
Chapter 7: Yellow

When I looked around, I saw a Young Trainer come in, she looked like a novice no older than eleven, she had brown hair a little lighter than mine and was wearing an outfit that would look very fashionable if it weren't for the fact that she looked somewhat tattered and worn as if she had been singed.

What caught my attention is that with his hands he was clinging to a large egg with some orange patterns that I immediately recognized as a Pokemon egg.

The Trainer with what little strength she had looked directly at the Nurse Joy and said with a pleading look, "Please help my Pokémon!" - before fainting right in the middle of the entrance to the Pokemon Center.



After witnessing that all the people in the Pokemon Center were paralyzed, the only one who reacted and approached the Trainer who was on the floor was the Nurse Joy who took the Trainer's arm and checked her pulse, after seeing that she seemed to be alive her face showed a grimace of relief and quickly shouted to the Trainers who approached to see what was happening: "Gently pick her up and take her to the back, she's just passed out, but we have to act fast!"

As the Trainers carried the girl, Nurse Joy picked up the orange pattern egg and quickly examined it, then put on a worried expression when she noticed the cracks in the bottom.

Without much hesitation and with the urgency to attend to her new patient, Nurse Joy turned to me and said: "Max! I think your work starts now, I need to attend to the Trainer but this egg is in critical condition, apparently it is close to hatching but because of what has happened to its Trainer it suffered damage, I need you to hold it from the bottom and apply a little pressure, only then will you prevent it from breaking before the Pokémon is ready to come out of the egg naturally, I know it might be hard for you, but I'm counting on you!" he finished saying before gently handing me the Pokémon egg and then running to the back of Pokémon Center.

Having the Pokemon Egg in my hands was a weird feeling, I took it as Nurse Joy pointed out to me from the bottom and I could feel the small cracks it had, the egg felt quite light so I can safely say that it must not be such a heavy Pokemon, far from feeling scared to have it in my arms, I felt quite calm, there was something about the warmth that emanated and the slight movements that were felt in the Pokemon Egg that brought me peace, I think I could compare it to a lesser extent to feeling the stomach of a pregnant woman.

After getting used to the feeling of the Pokemon Egg I decided to check on the Trainer, being very careful not to make noise, I entered the back of the Pokemon Center where I could see the Nurse Joy applying a teal ointment on the burns of the Young Trainer who was lying on a metal table, to then raise two Pokeballs that were surreptitiously on his waist from which came a Chansey and a fully evolved Blissey.

The Pokemon only needed a second to understand the situation, they each stood at one end of the table where the girl was and raised their arms which glowed in a shade of purple before launching what I can describe as a kind of ray of pink waves.

The Nurse Joy, now calm as she watched her Pokemons apply the Heal Pulse to her patient, seemed to notice my presence and said, "I see you're learning fast, you're holding that egg like a pro" she said with a smile, "Why don't we see if this Trainer has another Pokemon that needs help?" added the Nurse Joy before approaching the backpack that was neatly located next to the table where they were healing the Trainer.

 Nurse Joy very carefully opened the backpack of the fainting Trainer and started looking through her things until she found a Pokeball that was occupied, she took it out and put it in an automatic healing machine, typing a few data and reading the screen she told me "it looks like she have a Fennekin, that's a famous starter from the Kalos region and it's very rare to see them around here, apparently the little guy is barely level 7 and he's a bit injured," he said while pressing other buttons before starting the machine and the Pokeball glowing with a pink flash.

Letting the machine act on its own, Nurse Joy returned the rest of the things to the Trainer's backpack only keeping the Trainer License and then read it aloud: "Charlotte Leroux, twelve years old, originally from Lumiose City, Kalos, barely a month old being a trainer according to her license and without any Badge, oh!" exclaimed the Nurse Joy as she continued reading the License "she is sponsored by Professor Sycamore, now that I think about it, the last name Leroux sounds very familiar to me from somewhere," said Nurse Joy with a look of wanting to remember.

Just after Nurse Joy raised a finger with a face of having found the answer, a movement was heard from the table and the now irritated Trainer looked at us with an unfriendly face before saying, "Is it customary here in Kanto to go through other people's belongings?" she said as she got up a little from the table to sit down.

Nurse Joy was not shaken by the girl's rapacious comment and replied in a professional tone: "I assure you Miss Leroux that the protocol for this type of situation was followed to the letter, as you yourself required before collapsing in the reception of the Pokemon Center we only made sure that you and your Pokemon are okay" while Nurse Joy said the last part I could see out of the corner of my eye how Charlotte's cheeks were turning red only to shake her head slightly and say, "I'm sorry, I know you're just doing your job and I appreciate it, I think I'm just a little worried about what happened," she said a little before she analyzed Nurse Joy's words and asked almost screaming, "Wait! Is Fey okay? That yellow Pokemon hurt him a lot! And the egg! After the explosion I couldn't see if he was okay!"

Nurse Joy just gave him a kind look and said, "If by Fey you mean your Fennekin then I can tell you that he is fine, in fact, he is in the recovery machine, in less than half an hour he should be completely healed, the Pokémon egg is the problem, it has several cracks in the base, but luckily it seems that he is not far from being born, so as long as Max grabbed him as I asked him there should be no problem."

When she heard about the egg, Charlotte lost some color in her face and then saw me and said pleadingly: "Max, right? that egg is very important to me, it's the last egg that my father's Titular Pokemon lay, please take good care of it until I can stand up again."

I gave him the most reassuring smile I could and said, "It's actually Maxwell, I don't really have experience, but I'll do my best to make sure this little guy is okay, but first explain something to me, what is a Kalos trainer doing here and how did you end up like this?" 

