
Chapter 8

YEAR 273 

Lord Steffon Baratheon and his wife Lady Cassana were running frantically trying to get ready for the Royal family, It had been years since he saw his cousins Aerys and Rhaella but he heard of the sudden improvements that his cousin Aerys and his friend Lord Tywin were making to Kings landing and the inventions. He was shocked to hear that neither was directly responsible for the sudden growth in power, House Targaryen was reclaiming. But Prince Daemon and Rhaegar. 

The famous so-called Dragon Press was responsible for printing out millions of books written by Daemon and copies of the seven-pointed star which were being handed out to smallfolk in Kings Landing and the Crownlands. That was a daunting move, letting the small folk learn to read and learn would lead to having the smallfolk completely devoted to you because they owe you everything, Some landed knights barely knew how to read and write, and in return for the printing of copies of the seven-pointed star, maesters and acolytes went to Kings Landing to offer lessons to anyone who wanted to learn for the next seven years. 

A servant came rushing down the hall and said, "Lord Baratheon, the royal party was spotted perhaps two hours away," she said as she bowed. 

"Very well, inform my wife and sons and the rest to prepare for the arrival of the king, and is anyone else close to arrival?" he asked. 

The servant nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Stark and his party are a week away, Lady Lannister is the same, and as for Dorne, The Reach,. The Vale and the Riverlands are a few days, they have a large parties, so they said." 

'Of course, they would, many lords have been preparing for years to try their luck and purchase a sword made by Prince Daemon and a party from the Iron bank was due to arrive, and the iron bank would have its due, Speaking of lords, my old friend Tywin wrote to me of his debt to be paid to the prince but he did not know how to repay him for saving his wife and new son' He snorted, "Lannister's and their debts," he said to himself as he dismissed the servant. 

As his family entered the courtyard, he saw Baratheon banners all around the place. In the center of the yard was Steffon Baratheon, who was tall with broad shoulders and the typical black hair and sky-blue eyes, Next to him was his wife, Cassana. Kneeling next to the lords of Storm End were Bobby B and Stannis the Mannis, Robert was tall for his age but nothing special, and next to him was a similar looking boy with a serious expression. 

My father walked up to the kneeling Baratheon kin and said, "Rise, dear cousin, come greet your king and introduce your family," he said with a chuckle and a hint of arrogance.

Steffon rose, smiled, and replied, "Cousin, come meet my family." 

Aerys greeted the Baratheon family with a smile, japing and spoke, "Come meet your kin, my sons and daughter." 

Visenya and my mother approached with me and Rhaegar trailing behind her, My sister was fussing over her dress, as she didn't normally wear dresses, She was a free spirit but one squeeze from my mother set her straight as she greeted them. Lord steffon smiled and greeted my mother with a respectful smile and made my sister giggle with a joke and Robert gave them his best smile as he copied his father, Stannis was respectful and stiff but greeted them kindly. 

"Meet my son's cousin," his father said from the side. 

Steffon Baratheon's eyes widened a bit at his kin, Rhaegar had the Targaryen beauty, and he was sure he would have the realm grasping for him with letters for marriage, but Daemon was a different monster. He reached eye level with him and had bulging muscles still developing, but the biggest worrying factor was his beauty; it was almost blinding to see. 

"Prince Rhaegar, it is good to finally meet you nephew, as well as Prince Daemon. I have heard many great things from the both of you, please come meet my wife and your cousins." 

Rhaegar gave a smile and thanked him as he went to greet Lady Cassana as Daemon went to greet Bobby B and Stannis the Mannis. 

"Cousin Robert, it's good to meet you!" he exclaimed as Robert gave a smile, "Well met, my prince; will you be competing in the events?" he asked. 

"Yes, I will be competing in the melee and joust, how about you, cousin?" 

He frowned and, with a pout, replied "No, my father has only allowed me to enter the squires, Melee." Daemon grinned, "Well, I'm sure I and Stannis will do well in the real melee," he grinned as Robert laughed and rolled his eyes, Stannis's eyes widened at the recognition but gave a half smile. 

"When will the Tourney start?" Aerys asked. 

"In two weeks but if you wish to start sooner and let some of the lords drag behind us, we can do that your grace." 

Aerys chuckled but waved him off, "No two weeks is a good time, it's a chance for every lord to get here and I hear the Lannister's party is almost here. It would be good to see Joanna again," he said as Steffon gave him an awkward chuckle. He turned to see Rhaegar frown a bit at the last part and Rhaelle was pretending not to notice as she conversed with her daughter, but when he glanced at Prince Daemon, who was flanked by Ser Barristan, the prince's eyes were murderous; he could see the subtle veins protruding from his neck, it made his spine ache, and he could feel his knees hurt. 'Thats not the smiling boy from a few seconds ago, Aerys wouldn't make a spectacle by trying to make trouble with Lady Joanna when Tywin was away, would he?" he asked himself as they entered the castle. 

Lord Rickard Stark and Lord Hoster Tully decided to travel together to the Tourney of Storms End to gather and compete, but everyone knew the real reason: every lord and rich merchant would be in attendance to speak to Prince Daemon to acquire a Valyrian steel weapon, which most lords have been preparing for years. "Will you try to acquire a sword, Lord Tully?" he asked as they rode side by side with Stark and Tully banners and men all around them. 

"I have given it some thought but I have a few ideas to compensate for some of the gold I could not come up with, Will you try to get another sword for House Stark, You know both princes are not betrothed to anyone but I imagine the dowry for even a chance at Prince Rhaegar is high but for Prince Daemon, the one who wields magic, I'm not sure anyone except maybe Lord Lannister could." he said with a chuckle, but he was not wrong since the truth of Prince Daemon came out and spread across the realm, all they spoke of were marriage alliances with House Targaryen. 

"Yes, I imagine the price would be steep, but Lyanna and Brandon wished to see a tourney for the first time, and I figured it would be as good a time as any," but Lord Stark was the same, he wanted to bring back power to House Stark once more and with Ned fostering in the Vale and striking a friendship with Steffon's son, and with Brandon and Hosters Daughters newly agreed but not announced betrothal, that was four kingdoms tied together.

He looked towards his wild daughter, Lyanna, who was riding alongside Brandon, laughing at some jape Brandon made. 'Perhaps a match could be made with Prince Daemon but what to give in order to accomplish that' he pondered as they made their way to Storms end. 


next chapter is when things start to kick off

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