

Chapter 22 – The Human Jauntipede

"You remember we have a detention this afternoon, right?" Her partner reminded her, right as she was getting comfortable with a book. It honestly took her a few seconds, with all the crazy things that had been going on, to even remember what she was talking about. "For punching Cardin?"

"I remember," Blake sighed, turning over in her sheets as she looked at the bunk above her. Okay, in all honestly she hadn't, but there was no way she was going to admit that. Especially when Jaune might hear and start asking about what she'd done…

Speaking of…

"Where's J- my bear?" She'd gone to sleep with him tucked beside her, using her back to break line of sight between him and the creepy dog who kept chasing him. Turned out even when he wasn't actually in the bear, the dog would just leap through Jaune's spectral body, as though trying to bite him…

Always at crotch level too.

"Ah, noticed that, did you?" Yang laughed, "Relax, Ruby and Weiss have him – you okay with that?"

She supposed she was… there wasn't really anything she nefarious she imagined either of them would want with him, and after the last display they certainly weren't going to get rid of him or anything.

"I guess. Where are they?"

"Eh, I told them you'd be cool with it," Yang laughed, flipping herself over the edge of her bed and landing on the floor. This immediately woke the slumbering corgi, who tried to rise, bark and attack in one motion – and ended up with it rolling across the floor until it hit the wall. "I think they said something about doing you a favour as an apology. I kinda stopped listening when it got boring."

I should have known…

"Was that about the time you realised it wasn't going to involve violence?" Blake quipped as she pulled out her scroll, flicking it open, ignoring Yang's eye roll. Just a couple of messages from the school, little things like updates on lessons, facilities closed for maintenance…


`Yo Blake, I heard mention of a gathering of faunus at the docks, some kind of recruitment speech for those – and I quote – disappointed with the way we are treat in this world, and those willing to make a difference. They didn't necessarily say White Fang, but then they didn't say Kindergarten Appreciation Society either.`

`Wanna check it out? It's tomorrow at 10.`

Damn it… shipping dust was one thing, but recruiting new members? You didn't do that unless you had an immediate need for them. It was easy to think back on those times with Adam, being forced to train new recruits, deal with their demands, the way they found it difficult to adapt…

There was no way Adam would put himself through all that again, unless they had something big in the works. Hmm, another message?

`Hey, me again – just wanted to say I was serious about the above. I know sarcasm doesn't come across well in text, but I really think it could be the White Fang. Like… at least 99% sure!`

She could only groan into her hands, praying that someone would save her from the blondes in her life.

I'll be there. She sent back. She'd rather do it without him, but he'd made the smart move of not telling her where it was based, so she'd need to rely on him.

Still… the White Fang were planning something in Vale…

Fuck… as Jaune might say.

"Good news?" Yang teased, the leer on her face saying she had the wrong end of the stick entirely, "is it time for you and your boytoy to get some alone time in Vale?"

"Not exactly," Blake sighed, about to close the scroll – but for another message arriving. Oh for the love of God Sun, she got the message already.

`I will be in Vale tomorrow 8pm. Meet me at the following location, or I shall find you.

Nicholas Arc.`

Double fuck…

`And bring my son with you.`

Trebl- okay, no, she wasn't doing that… damn it. What a complete mess this was going to be. Unbidden her eyes fell to the mattress she sat upon, which she knew hid the ancestral blade, along with its sheathe.

"So what's the news?" Blonde and nosey asked, leaning forward in an effort to get a peek at the screen. Blake dragged it back against her chest with a stern glare, closing it before the girl could choose to wrestle it from her hands.

"Nothing you need to worry about," absolutely loads Blake had to worry about however…

"Oh, so just a date with your man?"

"There is no man. Just tomorrow I have to go into town to meet with someone is all." Yang's grin widened.

"Okay, that sounds innocent enough… so when are you leaving?"

"I'll be leaving here at seven…" Yellow eyes narrowed.

"Ah… I see, I see," the blonde looked up towards the ceiling as she paced back and forth, "and when will my little Blakey be back from her jaunt in town?"

"Late," the faunus replied, letting out a long sigh as she realised exactly what this sounded like, "maybe around midnight, but Yang it's not-"

"No, no – say no more, I'm not sure my heart can handle it." One hand came up to cover her mouth, the other to rest on her heart, even as she swayed back and forth. "Out late at night, goodness knows where with a man you wish to continue keeping secret from us."


"But I suppose I can understand your reasoning, I mean if I were you I wouldn't want to let any boyfriend of mine see the fine body of my partner either," at this she bounced up and down for good measure, and Blake was pleased Jaune wasn't there to see it.

"Perhaps if you spent more time looking for a man of your own, instead of making up fake romances for myself, then you wouldn't be the one left behind tomorrow night."

"Ouch, low blow."

"Blaaaaaakeeeeee! Help meeeeee!" The familiar voice sounded over the distance, her ears perking as she looked directly towards it, through the wall.

"What is it Blake, you hear something? Go get it girl!" Yang received a pillow to the face for that comment, even as the door creaked open – a hooded figure peeking inside. She seemed to flinch when she saw Blake awake, but with a nervous gulp waved.

Oh dear, was Ruby still nervous about that? Blake waved back, trying for a comforting smile as best she was able. Thankfully it seemed to do the trick, the girl opening the door wider as she stepped inside with Weiss… and Jaune.

"Kill… me…"

"Hi… guys?" Blake managed, one brow raised as she looked at the still bear in Weiss' hands, who seemed to be exuding an aura of pure horror. "Have fun?"

"Blake… take me off them – NOW! They… they do things Blake, they did stuff to me!"


"Ahem, Blake." Ruby coughed, drawing attention to her as she shuffled nervously. "In light of the… uh… altercation yester- Weiss, do I have to say it like this?"

"Ugh, you dolt – Blake, Ruby wants to apologise for her dog biting Mr Tiddles the other day, so we went and got him washed for you." The small leader nodded along with the words, holding Jaune out with both arms.

"Oh, thanks guys," Blake took him with a faint sniff, pleased to see that the scent of dog was gone from his fur. Huh, that was actually a pretty nice gesture from them, all things considered. "Thank you very much, I mean it."

"I need a hug Blake… they violated me…"

Her eyes glanced down to the bear, which seemed to wiggle its way deeper into her arms. Okay… she'd heard about pets being reluctant for a bath, but this was a bit ridiculous.

"Also," Weiss continued with a smile, "since we ran into all that trouble with Cardin, I thought to do something to help stop that. Why don't you turn him over?"

Turn him over? Blake obliged with a curious expression, lifting him upside down as she looked at his back and rear-end.

Oh dear…

Suddenly it made a little more sense now, as she looked up into his watery eyes. They must have picked him up when he wasn't paying attention, or maybe he'd gotten pervy and assumed they were taking him for a shower or something. Once he'd been away from her though, he wouldn't have been able to leave the bear.

"Wh-what… what does it say?"

Neat, cursive script – with a thin weave, sewn into his bum by someone with a deft hand… and a sharp needle.

Property of Blake Belladonna

"What does it say, Blake!?"

"Oh… Thanks guys," Blake laughed, pulling the bear against her chest so he wouldn't be able to see the writing. "You've… really helped me…"

"Yay, Team RWBY for life!" Ruby cheered, even as the other two grinned and threw in their own words of celebration. Blake could only watch with a strange smile on her face, trying to hide the suggestive text from the ghost floating around her.

... Quadra fuck…

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