

Chapter twenty six: The price of freedom.

"Do you smell it?" – talks.

'No.' – thoughts.

"Then go fuck yourself!" – Yamato/Rebellion.


"May the force be with you…" – Master Yoda (jedi master).

"Yeah, yeah, fuck you too…" – Darthemius (son of a bitch).


Unknown area…

'Darkness again…' Naruto thought. 'This feeling… what is it?'

"Come, Uzumaki Naruto." A beautiful female voice echoed again. "Your mission has not even started…"

Real world…

"Fuck!" Naruto sat up quickly and took a look at his surroundings. Same dark cave he drained Jubi's soul in… except one small detail.

"Took you long enough to wake up." He heard a familiar voice say. "Rise and shine, sleeping bastard!"

Naruto clutched his head in pain. "Oww… Stop fucking shouting. My head is killing me…"

One burst of speed later and blond haired demoness named Trish was kneeling in front of him.

"Aww, baby you're hurt!" She said mockingly. "Ah, you poor thing…"


Trish managed to blur out of the view just in time to avoid being hit.

"Someone's pushy… What happened?" She asked.

"Mmm…" Naruto massaged his temples. "What do you think; I drained Jubi's power and became three times as powerful…"

The demoness raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it a good thing?"

"It is!" He exclaimed angrily. "But there is s downside. You see, when I absorb demon's soul, I also absorb his memories… all of them."

Trish raised second eyebrow. "Isn't it a good thing as well?"

"It is not!" Naruto exclaimed. "Because I receive hundreds years of knowledge in a matter of a fucking second. So when it's all said and done, I can't remember for shit!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk… such a tragedy!" Trish mocked.

"Oh, shut up…"

"So, what now?" She mocked. "Back to your headquarters? I can't wait to meet your group!"



"I thought so…"


Naruto shook his head. "Nah, I've had enough planning. I want to test my new power!"

Trish licked her lips. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" She exclaimed and shouldered… two guns…

'I thought I destroyed the second one…' The demon thought.

"Maybe she got a new one?" Yamato asked.

'Where from?!' Naruto asked back. 'I want one too!'

"Then ask her, dammit!"

'You know… you're right! But later…'

"So, where to, lover?" Trish asked.

Naruto grinned at this. "Oh, I have a perfect place to start!"

Konohagakure. Hokage's office…

"Shikamaru, you're back!" Temari exclaimed, launching herself at her boyfriend.

"Yes, I am." Pineapple haired jounin replied.

"You already finished your sage training?" Tsunade asked and after his nod continued. "Not a small feat, I'm impressed."

Shikamaru's look suddenly darkened. "I… had motivations…"

"Well, at least someone has…" Orochimaru commented.

"So…" The new toad sage started. "Tell me how it went?"

At this everyone looked down.

"Not too well it seems…" He finished.

"You got that right." Sasuke exclaimed in anger.

"Calm down, Uchiha." The Hokage commanded… and added. "That's an order, got it?"

"Tch, fine." Sasuke replied and sat down.

"What's up with him?"

Everyone shared a look.

"You'd better not to know…"Kakashi commented.

"Alright, then can someone summarize results of the Kage meeting for me?" Shikamaru asked.

"Sure, I can." Orochimaru said. "We're in deep stinky shit." He stated.

"That bad?" The sage asked again.

"Uzumaki, he…" The sannin took a deep breath. "He took out twelve immortal summons without even breaking a sweat… and on top of that he's got my ring…"

Shikamaru's eyes widened. "That's bad news indeed… I however brought you good ones."

"Let's hear it then." Tsunade exclaimed.

The sage nodded. "I was told at the Toad Mountain that the Clans have agreed to help us in our battle against Uzumaki Naruto."

Everyone's head shot up and Tsunade almost jumped in joy.

"That's excellent news!" She stated.

"Not very much…" Shikamaru replied.

"What do you mean?"

Sage sighed. "What I mean is it might not be enough. You forgot we're not dealing with Naruto only, and even if we ourselves could take out his human forces, he has demonic servants as well."


"They're all high caliber…"

"Dammit!" Orochimaru cursed. "Are we allowed to summon elders?"

Shikamaru nodded. "We can make a request to the bosses and it might be granted only in case Naruto himself is present on the battlefield."

"I see…" Tsunade said. "Danzou!"

Said man appeared in the doorframe. "You called, Hokage-sama?"

