
Chapter 232: Ben 10 (4)

Chapter 232: Ben 10 (4)

~Third POV~

[New Orleans, Earth]

It is nighttime around a quiet city street and one of Ben's aliens, XLR8, is seen casually speeding by attempting to find the villain that stole the book. But the Kineceleran's momentum is quickly halted when he becomes trapped in a mysterious magic force in pure confusion.


And without warning XLR8 was forced to turn back into Ben Tennyson with something pressing the Omnitrix emblem on his chest as he mutters in a confused tone, "Huh...?"

A voice catches his attention and levitates down before his very eyes on Mash who stole the book using the Charms to levitate down in a neutral tone, "Hello! This is your new Saturday morning of the day villain, and the best-looking I might add, at your service."

Ben was humbly annoyed flailing around as he growled and said childishly, "I can give you 10 good reasons right now to let me go!"

Mash simply shook his head as he used his Charm of Telekinesis to release him from his hold in a neutral tone, "Sorry kid, seems you're carrying a galactic superweapon. I'll just take this."

A [Unseen Hand] coating Mash's hands got closer to Ben as he attempted to get rid of his Omnitrix. But Mash grabs Ben's watch, green energy emitted from the Omnitrix as it releases a pulse blast that knocks Mash to a nearby building.


Blinking a bit surprised that the Omnitrix detected his [Unseen Hand] he muttered in a surprised tone, "Okay, that's interesting."

But what he heard next truly shocked was an AI voice from the watch that unleashed a green, emerald light around the watch and said in a robotic tone, "[Master Control Access Granted]."

Ben's eyes widened at this as thanks to Mash's tinkering with the Omnitrix he accidentally allowed Ben the full power of the Omnitrix as he thought in an annoyed tone, 'You gotta be kidding me! You mean thanks to my interference the brat has full control over the Omnitrix! This is what like happened in the Back With a Vengeance episode. Shit… the situation just got a lot harder now.'

Ben smirked seeing that thanks to this encounter gained the full power of the Omnitrix as he spoke in a confident tone, "Now you did it, dummy! You're not the first doofus to try and take this! It's hero time!"


Ben slams down his hand on the Omnitrix and transforms into Four Arms as he yells iconically, "FOUR ARMS!"

The mighty Tetramand leaps towards his new foe and strikes with his fists, only meeting the Mash's forcefield of [Mana Skin]. Mash quickly capitalizes on the alien's delayed strike and from behind, constricts his arms using his [Unseen Hands], immobilizing him.

Lifting Four Arms in the air with his [Unseen Hands] Mash spoke in a cheeky tone, "Lights out, Punchy!"



And with enough force, hurled Four Arms into a nearby fire hydrant, bursting it. Mash levitates nearer, hoping to convince Ben to surrender in a neutral tone, "Come on kid! Let's stop this before it gets heated."


But in a burst of green light and heat Ben took on the form of Heatblast and proudly said, "Too late!"



The burst water evaporates to reveal Ben's new alien form; the fire-bodied Pyronite known as Heatblast, who unleashes a burst of flame at Mash. Seeing this he immediately dodges and then dodges a few more blasts before taking to the air, with Heatblast following.



Heatblast unleashes another burst of flames at Mash, who conjures a wall of wind using [Invisible Air] to block the flames. The wielder of the Omnitrix proceeds to engage in banter as the struggle goes on in a curious tone, "Hey! Have you ever seen a supernova?"

Blinking at the sudden banter Mash calmly replied nonchalantly, "Several. I-"


As Mash says this, Heatblast unleashes a gigantic wave of flames all around him, forcing the Mash to pull up a force field using [Gravity Magic] pushing the fire down. Eventually, there is a huge explosion that forces Mash to contain.


Mash is unharmed but looked annoyed from having blocked an intense blast not to spread across the city sending a mild glare at the reckless Ben. Ben takes a moment to trash talk again in an arrogant tone, "Hah! You're so lame! I bet could even beat you as Grey Matter – ack!"


