
The Cottage (2)


Jaylene looked at her with knowing eyes, as if understanding the profound significance of this moment. "Mynah… Mynah…" it repeated softly, its voice filled with affection.

Jessamyn sank into a chair by the fireplace, her heart full. The bird was right. This place existed because she was Jerrick's Mynah.

As she sat there, surrounded by the scent of jasmine and the warmth of the fire, Jessamyn knew that she had found a piece of herself she had thought lost forever. Memories of the time she spent with Jerrick flooded back, memories she had almost buried because of his betrayal. But now, in this magical place, she remembered why she fell in love with him in the first place.

It wasn't just her love for him that had been powerful; his love for her had been equally strong. This realization helped heal the wounds in her heart, the ones she thought would never mend.

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