

"Charles has opened the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters in the Westchester family's castle in New York. He's enrolled many young mutants with special abilities. According to the school's mutant ability classification, there's even a female student named Jean Grey, whose ability level has reached Omega level."

Johnny was intrigued. "Jean Grey..." He had a deep impression of the famous Phoenix Girl. Remembering her from the movies, he smiled. "This is interesting. If I have time, I'll visit Charles' school."

Johnny's thoughts wandered to Jean Grey's impressive powers and attractive appearance. The idea of harnessing her strength was quite appealing.

"By the way, Master, there seem to be internal issues within the X-Men. Eric Lansherr has quit the team and left the academy. According to the news, Eric and Charles have irreconcilable differences regarding mutants, so he chose to leave," Emma added.

Johnny nodded. Magneto's harsh upbringing under the Nazis had shaped his decisive and ruthless nature, contrasting sharply with Charles' gentle methods. Their conflict was inevitable.

However, Johnny saw potential in Magneto's abilities. If fully developed, Magneto's power could be formidable, capable of overwhelming armies. Johnny decided to keep an eye on him, considering future opportunities to bring Magneto into his fold. For now, there was no rush.


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