
Chapter 26: Arc 2, The Fall of the Mountain, and The Bold Follows


Jon Snow


He knew this was a stupid idea. Fighting the mountain well out of breath, and about to fall dead forward. The only reason Jon was still standing, was because of all the souls this man has harmed. The family this man took from him. The Step-Mother he was sure he would love. The older brother he would play sword with.

Jon dodged a swing to his head. Jon waited for the opening he needed to take the tard in front of out, and into the seven hells where he belongs. He dodged the attacks he could and countered others. All the while looking for his opening.

Jon saw the look on the tard's face, and saw rage, "Fight me!" And sent a barrage of swings and jabs at Jon. And that was the moment Jon saw his opening, he was waiting for.

Jon dodged each swing and thrust. And with his last dodged he gave the tard a left hook sending him flying towards the ground. Jon quickly went him and cut where he knocked the armour from his leg, and stabbed Blackfyre right through the muscle, and out the other side. The tard turned around bringing his sword with him.

Jon's eyes widened, and backed up but was a bit to slow. He looked down and saw that the sword went through the armour, and chain. Leaving only a shallow cut. He looked back and saw the tard trying to stand.

Jon watched as the mountain moved, all the while circling him. Not stopping until what he wanted done. Jon continued to walk around the tard, and when he saw what he wanted he attacked.

The mountain was to slow to move his has as the blade cut through both muscle and bone. The tard yelled out in pain, grabbing the stub that used to be his hand. The tard got over the pain, and grabbed his sword with his other hand. But before he could turn around Jon was already there, standing over him with two bottles full of glass.

Jon watched as the mountain slowly turned around, and the second the tards head faced him, he turned his head and slammed both bottles onto his head. He watched as the bottles broke on impact and he watched as little shards of glass flying everywhere. And then the yell.

He turned around and saw that mountains eyes were bleeding. He looked around, looking for a man with no hair, and green eyes. When he found his target, he grabbed the tard towards him. When he got there he walked away from the tard, and grabbed where he left Blackfyre, and walked behind him stabbed it into his left shoulder and shoved as the mountain started to get onto his front. When was sure the mountain couldn't moved, and back away leaving Blackfyre in the shoulder, and then turned around and grabbed the mountain's great sword. He lifted the sword and started walking towards the downed owner. When he got there he stepped onto the man's back, only hearing a grunt. He placed the tip of the sword on the other shoulder. He then tried his best to stab it into the shoulder and succeeded.

He got off the man and quicker his vitals and saw that he was going to live. Jon walked over to the spike and ropes that Gendry and Gerion left him. He grabbed the rope and dragged the spike until the sharp end was almost behind the tard's arse. Be dropped the rope and started to tied the opposite ends to the tard's feet. When he was done he dragged the rope until Jon stood directly behind the spike.

And within minutes the mountain had a spike going straight out the other side. He grabbed the remaining rope and started to tie it around the man. When done he backed away, and grabbing the two swords that were in the tard's shoulders. And seconds later the Mountain Who Rides, was impaled in front of his 'Lord' Tywin. Whom was staring down at Jon, with pure unleashed raged in his eyes.

No made a noise as Jon walked to the centre with a limp, when he got there he sheathed Blackfyre turned around and bowed, and with the bow was a grunt from the tard. And within seconds the small folk cheered and some of the lords clapped at the 'show' he did. But the loudest was one Lady Olenna Tyrell.

He turned to leave and when he got there he fell forward, but was caught by an arm. And the last thing he saw before he passed out was a half scared face.


Sandor Clegne


Sandor caught the man who killed his brother and avenged his dead sister. He accomplished something he has tried to do for years. Sandor took the sword out of the man's hand, laying it against the wall. He looked around to see if Snow's squire was coming to help, and saw nothing. But what he did see was a raging Queen Cersei, charging towards him and the passed out Bastard.

She stopped in front of him, and ordered, "Dog kill this Bastard." Sandor didn't do anything and just stared at the queen, the queen yelled louder, "Kill him, Dog! I order you to kill the Bastard!" He just stared at the queen with ice cold stare, "DOG I ORDER YOU TO KILL THE BASTARD!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Finally he answered with a three letter sentence, "Fuck the Lannister's. And Fuck You."

