

Chapter Three—Recollections of Shadows

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Taylor finished her palladium gathering two days later. She'd taken her entire savings out of her account, all $249.25 of it and used about half of it to purchase the various chemicals she needed. Now all of the ceramic pieces were thoroughly crushed and sitting in the various glass bowls Taylor had scavenged from the kitchen, plus a few she'd had to purchase, submersed in a special chemical soup. While it did the separating over the next day and a half, Taylor went to work creating a circuit board that would handle the large number of processors she'd managed to scavenge.

The good news was that the processors, while a little bit older, were actually faster than she'd expected. Partially Tinker-tech, they were a simplified copy of a design from a Tinker who specialized in adapting other Tinker's work to the public realm. Apparently, only some items were capable of being used that way, and even then they lost a lot of their effectiveness. But when they did work, it was extremely beneficial.

So Taylor had ended up with a hundred and twenty-five individual processors about equal to what Stark Tech had been building for the public about twenty-five or so years ago. Not bad at all. Now, it was only a matter of time until she got the beginnings of an AI up and running. At least to the point it would write its own software so that she didn't have to. JARVIS would live again.

Taylor took a step back and rubbed her forehead, absently tapping the marker in her other hand on the table. She really needed to rethink that name. Anything that heightened Tony Stark's memories in her head needed consideration. Maybe by naming the AI something different, she could separate herself from the other.

Taylor had had nightmares every single night since the 'download' had happened. And they were getting worse. Intellectually, she understood this was likely caused by her mind slowly integrating her new memories into her core consciousness, a concept she'd gotten from those same memories. But the reality was vastly more disturbing as visions of destruction and of the deaths of people she'd respected and cared about danced through her dreams, turning them dark and hideous. Or rather of people that Tony had cared about.

Taylor knew her dad was worried about her. He'd come into her room again last night and woken her up from a bad dream. This one was of being tortured by Islamic terrorists, something for which she was grateful. Unfortunately, he'd told her this morning that when he got home, they were going to talk. It wasn't something to which she was looking forward to.

It wasn't that Taylor hadn't considered telling her dad about what had happened. She had. But she knew that he would push her towards joining the Wards as a safety measure. That wasn't a straitjacket that Taylor was prepared to put on now or anytime in the future. For every resource available to Protectorate and Ward Tinkers, there were ten times as many rules designed to make sure you couldn't make effective use of them.

Taylor knew to get the most out of her knowledge, she needed to stay 'free range.' So for the foreseeable future, her dad couldn't know what had happened to her.

Taylor stopped, staring down at the poster board on the work bench in front of her. While she'd been deep in thought, her hand had kept on sketching the layout for the array she was building. And wasn't that creepy in a split personality kind of way?

Taylor shook off her disturbing thoughts. Now that she had a layout, she just had to begin building the actual nodes using the high temp soldering gun she'd scavenged from the second hand electronics store over on Eastmont Avenue. She was finding quite a few items that were used or didn't work and was able to buy them cheaply. The broken ones were usually easily fixed, although she did resent the time it took away from her real work.

If Taylor stayed focused, she should have enough of the hardware in place by the weekend so she could start in on writing the software, using the best of the old desktops she'd found. Once she had the prerequisite number of lines of code written, the AI would write about ninety-five percent of the rest itself. Certain parts Taylor would still have to proof, especially those protocols dealing with the AI's limits. After all she wouldn't want another Ultron on her conscious, although with the newer Moral Protocols that Tony had come up with, that particular aberration was highly unlikely.

Taylor shuddered. There was too much information dancing around in her head. So many memories that, for just a moment, she didn't know who she was. Silently repeating her mantra of self, Taylor thought about breaking off and calling it a day. Then she looked at how much she still had left to do, and stoically got back to work, hips moving to the rhythm of music that had never existed on Earth Bet.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

Danny walked in the door and tossed his keys into the dish on the side table. He almost called out to his daughter, but decided to surprise her instead. Plus, he wanted to make sure that she was actually studying for that round of tests she had coming up in just over three weeks.