"Have you made battle preparations?"

The old war hawk nodded. "Yes, me and Nara Shikaku took care of it and even sent some men as a sign of good will. Let me call for him, so we can explain…"

Wave Country…

'It has been some time…' Inuzuka Kiba thought, sitting at the river's shore. 'I miss having you around… Akamaru…'

"Umm… Kiba-san?"

The chuunin turned his head to see a small boy standing not far behind him.

"Huh, what is it, Inari?"

"Umm…" Inari hesitated. "I… I just wanted to ask… Was that true what you and your friend told us about Naruto-nii… Naruto?" The boy corrected himself.

Kiba sighed. "Yes, Inari. It's all truth…" He paused. "He betrayed everything he stood for… everything we thought he stood for. He killed many good people, Konoha people, our friends… my best friend."

Inari frowned. "I'm sorry, I never…"

"You know…" Kiba suddenly started again. "Maybe there is my fault in what happened. Me and Akamaru attacked him together and he struck him. Of course Naruto couldn't possibly know who was who… but I think he did." The dog boy stated. "I think he wanted to make me see my best friend die in front of my eyes."

"B-But what happened to him? Back then he was so…"

"Caring?!" Kiba finished and Inari nodded. "That he did. You know what they say, it's always the quiet ones… and there was no one louder than him. Naruto always ran around, saying how he will become the Hokage and we all just laughed. But now he's the one who is laughing… and we're helpless to stop him."

Inari's eyes widened. "Is he that strong?"

"He took on our entire village and won…"


"Yeah, wow…"

"Kiba." The young Inuzuka suddenly heard his comrade's stoic voice. "Our troops I have gathered. Protect the city we must."

"Yeah, you're right." Kiba responded and stood up. "If not us, then who?"

On the other side of the sity…

"Damn, this place is so lively!" Trish exclaimed. "It makes me want to kill something."

"Don't worry, we will…" Naurto replied. "Why do you think we're here?!"

"To drink and fuck?"

The demon smirked. "Good idea… but later. Let's kill some fishermen first!"

"By the way…" The demoness started. "Why this shithole? Why not some smaller hidden village or maybe Moon country?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, no, no. Hidden villages are harder to find… and probably better protected. Also I need Moon country intact… this place however…"

"Riiiiight…" Trish stated. "And the real reason?"

The demon shrugged. "It was the closest."

"I thought so…"

Konohagakure. ANBU training grounds…

"Hakke Kusho!" Hanabi shouted, sending an invisible blast towards some training post… and demolishing it completely.

"Nicely done!" Neji commented. "You're a natural!"

"Sure I am!" She replied proudly. "What about you though?"

Neji raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"Have you done that Tenten girl Naruto-sama sai-mhymh!" She couldn't say the last sentence, because Neji's hand covered her mouth.

"Tss! Quiet!" He commanded. "I had problems, but I will…!"

"Sure you will." Hanabi commented, uncovering her mouth, and Neji grunted. "So, what's next?"

"Well I was going to teach you some melee weapon skills, but after this display…" The ANBU commander spoke.

The girl raised an eyebrow. "I never knew you have those skills."

"Hmhmhm…" Neji chuckled. "You also never knew I was a traitor of Konoha."

She giggled at this. "Yeah, I guess."


"Oh hell…" Neji exclaimed.

"What? What is it?" Hanabi asked.

"It's… well…"

"You have to meet somebody?" She asked.

"How did you guess?"

Hanabi shrugged. "I'm a natural."

"Right, so I will go and…" Neji stopped his sentence. "You know what, come with me. I'll feel safer with you around."

The girl made a face. "Aww, how sweet! But we can't, we're related!"

Neji rolled his eyes. 'What have you done to her, Naruto?'

With Naruto…

"Acho!" The demon sneezed. "Some piece of trash is gonna get an RKO for thinking about me!"

"What if it's a girl?" Trish inquired.

"Then some bitch will get an RKO for thinking about me!" He snapped.

"I see…" She stated. "By the way… what's an RKO?"

Naruto grabbed some by passer's head and slammed it into the ground.

"That's an RKO!"

"Nice!" Trish exclaimed. "Can you teach it to me?"

"Hey, that's my signature move! Get your own!"

She gave him puppy eyes. "Pretty please?"

