
Karna And Aarav!

Mata Ganga's P.O.V,

I looked at the couple, bowing their heads as a form of respect. Something most mortals had to do. Some respected us from the bottom of their hearts, some respected us to avoid our fury while, some respected us to ask for something they want.

A miniscule of them respect and worship us for nothing in particular. They devoted their life in our preaching without wanting anything in return.

But, Respect...

Although, We like to be respected, It's not like we will punish others for not bowing their hea-! No, some of the arrogant one's like to pretend, they will punish those below them for the slightest displeasure. Nevertheless, under the guidance of Niyati, they turned for better (Eventually).

In this case, I tested the couple to find whether they were capable parents for this child or not. I was the one who needed their help. So, being treated like a god was not my intention for appearing here.

"Both of you, raise your heads."

"I'm Ganga, the being tasked to cleanse the sins of impure souls. I am also known as the wife of the late king Shantanu."

Therefore, I introduced myself to the couple, impressed by their selfless and kind nature. In this period, a few can resist the temptation of money and wealth.

Even before the arrival of Kalyuga, the human's value has deteriorated significantly. In Satya-yuga, lying was something looked down upon by both humans and celestials. Even the thought of lying crossing through one's mind was a sin in itself.

And yet, Most people lie with a straight face in this Dvapara yuga. This is why, people like Adhiratha and Radha, although not nonexistent, are indeed rare.

As expected of the couple, after knowing my identity, their solemn gazes were filled with relief. They raised their heads, while Radha hesitantly asked, "O' great mother, will you tell us about this child?"

Radha's question brought a smile to my face. Her words were the same as mine when I first found out about this child from Devi Yamuna. But, her words didn't mean to punish the child's mother (Like I did), instead she wanted to know if this child is prone to danger. As for her emotions for the child's mother, there's no need to mention it. The rage is mutual.

 "Radha, I do not know anything about him. I couldn't find anything even after using divine sight. Something is stopping me from knowing about his truth. However, you need not worry about it." I paused to look at the unfazed expressions of Radha and continued, "Both the boy and the dove are the precious gifts of Suryadev given to you for your prayers."


Saying that, I gently touched the forehead of the boy with my palms, triggering the armor and earrings to reveal themselves, illuminating the evening sky with their luster.

Nevertheless, I didn't hear the amazed and astonished exclamations of the couple. Rather, the couple looked excitedly at the baby with sheer joy covering their eyes.

""O' Great Mother, O' Suryadev, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts to bless us with this divine child to the undeserving us! We thank you for protecting this child in his toughest times! We regret our previous words! Please forgive us!""


Their voices touched the essence of mine as they thanked me...

A few peoples in this world are capable of showing this much sincerity, originating from their very essence! 

Suryadev must be very elated after seeing their state of euphoria. Even I am deeply affected by their feelings of reverence.

They do not care about the nature of blessing or anything, for them, anything that protects their children is great.

I gazed at the rejoiced couple before interrupting them, "Adhiratha and Radha, you are the most suitable parents for them, I am sure of it. So... will you take care of these children for me?"

"We will! Mata Ganga, please rest assured, we will take care of him to the best of our abilities!"

To my question, the couple answered instantly with great belief.

Seeing their determination. I asked. "Your truthful and selfless nature is truly great. I'm very glad for both of you~! So, ask. Ask Anything you desire! I, Ganga, will grant you the blessing of your wish!"


Prakriti's P.O.V,


Devi Ganga has done it.

It seems like, residing on Lord Shiva's head, She has picked the respected one's habit of granting boons. Like Bholenath (One of Lord Shiva's nicknames), She has turned into Bholi (Naïve) Ganga.


Countless Sages, Asuras, Raksha's and many others have to do penance to accumulate a great amount of good karma and impress their respected deity to get a boon.

And here, She decided to bless the couple. But, there's nothing wrong with it. A Boon/Blessing isn't something any deity can provide on will. It needs either a great amount of good Karma or a very strong connection between the worshipped and the deity, sometimes both.

Otherwise, the world would long have become chaotic. Devi Ganga's words didn't appear naturally. Instead, there's a faint influence of my sister... Niyati.


Back to topic,

Devi Ganga's word should have affected the world to turn stagnant, the surroundings will have assumed a wonderful scenery with colourful lights and the devas will be watching them. Since, granting a boon is a very sacred event. Many times, the fate of the world depends on it.

Good for this boy, who made me so interested in him! I suppressed the large-scale event, destined to be observed, under the gazes of the supernatural beings.

Helping Devi Ganga to enjoy the view of little Vasusena's face in the embrace of Radha, while the couple were shocked by her sudden announcement.

As the couple digested the fact, they bowed deeply before Mata Ganga and said in Unison, "Mata Ganga, getting these two lives is more than enough for us! Asking anything more, will be insulting as a parent. We are not greedy, nor do we need any wealth or power."

"Child, this and that are different. You are destined to meet these boys. I am asking again, is there something you desire?"

Despite the couple's polite rejection, Mata Ganga wanted to bless them. There's something or someone telling her to give them something, It's just, She isn't aware of that thing. So, She insisted again to let them change their mind, Confirming the influence of Niyati in the process.

When she (Niyati) wants something to happen, a few can stop her. Obviously, it was at the cost of a severe price.

Therefore, Adhiratha and Radha looked at each other before Radha replied, "Mata Ganga, you have already gifted us these two boys, we daren't ask for anything more. But, Would you please name them?"


It was the Names!

As Vasusena has already been freed from Niyati, there are some things he will never be able to get due to the deviation in his future path.

It was the reason, My sister wanted to provide Vasusena his true name, A name to be remembered for eternity!

"Very well! So, their names will be..." Devi Ganga was also overjoyed as she heard Radha's request! 

She arrived before the couple, put her palm on the baby's and the young Dove's foreheads. She closed her eyes to think of the most suitable names for them, following which tranquility filled the surroundings.

The trees, the sky, the earth, I eagerly waited to hear the names of these boys, who will rewrite the history of mankind!

"You, Who's radiance is illuminating the pale world, born with these earrings filled with Amrita, You will be known as 'KARNA' from hereon! The world will also consider you as my and Radha's son! No creature of water shall ever bring harm to you!"

"And you, the bird in white, you shall be known as 'AARAVA' and will spread peace to the world! Your feather will bring calm and peace!"

Just like that...

The legend of one of the greatest duos of a 'Man' and the 'Bird' started from the riverside of the Ganges!!!

Volume: 1...

Is finally completed!


A message for the,


From next day, the story will finally experience it's first time skip!


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