If he was being completely honest with himself, Danny was also bothered by something. Ever since the day after Taylor had come home after being suspended, there had been something different about her. She was possessed of an almost manic energy that didn't seem to allow her to sit still for any appreciable amount of time. Even when they were sitting together watching a movie, she'd be swinging her foot or tapping her fingers. She'd been energetic, once upon a time, but that had faded to a silence and stillness that had been present ever since her mother had died. Now she was anything but.

It wasn't just that. Taylor's attitude when he'd come home at lunch a few days ago to give her the news about his meeting with the school administration had been... odd. Her matter-of-fact request for the bad news first had surprised him. She'd just been so calm and composed with her whole future on the line. Worse, she hadn't reacted when she'd learned that she was still suspended beyond a flash of... rage?

Taylor also hadn't reacted when Danny had given her the good news either, other than a diffident smile that had been about as genuine as a three dollar bill. Maybe she's just growing up, he thought regretfully as he considered how hard things had been for her ever since her mom had died, something only made worse by her school situation.

However, that didn't explain the nightmares. Danny had heard Taylor having nightmares three times now, which was almost every night since the suspension. She hadn't explained anything to him when he'd awakened her, leaving Danny to picture far worse abuse than anything she'd admitted to. That it was only now coming out after all of this time might be because there was finally a solution, or alternatively, might be because she was suffering from some far deeper trauma.

Danny hoped to get to the bottom of it tonight as the two of them were going to sit down and talk until he was convinced that Taylor was okay.

He walked into the den, to find Taylor hard at work, books and papers scattered all over his former desk, now on loan to her for studying. And the TV was still off. The sight brought an involuntary smile to his face, which he promptly wiped away. He casually asked, "Taylor, how's your day been?"

Taylor jumped up and gave him a hug. Making a sweeping gesture towards the desk, she said, "Boring as hel... err... heck. But I'll make great scores on those tests. And I've knocked out a lot of the homework."

Hugging her back, this time Danny couldn't suppress the proud smile that creased his features. Stepping back, he carefully brushed her hair back from her face, regretting that she had grown too old for him to ruffle it like he'd so often done in the past, much to his wife's chagrin. "I don't doubt it a bit. Still, remember what I told you. They're going to be-"

"Harder than the original tests with all different questions so I can't use knowledge of the prior tests given. I don't know why they think that anyone would give me the answers to the tests. It's not like I have any friends." Taylor tone was more matter-of-fact than bitter, but her words still bothered Danny.

Suppressing a frown, he suggested, "Why don't you take a break from studying tomorrow? I can spare some money for you to do a little shopping on the Boardwalk. You could talk to some people. Maybe even find a friend. Someone you have something in common with. What do you think?"

Taylor gave it a moment's thought, then shook her head. "Dad, you know we can't afford that. We don't even really have money for Christmas."

Danny was acutely aware of just how tight money was. But he had been taking a homemade lunch for the past couple of months, instead of using the money he usually budgeted for hot lunches and had saved nearly two hundred dollars towards Christmas. He could spare half of that now while the remainder would go to buy Christmas girts. "Taylor, let me worry about money. I'm going to give you a hundred dollars. I want you to spend it all. I'm not asking for receipts, but please? Do it for me?"

Taylor looked indecisive, but finally nodded. "Okay, Dad. But I'm only doing this under protest."

Danny gave her another hug. "That's my girl. Now how about we talk about those nightmares?"

Taylor shrugged. "If you want. But I am okay."

Danny tugged her towards the couch. Sitting down with her, he said, "I know what you're saying, Taylor, but I also know what I've seen and heard. Last night, you were screaming in utter terror. When I came in and woke you, you were drenched in sweat and practically incoherent. That doesn't sound like you're okay to me."

His daughter looked him straight in the eyes. Behind the lenses of her glasses, Taylor's eyes were as typically serious as always these days. "Dad, I don't know what to say. I'm not going to lie and say I don't have nightmares. I do. Lots of them with monsters all wearing the faces of Sophia, Emma, and Madison. I don't like them. I pretty much loath having them. But I'm not so scarred that I need therapy from it either. I'm as okay as I can be. Every day that goes by, I'm a little more okay. Give me until the end of Christmas vacation. If I'm still having nightmares, I'll go see a counselor or something."

