
Chapter 151: Purity’s Advent (1)

Chapter 151: Purity's Advent (1)

~Third POV~

[At Night, One-Star District]



Returning after dealing with the whole debacle with Satsuki Mash made dinner for himself and Ryuko. Said girl is eating large amounts of food as he spoke with a bead of sweat escaping from his face in a curious tone, "With the amount of food you're eating I'm surprised you haven't become a fatass already."

She merely growled at him handing him an empty bowl and asking for seconds answering his question in a rough tone, "Shut up! It's not my fault that my damn clothing needs me to drain blood for it to activate! Can I have another serving?"

He nodded his head providing another serving asking her in a curious tone noticing her talking with Senketsu, "Sure. But I must ask purely for your concern's sake. You and Senketsu are talking to each other, right? No head trauma or insanity, correct?"

Ryuko glared at him for asking that question but to be fair to others' perspective it seemed like she was insane speaking to clothing in a defensive tone, "No only I can hear Senketsu for some strange reason or another. Stop staring at me like that."

Mash's expression stared at her with a deadpan look shrugging his shoulders and deciding to ask some direct questions seeing she chose to stay at his place in a curious tone, "Uh huh. That can be opened to any interpretation Gear Eyes considering people see it as strange. But all jokes aside are everything ok with you?"

Ryuko was surprised at the slightly concerned tone in Mash's voice. Inhaling deeply, she finally spoke sighing honestly, "Sigh… sort of? Look I'll be frank I'm thankful for you helping me out but you know this school isn't exactly safe for you right?"

He smirked at the notion that the school was harmful to him as he replied biting down on his dinner and confidentially said, "Wouldn't be the first time I was in danger of something out to get me. Truthfully, I was expecting a dull normal high school life but I suppose a bit of craziness could spice up someone's life."

Ryuko simply rolled her eyes but slowly formed a grin on her face appreciating the company as she said in a neutral tone, "Heh. Didn't think mister pretty boy would ever get shot? Didn't peg you to be a delinquent. We can agree this town is fucking crazy."

He nodded his head agreeing with her words till he asked a curious question getting her attention, "All jokes aside though I must ask why are you here in this school? I apologize if this is offensive, but… you seem to be fixated on this little revenge quest of yours, don't you?"

She paused hearing his words. Her eyes soon turned to a glare seeing his curious gaze sneering as she replied almost snarling, "Yeah, no shit, asshole. This 'little revenge quest' of mine is my entire fucking reason for being here. I'm here to find out who killed my father and damn it I let anything get in my way."

He gave a simple hum at her sneer contemplating her words. He soon posed a question in a curious tone crossing his arms, "… Say, when you do find your father's killer and put an end to your search, what's next for you?"

That question made her pause even for a few seconds. A question she never considered before shaking her head, scoffing, "… Bah. I'll deal with it when the time comes to deal with it. I'm in the present right now, and I've got a fight to win."

Mash simply nodded his head at this accepting her answer. But he can sense her emotional state being startled by the idea for what she'll do in the future.

Such an idea of the question remained drilled into her head as he used [Telepathy] to read her mind briefly scrying her hearing a brief concerned tone, 'What is next for me…'

Seeing her inner struggles, he smiled as he decided to lend a hand to her in a genuine kind tone, "Alright then. Seeing this do you want me to lend you a hand? There are bound to be clues left over of your father's supposed death. What exactly did he work for? Or his job occupation?"

Hearing this line of reasoning made Ryuko snap back to reality considering his words. She thought for a bit in an ashamed tone smacking her head, 'Clues… God fucking damn it… I was so gung-ho about looking for my dad's killer that I forgot there could be something in my old man's mansion. He was a scientist then…'

Connecting the dots immediately Ryuko soon stood up and spoke with urgency in her tone of voice, "Sorry but something came up that I need to – "

Standing up as well Mash responded with a neutral expression expressing his desire to help Ryuko surprising her, "And leave you alone in the middle of the night? Nope… at least not without me tagging along."

Hearing his response, she gazed at him with a confused expression before reluctantly agreeing considering the amount of times he saved her hide, "… fine. But don't slow me down asshole."