Charlotte made a complicated face when she heard that maybe I'm not the most qualified person to hold the Pokémon Egg but with a tired tone she began to tell us her story: "As you can see I was born in Kalos, my father is from there but my mother was born here in Kanto, they met when my father came here to participate in the Indigo Plateau challenge many years ago, I grew up hearing a lot of Kanto stories from my parents, so when I turned 12 and was old enough to become a Trainer at Kalos, I was able to convince my parents to start my journey."

"My father managed to reach the quarterfinals when he came here, that's why I wanted to start my Trainer career here and win where my father couldn't, but my parents, being as overprotective as they are, moved their influences and convinced Professor Sycamore to sponsor me, he gave me Fey and my father gave me the Pokémon Egg that you carry," she said while pointing the orange egg on my cheeks. "After getting my starter and egg was that I took a ferry that dropped me off at Pallet Town, where at Professor Sycamore's direction I stopped by to give his greetings to Professor Oak"

Nurse Joy and I were surprised when I mention Professor Oak, as an Past Champion and the most recognized Professor in the region, it can be considered an honor to have a few words with him.

Charlotte noticing our expression puffed out her chest a little and said proudly: "Professor Oak was very friendly, he told me a lot of things about the region and optimal training areas for my Fey before I started challenging gyms, he even gave me a Pokedex!" once again Nurse Joy and I were amazed, Pokedex are not something that any trainer can have, usually Trainers can only use their Trainer license to see the level, attacks and gender of the Pokémon they have on their team, but the Pokedex can give you additional information, future attacks, evolution details, areas to catch and all that just by targeting the Pokémon in front of you!

Seeing that she had her audience entertained, Charlotte continued to tell: "Professor Oak recommended me to level up Fey in Viridian Forest before thinking about challenging Brock, he told me that there is a very safe route where all the Trainers pass to cross Viridian Forest and get to Pewter City, according to the Professor about that route I would meet many Bug Pokemon and with my Fey I could easily beat them and level up, so excited by the prospect of getting stronger we went as fast as we could to Viridian Forest, once on the road we defeated several Pokemon and Fey went up two levels, so feeling brave we decided to go a little deeper into the forest to see if we could find something of value or stronger Pokemon to make Fey level up even more."

Nurse Joy for the first time put on an annoyed face and pointed a finger at Charlotte before saying in a scolding tone, "Do you know how reckless you were? You could have died, in the deep part of Viridian Forest you can find many more Pokemon than just Bug Pokemon, even the average level of the Pokemon there is above level 30."

Charlotte lowered her head a bit and added, "Yes, Professor Oak said something like that before we left Pallet Town and went into there, but seeing how easily Fey was winning against the Bug Pokemon I thought maybe she was just overdoing it."

Feeling some empathy for having been in a family situation and not having listened to the warnings they gave me at the time, I decided to reassure her a little: "Don't worry, you have just started your journey and it is normal to make one or two mistakes like this, the important thing is that you and your Pokémon are going to recover and it does not get worse, Now, why don't you explain to us how you ended up in that state?"

Seeing that he was getting some support he smiled and continued his story: "Thank you Maxwell, well moving on, we were going a little deeper into Viridian Forest, we really only got a little off the trail when we were about to leave the Forest, when I felt a sudden headache and heard my father's voice in the Forest, I followed the voice, almost as if it was attracting me, Fey got really scared when she saw that I kept going deep into the forest and tried to stop me, I honestly think it was lucky that I didn't let go of the Pokemon Egg because it was hard for me to control myself at that moment, when I finally reached the voice I saw that it was a yellow Pokemon with a long nose, it seemed to want to take me with it, so Fey jumped to my aid and tried to attack it, the yellow Pokemon only moved its hand a little bit and Fey crashed into a tree being knocked out, seeing that I was finally able to come to my senses and take out his Pokeball to save Fey"

Charlotte was very frightened as she told us her story, she seems to have swallowed hard and continued: "At that moment I thought all was lost, the Pokemon raised its hand and was pulling me towards it, when suddenly a purple force pushed it away from me, so I took the opportunity and ran as fast as I could to get out of the forest, already being about to leave, I think that because of the fear that that Pokémon was chasing me I did not see the path and I crashed into a tree, two Pokémon that looked like pine cones fell from the tree, they got very angry and began to glow before exploding in a colorful way, for my luck I think they were low level because I survived the explosion and I was able to hug the Pokémon Egg in time so that it did not receive much damage, After that I just ran up here and the rest is history."

Nurse Joy put on a thoughtful face and then put a hand on Charlotte's shoulder and said: "You are very lucky, the way you describe them to me, those Pokémon that exploded are Pinecos, if you had crashed into a tree in the depths of the forest you would most likely have run into some Forretress and believe me that with those you would not have survived, Now about the yellow Pokémon, did he have anything in his hand?" asked Nurse Joy with a serious face.

Charlotte just seemed to think a little bit and said, "Yes, I had something like a circle hanging from a thin thread in his hand that I was attracted to, unfortunately I didn't write it down with the Pokedex if I couldn't tell you exactly what Pokemon it was" she said putting on a sad face.

"Definitely from the way you describe it it's a Hypno" I said out loud which surprised Charlotte a bit who didn't seem to know much about the Pokemon of Kanto, Nurse Joy nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it's not the first person to report a Hypno in Viridian Forest, I think we'll have to raise an catching warrant for him to stop hurting people who pass by" while the Nurse As Joy finished the sentence, I felt a warmth emanate from my arms, and then I felt the egg begin to vibrate greatly.

Seeing my astonished expression, the nurse and the patient turned to me and asked me what was going on before the egg in my arms suddenly began to glow and there was a cracking sound as of something breaking.

I will appreciate all the comments you leave! If you like what you are reading, you would help me a lot with a review! I'll wait for you in the next chapter and I thank you very much for reading!

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