Inwardly he grinned at the look of shock on the queen's face, but on the outside he stayed his normal cold self. But the look of shock grew on the queen's face. She went to yell when the unconscious man spoke, but more like mumbled, "Sh… Shut… th… the… FUCK… up."

Sandor looked down and grinned, he looked up to see that the queen was red faced, with rage and anger. Even if the bastard was asleep he could anger the queen.

The Queen opened her mouth, but was stopped by a loud laugh. Both Queen, and Sandor turned to see King Robert walking towards them, being followed by Lord Eddard Stark, and his family.

"Cersei calm down." The king spoke, "He did nothing wrong. The boy won fair and square." The king then laughed, "and a bloody good one."

Sandor watched as the Stark family, minus the Little Bird, including a woman of honey-blonde hair, and two kids being carried by Ser Arthur, and the king's bastard, walk towards him. With Lord Eddard taking the unconscious boy, from Sandor, whispering a thanks. And the boy taking the sword he left against the wood.

Sandor looked to the king and saw a look that confused him, "Take him to Pycelle's backup. You can trust him to heal the boy." Eddard nodded, and took his bastard son away. Leaving only Sandor, the queen, and the king. But they were soon joined by Lord Tywin Lannister.

Sandor stepped away to leave the city, but was stopped when his former lord spoke, "Hound where do you think your going."

Sandor turned around, and glared at the Old Lion, "Fuck the Lannisters! And fuck you." Sandor turned back around and continued on his way. Ignoring what the Queen was yelling behind him.

He just continued walking to where his instinct and walked towards the dock. And stopped when he stopped in front of the black galley carrying the Brotherhood's banners. He took one step onto the boat, knowing what he was getting himself into.


Tywin Lannister


Tywin hid his rage under his mask. He first lost his favourite monster, and then it's back up. Losing both amazing sword fighters, with one being impaled right in front of him and the other leaving, to who knows where. Tywin snarled at the memory of the mere person who caused house Lannister to lose two of its best fighters.

Not only did he lose best fighters. He lost his family heirloom to his own son.

(Tywin watched as Jamie walked into his room, carrying a sword. Tywin stared at Jamie, "Jamie what has you here."

Jamie held the sword out in front of him, "Look at the sword, My Lord."

Tywin took a look at the sword, taking every detail he could in. The sword was a hand-and-a-half sword. The handle was a crimson red leather, with a guard that had spear like ends, and in the centre was yellow topaz. But the thing that gave it away was the snarling lion shaped head for the pommel.

Tywins's eyes widened but it quickly vanished, he reached out to take it. But the sword was yanked away. He looked up to his son, with a questioning look, "How did you get it, Jamie?"

Jamie attached the sword to his belt, and looked up to him, "Uncle Gerion found it. But he gave it to Jon Snow as a thanks for saving him, and when he was at Winterfell he gave it to me."

Tywin looked down at the sword, "Why aren't you giving it to me? It should be at the Rock."

Jamie snorted, "On a wall for you to look at. Fuck no. I'm not going to let that happen."

Tywin was shocked at his son's response. Not knowing how to respond to that, he just stared at his son. Jamie turned around to leave, and that was when Tywin spoke, "What if you die? What will happen then?"

Jamie turned around, and answered, "Then I die using it as it should. To slaughter my enemies, and to fight for my King. Not to stay on a wall gathering dust." Jamie turned and left Tywin in his room.)

Tywin walked back and forth in his tent, thinking of a way to hurt the bastard. Then she remembered what Gerion told him when they were at the Rock.

("You messed with the wrong person, when you took his blood family from him. Because of your mistake you will lose what's important. You will fall because of your own doing." Gerion turned around to leave, but stopped, "You won't be getting any help from the Brotherhood. Not even me.")

Tywin groaned thinking on what to do.


Arya Stark


Arya laid on the clothed chest of her big brother as he sleeps. She couldn't sleep without knowing he will be fine. Even if it only had a few hours until the Tourney ended.

Arya let out a sigh as she heard the heartbeats of her brother, knowing it as well as she knew the back of her hand. Arya closed her eyes as she outlined some of Jon's many scars with her index finger, ignoring the key that was there. She wanted to know the stories of how he got these scars.

