
Chapter 105: A Sudden Turn of Events!

A while ago...

In the dimly lit warehouse, where all sorts of items were stored, three individuals lingered behind, cleaning up after Kaede had accidentally knocked over one of the boxes filled with BB ammo—specifically designed to kill Korosensei.

The small, circular pellets had scattered across the dusty floor, rolling beneath the large, cluttered shelves.

"I wonder if the kimchi will turn out good..." Nagisa mused, a small smile playing on his lips as he glanced over his shoulder.

Among the old, worn-out boxes stacked haphazardly on one of the shelves, a few newer plastic containers stood out, neatly arranged on the floor in stark contrast to their surroundings.

"Ohohoho, of course, it will be delicious!"

A jovial voice echoed through the warehouse, causing Nagisa to turn.

It was none other than Korosensei, seemingly excited. "I noticed that every single group followed Ito-kun's instructions perfectly. So you don't have to worry about the taste..."

"Seems like you're really looking forward to eating this kimchi, Korosensei..." Nagisa remarked with a wry smile, noticing the gleam in Korosensei's eyes that practically screamed anticipation.

It was as if the thought of indulging in the kimchi was enough to make him drool.


Korosensei cleared his throat, trying to compose himself, though it did little to hide his excitement.

Despite his eagerness, Korosensei was still diligently cleaning up the BB ammo designed to kill him.

Nagisa thought it was ironic as he shook his head as he heard Korosensei humming cheerfully as he worked, his many tentacles each holding a broom or dustpan, sweeping up the scattered pellets with such speed that it was nearly impossible to follow with the naked eye.

The pile of ammo quickly diminished as his figure darted to the other side of the room, a blur of efficiency.

"He's totally wide open..."

Nagisa chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on Korosensei's back.

The so-called 'monster' they were supposed to kill was completely absorbed in the mundane task of cleaning.

This year had been nothing short of extraordinary for Class E.

To suddenly find themselves tasked with assassinating a creature of world-destroying potential, an octopus-like being who could move at Mach 20, was beyond anything they could have imagined. It was a situation straight out of a nightmare—yet, somehow, it had become their new normal.

However, despite the initial fear and skepticism that had gripped them, Nagisa had noticed a change.

Bit by bit, everyone had started to warm up to this bizarre creature.

The wariness had given way to something almost like... comfort. They no longer saw Korosensei as just a target, but as a teacher—a rather eccentric one, but a teacher nonetheless.

"He's taught us well, don't you think, Kaede?"

Nagisa asked, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he turned to Kaede.

But Kaede didn't respond immediately. Her face was partially obscured by shadows, hiding her expression.

The usual cheerfulness that characterized her had vanished, replaced by an unsettling stillness.

Nagisa's smile faltered as he noticed this change in her demeanor. "Kaede...?"

But his uncertainty quickly turned to shock as his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight unfolding before him.


From the back of Kaede's neck, something began to emerge—rapidly growing and enlarging with a disturbing fluidity.

It squirmed and twisted behind her, taking on the unmistakable shape of tentacles, mirroring the very creature they had been tasked to kill.

The transformation was alarming, but what truly unsettled Nagisa was Kaede's expression.

The usual cheerfulness that defined her was gone, replaced by a cold, neutral face.

Her eyes, once full of warmth, were now darkened with a deep frown, radiating an unmistakable hostility.


Nagisa felt his body tense, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to reconcile the Kaede he knew with the one standing before him.

"You didn't notice this whole time, did you?"

Kaede's voice was soft, yet it carried a chilling edge as she glared at Nagisa. Her eyes were cold, filled with an intensity he had never seen before.

Without warning, Kaede turned her attention to Korosensei, her tentacles whipping forward with deadly precision toward the ground.


The speed and force behind the attack were so overwhelming that it caught Korosensei off guard. He barely had time to react as the tentacles struck the ground where he stood, the impact sending shockwaves through the warehouse.


The floor beneath him cracked open, revealing a deep pit that seemed to have been meticulously prepared for this very moment.

Korosensei's figure disappeared into the pit as the warehouse quaked from the force of the blow.

Nagisa watched in stunned silence as Kaede leaped into the pit after him, clearly intent on using the confined space to her advantage in her attempt to kill him.

"...Did she plan all of this out?"

Nagisa mumbled, disbelief and shock mingling in his voice.

"Nagisa? Where's Kaede?"

"The fuck is going on?"

Before he could fully process what was happening, his classmates rushed into the warehouse, bombarding him with questions as they dragged him out.

Crack! Crack!

The building groaned under the strain of the attack, the cracks spreading rapidly across the walls and ceiling.

Nagisa barely had time to look back as the roof began to collapse, sending a wave of dust billowing out as the entire warehouse crumbled into ruins.

"Nagisa, are you alright?"

Tsuna's voice was heard as he was truly worried about his cash co-- Nagisa's well being since it directly correlated with his interest.

His gaze shifted to the crumbling warehouse, furrowing his brows in concern, "Where are Kaede and Korosensei?"


Nagisa hesitated, his expression conflicted as he recalled the shocking events that had just unfolded.


Before he could explain further, a loud explosion echoed through the air.

"Korosensei?" someone gasped.

All eyes snapped to the source of the explosion, just in time to see a blurry figure burst out of the ground.

Korosensei shot upward, as if propelled by some immense force, his tentacles a blur of motion as he emerged from the earth with incredible speed and strength.

Dust and debris scattered in all directions, the shockwave of his escape rattling everyone present.

To their surprise, Korosensei appeared nervous while kneeling on the ground with ragged breaths.

"What a close call..."

The yellow octopus was genuinely shaken; he hadn't anticipated such a surprise attack.

The strong, pungent smell of fermenting kimchi had thrown off his usually keen senses, causing him to lower his guard.

"And she even prepared a special liquid, made from the material that could kill me, to trap me while preventing any escape..." he continued, his tone filled with both disbelief and a trace of admiration for Kaede's meticulous planning.

Fortunately, Korosensei had managed to escape by digging a new pit just in time, narrowly avoiding what could have been a fatal situation. As he slowly rose to his feet, he warily turned his head toward the warehouse, the ruins still trembling ominously.

The ground shook once more before a burst of debris erupted from the wreckage.

Amidst the cloud of dust, shards of wood, shattered glass, and even the reddish remnants of kimchi, a familiar figure emerged.

Kaede stood atop one of the few remaining pillars, her tentacles writhing menacingly around her


The shock slowly spread across the faces of Class E's students as they took in the sight before them.

The two menacing tentacles, eerily similar to the ones Itona had before Korosensei removed them, waved threateningly in the air as Kaede let out a dark chuckle, her expression twisted with self-deprecation.

"Aw... that was unlucky. I attacked with everything I had, yet he still managed to escape..." she murmured, a bitter edge to her voice.

Her expression hardened, the hostility in her eyes unmistakable, "Seems like I'm still underestimating you, you fucking murderer..."

The words hung in the air, heavy with venom.

The cold, murderous intent in Kaede's voice was so stark that the students couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the same person they had known all along.

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