
Chapter 204: Transformers (Film)

Chapter 204: Transformers (Film)

~Third POV~

[Worldline: Transformers (Film)]

[U.S., Mission City]

Sam found himself in a warzone, surrounded by a cacophony of explosions and the whistling of bullets. Bullets ricocheted, missiles detonated, and his legs trembled in pain pulsing through him.

Despite the chaos and fear gripping his heart, his mission compelled him to stand firm, his determination unwavering. He tightened his grip around the cube, knuckles turning white as an explosion caught his right side.


Shards of glass cut into his skin, hot sparks searing it, but he remained steadfast. He repeated motivational words to himself, convincing him that he could deliver the All-Spark to Optimus no matter how much in pain he was in.


Sam Witwicky as he ran from the gnarled metal grasp of the Decepticon Megatron, darting down the street, weaving around the abandoned vehicle and falling rubble as the earth shook with each step, Megatron took.



With each step closer to Sam Megatron shouted, throwing a car to the side, sending it crashing through a building in an intimidating tone, "Give me the All-Spark I may yet let you live!"


But the impact served its purpose. Sam tripped on a broken car door, and fell flat on his face, skidding to a stop on the pavement. The item in his hand the All-Spark was sent flying out of his hand, tumbling down the street.

The All-Spark is an ancient and infinitely limitless, powerful Cybertronian artifact. It has the power to bring lifeless technology to life by turning it into sentient, autonomous Cybertronians. It is said to have created the original thirteen Primes, as it is the very essence/spark of the planet's god Primus himself.


With a pinch, Megatron reached out for the All-Spark and picked it up, raising it above him, revealing his glorious victory. Sam pushed himself up in defiance, "No!"

But the pain halted him in his tracks. Sam looked down to see a massive piece of concrete pinning him down by his ankle, shattered and bloody muttering softly, "No…"

He repeated this time, softer, as he pushed past the pain and rolled the concrete block over. But he was too late as Megatron cackled with glee, raising his fist in a menacing tone at Sam, "Should have taken my offer when you had the chance, human. Now die!"

Megatron brought his fist down on him, and Sam closed his eyes curling up into a ball, screaming for the hit to come. But at that moment Optimus arrived on time saving Sam in a concerned tone tackling the Decepticon dropping the All-Spark, "Sam! Hold on!"


Megatron taunted Optimus in a sadistic tone as he kicked the injured Optimus into a nearby wall causing the metal giant to groan in apparent pain, "You fight for the weak, Prime, that's why you lose!"

Whether it was genuine or a simulation, Sam couldn't tell but had no time to think about it as explosions rattled the city and fighter jets collided with skyscrapers. He grimaced dreading the number of casualties these Cybertronians caused in front of Sam.


As Optimus was brought to his knees, Sam saw an opportunity. He muttered to himself steeling his resolve leaping from his cover dodging bullets and gripping the All-Spark that fell from Megatron in a determined tone, "I need to act fast…"

He jumped over an upturned slab of concrete, and his tired legs threatened to buckle under him but pressed on. Prime called out noticing Sam had been spotted in a concerned tone, "Sam!"

Megatron's eyes glinted with excitement, shining brightly with an ominous read, as he spotted Sam charging at them. He didn't falter his computational processors working without delay, as he lunged towards Sam in a confident tone, "Give me the All-Spark you worm!!"

Sam was once again saved by fate as two voices echoed out in a serious tone, "[Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Senketsu] / [Life Fiber Command: Kamui Shinra-Koketsu]!"



Two shines of red and rainbow light illuminated the area as the dust cloud showed two figures blocking Megatron's attack with Mash uttering in an annoyed tone, "Great… the one world to find an infinite battery is one I can't let my Magic use. Just peachy."

Ryuko chuckled as they raised the fist of Megatron together laughing at his misfortune reminding him in a humorous tone, "Haha! You're the one that made that REVOCS bracelet not mana poisoning the world idiot. Now come on we have a bucket of bolts to decommission!"



Both of them reeled their fists back and punched Megatron's face with a surprising amount of power for the two. The power combined colliding against Megatron's face exploded his whole body as Mash growled glaring at Ryuko in a childish tone, "Wha – what the hell Gear Eyes! You kill steal my EXP!"

Ryuko merely stuck her tongue out enjoying the moment teasing her boyfriend/lover one-upping him, "Ha! Sounds like a skill issue to me idiot! Just get good!"

Both argued back and forth as they stopped eyeing the All-Spark that had fallen from the force of their attack in front of Sam. In one swift movement grabbed the All-Spark with [Life Fiber Manipulation] in Mash's hands with a smug grin and said in a happy tone, "That's one issue solved for the Moon Cell energy issue. Now the locals…."

Sam blinked unsure how to take the situation in front of him. He had seen walking machines and life-giving cubes. But somehow this was the most bizarre thing Sam had ever seen.

The two floated down from what seemed to be jet thrusters morphing into skin-tight pants like those that are worn in superheroes. The teenage boy spoke as he greeted Sam in a casual tone holding the All-Spark, "Hey there! Is this the All-Spark? The All-Spark. The cube thingy? Is it that little one?"

Mash asked Sam as he seemed to have a brain freeze but slowly answered in an awkward tone stuttering, "Uh… uh yeah."

He smiled as he grabbed the basketball-sized metallic cube and he spoke in a relieved tone catching Ryuko's attention, "Ok, ok then. Just wanted to confirm. My memory of this movie is a bit spotty. Been a while since I saw it."