She stopped when she felt more than a few scars in one place. Arya moved her hand to another part of her brother's body and felt the same, 'There's to many scars, all seem deep. Why are there so many scars on Jon's chest?' She asked herself. Then a horrible thought came to mind, and she moved her fingers to where the heart was and she wanted to cry when she felt the wound there.

Arya leaned back and lifted Jon's tunic, and she started crying when she saw what was under the tunic. Jon's chest was completely covered in deep red scars. Arya ran a finger across one of the scars above his stomach, and felt how real the wound was. She moved her hand to his heart and ran her hand across the scar there.

Arya knew something bad happened on the day when she felt something happened when she felt something being ripped out of her, all those sennights ago, and now she knew why she felt that pain. For that Jon died that day, and now he is alive, with her. For he was her home, and if he dies, she doesn't know what she could do without him in her life.

Arya was to focused on the scar to notice that Jon has awoken. She looked up when she felt eyes on her, and saw Jon looking at her with a sad smile, "I didn't want you to see those, Little Sister." Jon said as he fixed his tunic, and pulled her into a hug.

Arya cried into his tunic, in between sobs, she asked, "Ho- How?"

She felt Jon ruffle her hair, and rubbing for back, "Before I tell you. You need to know that I would die for those that I love. That means you, Little Sister." He rubbed her back, and told her the story of how he those scars. Slowly she closed her eyes, and slowly drifted off into sleep, dreaming of running wolves, be side her was a familiar white wolf, ran with her.


Jon Snow


Jon rubbed the back of Arya's back, knowing that her little sister was sound asleep. He looked down at her and smiled, knowing that this was never going to get old. He looked back to the ceiling and then heard a knock from the door. He looked to see his uncle standing there, looking at the two of them.

He smiled at his uncle, "Father."

He watched as his uncle smiled, a small smile, "I was hoping you still called me that."

Jon laughed a light laugh. The laugh slowly left, and Jon looked to his uncle, and asked, "Why have you come her for Father?"

Ned nodded, "Robert would like to see you. He has asked to see you the second you wake."

Jon nodded and looked down at Arya, whom was still asleep. He got up trying to be careful of not disturbing Arya from her sleep. Jon got out of bed and placed Arya onto it. And turned around and walked towards the where he had his clothing and armour, but before he could take a step his legs started to shake.

Jon sighed and grabbed the closet that he could and continued to walk towards the clothing. He got there and grabbed the black grey tunic, with grey pants, and some boats, and a black cape with the sigil of the Brotherhood of the Old Gods.

He looked to his uncle whom knew what he was going to ask, and left the room but first looking at Arya whom was still asleep. Jon shook his head and his uncle left. Jon started to get dressed, and within a minute and a half he was dressed to meet 'King' Robert Baratheon.

He went to the door to leave, but was stopped when he heard mumbling coming from behind him. He turned to see that Arya has moved in her sleep and was now scratching her tummy with one and the other going further up on her chest. Jon acted quickly and walked with a limp to the bed and cover Arya with a sheet, and kissed her forehead and turned back to the door whispering, "I'll be back, Little Sister."


Jon entered the throne room, for real this time, not being shown anything by Bloodraven. He looked to the throne to see that it was just as ugly as it was when he was having visions with Bloodraven. He didn't get a lot of time to look at the throne, because his uncle was leading him to the small counsel room.

He entered to see the members, Ser Barristan, Varys, Grand Maester(who was glaring at Jon), Renly Baratheon, Baelish, the king, and finally his uncle just taking his seat.

"Take a seat, Snow." The king ordered, pointing towards a chair. Jon nodded and took his seat. Jon watched as Lord Renly went to speak, but was cut off by the King, "Why is it that your company is protesting the Targaryen Whore?"

Jon looked to the King with a blank stare, "Company Information." Jon responded with a cold voice, that held no emotion in it.

The king banged his horn, which was filled with wine, "I AM YOUR KING, BOY!"

Jon just stared at the king, "Company Information."

The King glared at Jon. But the next to speak was Baelish, "What if we pay you." Jon looked over to the man, who continued to speak, "You are Sellswords. You will do anything for gold."

Jon felt his blood boil. His company is more honourable than that. But then a smile slowly grew onto his face, "Aye we are sellswords, but we won't accept."

"Why?" The king asked with rage.