The demon sighed. "I'll think about it…"

"Thanks, you're the best!" She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I know…"

"By the way…" She spoke again. "Are we going to start, or maybe you prefer to walk an entire day?!"

Naruto smirked. "I was only waiting for you to ask."

"So, how it's gonna be?"




Both demons turned around to see a mob of peasants.

"You're talking to me?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, you!" The mob leader stated. "You shouldn't have hurt one of our men!" He finished and they drew weapons… handmade clubs and kitchen knives.

Naruto sweatdropped and tried hard not to slap his face. 'Under control, out of control… a peasant is still a peasant.'

"Maybe you should let them hit you with a club and watch their faces when it breaks?"

'Hmm… not a bad idea… But I've had enough and want to kill something.' He thought and summoned his sword into his left hand.

"Look!" He told Trish. "It goes like this!"

With that he walked closer to the mob leader and moved Yamato's hilt in front of his face.

"Say, how you're doing?"

The leader started to open his mouth, but then…

"It doesn't matter how you're doing!" Naruto stated.


In one quick motion two things happened. Naruto's sword was quickly unsheathed and a peasant was vertically cut in half.

"AHHH! MURDERER!" Civilians screamed and started to run away in fear.

"You won't get away!" Naruto stated. "Judgement Cut!" The demon unsheathed his sword once again, creating not one but three slashing spheres. The result? Seven more people slashed to pieces.

"So, are you going to just stand there all day?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, sorry…" Trish muttered, getting out of her trance. "I just got fascinated."


Some peasant's brains were on the wall.

"Where did you get those things?!" Naruto asked in frustration.

"Oh, I have some…" Trish responded slyly.

"I want one!"

Her grin widened. "I'll think about it."



The demon rolled his eyes. "Alright, let's tear this place apart!"

With Kiba and Shino…

"Alright men!" Inuzuka started. "Our mission is to defend this city by any means necessary! And since this country is very close to Water Country, it will not be an easy task. But we will not back down! We prideful shinobi of Konoha will stand tall and laugh in the face of death!"

"Strong our enemies are… But stronger we also must be." Shino replied.

"Uh yeah, you summarized it quite nicely." Kiba stated. "So here are the assignments! Daisuke, you and your guys will…"


"Kiba-san! Shino-san!" Everybody turned around to see some citizen running towards them.

"What happened?" Shino asked.

"We…! They…! Our…!"

"Calm down and take a breath." Kiba said.

The citizen did so. "They… huff… We're under attack! They are killing everyone!"

All Konoha shinobi's eyes widened.

"Who the attackers are?" Shino asked.

"We… we don't know!" The peasant stated. "They are two and they are killing everybody without any difference!"

Kiba raised an eyebrow. "Just two?"

The citizen nodded. "Yes, a man and a woman. Please stop them!"

Kiba nodded. "You heard that boys! Let's do our job!"

Konohagakure. Kabuto's underground laboratory…

"It's pretty dark here…" Hanabi commented.

Neji shrugged. "What did you expect? We're underground after all."

"Ah, Neji-kun! Welcome!" Kabuto exclaimed, noticing the newcomer. "Who's she?"

"My cousin." The older Huyga stated.

The medic raised an eyebrow. "Hinata? I thought you were older…"

Neji chuckled at girl's growl.

"I'm Hanabi, you imbecile!" She replied.

"Ouch, sorry…" Kabuto apologized, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah well, don't do that again." Neji said. "Hanabi is really pushy about that subject…"

"Umm… sure thing. Who took her in by the way?"

"Naruto did."

The medic looked curious. "Naruto did? Why I wonder…"

Neji rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter…"

"Don't!" Kabuto's hand suddenly appeared in front of Neji's face. "Don't finish that sentence!"

Hyuga sighed.

"Don't sigh! Naruto has ears everywhere!"

Neji slapped his face. "You know, I'm starting to think that the only thing that guy has is a dick…"

"Not the only thing…" Hanabi suddenly said. "But he's got that for sure!"

Kabuto's eyes widened. "He did you too?!"

"You see what I mean?"

The medic shook his head. "He has no shame at all…"

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Hanabi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Umm… nothing!" Kabuto stated defensively.

"So, why did you summon me?" The ANBU commander asked.

"Oh, sure…" Kabuto pointed. "Look at this."

"A corpse…" Hanabi said.

"No, not a corpse." Kabuto replied. "But very close to one."

Indeed there laid a man, attached to some machines.

