

In the Tartarus control room a guard was monitoring All for One's biometrics and noticed something peculiar. "Sir you might want to see this." The guard said as his superior stood up from his own duties to investigate his junior's concern. He looked over the readings for All for One and saw what his junior was talking about.

"His heart rate is elevated and his body temperature is a bit high. He's in pain." The superior said as his junior nodded.

"Yes sir and by the readings it seems to be a lot. Should we medicate him?" The subordinate asked as his senior cupped his chin.

"No one is allowed in there without express permission from the warden and I don't fancy calling her to give this guy a pain killer." The senior officer said about to return to his desk.

"But sir he may be a prisoner, but he deserves treatment." The newly appointed guard stated as his supervisor sighed.

"Tell you what rookie if ol' no face says something about it I'll call the warden up and ask her for instructions, until then let it go." That was his superior's only response before getting back to his own duties. The younger man sighed before going back to his monitoring. He intended to hold his superior to those words.

All for One grit his teeth against the pain in his stump. It wasn't the worse pain he'd felt, but it was certainly worth noticing. He'd heard of this before; Phantom Limb pain. It was all in his head or at most it was a misfiring of the nerves in his stump. Either way it hurt! It felt as if someone was carving away at his limb that was no longer there. All for One took a deep breath letting it out slowly hoping to relieve some of the pain in his stump. He was on the verge of asking the guards for assistance even though it seared his pride to do so. He had very few pleasures in this place and sleep was one of them something that the pain in his arm was robbing him of.

All for one opened his mouth he would swallow his pride and ask for medication, but as soon as he took the breath to speak the pain in his arm ebbed and vanished. All for One looked at the stump in question wondering what was going on, but decided those were thoughts for another time, for now he would sleep.

Tomura Shigaraki's eyes fluttered as he slowly regained consciousness. He looked around and found himself in a hospital bed and no longer on Ujiko's operating table. He slowly sat up on his right arm as his memories slowly trickled back to him. He looked down at his left arm and saw the doctor had did fine work indeed. The arm was attached expertly with only the single connecting scar that ran around bicep. He tried to move the arm and watched it rise a few inches into the air before dropping back down again.

"It will get easier with time, as of now those nerves are new it will take practice and repetition before the arm functions like your old one." Dr. Ujiko said from an observation window. Tomura swung his legs off the bed seeing he was shirtless and barefoot dressed only in hospital scrub leggings. "Now that you are awake and moving around why don't you try activating your quirk." Dr. Ujiko suggested as a smile split Tomura's face he was excited to use his master's powers. He raised his right arm and placed it on the railing of the bed and watched his decay quirk begin to work before things took a sudden turn.

The hand that Tomura was using to rot the metal of his bed began to sprout thick bone spikes that ran up his arm before a blast of air shattered the metal he was touching and hurled him out of bed to slam into a wall before rising into the air and slamming into the ceiling shattering some of the lights before falling to the ground again. Tomura looked up towards Dr. Ujiko but instead of seeing the doctor he saw a series of colors. The room he was in was mostly blue except for the lights when he looked up they were yellow ad then he looked towards the doctor and saw he was a mass of red and yellow.

Tomura shook his head as he slowly got to his feet his sight returning to normal. "What is happening to me!?" Tomura shouted as he hobbled towards the doctor as he felt things start to grow on his skin. Tomura looked down to see rivets drilling up through his skin as arms grew from his sides and back.

"What do you mean what's happening to you? This is what you wanted Tomura, this is All for One. I told you that you would have to get control of this quirk. Did you think it would be simple to use so many different quirks? Your master was someone special being able to house so many quirks and be able to use them effectively. If you can't learn to control all these quirks they will kill you." Dr. Ujiko said as he began to walk away. "I hope that's not the case I'm truly fascinated to see what you will become in the future." Dr. Ujiko said as he retreated from the window hearing a series of bangs and thuds.

