
Morgan Biotech

"Director, upon arrival at the scene, we found no sign of anyone except for two individuals with prior criminal records."

The report crackled through the communication channels of a clandestine base in New York.

"Bring those two in," commanded a tall figure, clad in a retro-style leather jacket that exuded an air of sternness. The most striking feature about him? The single eye that gazed from his countenance.

This man was none other than Nick Fury, the enigmatic leader of the covert organization S.H.I.E.L.D.

Johnny had transported himself and Medusa to Earth through teleportation, inadvertently triggering powerful energy fluctuations detected by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s surveillance equipment. Thus, S.H.I.E.L.D. swiftly dispatched agents to investigate the scene.

Shortly thereafter, the two intoxicated individuals discovered at the alleged incident site were apprehended and transported to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s covert base.

"Director, these individuals seem completely out of touch with reality. They've been unresponsive and incoherent throughout the journey," reported an agent upon presenting the two individuals before Fury.

Observing the dull expressions and vacant gazes of the two men, Fury's brow furrowed in concern.

"Director, the medical team suspects these individuals may have experienced severe trauma, leading to their current state of mental distress," the deputy added, glancing at the assessment report in his hand.

"No... it's more than just trauma. There's an energy at play here, something we can't quite comprehend," Fury asserted, his gaze fixed on the two bewildered men. Their vacant stares and lack of emotional response left Fury unsettled.

"What's our next move?" inquired Fury's deputy, deferentially turning to his superior for guidance.

"Gathering actionable intelligence from them seems unlikely. Let's hand them over to the local authorities," Fury decided, his gaze lingering briefly on the pair before issuing the directive.

"Agreed," affirmed Fury's deputy, signaling for agents to escort the two bewildered individuals away.

"Director, do you think this peculiar incident could be linked to Hydra?" speculated the deputy, his tone tinged with uncertainty as he contemplated the potential implications.

"The anomalous spatial energy fluctuations bear a resemblance to the Tesseract research conducted by Hydra. We can't dismiss this possibility. We've been closely monitoring the situation in Manhattan, and the search for the Tesseract and the crashed aircraft is ongoing. How's the progress?" Fury queried, his expression pensive.

"The search and salvage efforts, led by Chief Peggy and Mr. Howard, have been ongoing for years. Mr. Howard has narrowed down the area where the Tesseract's energy signal vanished. We anticipate results soon," Fury's deputy reported, handing Fury a dossier.


A month after Johnny and Medusa arrived on Earth, they sat in a New York restaurant.

"The cuisine on Earth is much more varied than on Sakaar," remarked the charming Medusa, a hint of a blush on her cheeks as she sipped her wine.

With Medusa's allure, she drew the attention of nearly every man in the restaurant. Many envied Johnny, seated across from her.

"Medusa, you adapt well to Earth. How's the investigation I tasked you with?" Johnny inquired casually as he sliced into a tender medium-rare steak.

"As you requested, I've investigated numerous groups in New York within the month. Stark Industries has been excluded, per your instructions. However, there's an emerging biopharmaceutical company that should pique your interest," Medusa replied, sliding a file across the table. Embossed on the cover were the words: Morgan Bio.

"This company was established post-World War II and has swiftly risen to prominence in New York. Financially, it ranks among the top fifty. Furthermore, my investigation revealed backing from the US military, meeting your criteria," Medusa elaborated.

Medusa's unique abilities granted her unparalleled access to information. With a mere suggestion, she could procure the details Johnny sought.

Johnny assigned Medusa the task of investigating the New York economies' most financially and militarily robust companies, with the ultimate aim of gaining control.

As an outsider on Earth, Johnny recognized that aligning with an established power would expedite his rise to dominance. Thus, he perused the files in his hand with a growing sense of satisfaction as Medusa briefed him.

"Medusa, excellent work. Morgan Biotech fits the bill. Let's grab a bite," Johnny remarked, pleased with the findings. Morgan Biotech boasted significant power and a military background, specializing in high-tech biological research while making strides in other cutting-edge fields—a perfect match for Johnny's objectives.

As for how to assert control over Morgan Biotech, Johnny harbored no concerns. With Medusa's formidable psychic abilities at his disposal, manipulating ordinary individuals would be as effortless as breathing.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the senior executives of Morgan Biotech, their fates hung in the balance.


Atop the Morgan Bio Building, within a lavish office, a slightly corpulent middle-aged man conversed with two burly individuals.

Despite his well-dressed appearance, the middle-aged man seemed subordinate to the muscular duo.

"Praise Hydra!" the middle-aged man declared fervently, earning approving nods from his companions.

"Morgan, any recent developments?" one of the men inquired, exuding authority.

"Sir, with your support and backing from the military, our company has flourished. Our research projects, crucial to the organization, have made significant strides. Our experimental enhancement serum has undergone successful trials on primates..." Morgan reported with evident pride, signifying his leadership within Morgan Biotech.

Indeed, Morgan's surname belied his position as the company's head.

Few would suspect that this titan of New York's financial realm had ties to Hydra.

"The organization has always placed great faith in your capabilities, Morgan. It's why we've invested heavily in Morgan Biotech over the years," the strongman remarked, visibly pleased with Morgan's performance and eager to delve into further discussions.

"Just in time, it seems I stumbled upon something quite intriguing..." a wry voice interjected, startling the trio into immediate attention.


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