He simply grinned as he carried Ryuko like a princess much to the former blushing face as he spoke in a calm tone, "Funny that's what I would say to you. But you can leave the running to me, and rest just tell me where the directions are."

She of course blushed yelling out loud at his invasive assertion to her in an embarrassed tone flailing, "What the hell man?! I'm not some dainty princess that – AH!!"


No words were said as Mash ran surprising her of his speed realizing why he didn't feel threatened or scared by the school. It was simply because he was strong that he held no fear as Ryuko reluctantly addressed him to where she used to live with an evident blush on her face being carried in that fashion…


[Nighttime, Matoi Residence]

Only an hour passed as both finally returned to Matoi Residence with Ryuko gazing at Mash with confusion as she spoke in a confused tone, "Dude what the hell I could've simply walked on my own. And… the heck, are you? You have some Goku Uniform on you to run that fast?"

Hearing that question he simply grinned answering Ryuko's question in an honest tone adjusting himself, "Nope. Just that strong and never skip leg day. But moving on this is your home, right? It… seen better days?"

Changing topics, they arrived at the wreck that used to be the home of Ryuko and Isshin Matoi. Ryuko spoke in a saddened tone seeing her old home, "My family's home."

Observing the home Mash couldn't help but ask touching the building in a neutral tone being respectful to the surroundings, "A wreck like this? Must've been a big mansion, must have been nice. So, what happened?"

She grinned at the gesture as she began to explain searching for the entrance where she first found Senketsu in a neutral tone, "My mom died right after I was born, and my dad was a scientist who was only focused on his research. We never got along, so I started living in the dorms in grade school. I started to turn bad and got into a lot of fights. By my first year of high school, I was a full-blown juvenile delinquent."

Mash couldn't help but smirk playfully as he interjected with his arms crossed helping Ryuko search around her old home mischievously, "You're saying was as if you're any different from back then Gear Eyes?"

She swiftly turned glaring at him before pouting lightly as she continued her explanation searching the area in a disheartened tone, "Quiet you!... Ahem! Then, six months ago, I got a message from my dad saying that he wanted to talk, so I went home for the first time in ages. But something went wrong…"

She then explained what happened in a saddened tone. She had found her father impaled with the very scissor blade she currently wielded. Her father then gave her the blade, telling her that if she found the other half, she would find his killer. When she ran out to see who had killed her father, all she saw was a silhouette of a woman, before the house went down in flames, her father with it.

Ryuko continued to explain wiping the small tears exiting out her eyes in a saddened tone gazing at the ground, "When he died, I realized for the first time that I didn't know anything about my father. So, I wanted to at least find out who killed him, and why. And what he was trying to tell me. And what this scissor is. I want to find those answers. And to know why my dad created you, Senketsu."

Both remained silent for a while searching for clues as he broke the silence in a calm tone gazing at the horizon and muttering to himself, "… You have a good reason for doing what you do, huh? I guess we have more in common than I thought."

This seemed to perk her ears managing to catch what he said. Mash soon spoke placing a hand over her shoulder in a reassuring tone, "You're determined, that's good. Don't lose your way until you get answers, Ryuko. And as much as I don't wanna deal with this, I kinda care for you, so I'll help ya out."

Ryuko paused hearing him say her name for the first time muttering, "Huh?"

Misinterpreting her confusion, he smiled as he explained he'd fight by her side in a reassuring tone, "I'll fight with you to help you find out who killed your dad. That's what friends do."

Smiling at her with genuine kindness Ryuko blushes at someone helping her feeling a foreign emotion stir inside her answered bashfully, "Thanks, that's kind of you…"

He smiled as they checked the area grinning wider finding a certain room and patting her head much to her surprise, "No problem Gear Eyes. But it seems to me we have stumbled upon our first clue."



Pressing on one of the bricks in the wall a nearby concealed door went down revealing a corridor. Ryuko blinked revealing a hidden room within the lab in a surprised tone, "Wha… what the hell? A secret lab within a secret lab… how did you know this was here?"

