
Chapter 51: Family

This chap is a bit longer than usual, I want to end it faster.


Tsuna felt a tap on his shoulder.

As he turned his head, another person appeared!


It was a face he was so familiar with that his eyes widened in shock, "Are you... Tsuna?"

The original Tsuna, the poor little teenager, the original owner of the body he had taken over, stood before his very eyes!

It was like looking at his own reflection, but one that moved on its own.

However, he noticed the different expressions of the other Tsuna.

Unlike his usually nonchalant and slightly cold demeanor, this Tsuna looked genuinely happy. He smiled brightly, sending chills down the original Tsuna's spine.

"I'm not what you think I am..."

The Him from his previous life suddenly spoke with a cold voice he recalled vividly. The person then turned and looked at Shukaku with an icy gaze.

"Not what I think... Then what are you?"

The water droplet sound suddenly turned into a wave, and a surge of blood slowly spread apart in the mind realm, painting the whole realm red.

His previous self stood at the center of it, surrounded by mountains of corpses.


Shukaku's golden pupils dilated at the sight of those corpses, and his tail unconsciously straightened.

He didn't know what was going on, but he felt a shiver down his spine.

"What is this! He's just a human!"

Shukaku hated humans.

They were not beings he could trust, as they had been mistreated and used him like tools despite being sentient beings that could think, feel, and speak just like humans.

They were beings that failed the teachings of his own creator, Hagoromo Otsutsuki!

"...But what is this feeling?"

He felt the horror of those bloodstains spreading apart in the mind realm.

It was different...

...humans were disgusting, but he never feared them despite knowing they had killed each other for centuries for their personal gains.

However, among those corpses...


He didn't feel any such intent at all!

"...How... are you even living like that!?"

It was as if the human in front of him had killed them as naturally as if he were breathing!

Shukaku screamed out loud as his pupils shook. He was utterly shaken to the core.

Those cold eyes, that blood, it reminded him of Indra!

"No... Even Indra had feelings!"

But those...

...were cold and stiffening!

"We are..."

The original Tsuna smiled even brighter as a wind suddenly blew up, turning the sky blue with clouds and brightening the whole realm as he continued, "...you."


Tsuna felt his whole being shaken to the core as he blinked, suddenly finding himself standing alone in the mind realm, the ground bloody while the sky brightened.

"...I see..."

He mumbled with unfocused eyes, then chuckled, "Keke..."


His chuckles slowly turned into laughter as he closed his eyes.

Since the first day he took over, Tsuna had felt a slight discomfort deep within himself.

It wasn't his mind, body, or way of living.

Today, he realized it was his soul that gave him such a strange feeling.

The emotional residue beneath his memories created a confusion. He often felt slightly disoriented, experiencing things that were both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

Was it from his memories?

Or was it the Original Tsuna, his previous self?

Living with this sense of displacement was a constant for him.

"I am me, huh?"

Tsuna sighed, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. He could feel that discomfort fading away. 

A deep sense of comfort washed over him as the realm suddenly shook.

Huge stone pillars emerged from the ground, and Tsuna's eyes snapped open as the stones morphed into bookshelves made of earth, stabilizing the shaking ground.

Tsuna felt a newfound sense of completeness, his six senses had been completely elevated to a new level!

And more importantly...

He also sensed it...

...the deep connection he shared with the Earth was now even stronger!

The blood scattering throughout the realm slowly transformed into ink, flowing onto the pages of new bookshelves, while the corpses dissolved into dust, etching complex carvings into the shelves.

The once-bloody ground now resembled a grand library under a vast and beautiful blue sky!


Tsuna raised his hand, and the earth trembled once more.

A massive boulder on the size of a mountain, loomed over Shukaku, who cowered in the corner of the mind realm like a mere ant.

"Would you like me to teach you a lesson?"


Shukaku was paralyzed with fear at the sight of the colossal earth hovering ominously above him, its shadow casting a pall over his trembling form.

"Papa Sage, please... I want to go home..." he whimpered, invoking the memory of Hagoromo Otsutsuki in a desperate plea for safety.

Tsuna's grin widened as he observed the terrified raccoon before him.

