
• Bloodsports Of Calvary Park

"Come on kids! We don't have to make this harder than it already is!" Head Marshal Osmos said. "Go to your respective caravels, and return to your separate Wings."

"How did you know to find us!?" Cerene asked loudly.

"I don't see how that matters, Princess Cerene," Osmos replied. "Just come with me and let's head back to the bastion."

The trio's excitement turned into frustration and defiance, glaring at the marshals surrounding them and knowing what this was going to come down to if they further refused to go with them.

"Is this it?" Nero muttered. "Are we just... going back?"

Akemi shook her head doggedly. "Not going back." Then she created her crimson katana and readied for a fight.

"Oh, Princess Akemi. I really don't think that's a good idea," Osmos warned.

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