

014 - Good night

There's not much to do afterward. Haku and I may or may not have gotten into a splash war while washing the dishes before Sakura's scandalized eyes. We may or may not have ended up drenched to the bone, with our already thin inside clothes sticking everywhere, all transparent and suggestive.

I'm sure it's a mere coincidence that Sakura disappeared into her room while we were changing into dry clothes. Poor girl must still be exhausted.

With Medea herself secluded within her (tailor) workshop, suddenly inspired by something charm-related and muttering about blonde shrine maidens or whatnot, we opt to kill some time by teasing Ecchan.

This is a delicate and subtle art that requires both a sharp eye to read the stone face of our adorable kuudere for hints about what's working and how well, plus a fair deal of self-control not to scare her away with premature glomping.

As always, things start with a worthy tribute. For tonight we've chosen a treat that can be served in small bite-size pieces that won't fill us up too much, but at the same time won't be consumed too fast.

The Alicante Nougat is a typical Christmas sweet infamously popular in Spain. Eggs, honey and sugar mixed with almonds and casted on slabs that usually go between two thin wafers for ease of manipulation with the bare hands. It has the approximate consistency of a brick and mortar wall and it's actually delicious, provided you have the jaw strength to chew it down.

Or the patience to lick it down like candy.

Placing the tray on top of the table, we sit both sides of our prey, casually boxing Ecchan between the two of us. Taking a glance at what she's reading -'I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level'- we hum approving noises and open our own books.

Ecchan twitches in place, but doesn't react further. Our prey's [Instantaneous Shadowless Blade] may fulfill a similar role to the original Artoria's [Instinct], but it's a purely combat-oriented skill and we're not a threat in the traditional sense, so the most it does in this situation is making her more aware of our presence.

Which works, you know, in our favor.

For a while, we simply remain like that, close enough she can feel our body heat through our clothes, but not so close we're actually pressing against her. When stalking for the legendary rare alternate alternate hero, patience and precision are key.

Then, she makes her first mistake, reaching for the (bait) treats laid in front of her. Immediately afterwards, as if reminded of their presence by Ecchan's actions, Haku's own hand reaches for the platter. The next time she does, it's me who reaches for the treats. That's perfectly natural since Ecchan eats much faster than either of us.

It's Haku's turn again afterwards and then mine once more. Nothing out of the ordinary, if maybe a bit unnerving.

Soon enough, Haku reaches for her piece a bit too fast, and her extending hand brushes against Ecchan's retreating one. The unexpected sensation causes our prey to start slightly, taking a side glance at our faces as she puts the sweet in her mouth. She's not so naïve that our barely kept straight faces will actually deceive her. Just because she knows something's up though, doesn't mean she'll know what we're up to.

... Or whether keeping us from doing it is worth the effort.

It's my hand that grazes against her next, causing a slight flinch and another glance around, but she still doesn't react beyond that. At Haku's second pass, she doesn't even do that much, taking the already expected contact in stride and failing to react at all. Haku and I trade looks, time to up the ante.

It is my turn to reach for sweets, and this time I don't want until she's picked hers before extending my hand. As soon as her finger takes hold of a piece, my own hand closes around hers. Her hand is petite and dainty, like everything about her, and I can easily envelop it fully with mine. She's also notably warm to the touch, but I'm not sure if the situation is affecting her or that's normal for her, this is the first time I actually touch her skin against skin.

"Sorry." I apologize before she can react, reaching for a different piece myself. "My bad."

Still she says nothing, quietly bringing the sweet to her lips and focusing back on her book. When she reaches for her next treat though, she takes her sweet time pulling it back, and actually shoots a betrayed glance at Haku when she fails to act. Acting completely unaware, Haku leans slightly on Ecchan's shoulder instead.

That causes a reaction. Ecchan's cheeks reddening slightly as she freezes in place. As minutes pass and she fails to turn the page or reach for more treats, I decide to take a risk and grab two pieces myself, plopping one in my mouth before taking the other to Ecchan's lips.

She accepts it on reflex, only to start and turn her head to give me a wide-eyed stare.

"Something the matter?" I ask with my best smile.

"..." Instead of answering though, she focuses back on her book.

The flushing of her cheeks is getting worse, though. When Haku follows my example and offers her another treat, she takes it without protest. She doesn't protest either when I lean on her other side.

Little by little, as we start taking turns feeding Ecchan and getting comfortable snuggling against her body, what started as completely (premeditated) innocent reading turns into a full on cuddling and pampering session.

When we clean up the sweets tray, it's just an excuse to find a more permanent position against her. Her blush has gone nuclear by this point, but she's somehow managed to get the presence of mind to start reading again. Or maybe that's just her best effort at distracting herself.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we could escalate into actual groping without consequence, but we're in no hurry, so we just keep things like this. I also consider straight out falling asleep here, against Ecchan, but that's probably a bad idea. In the end we get up to go to bed.