Before Heatblast could finish Mash grabbed him by the throat with a cold expression on his face and said in a cold tone making Ben flinch, "You!! You have no idea what could've happened pulling that little stunt you did there… Now I'm fucking for sure taking that Omnitrix from you…"


As he says this, Ben promptly transforms into a new alien he never used before taking the appearance of a Necrofriggian as he mutters cooly, "Whoa… new alien huh? But as for you villain wanna be how about you take…"


Unleashing the natural abilities of the Necrofriggian using its [Freezing Breath] causes Mash to be frozen being dropped down from the sky. Ben blinked seeing the new alien power giving a childish nickname in a chill tone, "Whoa… this guy has some ice powers. And since he needed to cool off, I vote Big Chill!"


Being released from the ice Big Chill began to experiment with his new abilities as he used his [Cryokinesis] to create [Ice Rays] with Mash being released. Noticing the incoming [Ice Rays] he looked mildly annoyed.


Using his [Photokinesis] shooting a rainbow beam of light in his direction. Big Chill noticed this but soon got hit by the attack dead on. But the Omnitrix then allowed Ben to transform again to counter the skill.

Transforming into a Crystalsapien that allowed him to absorb energy attacks and float in the air Ben noticed the new transformation as he gave his new alien a name in a childish tone, "Whoa? This guy absorbs energy huh? Different from Diamondhead. I'll call this one Chromastone! And as for you…"

Charging up in a familiar rainbow light Chromastone shot out his rainbow beam of light at Mash in a confident tone, "How about you get a taste of your own medicine? Taste the rainbow!!!"


Too fast to notice Mash took a guard stance as he tanked the energy rainbow beam. He took it to give himself time gazing at probably the most annoying alien for him to handle as he thought in an annoyed tone, 'Oh, great. It had to be the alien space rock god. Just peachy… [TOOS].'

[Ben Tennyson (Chromastone) Lv.100 Omnitrix Wielder]


Crashing into a large crater Chromastone gazed at the fallen villain in a confident tone thinking he had won, "Hmph! That's what you get for trying to steal this watch idiot. Still, the power-up is – "

But just as Ben's words were gloating to himself were cut short as Mash said, "[Life Fiber Command: Kamui Shinra-Koketsu]!"


Transforming into using his Shinra-Koketsu she yelled happily getting the chance to fight against Ben in a confident tone, "Finally!! I was getting bored listening to this idiot talk to himself! Let me at him!!"

Mash chuckled as Ben's one stone eye blinked commenting on the talking alien uniform Mash's is wearing, "… Okay. A talking alien Uniform was not what I was expecting. But let's see – "




No words or warning came as Mash lunged at Chromastone at great speeds. He landed a devastating punch in the chest with noticeable cracks forming from the impact alarming Ben as Mash coldly muttered, "Fine… no more playing games boy. I was taking it easy on you because you are a kid… not anymore."


A flash of green signals Ben transforming again, this time transforming into a To'kustar otherwise known as Way Big, and promptly stomping on Mash in a confident tone, "Ew, I stepped in loser."



However, a rumbling sound could be felt as Way Big trembled feeling someone pushing his feet up. Revealing to be Mash in his Kamui lifting the To'Kustar with his enhanced strength glared hatefully at Ben and said in a harsh tone, "Let's take this fight out of harm's way shall we boy?"

Lifting the foot with enough force made Way Big stumble backward. Having a tall kaiju-sized alien backward alarmed the normal people of the impending danger.

Fortunately, Mash rushed forward grabbing the frill on Way Big's head is by far his greatest weakness, as attacking it will cause great pain and stun him. Grabbing his frill, he began to toss Way Big as if he was nothing in a neutral tone, "Here you go hero wannabe this is how you chuck any poor bastards away!!!"