"Also I won't be letting you out. That room is indestructible, at least for any normal quirk user, but if you succeed in mastering that quirk it should be no problem for you to simply walk out of there whenever you see fit." Ujiko said laughing as he turned off the hallway light and walked out of a massive vault door before pushing a button that closed the door with a hard slam as several large tumbler locks slid into place cutting of Tomura's screams.

Toga was roused from her sleep by the tapping of a guard on her cell door. Well she wasn't really sleeping she had only been pretending on the off chance that someone might be foolish enough to enter her cell. "Wake up Toga you're being taken to interrogation." Said the guard as Toga rolled off the cot that served as her bed and walked to the door. "Stick your hands through the hole." The guard instructed as Toga did as she was told feeling the cold metal of handcuffs on her wrists. Once that was done the guard opened the door and then placed the mask on her face. She grits her teeth at this, but allowed it to happen.

After making sure the mask was secure the guard led her to the interrogation room where she was sat down and handcuffed to the table. On the other side of the one way mirror Izuku stood with the Pussy Cats, Endeavor, Tsukauchi, and Gran Torino. This would be Izuku's first time meeting the elderly hero. "So you were Toshi's pick." Gran Torino said looking at the boy who nodded.

"Uh yes sir it's nice to meet you Gran Torino." Izuku said shaking his hand before looking in the room at Toga who seemed completely at ease in the interrogation room.

"Are you sure about this Izuku?" Mandalay asked before hearing Endeavor scoff.

"Whether he is or isn't doesn't matter he's the only person she'll speak too, so he has to make the most of this." Mandalay glared at the flame hero, but before she could speak Izuku responded.

"Endeavor's right I have to do this." He said before heading to the interrogation room.

Toga heard the handle to the interrogation room turn and saw the door open. She was expecting another cop or detective to interview her, but to her surprise and utter delight Izuku walked into the room. Her eyes brightened as she smiled behind her mask. Her body was practically vibrating as Izuku sat in front of her. "Izuku you came!" She said excitedly as Izuku looked her in the eye. He seemed nervous and that made him even cuter to her like a scared rabbit.

"You did say you'd only talk to me Toga." Izuku told her as she leaned forward and nodded her head.

"Still I didn't think you'd actually come that's so sweet of you." She said as Izuku coughed rubbing his head.

"Well I'm here and I have some questions for you." Izuku said trying his best to be assertive and commanding it was so cute of him.

"I've got questions for you too, like why weren't you with flame face?" She asked knocking Izuku off course as he tried to figure out who she meant by that.

"I'm not working with Endeavor anymore I've partnered with some other heroes." Izuku said as Toga grew frustrated at that.

"Who are you working with now?" She asked before Izuku shook his head. He'd gotten a grasp of the situation now.

"That's not fair Toga I answered your question now you have to answer mine. That's the only way this is going to work." Toga frowned but shook her head.

"Ok Izuku, but you have to call me Himiko, or else I won't answer your questions." She said as Izuku stood up and moved to Toga's side of the table, and to the shock of everyone undid Toga's mask.

"What is he doing? That girl is dangerous!" Mandalay and Pixiebob said as Tsukauchi rubbed his chin.

"This is good he's established a bond of trust with Toga now this might actually work." He said looking in at the two teenagers.

"Well now that we've both agreed to this I guess some ground rules are in order. First off you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to. I can't force you to answer my questions, but that goes the same for me. Every question you don't answer I don't have to answer any questions you ask is that fair?" Izuku asked as Toga worked her jaw and smiled.

"I guess that's fair." She said with a shrug as Izuku leaned forward.

"Why did you attack Endeavor?" Izuku asked as Toga leaned back.

"I didn't attack him he attacked me and Dabi." She said before smiling.

"Now who are you working with Izuku?" Himiko asked as Izuku answered truthfully.

"I'm working with the Pussy Cats now I've been with them a few days." He said as Toga frowned her golden eyes looking towards the one way mirror.

"You mean those old ladies still pretending they're young heroes. What are you doing with them?" She asked as behind the mirror Tiger was holding Pixiebob back from the door.

"You heard what she said Yawara I won't let that go unpunished." Tiger simply shook his head.

