

Chapter 41 – Silence of the Bears

Never let it be said that Jaune had gotten where he was in life by engaging his brain. That statement should have said enough considering where he'd gotten in life was dead, but even beyond that – Jaune knew he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

But even he recognised that he ought to have known getting a twelve-inch bear onto a moving train wasn't going to be an easy task.

"I… regret… making… this… decision!" Each word was interrupted by a loud smack as the small bear was slammed into the ground, one of its arms trapped in the pistons of the train's wheels. As each one turned the bear rose up and over, before being slammed back down into the tracks, then raised once more.

And climbing up the wheels had seemed like such a good idea too…

The worst part was that he'd seen Blake and the others pass by overhead too. He'd even swallowed his pride and shouted for their help, but with the sounds of a rushing train, combat and huge mecha, she hadn't been able to hear his voice. Too far for him to leave the bear as well, damn it.

"I can do this," Jaune snarled, fighting the instinctive urge to pause or wince each time he struck the ground. Apart from the damage it did to his furry body, he didn't have the capability to feel pain. Even now, his brain still acted like it had when he was alive. Except I don't have a brain anymore… no, don't get distracted.

Blake and the others were already fighting. Which meant if he didn't want to get left behind then he had to make his way to them. He wasn't sure if Grimm would hunt him down were he to be left in Mountain Glenn, but at the end of the day it didn't matter. If he got stuck here, then there was pretty much no chance he would ever be able to get back to Blake.

Even if they were currently fighting… he would rather die again, then let that happen. Not when it would mean leaving her in the middle of their argument… before they had even had a chance to make up.

"That means I've got to get on this bloody train." The wheel rose once more. With his left arm stuck in the spigot he reached out with his right, trying to grip the edge of the carriage. His fingerless paw slapped against the rim, failing to hold as he was dragged back down and under once more. He cursed and waited, preparing himself for the next rotation, only for the same to occur. He wouldn't give up though… his new body might not be as versatile as the old, but it certainly was more persistent. It simply didn't matter how tired he felt, or how much damage he took. So long as he was still in one piece, he could just keep trying.

"Arghhhh!" A masculine voice cried out from above, as a shadow passed over the edge of the train. There was a loud bang as a body flapped against the side of the vehicle, a uniformed figure just about managing to grab the edge of one of the train doors before impacting the tracks. The White Fang soldier gasped as his arms strained, fingers gripping the edge – body trailing behind him as the train pushed on.

"Oh sure," Jaune sighed, spinning round and round once more. "You think you're so special with your opposable thumbs. Look at me, I can grab onto things without any trouble because I have fingers. Well whoop-de-doo."

His eyes tracked the man's legs as his body flopped around, releasing the wheel at just the right moment as to wrap both his furry arms around the limb. "Eh?" The nameless grunt seemed to have felt it, looking down to see a small teddy bear shimmying its way up his body. "What the hell!?"

"Not so tough now are we?" Jaune grunted as he pulled himself higher. Climbing humans was a skill he'd just about mastered, as much as it had brought Blake her fair share of grief. The loose clothing was easy to wind his paws into, not to mention all the friction it caused against his fur. "Just calm down, I'll be up soon."

"Argh! Ahhh!" The faunus panicked instantly, no doubt having no idea what to make of a possessed bear climbing towards its face, other than that it was neither normal nor comforting. "Get off – get off! Somebody help me!" The man only became all the more frantic when Jaune reached his chest, pulling himself up the man's top. The screams turned particularly ear-shattering when Jaune's paws slapped against his face, as though he expected the bear to slit his throat. Only to finally go silent in confusion as Jaune clambered past him, up his arm and towards his hands. "Huh?"

"Yeah," Jaune sighed, even though he knew the faunus couldn't hear him. "News of my murderous possessed bear rampages have been greatly exaggerated." The final hurdle was crossing the man's hand, and for that he was able to wedge his paws between the fingers, dragging himself towards the door. With a sigh of relief, the bear tumbled inside, bouncing across the metallic floor as the carriage shook.

Any such relief turned to a grimace as a scream came from outside, as the faunus' fingers finally lost their battle against the metal frame. Jaune tried not to think about what that meant for the unfortunate soul… particularly since he had seen the Grimm trailing behind them. In such a situation there could be no survival. He could only hope the fall killed him before the Grimm could.

"Funny how no one ever told us we'd be killing our fellow man. I suppose they keep those lessons for you to learn the hard way." And to think, becoming a Hunter was supposed to be a morally easy choice… Grimm were evil and had no souls, ergo you were only doing good for society.

It was easy to try and write them off as terrorists… as murderers and monsters in their own right.

But then he could only think of Blake… who, for all her new career, had once been one of them too. That man who had just died… what if he was the same as Blake? What if he had been Blake?

"How is it, that in a world where we have an undeniable evil threatening our very existence – we end up not being able to unite against it?" It was a question for another time, since he had to find Blake and get himself rescued before this train did whatever it was supposed to do. The head will probably be the best bet… do they call it a head with a train, or a prow?

