
Mirror Alice

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Word Count 1700


"Huh, so this is how the famous Boy-Who-Lived survived. He won the lottery on his birthday and got just the Sacred Gear he needed to survive and reflect the killing curse." Melinda's reaction was disappointment

"Actually two lotteries. First to get the Sacred Gear, then get the right one, I was really hoping for some rare magic to be involved"

Harry deadpanned at her "Wow thanks for the great reaction."

"Well, I think it looks pretty" Hope was playing around with the silver frame encrusted with sapphires.

"So what can you do with it?" Melinda raises an eyebrow

I raise my hand and the small mirror floats away from Hope's hand and turns into its real size. A giant mirror, two meters high and a meter wide.

"Mirror Alice has the ability to take, store, and reflect attacks back at the opponent, double its original power. It has a cooldown for the next reflection. Let's see if mine is any different. Hope can you throw a few spells at me?" Harry turned to Hope and put the mirror in front of him

"Sure" Hope flicked her wrist and the wand shot out of the wand holster. She caught it and with blazing arm speed, she had already launched 3 spells at Harry.

All 3 spells were absorbed in the mirror.

Harry quickly came out from behind the mirror and scratched his chin as he mused about the effects

"Hmmm, I can feel the spells inside. It can take a lot more than this. I can actually reflect all 3 back at you, with double the power. Maybe it has a cap? How much power it can absorb?" Harry waved his hand and all 3 spells launched back in another direction. All 3 were twice as strong in comparison when Hope cast them.

Harry frowned at the mirror "The cooldown is already done. Maybe its really because the spells are too weak. Melinda your turn."

"Heh, let me show you that this old lady can still fight" Melinda smiled as she rolled up her sleeves a bit. She took out her staff and slammed it into the ground in front of her. From the head of the staff a basketball-sized magic circle appeared then 3 more above it, and those 3 started to spin.

"Mid Tear Fire Magic- Fire Vortex" Melinda calls out her attack just for the purpose of the experiment. Calling it out in battle is just suicidal. Unless the specific spell requires a chant.

From the top of the staff where the circles were spinning. A huge Vortex of Fire headed straight for the mirror.

The Mirror did its purpose and absorb the attack. It then used a bit of my stamina to use the double function.

Interesting so it runs on stamina. Well, it makes sense, what if some ordinary human got Mirror Alice. They don't have the mana required. God made it so anyone who gets the gear can use it, if they have the stamina required.

I quickly turn the mirror away from Hope and Melinda and let it loose. The Fire Vortex was double its original size and power. It burned through a hill. And still kept burning.

$Triplex Lata Aguamenti Maxima $ (Triple Wide WaterSpell Maximum)

I raised my wand and a torrent of water came out of it, dousing the flames. Took a bit of mana to produce that much water. But I got it done.

"Hooo, well done, you are getting good with those" Melinda compliments my spell casting

"Yeah it's quite easy and useful. Just add 'Duplici' or 'Triplex' to multiply the spell and 'Lata' for a wide range of attack. and then 'Maxima' to maximize the output." Harry shrugged his shoulders like he didn't do anything that impressive

"How's the gear?" Melinda looks at the mirror whose gems dulled a bit

"It's fine, it has a one-minute cooldown for big spells like that. Which sucks, I'm pretty sure I can lower the time required by training. But there is more to the gear than this."

Harry closed his eyes and focused.

The big mirror split into 3 smaller mirrors.

"Its a sub-species gear. Throw 10 low-level attacks at me"

Melinda obliged and threw fireballs at Harry. The mirrors zoomed past grabbing a fire ball and launching it right away, then immediately going for another one.

"Huh? Where is the cooldown, it might have been a weak attack but there still should have been at least 20 seconds until it can reflect again" Melinda was confused

Harry just smiled "This is the ability of the Sub-species. I can use mana or stamina as the cost for the cooldown. And I need more stamina to reflect them right after another. But there is one last trick"

The mirrors positioned themselves in a triangle formation. Harry pointed his finger at one of the mirrors and launched a bolt of lightning.