Tossing the giant kaiju alien into a desert judging by the direction of his toss Mash followed in close pursuit making the humans worry about what was going on…


[Random Desert, Earth]




Being tossed like it was nothing Ben rubbed his head as he caused an earthquake being thrown to the ground that harshly. He groaned in pain lightly seeing his getting his ass kicked spoke in a deep tone, "Aughhhh… that damned hurt. This guy is clearly different from the other baddies but – "

As he stands up Ben notices a rainbow light in the distance as Mash is following him causing the young here to worry. By instinct Way Big took the stance of a pose as a rainbow hue of lights shrouded him as he launched a powerful [Cosmic Ray] from the outer edge of his right hand by crossing his arms together.


Mash seeing the [Cosmic Ray] directed at him immediately used his [Magical Energy Absorption] to absorb the [Cosmic Ray]. Any form of attack (interference) designed by intellect - however undeveloped the theory behind it may be - will only grant more power to the user.

Ben's eyes widened seeing his attack was simply being absorbed as Mash finally reached face-to-face with Way Big reeling in a punch with multiple [Unseen Hands] stacked into them as he slammed 2000 of them in the face.



The resulting collision of the attack forced Way Big to go down on the ground. The impact was powerful enough to make him bleed from the impact as Mash levitated down in an indifferent tone and asked, "Had enough yet boy? I can do this all day while you can't. Learn to take the L and let me take the watch. I don't want to brutally beat you up any more than I must…"


Transforming again this time to an unknown species taking on a robotic humanoid appearance the new alien spoke in an overconfident tone, "HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA! Whoa! Again with a new alien I see but you… I'm afraid I'm not handing the watch… and for this guy how about –"


Spreading his arms Mash backed away from the instantaneous [Nuclear Blast] from Ben causing major damage to his surroundings as he finished naming his new alien, "- HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA! Try a little fusion cuisine, catered by Atomix!"

Atomix revealing himself Mash noticed the damage he caused as he sighed in relief taking the fight away from people, "Whew… at least we're fighting away from the people. Didn't think he used Atomix but this means my win."

He grinned slyly knowing how to defeat this alien specifically using his metaknowledge as he began to use his Authority of Wrath, [Soulwashing] on Atomix. Landing down on the ground manipulating his emotions by enhancing his overconfidence, Mash spoke confidently, "Tch. Do you think that little bucket of bolts is enough to beat me Omnitrix wielder?"

Atomix was about to answer when suddenly he took a knee down confusion evident in his tone of voice as he felt he was having a literal meltdown inside himself, "Wha – What's going on… I thought I had more energy left in the tank…"


Mash seeing this goes over pressing the Omnitrix emblem reverting to Ben as he spoke in a confident tone, "You did… you didn't have the stamina needed. Enhancing your overconfidence with Atomix species usually results in them having a meltdown depleting more energy. Your loss dweeb."


Casting a sleep spell on Ben he was knocked out cold. Mash's eyes were now on the Omnitrix as he used his [Evolution Magic] on it changing the 'information' within as it began to clasp onto his wrist.

He smirked as he checked giving himself the Master Code Access. He checked using [TOOS] on what it can do muttering proudly, "I did like the old design better. But I could make it more sleek in the future."


Item: Omnitrix (Prototype)

Rarity Item: SSS

Type: DNA Alterer (Lv.20)

Description: The Omnimatrix, better known as the Omnitrix, is a watch-like device that is a portable library of intergalactic genetic data that allows the wielder to alter their DNA at will and rapidly transform into a variety of different alien species, each with their unique abilities.

The Omnitrix also contains a built-in Universal Translaster along the [Active], [Recharge], [Collect/Capture], [Self-Destruct], and [Reconfiguration] functions. As of notice, the feature of [Master Control Access] has been permanently active with new 'info' features.


Mash smirked receiving the Omnitrix as it glowed ominously green as he teleported Ben away. Turning his direction, he smirked as he muttered to himself in a curious tone, "Now… was the last charm of Bezel that way? Let's see…"

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