"This is not the time for this Ryuko." Tiger simply said as they continued to watch the interrogation.

Izuku decided to ignore Toga's insult he couldn't let her distract him. This was important this could be the key they'd need to bring down the entire league of villains once and for all. "Toga where is the League of Villains?" Izuku asked as Toga's eyes went from the mirror back to him before her lips formed a pout.

"You know I can't tell you that, besides even if I told you it's not like they'd still be there. Kurogiri moves us around pretty regularly." She said as Izuku quirked and eyebrow. What she said wasn't surprising, but it was surprising that Tomura was such a forward thinker from the experience Izuku had with the man he seemed like an impatient man child more concerned with his immediate needs than any long term plans. This either meant that Tomura was a very skilled actor or he's maturing. Izuku didn't know which scared him more.

"My turn! Izuku do you have a girlfriend?" Time seemed to stop for Izuku as those words rang out.

"N-no." He stuttered out which technically wasn't a lie. He didn't have girlfriend at this point he was up to seven. Toga narrowed her eyes at this. She couldn't be sure if Izuku was lying or just nervous she'd have to ask some follow up questions to get to the truth. Glad that that was over Izuku pressed on.

"What is Shigaraki planning?" Izuku asked as Toga bit her lip.

"I don't know what he's planning he doesn't tell us anything, but he wants us to work with this guy called Overhaul he's a Yak-." Suddenly Toga's form burst apart splattering the room with a viscous liquid. Izuku's eyes went wide at this as for a split second he assumed the worst that somehow, someway the League had detonated Toga's body, but after another few seconds of looking he realized this wasn't the case. There were no scraps of clothes or blood, just this mysterious fluid. The door to the interrogation room opened as Tsukauchi and the others rushed in.

"So she was a clone." Tsukauchi said as Izuku stood up wiping the mess from his face.

"A clone like Ectoplasm?" Izuku asked as Tsukauchi nodded.

"Not quite the same, but similar yes. When the training camp was attacked Eraserhead told us that he fought the same person twice and that after defeating them they dissolved into something like this, letting us know that one of the League Members has a cloning quirk. I should have suspected as much, but considering the only way to find the fake is to deal it damage it was too risky legally speaking." He said as he took a cotton swab and took a sample of the mess on the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't get very much out of her." Izuku said before Endeavor spoke.

"Something is better than nothing." He said as Izuku smiled.

"Aww you can be nice when you want to be who'd have thought?" Ragdoll said as Endeavor clenched his fist.

"You're no longer needed here shouldn't you be helping some lost hikers?" Endeavor said as he walked away. Izuku chuckled a little as he watched Endeavor leave.

"Disregarding his gruffness Endeavor is right. You've done more than enough here thank you Jforce." Tsukauchi said with a bow as Izuku shook his head.

"Oh no I didn't really do anything at all I barely got anything from her." Izuku said shaking his head as he waved his hands.

"You're a lot like All Might. Even if you don't do everything you're still doing something and because of you we know that League of Villains move around, we also know that Shigaraki is working with someone called Overhaul which feeds into some information we learned a while ago. Something you have to understand Jforce. One person having a hundred percent of the solution is good but a hundred people with one percent of the answer works just as well." Tsukauchi said as Izuku smiled and bowed.

"It was a pleasure working with you Detective Tsukauchi I hope to do so more in the future." Izuku said as both smiled and shook hands.

"We better head out now Izuku if we want to beat traffic." Yawara said as Izuku nodded.

"Alright Tiger." Izuku said waving goodbye to Tsukauchi only for Gran Torino to step into his path.

"Say boy how long are you going to be staying with the cats?" Gran Torino asked as Izuku shrugged.

"I wasn't really sure I'm just kind of playing this by ear really." Izuku said as Gran Torino frowned and shook his head.

"Well not anymore. You can have fun with the kitties for another week, but after that you're coming to me. It's time somebody whipped you into shape." Gran Torino said as he began to walk away only to be stopped by Pixiebob.