"And why do you have a half-corpse in your lab?" The Hyuga girl inquired.

Kabuto glanced at Neji who nodded in response. "That's because I'm studying demonification."

Hanabi raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Demonification." Kabuto repeated. "The process of turning humans into demons."

Girl's eyes widened. "Cool! So we can be like Naruto-sama?"

The medic chuckled. "No, not like Naruto-sama. But stronger than we are now."

"So how did you take them out?" Neji asked.

"Oh, no big deal. I just set up some traps and they fell for it." Kabuto stated. "How could they possibly be jounins?"

Hyuga waved his hand. "Nah, they were some of the arrogant ones. You know the kind who thinks if they don't see a trap there isn't one…"

The medic raised an eyebrow. "Amazing, you even knew who to send!"

Neji smirked. "They don't call me a genius for nothing, you know."

"Wait a second…" Hanabi started. "You supplied him with humans for experiments?"

"Yes. Something's wrong?"

"Hell no!" She responded. "You're cool, nii-san!"

"Thanks." Neji turned back to Kabuto. "So?"

"Oh yeah…" The medic started. "You see, I tried everything. The catalyst I found doesn't work with grand demon's blood. The process of decomposition is unstoppable…"

"You sure you tried everything?" Neji asked.

"Well I…"

Suddenly some machines went off.

"What the…!" Kabuto went to some computer and started to press random buttons. "One of the organs stopped to degenerate! How is that possible?!" He turned back to his test subject and… there stood Hanabi with innocent look on her face.

"What did you do?!" The medic shouted.

The girl shrugged. "Well, I activated my byakugan and saw that this guy's organs were dissolving rapidly." She stated. "It kind of occurred to me… what if I used juuken to imitate organ's death…"

An insane smile appeared on Kabuto's face…

Wave Country. Naruto's location…


"One hundred and twenty eight!" Naruto stated.


"Hah, loser! One hundred and fifty two!"



"Oh yeah?!"


The next thing that happened is they raised their weapons… but not at each other this time.

Naruto threw some guy into the air and went for his sword once again.

"Infernal Divider!" The demon himself leaped up into the air and cut the unfortunate man in half.

"Nice one!" Trish commented. "Check on this! Lightning Cross!" She moved her arms and sent a cross made out of yellow lightning towards another guy… cutting him in four pieces effectively.

"Cool…" Naruto muttered. "I want to try something like that as well. Let's find ourselves more…"

That moment they entered some square… and there stood not just a mob, but an entire army of citizens, led by…

"NARUTO!" Kiba screamed in anger. "Today you will pay for everything you've done!"

The demon raised an eyebrow. "You know, yesterday I made myself some bacon and eggs for breakfast… Do I have to pay for that as well?"

Inuzuka growled dangerously. "You know exactly what I meant!"

"Uzumaki Naruto!"

Ex-jinchuriki heard an elderly voice and noticed Tazuna.

"Your rampage ends here!" He stated confidently.

"Umm… yeah, sure. Whatever you say." Naruto replied. "But first excuse me for a second, I have to say something. FINALLY!"

Trish slapped her forehead.

"NARUTO HAS COME BACK TO WAVE COUNTRY!" The demon shouted, looking at the sky.

"I hear it for the first time, and it annoys me already…" The demoness commented.

Ignoring her statement, Naruto spoke to Tazuna…

"How dare you, little jabroni!" He started. "After what I've done for your useless country you dare refuse my offer?!"

Tazuna glared at him. "You helped us, yes. But we learned our lesson too well." The old man stated. "We are prideful people, and never again will our lands be under…"

Naruto just rolled his eyes and raised his hand.

"Hadou #4 Bya…"

However he never got the chance to finish his technique, because…


And just like that Tazuna's brains were splattered over… well, the ones who stood behind him.

"GRANDPA!" Inari screamed.

The demon quickly turned his head. There stood Trish with a smoking gun in her hand.

"Sorry, but I just couldn't hold myself from killing that idiot." She stated.

Naruto waved her off. "Bah, we have another thousand."

"How dare you…"

Naruto turned back to the crowd. "What?"

"HOW DARE YOU, UZUMAKI NARUTO!" Inari screamed. "I admired you! I wanted to be like you!"

The demon slapped his forehead. "Oh my god! Another Hinata!"

"Don't speak her name!" Kiba screamed. "She's changed because of you!"

