
The Stone! Its Gone!

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Word Count 2380



A few hours earlier after Dumbledore left the castle to go to the Wizengamot. Quirrelmort decided it was his time to strike. With both Dumbledore and Harry Potter away from the castle there was nothing to stop him.

First he ambushed Severus and left him injured and unconscious. This battle took most of the magical reserves in Quirrell's body but he had enough. 

Tom walked into the final room. And immediately he was faced with the Cerberus. Now frankly he isn't very knowledgeable about Care of Creatures. But the big buffoon Hagrid was talking the other night while being drunk.

A Cerberus can be put to sleep with music. A quick spell and the giant mutt fell asleep. After that there was a ward scheme on the trap door. It took him a while to disable it since the synergy between Voldemort and Quirrell wasn't that good and was actually disturbing the magic in the body. Making it hard to use.

Voldemort make his way past the traps one by one. And just as he reached the final chamber all he found was an empty room.

"Where is the stone?" Quirrell asked "Master I don't see the Mirror."

Voldemort promptly took over the body. His red eyes scanned the room. But there was nothing here.


In a burst of flames Dumbledore appears with his phoenix on his shoulder.

"Dumbledore! Where did you hide the stone"

The old man ignored him and was focused on the spot the mirror was. He quickly used his wand in complex movements to figure out what had happened when Voldemort had attacked.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A sickly green beam of light flew at the old man who raised his wand and conjured a marble shield.

'Pest!' Dumbledore cursed in his mind, he was done playing around. He aimed his wand at Quirrelmort and shot a blood red spell at him. Voldemort cast a shield but the spell slipped past it.

A moment after the spell hit him. Quirrell burst into a blood mist. The spell was a Transfiguration Class spell that Dumbledore invented. It eliminates the bonds that hold the body together. Essentially causing all the cells in the body to separate at once.

"DAMN YOU DUMBLEDORE!!!" The Wraith escaped the blood mist while cursing him. It quickly went through the wall and disappeared.

Now that he had silence he started from the beginning. And once the results came back in he was shocked.

There was nothing. No magic whatsoever on and around the stone tiles where the mirror stood. He expanded his search. The traps. The entrances and exits were untouched before Voldemort came in. No other magical signature was found.

There was no wizard in the world that could have possibly done this. Unless it wasn't a wizard at all? Could have someone from the Supernatural world heard about the Stone being here?

'No. I can not let them have the stone. It would be a disaster to the wizarding world and my plans.'

Dumbledore rushes off to the Ministry to get an International Portkey to France. He can't Floo Call, Apperiate or Flame Travel to France. The distance was too great. And sending in an Owl would take even longer to notify Flamel. The fastest way was for him to go there personally.

Dumbledore got back into his office and used the Floo Travel to get to the Ministry. Once he was there he got an International Portkey that set off 20 minutes later.

~ Hogwarts

Harry also returned to Hogwarts but he used the secret passage to do it. He predicted that Dumbledore would go to France to inform the Flemels.

He had arranged for the person working in Portkey Control to inform one of Harry's people when Dumbledore would leave.

Harry knew when the old man left as the International Portkeys were always at a specific time. Since they travelled large distances there was no room for mistakes. And to make sure that the landing zone on the other side was empty a sell.

'Show time. I have about a 10 minutes to get everything and leave after i trigger the wards notify the professors. And and whole hour before Dumbledore comes back with the next Portkey back to the UK. Maybe even more if he misses that one. Depending on where the Flemel's live, I don't know if they are even connected to the French Floo Network.'

Harry drank a potion so he was now in his adult form wearing wearing grey and black robes along with a black mask that covered his entire face. The only thing that didn't fit was the broom strapped on his back.

He was in front of Dumbledore's office and the Gargoyle was staring down at him. 'Let see'. Harry gathered the small amounts of magic he stole from Crabbe Senior before he killed him and used his magical signature to open the Door.

Harry already had a premade list of mundane candies, so he used magic to directly test out each and every one in a span of a few seconds. And since he was using another magical signature. Even if they tested it on the students later nothing would be found. And Crabbe Senior was dead and his body was turned to ashes. So no matter what they compare the signature to, nothing would come out from it.


The Gargoyle opened sideways revealing a spiral staircase.

'Seriously? Sour Punch?' Harry shook his head at Dumbledore's addiction to candy. 'I hope his teeth fall off soon' He didn't waste any time though as he was on the clock. He quickly went up the stair case and blasted apart the door as it would be easier to destroy then the 'stone guardian' that had been saturated in magic for a thousand years. And it would trip Dumbledore up as to why he didn't blow up the Gargoyle.

The portraits immediately woke up """"" Intrud-""""'

But Harry was faster. The moment he entered the room he threw a dozen of small beads that exploded in a flash of light and sound


The beads held a spell that freezes portraits. This method would again allow Harry not to use his own magic to leave traces. But they also had a secondary purpose. The sound was to stun the Phoenix.


Fawks screeched out in pain. Harry quickly pulled out a small item from his pocket that quickly enlarged into a big bird cage. From the bird cage golden chains came out and started dragging the bird in the cage

' Bakudo #63 :Sajō Sabaku' (Eternal Binding Chain)

Cree!!!. Cree!!!.

Fawks started to struggle and screech. It tried using flames and tried to flame travel away. But it couldn't. It even felt its strength leaving.


With great force Fawks was slammed into the cage.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

As soon as that happened the door closed and all the locks turned. Trapping him inside. The cage bars stared to glow as runes appeared all over the cage.

'Phoenix captured. Man this was such a good idea. Unlimited Phoenix Tears, Feathers and Ash' Harry smiled as he put away the cage in one of his expanded pockets alongside the broom that he brought with him.