"Who do you think you are Gramps? If Izuku wants to stay with us forever he's more than welcome to!" Pixiebob said her face going red at the thought of having Izuku by her side for the rest of her days. "What right do you have to order him to come to you, and besides are you even still able to do hero work you're not exactly a spring chik-yow!" As Pixiebob was ranting Gran Torino burst into the air above her before moving behind her and slapping her butt as he landed behind her.

"Does that answer your question young lady? Have some respect for you elders or I'll bend you over my knee and give you a lesson in manners!" Gran Torino said as Pixiebob put her hands over her butt and turned around to look at Gran Torino. "I want you on my doorstep by the end of next week boy not a second later." Gran Torino said before walking out. Izuku looked at the old man and though he'd been able to see what happened he wasn't sure if he'd have been able to block or avoid the attack himself. Maybe he has a point. Izuku thought.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Shouted Kurogiri shouted slamming Twice against the wall with his mist the stone cracking around the pinned villain. Kurogiri rarely lost his temper, but this, this was too much even for his near limitless patience.

"I-I thought it was a good idea. It let us get away easier." Twice said as he was dropped to the floor.

"You thought it would be a good idea to make a clone of Toga and have the police capture it?" Kurogiri asked as the real Toga and Dabi sat against a wall wearing various bandages.

"Yeah I mean if the cops thought they captured at least one of them they wouldn't be looking so hard for anyone else and I was right. They pretty much gave up after like ten minutes of searching." Twice said giving a thumbs up.

Kurogiri nodded the logic was sound, but what he found absurdly stupid was the aftermath. "What I want to know is why you decided to leave the clone in the hands of the cops for more than a day?" At this Twice rubbed his hands together.

"Well I thought it would be a good thing to leave her there for a day or so just to see what they'd do. I never thought the cops would take such good care of the clone. I thought that Endeavor or one of them would have destroyed it if not purposefully then by accident." Kurogiri raised a glowing eye before sighing. "She doesn't know anything I swear Kurogiri her memories will only go back to about a week ago nothing further and besides this is Toga-chan we're talking about there's no way she'd tell anyone about us." Twice said as Kurogiri nodded. Toga was a wild card, but she was loyal.

"Very well Twice as long as you destroyed the clone there should be no harm, but just in case I will be relocating us. Pack anything that you value and be ready to leave in ten minutes." Kurogiri said as Twice got up and walked to get his things. He was sweating under his mask. He'd hated to lie to Kurogiri like that, but he'd had to leave that clone Toga in the police's hand for as long as he could in the hopes that maybe just maybe that Toga would let something slip about Overhaul. This was his way of doing what he wanted and taking responsibility for leading Overhaul to their base to and letting him kill Magne.

Izuku went back to the Pussy Cats' lodge after another day of intense rescue missions he was ready to lay down for the night. The Pussy Cats and he had left he precinct and after a bit of pleading he'd managed to get Yawara to let him visit Shoto at the hospital. The two had exchanged pleasantries and Izuku had wished him a quick recovery before he had to leave again.

He yawned as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it at the foot of the bed before climbing under his covers. He couldn't help, but think about the name Toga had given him; Overhaul. "What was she about to say?" He asked as he began to drift off. His dreams were nonexistent until something started to manifest it was…All Might? A very young All Might it seemed. Izuku could see the resemblance but the boy before him leaned more towards All Might's true form rather than the Symbol of peace.

All Might was dressed in a middle school uniform that hung on him a little loosely. He was shorter than Izuku's current perspective and rather lanky. "Please I want to be the Symbol of Peace that puts an end to crime so that everyone can live happily!" He said placing his fist to his chest. Izuku heard himself scoff in a mature feminine voice.

"I-I guess I have no choice if you're going to keep bugging me about it Toshi." Izuku said as he crossed his arms under his bust.

Izuku opened his eyes looking at the dark ceiling of his room. "Was that a memory or a dream?" He asked before someone spoke back to him.

"Well whatever it was you were really happy about it." Ryuko said as she sat up in bed next to him his blanket clinging to her form as the light from the moon wreathed her head in a silvery halo as she smiled at him. "I think I could make you happier though." She said moving closer.

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