Naruto made a hurt face. "Oh, and I feel so bad about it!" He mocked.

"Who the fuck is Hinata?" Trish asked.

Ex-jinchuriki shrugged. "Ah, just some useless bitch that couldn't stop… you know, giving herself a little bit."


"Don't talk about her like that!"

"Or you'll do what exactly, Inuzuka?" Naruto mocked.

"Grrr… Shino! I want you to run to the village as fast as you can."

"Kidding you must be, my friend." Shino answered. "Abandon you I will not."

"Yes you will. That's an order." Kiba said and Shino grunted. "Hokage-sama must learn about what happened here…"

"You mean what about to happen?" Naruto suggested.

Inuzuka glared. "There's no time to argue! You have the best chance to reach the village safe."

"But you're the fastest one between us." Shino countered. "You should go. Stall them for a while I'll do."

"No, Naruto is faster than both of us." Kiba stated. "He'll catch up to me eventually. You however have better stealth skills…"


"No, no, no!" Both of them turned to exasperated Naruto. "It's 'I have voices in my head; they counsel me, they understand, they talk to me'! What's fucking hard in remembering that?!"

"Well excuse me for being such a dumbass!" Trish replied.

"Tch, fine…"

"Uzumaki Naruto!" That was Inari again. "My vengeance is here!" The boy screamed and pulled his crossbow's trigger.

Five seconds later Naruto and Trish stood in their places with a 'what the fuck' expression on their faces, silently observing a crossbow bolt… which landed five feet in front of Naruto.

"Umm, it may be a stupid question, but…" The demoness started. "Is he an idiot?"

Ex-jinchuriki nodded. "You're absolutely right, it is a stupid question. And no, he's not an idiot… He's weak, good-for-nothing steaming, stinking, STEAMING STINKING PILE OF MONKEY CRAP!"

Trish quirked an eyebrow. "Quite the description…"

"Yeah well…" Naruto responded. "But his statement actually left me with only three options. My first option is I can go back to woods, drink some cola, raise some hell, fuck the daylights out of Trish…"

"I like the sound of that!" The demoness commented.

"…Then I can drink some more cola, and raise more hell…" Naruto continued. "Then return and start all over again. My second option is… You like that crossbow, jabroni?! Well I'm gonna take that crossbow of yours, put some icy-hot on it, turn that sum bitch sideways AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!"

"And what's the third option?" Trish asked in amusement.

Naruto reached for his sword. "I'm gonna show that motherfuckers what the art is!"

(Starting song: 'Boom' by POD)

With that the demon jumped high into the air and unleashed some shockwaves.



Dead people flying away in pieces…

"Cool…" Trish commented. "Now my turn!"

"Run, take cover!" Kiba commanded and citizens did so with passion.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Why in the blue hell have you gathered them here if the only thing they'll do is run away in fear?!"

Kiba scowled. "We had no idea it was you, you bastard! Surround him!" He commanded.


"Lightning Blast!" Trish shouted, sending overcharged bullet towards another mob.


Same result.

"Damn, I'll lose if it's going to continue like this…" Naruto muttered.

"You'll lose what?!" Raging Inuzuka asked.

"Why, 'who is the best killer' game!" The demon stated. "The winner gets on top tonight!"

"You perverted evil son of a bitch!" Some Konoha shinobi screamed.

"Why, thank you very much!" Naruto nodded. "And here…"

"Look out!" Kiba screamed.

"…is your reward! Hadou #31 Shokkaho!"


Poor guy is blown to pieces.

"Dammit! Attack him simultaneously!"

"Katon: Goukakyu no jutsu!" Some random shinobi shouted, sending a large fireball Naruto's way… only for Naruto to catch it in mid air and compress to the size of his palm.

"Is that all you got?!" The demon asked in disappointment. "Come, I'll take your best shot!" He said and threw the fireball backwards.


"Dammit, press the attack!"

"Ops!" Naruto said as now three fireballs flew his way. "Well, I can do the same, but…" He disappeared in a flash of black and two Konoha shinobis actually managed to hit each other with their fireballs. "…I can do just that. Man, Konoha was never in for brains…"

"Watch out, here he comes!" Someone shouted… and another fireball blew that someone to pieces.


Naruto smiled deviously. "No, here comes the…"


"…Ready or not!"

"Kage Shuriken no jutsu!" Shouted someone from behind.