"Focus, you furry little bastard… focus. We get to the front of the train, we find Blake and we get out of here. No distractions."

It took him precisely six and a half minutes to find a distraction… though to be fair he could be forgiven for that. Since said distraction was the blondest and strongest member of Team RWBY striking the ceiling of the cart, before collapsing back to the floor unconscious.

"Well that's not good…" Jaune would have swallowed had he been able, as he watched the girl Blake and he had seen in the warehouse approach the downed blonde. "Where are Blake and the others? Why is Yang fighting alone?" If this was RWBY's plan, then it had Blake written all over it… what was the point in splitting up in a situation like this?

Wake up Yang, wake up… the girl didn't so much as move.

He couldn't possess her… Blake was nowhere near him; he was stuck in the blasted bear. But even if he were able to, what would it accomplish? Yang had lost to this girl in a trivial fashion… did he believe he could do better in her body then she could!?

The only thing he would achieve would be to put the girl in even further danger.

Though that appeared to be a moot point when the multi-coloured girl pulled on the handle of umbrella, revealing a long silver blade. The cruel tilt to her lips told him more than enough.

Yang was going to die.

"Shit, shit – what am I supposed to do?" Frantic button eyes turned left and right, looking for anything that might help him. Nothing but stacked boxes and containers, none of which he was strong enough to push over onto the girl. The only thing he actually had…

This is Blake level of strategy right here. But it was all he could do to try and actually save the partner of the only friend he had. And dare he suggest it, when she didn't even know he existed? But maybe… just maybe… he also considered Yang a friend too.

There was no time. Furry paws dragged him up a nearby stack of crates, propelling him higher and higher. From the corner of one eye he could see the cruel girl step closer, swing and reverse the grip on her blade so that she could stab down.

With a mighty roar, silent as it may have been, Jaune leapt.

"Ohh…" and gasped as a blade pierced through his chest. His arms came to grip at the blade cutting through him, even as he slid slowly down the blade. The world lurched, his vision swirling as he was lifted up – held before the face of a somewhat shocked looking pair of mismatched eyes. "Um…" it wasn't clear who was the most surprised, as the two stared at one another. But with Yang still in danger, he knew he had to act fast.

"I have you right where I want you!" he cried, pointing one arm at the girl. "Surrender!"

Pink and brown eyes crossed, the colour switching places as though her eyes had actually managed to slide from one socket to the other. She lifted the sword a little higher, shaking it a little. Jaune squirmed on the blade, sliding down to the hilt.

"Okay, not as I'd planned it, I'll admit. Your reactions must be good to have caught me. But still, if you could like… un-stab me please?" The girl reached out with one hand, touching his leg with a cautious finger. He tried to bite it, but with his mouth sewn shut it was more like he head-butted the digit.

She still recoiled, holding her sword out to the side as though the world's most repulsive spider was on the other end of it. Jaune cried out in shock as he flew up and down, the girl waving the weapon wildly in an effort to dislodge him.

"S-st-op- it, you – bloody – psycho," the bear slurred, legs and arms kicking. A few seconds later it came to a stop, the girl breathing heavily as she looked at Jaune. He too paused, feeling exhausted despite himself. "Look… can we talk like reasonable adults now?"


"Arghhhh!" She started to wave the sword again, balancing on one foot with a hand held across her eyes.

"Ahem." Both paused, however, when an unrecognisable voice coughed, drawing their attention to a new person stood in the room. The newcomer looked less than impressed with their display, tapping her toes as though to point out just how long she had been there. Even her arms were crossed, a long red blade held across her body, swaying to and fro lazily.

"Oh great," Jaune sighed, "and now what? Another White Fang member to deal with? Yang sure is popular today…" The fiend who had hold of him backed up, wincing as her eyes widened. "Or not? Hey, are you here to save me?"

The woman dashed forward, swinging her blade in a single upwards strike that would have bisected the girl he was attached to, if she hadn't backed up. Even then, it was clear who had the advantage… not only from the close call, but the clearly panicked behaviour of the shorter woman.

Jaune couldn't help but grin internally. He would wait for this girl to be cut down, push himself off the sword and then cuddle into Yang's bosom. Then when she woke up, she would realise who he was and take him to Blake. The plan was perfect.

Which was why it came as a bit of a surprise when the train, Yang, and the scary woman blinked out of existence. Instead Jaune was left face-to-face with an unfamiliar room, with scattered ornaments, books and empty bowls across the floor and surfaces

They had been instantaneously transported somewhere… somewhere that wasn't the train that Blake and the rest of RWBY were on.

"Well shit…" the girl let out a sigh of relief, falling into a nearby couch as she rubbed the back of her sword-hand across her face. One eye cracked open, to see Jaune's face before her, upside down and still impaled on the metal. "Er… hi?"

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