"Ah…" Ecchan breaks the silence when she realizes she's stood up with us, unconsciously following our body heat.

"Hm?" Haku tilts her head cutely, playing up the oblivious card. "Is there a problem, Ecchan?"

Ecchan takes a while to answer, alternating looks between the two of us and the tip of her feet.

"... No." She finally answers with a small sigh, sitting back down. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Ecchan."

As we retire to our rooms, we trade knowing grins. Seducing Ecchan might turn out to not be that much of a challenge after all, but that doesn't mean we're not going to have fun with it.

Lots and lots of fun.

Later that night, I'm reflecting on recent events while getting ready to visit Sakura's room, as promised.

With all that's happened today, it's hard to believe it's only been one day.

I have dealt with a potential yandere in the early morning, a full-on tsundere at noon , there was a ravenous tiger for the evening and a kuudere late at night. It's almost like a romcom setting, only three of the four can easily kill me dead and the remaining one is only a girl by technicality.

A soft knock at my door draws my attention.

"Come in!" I call without giving it too much thought. There's nobody here I wouldn't allow into my room, after all.

"Senpai? I was–" Sakura's shy greeting gets interrupted once she actually peeks inside and freezes in place, eyes slowly trawling up and down my body while her face rapidly reaches nuclear levels of blushing. It's then that I realize I'm just wearing boxers right now. In my defence, I was getting changed. "I mean– I, Um... I was just–"

"Come in, come in." I wave her in with a smile, subtly adopting a more flattering pose at the same time. "I was about to go find you. Is there something wrong?"

She fidgets a bit at the door, but in the end manages to step into my room with a smile on her lips. She's wearing a modest but cute white and lilac sleeping gown Haku and I talked her into leaving here at home after the second time she spent the night.

The skirt goes all the way down to her ankles, but the shoulder straps expose her arms and shoulders, plus a generous area of her chest and back, making it obvious that's not a piece intended to be worn in public without a robe or a shawl over it.

Neither of which she has with her at the moment, I doubt that happened by mistake.

"Nothing's wrong, Senpai. It's just that I'm feeling much better and…" Since she hasn't fainted yet, I'm inclined to believe her. "I just thought... during the nights I feel a bit, um..."

"You thought you could come visit me instead?" I could be an evil person and keep quiet, watching her trying to stumble her way into explaining what she actually wants, but I'm not that cruel. "Because you are a naughty girl who wants to have her way with her senpai in his own bedroom?"

She doesn't say anything, bunching her fists on the fabric of her skirt and nodding in silence.

"I thought it was the worms that made you feel like that?"

"Maybe the worms made me like this, but this is what I am now." Slowly, she grips the skirt of her dress, bunching up the cloth and gradually exposing her pale calves as she starts pulling it up. "Um, Senpai said he didn't mind naughty girls, so… "

"I love naugthy girls." I whisper huskily, smiling as I watch her blush go down all the way to her breasts. "Why don't you show me how naughty you are, Sakura?"

She nods again and her actions gain confidence, swiftly pulling her skirt all the way up her creamy thighs and exposing her already sopping wet slit. Wet trails drip down her inner thighs.

"No panties?" I comment distractly, a bit busy appreciating her puffy pussy lips. She's shaved hairless… for some reason I was expecting a bit of a bush down there. "That is delightfully naughty."

"Um, I always end up ruining them during the night, so…" She explains with a strangled voice, obviously feeling my eyes staring straight at her most private place. "I stopped wearing them to bed."

Maybe I can talk her into stopping wearing them altogether?

"Senpai!" She protests scandalized.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, you did." She pouts a bit, but I can't help noticing she doesn't seem particularly against the idea.

"Just thinking out loud." I defend myself with a smile before encouraging her to continue. "Anyway, that's a great start, can you go further?"

I collapse over her, and her arms wrap around my back as we both pant and wheeze, trying to catch our breath.

"That was… great." I finally manage to get out after a long silence.

"Yeah, it was…" Sakura's voice comes from right beside me, tickling my ear with every word. "Everything I ever wanted."

"Everything? This is just the start, Sakura." I chuckle. "There are many other things for us to do together."

"...Many other things?" Sakura asks after a pause to process those words.

"As many as you can imagine." I quip cheerfully. "And whatever I can throw on top of it."

"In that case… Senpai. Can we… Um. " She hesitates, burying her face on my shoulder and tightening her hug before finally asking her question. "Invite Haku-san to join next time?"

Before I can answer though, her body relaxes completely, eyes dropping and breath evening out as she falls asleep. I can only stare in surprise before letting out an amused chuckle. Knocked out after a single round. She may be thirsty, but we clearly need to work on her stamina.

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