"Wha…?" Naruto turned his head just in time to…


"Did I miss something?" Trish asked innocently.

"Nah, nothing interesting…" Naruto stated, pulling a shuriken out of his chest. "Did you get those useless fools?"

She shook her head. "There were just too many. They ran away."

"You… You killed my entire squad!" Kiba spat in anger.

"Oh? Then why didn't you attack me yourself?" Naruto asked mockingly. "Afraid that you might end up just like your dear pet?"

Kiba glared. "What the hell happened to you, Naruto?"

The demon snorted. "Nothing, you imbecile! I was always like that, you just didn't know that!"

"That creepy freak escaped?" Trish asked.

"So it seems…" Naruto replied. "Hey Kiba! What you say, shall we finish it?"

"Yes, let's… Shikakyu no jutsu!"

Naruto did nothing…

"This is it, NARUTO!" Inuzuka shouted, raising his speed.

Naruto did nothing…

"Now you'll pay!" With that Kiba blurred out of view.

Naruto did nothing…

"Shin-ne, NARUTO!" The beast man screamed, appearing behind demon's back.

Naruto did nothing…


Kiba's eyes widened. He reluctantly touched his chest… blood.

"Guh!" The boy fell to his knees and looked down… there was a hole in his chest where his heart should be.

"Idiot." Trish walked from behind and pointed her gun at Inuzuka's head.


Kiba's brains were splattered on the ground.

Naruto still did nothing…

"Do something dammit!" Trish screamed.

For some seconds the demon still stood without any motion. Then he raised his hand and summoned… a cola can. Opened up and drank it.

"Flawless victory."

Trish sweatdropped.

"Hey, you wanted me to do something…"

"You son of a bitch!" She exclaimed. "Flawless victory my ass! You didn't even lift a finger!"

Naruto shrugged. "That's what I call a flawless victory…"


"I won't cry anymore!"

"Eh?" Naruto turned his head. There stood Inari with determined look on his face.

"I am not a coward!" The small boy shouted and ran forward. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"

The demon rolled his eyes and raised his right hand.

"Hadou # 4 Byakurai!" He said and a beam of white light pierced Inari right through the forehead.

"Idiot…" Naruto muttered, watching lifeless body fall on the ground.

"Ah ha!" Trish exclaimed, pointing at him. "So you admit he was an idiot!"

"Well I…"

"INARI!" Some black haired woman ran over to boy's body and started to cry over it.

"Who the fuck is it?" Trish asked.

"His mother…"

"INA-ARI-I!" The woman cried.

"Oh, you son of a bitch!" Trish stated. "Look what you did! You made a woman cry!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "And what do you propose?"

"Take a guess!"


Tsunami's lifeless body fell over Inari's.


Naruto smiled. "Thanks, you're a life saver!"

"Well not quite, but… KYAAAAA!"

"What?!" Naruto asked, his expression changed.

Trish pointed behind his back.

"Wha… oh my god…" The demon replied. Thousands of bugs swarmed behind.

"I hate bugs!" Trish stated. "EWWWW!"

Naruto quirked an eyebrow. "I don't like them very much too… but not to this extent."

"Killed my friend you did." Shino's stoic voice echoed. "Pay for that you will."

"AAAH! Send them away!" Trish screamed.

Naruto rolled his eyes. 'Fearless demon warrior…' He thought with sarcasm.

"Well, she has bugophobia." Yamato commented. "Everyone has their fears… you, for example, are afraid that cola will stop being produced…"


"Stop, stop! It didn't happen."

Naruto sighed. "Don't scare me like that!" He said, then dismissed his sword and wrapped his left arm around Trish's waist. "Well, I was stopped last time, but not this one! Crimson Flare!"

Immediately the sky turned red.

Shino's eyes widened behind his shades. "Oh no…"

"YES!" Trish screamed. "Waste this motherfucker!"

"You heard the lady, Shino. Art is a blast!" The small sun started to expand.

"Ready or not…" Naruto said with an insane smile. "Here comes the…"



Enormous fire explosion followed, burning houses, trees and people in a matter of seconds. When it finally died down, Naruto and Trish stood in the middle of an absolutely empty plane.

"Well, well… Looks like I will be on top today!" Ex-jinchuriki stated with a wink.

Konohagakure. Kabuto's underground laboratory…

"You are a genious!" Kabuto shouted, hugging Hanabi tightly.