"Because you won't be able to pay us." Jon looked to Baelish, "We know that you are 'borrowing money from the Iron Bank. But we also know that the Throne's debt is at it all time high. And we all know what happens when you don't pay your debt."

Slowly everyone nodded, but the king asked, "How much."

Jon looked to the king, "If you want to, then I will give it." He grinned, "15million gold dragons." He watched as every members eyes widened, "The person who hired the Brotherhood to protect the girl, promised to give that amount for it. If you want the Brotherhood to turn on a deal. You will have to pay us that amount or more for it to happen."

He watched as the members looked at him with shock. He smiled back at them, like nothing happened. Then the doors opened and Jon looked back to see a little girl with blonde hair going down to her shoulders, and blue eyes, the girl was also wearing blue and white clothing. He smiled at the kid,knowing who he is.

"Cassandra, what news do you have for me?" Jon asked.

The girl jogged up to his side and whispered into his ear, "Queen of Thorns wants a meeting with you. Also the Hound is on the Dragonwolf." She whispered to him. He noticed she had something else to say. He nodded, and she spoke louder, and handed him a scroll he opened it and read the contents, "And lastly the Iron Bank wants the Throne's debt paid. You have until six moons turned to pay. If it isn't paid within that time, be prepared for anything."

Jon finished reading the scroll and handed it to Ser Barristan. Jon nodded, "Thank you, Cassandra. You may go back to what you were doing." Cassandra nodded, and left the room with a jog. Jon looked back to the Small Counsel, "Now that you have the Iron Bank on your neck," he stood, "I should get going so that you can all think of a way to pay this debt."

He went to take a step but was stopped by the King, "Even if I don't like you boy. You still won the Melee, and the reason I wanted to talk to you is for that reason." At that moment two guards walked in from another door, both of them carrying a chest, "Here's your reward, 15 hundred gold dragons, brought to you by the lords of the Crownsland." the king then grinned looking at Baelish, "You also won me 100 dragons with you winning that trail."

Jon walked to the chests, and opened to see gold dragons, he nodded, "Thank you, your grace." Jon closed the chest, and stood. Jon looked to his uncle, "Father where is Arthur?"

Ned smiled, "He should be waiting outside the Throne Room. Also please show yourself to Bran. He was worried for you."

Jon nodded, "I will, father." He looked to the king, "Your Grace," And then the other members, "My Lords." Bowing his head.

He went to turn around to leave but was stopped by a voice, "Head Commander Snow." Jon turned around to see Ser Barristan looking at him. Barristan continued seeing that he has his attention, "That sword you were using against the Mountain. Was that Blackfyre?"

Jon nodded, "Yes, Ser Barristan. That was Blackfyre."

Barristan nodded, "Rumours also have it says that you also carry Dark Sister. Is that true, Head Commander?"

Jon nodded, "Yes, Ser Barristan, I also carry Dark Sister." Jon then saw sparkles in the old knights eyes. Jon smiled, "Now Ser Barristan. You have asked me questions. May I ask one myself." Barristan nodded, "Would you like to see them?"

The sparkles grew and Barristan nodded, "Yes, please. I would love to see the swords that belonged to the Conqueror and his Sister."

Jon nodded, "How about when this meeting is done, Ser Barristan. In the training yard." The old knight nodded, and sat back down. Jon turned and left the room, with the two guards carrying the gold dragons behind him.

He found Arthur where his uncle said he would be. He continued to his room where he found Arya still asleep on his bed. He ordered the guards to drop the chest beside the table. When they were gone he locked and bordered the door, and went to his chest, and took everything out of it. When everything was out, it showed a normal bottom. He grabbed the dagger from his belt. He ran the dagger around the sides, and when it stopped he twisted it to the right, and the bottom popped up.

Jon looked down and lifted the fake bottom the rest of the way. It lifted to show three rolled paper, and 3 bags of gold dragons, some empty bags and a small horn. Jon grabbed the rolled papers, and closed the fake bottom, making sure it stays.

Jon then placed all the clothes back into the chest, making it look like nothing happened. Jon then stood, placing his dagger back into its sheath on his belt. He then walked to the chest where he keeps his armour and swords. When he got there he found Blackfyre laying on top of it.

He smiled, and thanked who placed it there. He lifted the sword and placed it against the wall. He grabbed the key from around his neck, placed it into the lock, and twisted until it unlocked. He opened the chest taking Dark Sister out, and closed the chest, twisted the key to lock the chest. And placed it back around his neck.