It was more than Danny had expected, but less than he wanted. Smoothing the hair back from her face, he said, "You're a tough negotiator, kiddo."

Taylor only gave the briefest of smiles as she said, "Just like my dad."

"Okay, you've got a deal. But if you are still having those nightmares, you will see someone."

Taylor solemnly held up her right hand. "I promise."

Danny felt around his pocket a moment before fishing out a slim canister and handing it to his daughter. She gave the can of pepper spray a bemused look. "I know you like doing your run early in the mornings now. I get that it helps. But I want you to be safe. I want you to keep this on you when you go running. Actually, I want you to have this on you at all times when you go out. Taylor, I can't protect you when I'm not there so please carry this."

The understanding look that Taylor gave him was heartrendingly mature. She nodded. "Okay, Dad. I'll carry it." She read the label on the canister a moment, then looked back at him. She softly accused, "Worrywart."

Danny nodded back. "Dad's prerogative. Okay, then, what's for dinner?"

Taylor mock frowned. "Why am I the one having to cook? Aren't you the parent?"

Danny mock scolded back. "I'm not the one lazing around at home all day."

Danny felt a sensation of relief at how well all of that had gone, although Taylor was almost too sensible. At least she'd joined in the teasing, a good thing for his all too serious daughter to do. He headed into the kitchen to start dinner, only to discover a meatloaf cooling on top of the oven. He turned to find his daughter leaning against the kitchen door frame. Her face sported the first real smile he'd seen from her since he'd gotten home. Danny complimented her, "Great job, kiddo. I'll set the table."

The meatloaf turned out pretty good, in part because it had a lot more spices than usual in it. Danny didn't think his daughter liked pepper and garlic all that much, but it seemed she had inherited his taste for them after all. Otherwise, it was just another boring night at the Hebert residence.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

The next morning, Taylor did what was slowly becoming her usual run and workout. It wasn't getting any easier, but she knew from her memories that it would after a couple of weeks. For now it was still torture. Of course, as soon as it got easier, she needed to continue to increase the intensity or she'd cease to improve. In her head, Taylor said a silent "Shut up, Tony" and headed upstairs.

Finishing her shower, Taylor got dressed in jeans, a colorful blouse, and her nicest jacket. She didn't want to look flashy, but at the same time, Tony's memories were telling her that you dressed for the part you were playing. And today, she was playing the part of someone who had time to kill and was just having a little fun in the meantime.

When she became wealthy again, she was going to replace her entire wardrobe, Taylor decided. She would buy some nice Armani suits and...

Taylor took a deep breath. I am a girl, she told herself. I am Taylor Hebert. I don't wear suits. Armani or otherwise. Tony Stark is the clothes horse, not me. Slowly breathing out, Taylor forced the memories to the back of her mind, where they sat there like a spider in a web. Slowly she relaxed, even as she contemplated those damn memories. While they were mostly useful, they could also be stifling. Maybe around the familiar environment of the Boardwalk, they would subside a little.

Riding the bus down to the Docks only took about thirty minutes. After that, it was a short walk to the Boardwalk where Taylor walked around, looking at anything and everything that caught her fancy.

Not that Taylor planned to buy much. She only had the hundred dollars her dad gave her, plus what was left of her small savings that she had taken along just in case. So just over two hundred dollars total. Not enough to buy much here. She'd be better off at a Wal-mart. But Taylor had promised her dad, so she would at least walk around and see what was there.

Taylor wandered around a bit, visiting various stores. The first thing that interested her was an eighteen karat gold charm in the shape of an infinity circle. However, Taylor didn't bother to ask the price as the store she was in was notoriously expensive. So she moved on.

At Starbucks, Taylor picked up a hot chocolate. While the weather wasn't too cold, it was still a little chilly and she sipped the warm beverage appreciatively. With a sigh Taylor thought, at least this is just me. Tony doesn't even like hot chocolate, seemingly subsisting on black coffee and single malt scotch.