The mirror absorbed the attack and then threw it at the mirror next to it, that one did the same. And the third mirror returned it to the first one.

The first one threw it again to the second mirror. But the attack was stronger.

They just kept passing the lightning to each other. After each cycle, the attack grew stronger and stronger.

Melinda and Hope looked at Harry waiting for an answer for the unasked question 'How does it work'

" This is the final ability of the subspecies. They take an attack, but instead of doubling their power each time, it will only increase 30% after each cycle. But in return, it costs less for me. The speed of the cycle depends on how much mana I am wiling to put in.

So theoretically I can keep doing this and let the attack charge up then unleash it at someone, but nobody will let me do something like that mid-battle. But this will be still useful, if I position myself carefully and just bide my time by blocking or praying attacks. I can let the mirrors do their thing. And let out an attack that will wipe them out."

Milnda looked at the bolt of lightning that was just getting stronger and stronger. "Interesting. I always assumed that Mirror Alice was a weak Gear. After all, it just reflects one attack, and then it's useless for 1 minute. 1 minute is enough time for someone to be killed 5 times over.

But your Sub-species is quite useful depending on how you use it. Wonderful Hahahaha! My disciple just got a whole lot stronger!" Melinda laughed out loud

Harry happily nodded "Yeah I'm ecstatic as well. This means I can do even more dangerous experiments and the mirror is here to protect me from the Explosions"

Melinda just deadpanned "Why do you automatically assume that your experiment will lead to explosions?"

Hope just smiled wryly "Don't they always? Last time he tried to create a water spell that blew up in his face"

"I messed up with the pressure calculations a little... Which lead to me regrowing my eyebrows" Harry said without a hit of shame

Melinda just sighed "Only you Harry"

~~ Two days later DADA class

" Hadrian are you up for another spar" Professor Aurelius called him out

'Last time I was shocked by his knowledge and speed. That will not happen again. I need to regain the trust and respect of the students. Hadrian is definitely a protégé but I need to stop him from being arrogant. That kid will kill himself one day'

"Of course professor" Harry stood up, already taller than most of his schoolmates.

'How is he 8 when he is as big as a 10-year-old?' The professor asked himself in confusion

Both he and Harry climbed on the building platform.

The professor got into a dueling stance and Harry did the same "Mock Dueling rules. No maiming or serious injuries"

Harry nodded. The professor pointed his wand at a certain direction. He formed a small air bubble that was getting pressurized bit by bit. And would burst in a few seconds, marking the start of the duel.



The bubble burst

Both the professor and Harry shot out an Expeliamus. Since they were in a mock duel, dangerous spells were banned.

The last duel only happened because the professor asked Harry to give everything that he has got.

Both of them sidestepped. They kept throwing prank spells at each other, Stinging Hexes that could bruise if enough power is used. And barrier spells to block attacks.

This went on for a while before Harry started to throw out spells at high pace missing a few.

The professor shook his head, thinking that Harry was panicking and was desperate.

But one of the spells hit the floor right below him

A few seconds later a segment of the stage opened up and a Jack in a Box rose from the ground.


A big scary Jester head popped right into the professor's face. It had black hair and beard with a few missing teeth


The professor was started and jumped back, he was thrown off balance, but he quickly blew up the Jester head. Harry didn't miss this opportunity.

He threw a banishing charm at the professor who saw this and quickly defended himself with a shield. But the force still pushed him back a few steps due to him not having a proper balance

Just as the professor was about to attack again one of the students yelled out "Ahhh, the professor is out of bounds"

This caused Marcus to quickly look down. And he saw that his heel was over the white line, meaning he is disqualified.

With a sigh, Marcus brings down his wand and turns to Harry with a wry smile

"Hadrian congratulations. That was a very clever trick you did there. You have beaten me twice and proved yourself to be far more advanced than your peers. I will write a recommendation letter for you to jump to the next grade."

Harry did a small bow "Thank you professor"

On the inside, Harry was grinning 'One subject down, a dozen more to go'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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