
Chapter 26: Dead!

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Voldemort slowly stood up and simply smirked at him. The smirk on his sister's lips was so similar to her real self that he would have forgotten that a Dark Lord was currently inside her if not for the amused red eyes.

"Fine, I will reward you for your excellent performance. I will leave this body."


"Really." Voldemort smiled. Harry felt something was amiss. The smile was so smug and victorious that he knew there was a catch. And suddenly Iris dropped on the ground as a silvery mist leaked from her. The mist coalesced into a humanoid form.

Harry cautiously approached Iris' sleeping body while keeping an eye on the ghost.

"That's very generous of you, Voldemort."

"I think you are mistaken, little one. I agreed to leave her body. But that doesn't mean she is well. She was dead in two minutes after I overtook her body. She was fated to die when you both stepped into this room, no matter what. An eye for an eye. Goodbye, little one. Next time we meet, you might entertain me more after this debacle." After dropping the disastrous news, Voldemort flew through the ceiling and fled away.

Harry was frozen on his spot after hearing that. He stepped towards the body. He used [Observe] on her.

[Name: Iris Potter(dead)

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 0

HP: 0

MP: 0]

His mind was blank. He couldn't think. He couldn't process what he heard or what he saw. It was as if everything had greyed out. His vision was blurred, his hearing and sense of touch was so muted as if he had died instead of her.

He couldn't feel anything. He collapsed beside her and grabbed her hands in his. It was warm, but it would cool down in a few hours. He could at least feel that.

"Iris." he said softly, touching her face with his trembling hand. Her once beautiful green eyes were now glassy and wide open.


"Iris. Wake up."

"Iris, please. Wake up. Don't scare me.".




"IRIS! IRIS! IRIS! PLEASE! IRIS! IRIS! IRIS! Iris! Iris...Iri…" He broke down in heart-wrenching sobs, holding her body tightly against him.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. Please come back. Come back, please. Don't do this to me. I know it's all my fault, I know but please come back. I am so sorry, Iris. Please forgive me. Come back, come back..." he cried, burying his face in her neck.

Iris didn't respond, her sightless green eyes staring unseeingly.


Today was Halloween. The day Lily lost her love, her husband. And she again lost someone dear to her on this day. Her daughter, oh her sweet little daughter who wouldn't smile or giggle anymore. This day was cursed for the Potters.

She realised that when she stepped into the infirmary, seeing the dead body of her little girl.

She sobbed, clutching the warm body of Iris against her chest. She cried for her innocent daughter who died for nothing.

She was surrounded by the Hogwarts staff who appeared shocked and sorrowful at yet another death in Hogwarts. But she didn't care about them.

She only cared for her little girl and her little boy. She abruptly stopped crying and looked at her son who was sitting in the chair beside the bed. She was surprised she hadn't noticed him, seeing how close he was.

But her attention had been occupied by her dead daughter, rightful so.

She felt her heart ache at the blank face of her son. He wasn't crying. But he had, she guessed by looking at his red puffy eyes. She knew how close the siblings were and Harry would be the most affected by this cruel twist of fate.

"What happened, Harry? How did Iris die?" she asked helplessly.

He didn't say anything. He just glanced at her emotionlessly for a second before going back to staring mindlessly at Iris' face.

"He had been silent since he carried Iris to the infirmary. He isn't responding to any of our questions." Dumbledore answered gently instead of him. Lily nodded. She stood up and venomously glared at Dumbledore.

"Then you tell me why my daughter is dead? Isn't Hogwarts supposed to be the safest place. Then why is my daughter DEAD?" Lily yelled the last word, crimson aura surrounding her body, her eyes glowing eerily. Dumbledore remained unfazed, but gave out a tired sigh.

"As far as I can think, this tragedy is related to the theft of the Philosopher's Stone-" Dumbledore began, but was surprisingly interrupted by Harry.

"Voldemort's spirit possessed Iris and took us both to the hidden chamber inside the third floor corridor. He asked me to retrieve the Stone from the mirror. When I did, he took it from me and left Iris' body. But instead of being safe, Iris was already dead." Harry lied emotionlessly, still blankly looking at his sister.

There was a moment of charged silence after that. Then it was chaos as everyone started questioning him at the same time in frightened voices. But Harry ignored them all and remained dead quiet.

"Enough! I am taking Harry home and Iris' body. Harry won't be returning to Hogwarts this year. I don't want to lose my last child due to the incompetence of Hogwarts." Lily snapped, silencing everyone.

She picked up her daughter's corpse and ordered Harry to follow her. Harry barely nodded, but stood up from the chair.

The two Potters quickly made their way to the Headmaster's office.

The Professors and the Headmaster were quick on their heels trying to convince Lily to let Harry stay at Hogwarts. Lily didn't respond and hurried her feet. Students gawked at the strange sight and murmured among themselves. She didn't pay them any attention.

When she reached the Headmaster's office, she flooed back home. Harry followed his mother's lead and flooed home, leaving behind desperate Hogwarts staff calling out their names and bemused students who didn't know what was happening.


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