Slowly, Taylor allowed herself to unwind. It was just a simple, relaxing day out on her own. Nothing was going to happen and she wouldn't need Tony Stark's memories until later when she got back to work. Of course, Taylor didn't count on Murphy's Law when she told herself this.

It started innocently enough. It was just after she'd wandered in and out of the fifth store that Taylor noticed the man. Tall and broad-shouldered, he was attractive in a thuggish way. He reminded Tony... her of someone she'd known in the past. Taylor brooded for a second before deciding that this time it probably was Tony and not her that recognized him. Or maybe Tony just recognized his behavior. The man was following someone, his manner that of a predator stalking prey.

Taylor could see him intently watching someone just out of her view. Edging around so as to be able to see past him, Taylor caught her first glimpse of the man's target. A blonde girl, close to her own age, who was standing outside of a high end clothing store, checking out a bin full of designer purses that were on sale.

The girl was fairly attractive, but her face was a bit too thin, her expression too mischievous for her taste. Taylor gave a mental sigh. She'd meant Tony's taste. Not her own. Boys. Not girls. Boys.

Taylor continued to watch, and after a moment, saw the man's partner. She watched the way they moved, casual, but keeping their objective in sight. They were good, but nothing compared to SHIELD operatives. Mercenaries, perhaps? The one thing Tony was fairly sure they were not, were cops.

All of the steps to figure out who and what they were and weren't seemed to float around in Taylor's head and for a moment, she felt almost dizzy. She was able to shake it off and slowly followed behind the curious trio.

Taylor wasn't sure why she was following them. It wasn't any of her business whatever was going on. She could almost hear Tony's voice whispering in her ear that they needed to be careful. That whatever was happening, the girl had likely brought it down upon herself.

It was weird how he both believed and didn't believe that nonsense, Tony's memories being so dichotic on the subject. He'd saved people who didn't deserve it and failed others who did. He had so many regrets both ways. Still, he would probably have intervened just because the target was a pretty girl.

But Taylor wasn't going to get involved, was she? Both men were twice her size and weight, easily capable of incapacitating her. It would be the height of foolishness to step in. Maybe she should call the cops and have them take care of it. And tell them what, Tony's voice seemed to whisper in her ear. What could Taylor say? That she saw someone watching a pretty girl and they were clearly up to no good? Somehow, she didn't think that would earn her any credibility with the police.

All of a sudden, Taylor felt a wave of shame wash over her and momentarily, she hung her head. How many times had she cursed her classmates for standing by while she had been bullied and tormented? How many times had she wished that someone, anyone, would help her instead of tacitly accepting her abuse as something that was okay?

How was she any different from her classmates? Taylor gritted her teeth as the swirl of emotion poured over her, equal parts anger and shame. No, she thought, as her head came up. She could not stand by while something potentially terrible happened to the girl ahead of her. She would not be able to live with herself.

But what could she do? Taylor briefly considered her options and decided on the action that had worked for Tony Stark so well in the past. Not allowing herself to think further, she walked right past the two men to where the blonde was finished checking the tags on the handbags and looked ready to head inside.

Not hesitating a second, Taylor drew the other girl into a big hug, exclaiming, "Trish! I can't believe it's you! It's so good to see you. I can't wait to tell my parents who I ran into out on the Boardwalk today. They won't believe me! How have you been?"

The other girl, 'Trish,' only stiffened a second before hugging Taylor back just as hard. "Sandra! It is you! I thought I saw someone familiar earlier, but I told myself I must have been mistaken. Now you're here!"

The blonde's eyes intently studied Taylor's face even as she spoke, obviously trying to figure out why she was being hugged by a stranger who was pretending to know her. Then her eyes must have caught a glimpse of the two bookends over Taylor's shoulder, as she paled and started to step back.

Taylor didn't give her time to move before grabbing her hand. "We just have to sit down and chat. Let me buy you a cup of coffee. Do you still like those white chocolate mochas? They were always your favorite."

With out giving 'Trish' a chance to agree, Taylor pulled her off on a tangent to the men behind them, heading more or less in the direction of Starbucks. However, they didn't get ten steps before the second man cut them off, silently stepping in front of them.