That was when Ryuko broke the ice asking in a confused tone with her arms crossed blinking a bit surprised, "Wait this worldline is based off on a movie? Was it a good movie or a bad one?"

Asking other questions Mash simply shrugged as he explained the Transformers (Film) Cinematic Universe, "Meh. Depending on the people really Gear Eyes. Supposedly this is the first in a looooong series of them. I wouldn't worry about it since they'll show in 2007 in your worldline future."

She simply took his words accepting the outcome, but Sam was utterly baffled by this asking more confused by their conversation, "Wait, movie? Worldlines? What do you mean? Are you with the government?"

Both soon turned their attention to the confused Sam as Ryuko shrugged with Mash answering in a calm tone, "Something like that. Don't think too hard Simp. It'll hurt your brain to understand."

Sam blinked feeling offended somehow as he spoke in an annoyed tone his eye twitching at his tone, "Who's Simp? I'm Sam. What are you doing with the cube? It's dangerous!"

Mash simply rolled his eyes at Sam's words of caution tightly wrapping it in his Life Fibers for added protection. But soon the ground thumped as the duo looked up to see Optimus Prime crawl towards the group in a thankful tone, "Thank you for stopping Megatron. Now give the All-Spark to me. I will keep it safe. With it, we can revive our race."

Unfortunately, Mash sighed pitting the Prime as he spoke in a neutral tone not relenting the All-Spark holding onto it tightly, "Sigh… sorry but I'm not handing over the All-Spark. I'm keeping it for my personal use, but I wouldn't be opposed to lending it to you if it's to revive your race. This should be kept outside anyone's hands. Besides you are not the one giving demands."

Optimus Prime paused considering the deal. He wavered but Mash showing a show of good faith used his Authority of Wrath, [Restoration] repairing him instantly as he spoke in a serious tone, "I'm not an unfair man Prime. But I'm not just one either."

There was a tense stare-down between the two. However, Mash used [TOOS] to see into the future Optimus reaction as he sighed stopping time with his Authority of Greed, [My World] in an annoyed tone, "He plans to backstab once I revive his race. Along with some annoying bugs not by his choice though. Wanna help or leave?"

Ryuko snorted unaffected by the [My World] being immune to Time and Space attacks in an equally annoyed tone, "If that's the result let's just book it. No need to help him if they're gonna stab us in the back."


Opening a portal with his Gamer Ring the duo soon entered through as time resumed after the 5-second mark. Optimus's eyes widened as he tried to swipe after them. But it was too little too late as his cries could be heard as the portal closed behind them, "Noooo!"


[Worldline: Kill La Kill]

[Matoi Mansion]


Exiting out of the portal Mash released his restraints as Ryuko asked holding the All-Spark in a curious tone, "So what's this piece of junk do exactly that you had to specifically find the right event to collect it?"

Mash smirked as he explained while seeing the item's contents and abilities with [TOOS] in an excited tone.


Item: All-Spark

Rarity Item: SSS

Type: Infinite Energy Battery

Description: The All-Spark is an ancient and infinitely limitless, powerful Cybertronian artifact. It has the power to bring lifeless technology to life by turning it into sentient, autonomous Cybertronians. It is said to have created the original thirteen Primes, as it is the very essence/spark of the planet's god Primus himself.

[Creation of Sentient Life]: As a boundless, infinite source of pure cosmic energy that symbolizes Cybertron's very God, the All-Spark can imbue life into its highly advanced technological organisms into different cybernetic races- Autobots, Decepticons, Terrorcons, and Maximals.

[Data Manipulation]: As the source of all Cybertronians A.I. function and blank slates the All-Spark also can manipulate Data at a conceptual level reprograming its creations if need be.

[Interstellar Teleportation]: It is capable of teleporting mechanical objects across vast distances.

[Technopathy]: It can not only repair, upgrade, and modify Cybertronian machinery but also those made of lesser worlds, such as Earth.


Ryuko's eyes widened as did Senketsu impressed by what the cube in their hands was capable of Mash spoke in a hopeful tone, "Yeah… this cube has a lot more value than you expect Gear Eyes. But first…"


Shooting a shadowy hand inside using his Authority of Envy, [Jealous Possession] Mash spoke in a serious tone regarding the All-Spark, "I a need it to upgrade the Moon Cell and use it as my battery for it. Besides that, I need to see if BB managed to find any worlds that might be useful."

Ryuko blinked a bit before sighing out loud agreeing but had a sultry expression on her face swaying her legs, "Sigh… fine I'll see you inside the spa or in the kitchen. I just hope you hurry along dork."

Leaving the lab area he looked at Ryuko's swaying legs as he laughed having his attention taken over turning his head to the cube, "Hahaha… I swear all I need is my horny growth having that bombshell of a girl tempts me to lose my way. But let's see what BB has on the agenda…"

As he modifies the All-Spark BB soon shows holographic worlds using their personalized scouts scouring the worlds shown. Mash had to personally view which worlds would be worthwhile to learn or reverse engineer to suit his own needs.

But that was when BB showed him a certain world that caught his attention raising an eyebrow with mild interest, "Hmm… few have what I want. But this one…"

Seeing one world of interest he closed his eyes to ponder venturing into this magical modern world thinking deeply if his prepared to venture to this worldline. But first some negotiations with the Dream Dragon….

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