Jon grabbed both swords, papers and walked towards the door. When he got to the door, but just as he reached for the bar, someone tried to open the door, a bang, and laughter.

"Son of a floppy DICK!" Said a voice that Jon knew very well, "Jon open this door."

Jon unbarred the door, unlocked it, and opened it to show Arianne Martell, and the three oldest of the Sand Snakes, Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene. Jon looked to see Arianne rubbing her forehead and the other three laughing.

Jon looked to Ari and smiled, "Your getting better with your words, Princess Arianne."

Arianne smiled at him, "I have, haven't I?!" Arianne started to laugh, and hugged Jon, who returned it.

"Any trouble with taking over Doran's seat?" Jon asked.

Arianne didn't leave the hug, and just looked into his room, "No. No problems. My Brothers were to afraid to even suggest taking the title because Uncle." She backed away from the huge and looked up at Jon, "Who's the girl sleeping?"

Jon looked back into the room, "My Sister." He looked back to his lover, and her cousins, "Obara, Nym, Tyene." He said bowing his head in greeting.

They just look at him horrified at what he said, Obara was the first to speak, "You… you…"

Jon shook his head, "No I didn't fuck my sister." That was a lie, and Jon knew it, "She was sleeping on me when I woke up." Jon heard all three of them sigh. He looked over to see that Arianne was giving him 'that' look. Jon took a step away from her, "Why are you looking at me like that."

Arianne shook her head, "Oh Nothing. Just something I remembered."

Jon didn't believe her, and just closed the door, making sure he had Blackfyre and Dark Sister with him, as well as the papers. Jon turned around but was stopped when his door opened.

He looked back to see Arya was there. He smiled down at her, "I'm going with." She said with determination. Jon looked her up and down, seeing that her hair was a mess, and her tunic and breeches as well.

Jon nodded, "You can but first you need to fix your hair and clothing."

Arya entered his room, and went to close the door, but a hand stopped her. Jon followed the hand to find Arianne, "I'm helping you, Little Wolf." Arya looked at Arianne like she couldn't trust her, but Arianne just smiled down at her. Soon Arya just nodded, and Arianne followed Arya into the room. The door closed and locked.

Jon looked back to the Sand Snakes, sigh, and started a conversation with them. He noticed that through the conversation, that Tyene was looking at his face, and jumping on her feet, he also noticed the not so hidden blush, when she looked below the belt regain and daydreamed for a bit. Jon smiled at that.

Soon Arya and Arianne were out of his room, with the former pointing, and the later grinning like she just learned a secret. Jon then turned to leave the hall and go to where he was to meet Ser Barristan. Behind him were the Sand Snakes whom were poking at Tyene, a grinning Arianne, and soon Ser Arthur. And beside him was a still pointing Arya. Jon smiled down at her, and with his free hand ruffled her hair, making her point even more, and she punched him in the gut. Jon laughed and soon Arya was as well.


Barristan Selmy


Barristan left the Small Council meeting, with a bit of a jog. It was his free time and even if the king dislikes the boy, the boy still bring back memories. Memories of when the Targaryens were Kings, and the Kingsguard wasn't a bunch of wasted knights.

Barristan continued on his way to the training yard. On his way he remembered the same deep velvet eyes, one so similar to the boy. He remembered when he followed the person around the city, and watching as he played his people songs on his harp. He smiled at those memories.

And before he knew it he was in the training yard. He looked on as he saw three dark skinned woman trained, and further up he spotted the familiar black cape, of the Brotherhood, knowing it was Ser Arthur, and with him the youngest Stark daughter. Barristan looked around and when he spotted the raven black hair, he started walking towards the boy.

Barristan looked at the boy to see he was sitting at one of the benches, as he watched the Stark girl and the knight train, all the while holding the hand of the Princess of Dorne, whom had her head on the boy's shoulder. His eyes widened at the memory that popped into his head. He remembered a time where his Prince Rhaegar was with Princess Elia in the training yard, in the same positioned. He watched as the boy looked to him, and smiled.

The old knight walked up to him, "Head Commander." He held out his hand. The boy took it and shook.