Taylor took exactly one second to think before yelling, "How dare you grab my ass! You bastard! Rape! Help! Rape! Someone help! Get away from us, you pedophileI'm only fifteen!"

The man, who had been about to take a step closer to the two girls, visibly flinched at Taylor's shouts. No word could have been more effective for rousing the surrounding crowd as 'pedophile' as nearly everyone has kids. She continued on, "Help! Rape! Rape! Pedophile!" Taylor capped it off with a shrill whistle, putting two fingers into her mouth and blowing hard. Where had that come from?

For a second, Taylor didn't think the man was going to leave. His right hand was visibly reaching under his jacket towards what could only be a gun when he seemed to reconsider as people around them that were starting to give him dirty looks while talking in low mutters. It was probably the sight of a security officer heading their way at a fast clip that finally decided him. With one final glare at Taylor, he ducked back into the crowd and was gone.

It took only a minute to 'explain' things to the security officer, who was on his radio seconds later. Finally allowing herself to relax, Taylor realized that she was cold and sweating from a mixture of adrenaline and shock. She couldn't believe what she had done. She, Taylor Hebert, had rescued someone! And it hadn't taken superpowers or any fancy gear, but rather sheer chutzpah. The 'brash approach' Tony called it.

"You can let go of my hand, now." The drawl from the other girl, who up until now had been silently studying her, caused a slow creep of red across Taylor's face and she hastily released the aforementioned appendage.

Taylor stammered, "S-sorry about that. I guess I was too busy rescuing you to notice."

The other girl, who had been intently studying Taylor, seemed, if anything, to grow even more interested. There was sincerity in her tone when she said, "Thanks for that, by the way. I don't know if I would have gotten away from them."

Without thinking, Taylor snarked, "Especially since you didn't even see them until I hugged you."

The look of chagrin the other girl wore would have amused Taylor if she wasn't too busy trying to figure out why she had said that. It was far too mild a comment to be considered bullying, but it still wasn't her. Instead it felt like something Tony Stark would say. Taylor forced herself to focus on her companion rather than her memories.

In a contemplative tone, 'Trish' asked, "Just how did you notice them, anyway? Not precognitive. Some kind of Thinker ability? No, not that either. You are a mystery." This last bit was said in a tone of such wonder that it made Taylor stare at the girl, who was wincing now, as if nursing a sudden headache.

Taylor asked, "Do you know why those men were after you?" At the other girl's uncertain look, she nodded in understanding. "I see that you don't. Not for sure. But you have an idea."



"Look, Taylor, I really can't get into that right now. I think I need to put some distance between me and them. So if you'll excuse me..."

Taylor had already figured out by the wear on the other's clothes and the general greasiness of her hair, that 'Trish' was probably homeless, more or less. Likely a runaway. "Do you have someplace to stay? And just what is your real name, anyway?"

The other girl's face expressed a confusion of emotions. "Just call me... Trish. And not exactly. But I'll find a place. I always do."

"You can stay with me."

Taylor couldn't have said which of the two of them were more shocked by her statement. After a few seconds went by without a yea or nay, Taylor expounded, "I live with my dad and we have plenty of room. You can stay in the guest room." And get cleaned up, she thought. After hugging the other, Taylor could safely say that 'Trish' could use a shower. Or maybe even two of them.

"What would your dad say, you bringing a strange girl home with you?" Trish's tone was cautious as if she'd been disappointed by adults before.

Taylor shrugged. "He's a good guy. And he was just saying that I needed to make more friends. You coming?"

Trish still looked indecisive, so Taylor decided for her by grabbing her hand and leading her towards the bus stop. So this is how it feels to help someone, she thought. She wondered what Tony's memories would say about this.

~~~Memories of Iron~~~

AN: If anyone has suggestions for something that Tony!Taylor can build for her meeting with the lawyer she is trying to recruit, please let me know. I had considered putting up the arc reactor, as it would definitely be something that would impress anyone, but that would probably be overkill. Also, this is not going to be a Taylor/Lisa slash fic.

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