"Who are you!? What are you doing!?!" The Sorting Hat yelled out.

Harry ignored its questions as he approached and grabbed the hat.

"Why when the bearded bastard comes back I'll complain! I'll drive him mad until he finds you! Wait. What are you doing!. Stop it right now!!!"

Harry put the Hat in a box he had prepared that also locked itself once it was closed. He severed the connection that Hogwarts had with the Hat. And the Hat could no longer be found by divination in the next 48 hours. That's how long both the box and the cage will last. More than enough time for him to put them in some safe house under a permanent and strong Anti-Scrying wards.

As for why he took the Hat. Why would he leave a powerful weapon like the Sword of Gryffindor in the hands of Dumbledore. Even if he can't have it. There is no reason to let Dumbledore keep it. What if the old man figured out how to go around the rules and pulls it out anyway. Then he would have a powerful weapon to use against Harry.

After the bird and the hat. Harry proceeded to ransack the entire Office. Destroying all of his trinkets. Taking any book he saw worth in. Destroyed his desk, finding hidden files, notebooks of experiments.

He found a secret room stashed with metals he had created using Alchemy along with alchemy books and books he had written himself. Kind of like finished projects rather than ideas in notebooks.

Harry glanced at the watch on his wrist. 'Nice less than 3 minutes'. He quickly exited the office and put on the 'Family Cloak'. After he had blood bound it. It revealed its true effect. Rather than a cloak. It transformed into a membrane layer that covered his entire body from head to toe. No getting tangled up, tripping or getting caught on something.

You just vanish. Like a ghost.


Well this ghost has C4.


The wall of the office that faced outside was blown apart. Leaving a big hole for the 'intruder' to escape using a broom under all of the smoke. Harry casually walked along the hallways as the professors were rushing past him to get to the office.

He made his way down to one of the underground tunnels and into the Forbidden forest where he apparated away two times. Before using a teleportation circle to 2 of the random locations he had found then finally teleporting to one of his safehouses.

' Its a good day to be me. An hour or two later I will come back normally as Harry Potter who was just coming back from the Wizengamot. '

~ Headmasters office. 

As soon as the professors arrived they froze in shock.

"Oh, dear" McGonagall covered her mouth

The entire room was destroyed. The bookshelves were in pieces laying on the ground. His desk as well. All the drawers were opened and emptied. There was even a secret room that none of them knew about.

"Blast." Snape cursed outload. This was not going end well. Somehow an intruder had snuck into Hogwarts undetected. Entered the room and robbed the Headmaster blind. 'This is a nightmare. The Prophet is going to have a blast once they hear about this. And Dumbledore is going to get a stroke.

"Merin's beard." Hagrid who was tending to Fluffy ran over once he had heard the explosion.

Only Flitwick was composed. Dare say a little bit happy. His goblin ancestry was extinctic to see someone like Dumbledore have this big of a loss.

"Fawks is gone." he commented snapping the group back to reality.

Snape quickly looked around the room but this time in more detail. 'There aren't enough books on the ground. The thief must have taken them with them. The Hat is also missing. And the portraits are frozen'

He waved his wand in the air and dispelled the effect on the portraits.

""""-er!!!!!!"""" The portraits yelled out before realizing the professors were here.

"What happened! What did you see!" Snape demanded

"A ma-" "wear-" "-oom" "-ack" "Danger-"

The portraits started talking at the same time. Making it impossible to understand anything.

"SILENCE!!!!!" McGonagall yelled out, and the portraits instantly stopped. She was Deputy Headmistress. That means she has slight authority over them.

"Headmaster Phineas. Please explain what happened here"

Phineas Black snorted "What happened? You were robbed blind my dear. That's what happened. A man entered the room after blowing up the door. He was covered from head to toe in black and grey. He had a broom strapped onto his back. He then threw some marbles at us and after a flash of bright light everything went dark. That's all that we saw.

Who the hell did Dumbledore piss off this time? I told him his attitude was going to come back and bite him on the arse"

"Phineas must you be so vulgar, especially at a time like this" McGonagall narrowed her eyes at the portrait who just sneered at her.

"Oh really? What are you going to do to stop me, oh mighty Deputy. If I recall, and I should know considering I was headmaster once. You are supposed to assist Dumbledore in running the school. And as far as I can see. The school has never fallen so low in its entire history including the witch hunts!"

Snape just waved his hand and all the portraits froze. They didn't have any time to waste. " Find Hooch. Tell her to Me, Septima, Bathsheda and Filius will check the sky for any man or woman flying a broom. Each of is will take one direction to track them down."

McGonagall nodded "Right. Then the rest of us will handle the castle and calm down the students. I will call the Aurors. I know Albus would like to deal with this in-house. But not calling them now would make it even worse. Hogwarts was infiltrated, robbed and attacked. The moment the intruder blasted the door Albus should have been notified. I have no idea where he is at the moment."

"We can't wait for him. Call the aurors and tell them that an intruder infiltrated and destroyed the Headmasters office. The professors are in pursuit and requesting assistance. I will be taking the West side." With that Snape went to the broken wall as his robes bellowed behind him. He quickly unshrunk the broom he had in his pocket and left for the sky.

"Blimey. Why did he already have a broom on him?" Hagrid said in suprise.

Fillius just chuckled. He knew Snape's character well. That man has been ready to run for the past decade. ' He probably has his emergency supply trunk already on him. Oh well lets see if we can even catch a glimpse of this mystery thief. Though I highly doubt it. If he is even as half as skilled as running as he is in infiltration. Then we don't stand a chance'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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