"Lord Commander." He smiled. He broke the hand shake and reached to the other side of the Princess. When his hand returned it held two swords. The boy looked to him, and smiled, "As I promised. Both Blackfyre and Dark Sister."

Ser Barristan looked down at the sheathed swords, he reached out to take one of the blades, but stopped. He looked up to the Boy, "May I test them?"

Snow nodded, "Yes Barristan, you may test the blades."

Barristan continued and grabbed Blackfyre. He took the blade out of the sheathe, and swung the sword around for a bit. The blade was perfect, he ran his hand along the blade, feeling only the indents of the very little writing. He imagined his Prince holding this blade. When he was done with Blackfyre he sheathed the blade, and handed the blade back to Snow.

He then took Dark Sister and did the same, and indeed the sword was made for a woman's hand, and just a little it's sister sword, he only felting nothing but the small indents. But this time he ran his hand across the edge, and before he could move his finger an inch, his hand started to bleed. He sheathed his sword and handed it to the boy.

He watched as the boy took both swords with care, and placing them beside him. Barristan took in the boy's looks. And noticed the small similarities he held to his Prince. He opened his mouth to ask, whom his mother was.

But was stopped by the boy holding out three rolled up paper, "Read them, Ser Barristan." Barristan took the papers, and read them. And each sentence he read his eyes grew wider. When he was finished reading all three, he looked shocked at the boy. The boy looked to him, and smiled, "Ser Barristan are you willing to leave the Usurpers Kingsguard, only in name, and to join the Kingsguard of Daeron the Third?" The boy whispered.

Ser Barristan looked on in shock, and went to ask, but a voice from behind him spoke first, "The scrolls aren't lying, Ser Barristan." He turned to see Lord Stark was there walking closer to them. When Lord Stark stopped he was right in front of him and his king,

Barristan looked to the boy, and was silent until around five minutes passed, the three Dornish women still fighting, and Lord Stark's second daughter still having her lessons.

He nodded, and went to bow, but a hand stopped him. He looked to see it was Lord Stark's he only shook his head and pointed around him. Barristan remembered where he was and nodded in understanding. So instead he looked to his king, and nodded.

He watched as a small smile grew onto his King's face, "Good." He looked back to the training lesson, "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but fuck it." Barristan heard a snort coming from the other side of his King, knowing it was the Dornish Princess, "But Father, and King Robert are going to die soon. There is no stopping that, but when it happens it will cause a war, a war call the 'War of the Five Kings.' The participants are going to be Stannis Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Balon Greyjoy, Robb Stark, and finally Joffrey Waters."

Barristan looked on in shock, "Not another war. Westeros won't be able to handle this."

His king nodded, "I agree Barristan. But that is the future." He looked to him, "But when King Robert dies, you will be with him. And because the Golden Whore, wanting her brother's cock, she will kick you out of the Kingsguard, all of that coming from the Bastard King. When you do leave the red keep going to the harbour. And from there do what your instinct tells you to do." Barristan nodded, and looked over to Lord Stark who was deep in thought, "Father, I won't tell you when and how this will happen, but I will tell you to, not to trust Baelish." His king released a sigh, "But still you will die. Both of them coming out with you losing your head."

Lord Stark looked to his nephew, "When it happens I ask that you take Ice, the Stark household servants, and your sisters away from here."

Barristan watched looked to the King, "I can do that for you, Father. But I won't be staying for when this happens." The King looked away.

Lord Stark then asked, "Why?"

"I made a promise to someone I owe my life to, and I plan on keeping it." The king responded and looked down to his uncle, "Within 5 days, I will be leaving with Bran to go beyond the wall. There he will find what his future holds for him." Daeron sighed again, "I'm sorry Father. Bran, Arya's, and Robb's futures are out of my hand, one is promised for a great future, another one having a future that will hold him to have no emotion and then will pass when his battle is done, and the last is one of stupid decisions and failed arguments."

Barristan watched as Lord Stark looked to his hands, and then asked, "What about Sansa, Rickon, Cregan and my angel."

"One will be Lady of Starfall, where the other is Lord of the Wall, the other has a future of pain and suffering, and the last I won't speak about."

Lord Stark nodded, accepting his fate. And soon Lord Stark left after giving a hug to his nephew and thanking him for letting him know. Barristan looked to the sky and saw that it was going to be night. He left nodding to his King, who nodded back to him.

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