While he was relieved that this confrontation was confined to their minds, he couldn't resist the temptation to play a little.

With a sinister chuckle, Tsuna's expression twisted into a smirk, "Let's tame a raccoon this time... Kekeke..."


The massive boulder inched closer to Shukaku, who let out a high-pitched scream, his fear palpable in the air.

That that, Shukaku faced an entirely new kind of terror.

"This is it!"

For a fleeting moment, Gaara noticed a shift in Tsuna's demeanor. His eyes lost focus, and the sand surrounding him seemed to weaken.

Sensing an opportunity, Gaara sprang to his feet, intent on delivering a fatal blow. With a swift motion, he directed his sand claw towards Tsuna.

"...Huh? Wha?"

But to his bewilderment...


His cry of frustration echoed through the realm as he felt Shukaku's chakra dissipate.

The sand claw, once formidable, now crumbled to the ground like ordinary grains of sand.

Then, a voice pierced the silence as he realized Tsuna seemed to have regained his composure, "Now, what do you want to do?"

"You bast--!"

Before Gaara could finish his retort, a powerful punch connected with his face, sending him crashing to the ground.

But the assault didn't stop there.

Tsuna's fists rained down on Gaara mercilessly, each blow landing with a resounding thud.

The sound of impact echoed across the training ground, mingling with Gaara's pained groans.

Despite his attempts to fight back, Gaara found himself overwhelmed.

His own chakra depleted, and Shukaku remained strangely silent throughout the ordeal, leaving Gaara to endure the one-sided beating helplessly.

"You... you cheating bastard! How dare you use your jutsu in a fistfight!"

Gaara's words dripped with venom as he lay sprawled on the ground, blood staining his face.

He felt a surge of indignation at Tsuna's that was able to freely use Earth Bending while he was left defenseless with his chakra reserves depleted.

Tsuna chuckled, his tone mocking, "Since when did we agree to a fair fight? You're amusing..."

"You're just like him, you bastard!"

Gaara's gaze bore into Tsuna's eyes, seeing in them a reflection of his father.

Those cold, indifferent eyes, unyielding and self-centered.

They repulsed him, reminding him of the very reason he had felt such disdain for Tsuna from their first encounter that made him unconsciously attacked the guy.


"Well, whatever you say you brat. I'm about to leave..."

Tsuna shook his head, indicating his reluctance to engage further. Gaara seemed stunned by this response, muttering, "...You're not going to kill me?"

"Huh? Why should I kill you?"

"...Because I'm a monster."

Gaara's eyes dilated as he spoke, his confusion evident.


Tsuna fell silent for a moment, his gaze locked with Gaara's.

He couldn't help but feel a connection to those eyes, resonating with him in some way. Slowly, he raised his hand, and the sand began to gather around it as he closed his eyes.


Gaara gritted his teeth, expecting Tsuna to strike.

"I see... So, that's why your eyes were like that."

Tsuna sighed, his gaze filled with pity as he looked at Gaara. "You're just a pitiful child who blames yourself..."

"Bastard, are you mocki---!"

"...just like me, huh?"

Gaara's eyes widened in surprise as Tsuna suddenly smiled—a smile that seemed impossible for someone whose eyes were like his father's!

"Don't you realize it, Gaara? Those sands..."

A warm sand enveloped Gaara's figure as Tsuna's voice continued, "...were the proof of your mother's love..."

"What are you talk--"

"That's why it feels warm, isn't it?"

Tsuna's words left Gaara completely stunned, leaving him unable to respond.

"Your mother's death has nothing to do with you, and she wants me to tell you that she always loved you..."

Tsuna sighed as he slowly walked away, waving his hand. "If you don't believe me, that's fine. Besides... don't you have it?"

"....Have what?"

Gaara looked at Tsuna, who chuckled before disappearing into the shadows. "...a family that loves you?"


A loud shout rang out as Gaara widened his eyes in shock.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned to see Temari and Kankuro arriving, concern etched on their faces.

"Right... I-I have... F-family..."

Gaara tightly gripped his fist as his vision blurred, he was on the verge of losing his consciousness.


Strangely, he felt at peace.


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