
Chapter 432 Dawn of the Tao

Longli County Criminal Police Team basement.

Doctor Ye looked at Medical Examiner Zhai's bloodshot eyes, feeling a bit scared. As he was moving a basket of bones out, he kindly said, "Medical Examiner Zhai, do you want to rest for a bit? Work can be done anytime, you don't have to push yourself so hard."

"Rest..." Medical Examiner Zhai's head tilted slightly, a bit sluggishly repeating Doctor Ye's words, like a broken repeat machine. After a while, he said, "If I rest... wouldn't last night's all-nighter have been for nothing?"

"You didn't have to stay up all night yesterday either," Doctor Ye said with a laugh and sigh. He thought to himself, "Right now, you're in a state where you could be cheated out of 10 bucks while getting breakfast, what more can you do?"

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