"Yeah, whatever you say." She replied. "Just let me go before you broke my ribs…"

"What did she do?" Neji asked.

"She did exactly what I needed!" Medic exclaimed. "By using her juuken she turned off one of his organs and the destruction stopped! Apparently demonic blood does not affect already dead materials! So what we need…" He continued, writing everything on some paper. "…is to keep his organs 'dead' until they completely change!"

Hanabi and Neji shared a glance. "Umm…" They said together.

"I need to tell Naruto about it!"

Konohagakure. Uchiha district…

'Damn it to Hell!' One Uchiha Sasuke thought, punching a training post. 'I thought she was on our side!'

"I never said that…" Rebellion responded. "I said that with her help you might have a chance against Naruto."

Sasuke snorted at that. 'Sure! And she ended up beneath him, screaming in orgasm!'

"Well, Naruto has that in him… Actually he thinks you are an imbecile…"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. 'Why?'

"Many things…" Rebellion replied. "But what I meant is he saw like every girl threw herself at you, and you pushed them away."

'Umm…' Suddenly a memory flashed in Sasuke's mind. Land of Iron… fallen tree… two people… demons… on top of each other… inside each other…

"Damn!" He said out loud. "I can't take it anymore!"

Konohagakure. Sakura's apartment…

"Coming!" Haruno Sakura said from behind the door.

"Who is it?"

"Sakura, it's me…"

Kunoichi opened the door. "Oh, hi Sasuke! Wha- mmm…"


Omake: Uzumaki Naruto vs. Massasi Kishimoto…

Naruto (Slashing everything around): "Where is this motherfucker?! I'll cut his balls off and feed them to Gaara from earlier series!"

Darthemius (Ducking under one of the slashes): "Stop…" (Ducking again) "Stop that dammit!"

Naruto (Calming down a little): "Sorry man… But I waited soooooo long for this! Now is my chance to repay for his… kindness."

Darthemius: "Don't worry, he'll come..."

Kishimoto: "Umm… hello?"

Darthemius: "Oh look, there he is!"

Naruto (Lashing out at Kishimoto): "Let me at him!"

Darthemius (Holding Naruto down): "Now wait a minute! I didn't pay so much for you just to disintegrate him in instant! I want to hear what he has to say first."

Kishimoto: "N-Naruto? Is that you?"

Naruto: "In the fucking flesh! Why, you seem surprised!"

Kishimoto: "What happened to you? You weren't supposed to be like that…"

Naruto (In frustration): "So you say I was supposed to run around in hideous orange jumpsuit, scream 'dattebayo' every second, do so-called good deeds and confess my love for Sasuke in the end?"

Kishimoto (Reluctantly): "Well… sort of. You were supposed to be the avatar of absolute good; believe in love, friendship and…"

Naruto (Struggling against Darthemius's hold): "That's it! Let me at him!"

Kishimoto: "Um… you know I'm a writer, not a fighter…"

Naruto: "It doesn't matter who you are! Tonight Naruto will make your monkey ass famous!"

Kishimoto (Paling): "Oh dear… I'm fucked…"

Darthemius: "No! Not yet!" (Releasing his hold and standing protectively in front of Kishimoto)

Kishimoto: "What?"

Darthemius (Whispering in Kishimoto's ear): "Say that he was supposed to be small children's hero and the prototype model for homosexual relationship."

Kishimoto: "Umm… y-you were also supposed to be a small children's hero and… the prototype model for h-h-homos-sexual relationship…"

Naruto: "…" (Silently changing into released form)

Kishimoto: "Shit! Now I'm definitely fucked!"

Darthemius: "No! Not yet!" (Getting behind Kishimoto and whispering in his ear again) "Now spit in his face and say that right now he's nothing but a lowly demon and a disgrace for every anime character!"

Kishimoto: "You're… You're nothing but a lowly demon and a disgrace for every anime character!" (Spitting in Naruto's face)

Darthemius (Patting Kishimoto on the back with a totally happy and satisfied look): "Now you're fucked!"

Kishimoto (In fear): "B-But you said…" (Turning to Naruto) "Wh-What do you need those scissors for?!"



Darthemius: "Ouch…"


Winner: Uzumaki Naruto!

Kishimoto: "Please stop!"

Naruto (Pushing a piece of rail into Kishimoto's ass): "That's where I had your dattebayo!"


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