Genuinely curious Mash responded pointing at the walls pressed down the details compared to the rest of the walls in a neutral tone, "I wasn't sure but out of all the bricks in the room this one seemed off from the others. You can tell their textures are different by touching them and thinking about it your father was a Scientist the best chances are he had more than one secret lab. You can call it a detective's intuition."

Ryuko was so stunned by her friend's usefulness that Mash thought to himself in a proud tone of his findings, 'Heh. It pays to spend some time training in the Moon Cell SE.RA.PH program with fucking Sherlock Holmes and many other Heroic Spirits I've been tutored over the last few months.'

Ryuko thought about it crossing her arms as they entered the corridor agreeing with his assessment in a serious tone, "Yeah… I guess it would make sense considering someone was after my dad. Then he must have made sure to keep something hidden from his attackers, so they might've burned my home down to get rid of any evidence…"

He nodded at Ryuko's assessment as he agreed with her line of thought proceeding down the corridor, "Yeah. But it does beg the question though. If your father was murdered or assassinated by the killer, there must have been a reason why. I can only assume what you told me is because of the Life Fibers or something else entirely..."

She nodded her head finally thinking of reasons why her father was killed. However, she lacked any info till they finally reached the end of the corridor to reveal another lab but seemingly intact with a nearby computer and monitors.

Seeing this Ryuko quickly went towards the computer turning it on with urgency in her tone eyes frantic for some answers, "This…! Maybe Dad left something on his computer or anything to know – huh?"

When she booted up the computer it revealed a password screen. Ryuko scrunched her face seeing this as Senketsu asked her in a neutral tone, "A password huh… this might be an issue…"

Beginning to worry Mash proceeded to go ahead showing his bracelet near the screen as he spoke to Ryuko in a calm tone, "Gear Eyes leave this to me. I happen to have the best hacking device I could rely on to handle this. BB I need your assistance obtaining data from this computer."

Ryuko looked confused before hearing BB from his bracelet and announced in a cheerful tone, "Affirmative Master. Leave this to your capable adorable BB on the case!"

Soon enough the bracelet scanned the computer as BB began to process the data leaving Ryuko to blink asking in a curious tone wondering his true identity, "Okay like seriously who exactly are you?"

He simply grinned at her with his eyes closed as he gave her an answer cheekily, "You wouldn't believe even if I told you. How about after I help you out, I'll tell you about it till then you gotta trust me."

She frowned at his words but nodded trusting him considering the many times he saved her ass on multiple occasions in a bitter tone, "… Fine but don't think you're escaping explaining yourself anytime soon ya jerk."

Slamming her fist onto his shoulder he nodded agreeing. Immediately BB spoke gaining their attention when she said professionally, "Sir downloading is complete. Hmm… these data research and experimentation on Life Fibers and prototype Kamui file."

This alerted Ryuko and Senketsu, who finally found some clues about them or her father as BB continued explaining in a neutral tone, "There are many more files and data regarding Life Fibers Master. Give the Moon Cell half a day to process the contents in an orderly fashion for the time being. The data within the computer is very old and needs to be delicately updated to not lose any data. Till then have a good night."


Finally returning to the Moon Cell servers Mash gazed at Ryuko with a wry grin waiting for the results, "Well… I suppose we'll have to wait for what BB can uncover. But at least it will be a start to provide you with some answers –"


Interrupting him Ryuko soon nodded startling Mash as she spoke genuinely thankful by hugging him, "Thank you… thank you… this means a lot…"

Mash internally sighed allowing Ryuko her moment in his embrace allowing her to let out the stuffed emotions patting her head as he lent a shoulder to her. To Ryuko finding any clue or reason for her journey of revenge meant a lot to her.

But a small smile did escape his lips gladly assisting her in her time of need. In time their relationship would change shortly…


A/N: Hey guys the author here wants to know your guy's input. Currently, I'm writing the Sports and Cultural Festival portion of the Kill La Kill IF Arc and wanted to hear your guy's thoughts on putting this idea into the story.

Should Ryuko get brainwashed like in canon with Junketsu? Depending on your guy's answer the story will shift into a new direction.




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