
chapter 23

A day had passed since Ash had claimed his prize catch of four beautiful slaves in the Alola Region, and as of the current moment, Ash and his newly acquired sex tools were making their way back to his mansion so they can get adjusted to their new lives there.

As the group made their way up the driveway and to the door, the girls ogled in awe at the size of the estate.

"Wow... Is this whole place your's l, Master?" Mallow asked, her jaw dropped.

"It sure is." Ash replied pridefully. "And now it will be home to you slave girls now too."

"Unfortunately, I'm beginning to run out of room to house you ladies. I have so many devout sex toys like yourselves that I'm gonna have to hire someone to build an expansion to this house." He added on further.

"I would be happy to give you as much money from my accounts as you may want, my Master, should it please you." Lusamine offered.

"Thank you, my slave. You know just how to please your superior." Ash said contently, spanking the lady's plump ass in gratitude, a hum of satisfaction reciprocated from her in return.

Upon reaching the front door, Ash opened it, only to be greeted by Serena, who was wearing a tight red tank top showing her midriff as well as a pair of equally tight red yoga pants. Upon seeing her dominator at the door, Serena pounced on her Master, wrapping her legs around his waist.

As Ash held his most favorite slave up in the air, grasping her tight ass cheeks, Serena wrapped her arms over his shoulders and land a kiss on his lips. After the duo finished their kissing session with each other, Ash gently set down his slave, a smile shared between them.

"Welcome home, my sexy Champion!" Serena said with a smile as bright as the sun. "It looks like you brought back a few more slaves than you promised!"

"That's right." Ash said in response. "Let's get our new sluts in the house so we can introduce them to their slaves sisters."

With a beckoning from their Master, the Alola girls followed in their dominator's footsteps, making their way into the mansion's living room where all the other girls were sitting, waiting in anticipation.

"Alright my new Alolan slaves, listen up!" Ash commanded. "These are your fellow slave sisters. You already met Serena at the door, so allow me to introduce you to Bonnie, Alexa, and Jessie."

After making hand gestures to each respective slave he made names of, he then turned to his veteran slaves.

"Ladies, these girls are as follows: Mallow, Lana, Lillie, and Lusamine." Ash declared, gesturing to the girls in the order he claimed them. "Treat each other real good and you'll be rewarded absolute pleasure in servitude to me."

"Yes Master!" The room replied in synchronized approval.

As the girls met up to get more acquainted with each other, Lillie approached Ash to ask him a question.

"So, Master? Are there any more slave sisters around we can meet?" The blonde girl asked.

"Yes, actually. I've plenty more slaves around the word doing my bidding, but within time, all of my slaves will my my mansion their permanent residence." Ash replied.

"Oh and that reminds me. So all you Alolan slaves know. Serena and Bonnie will be your head Mistresses." Ash added on. "Any command from them is like a command from me. You'll obey any command of theirs without question, understood?"

"Yes, of course, my Master." Lillie said with a bow of submissiveness.

As the Alolan girls began to sit down and get to know the other slave girls, Serena broke off from the crowd and beckoned her Master over time a more private area.

"I was just hoping I could make a remark on your outfit. You're so fucking hot, my little sex toy. I almost want to rip those clothes to shreds and fuck you silly in them, but it looks like you have something important to say." Ash said, his mind picturing the sight of his slave in torn up workout clothing.

"I'm glad you think of your sex slave so well." Serena replied blissfully, stroking her long, honey blonde hair in appreciation. "I actually have an important piece of mail that was addressed to you."

After saying this, Serena turned back to the counter the two were leaning on, fetching an already opened letter with Ash's name on it.

"I took the liberty of reading it myself, and I'm a bit worried." Serena added on, a sign of concern weighed in in her words.

Upon taking the letter out of the envelope, Ash began to read it aloud.

"Dear Ash, you are in danger. The International Police have been looking into the sudden disappearances of women from the public for some time now. They are beginning to suspect that you might have something to do with it." Ash said aloud, pausing in fear of what might follow.

"Believe me, I am an ally of your's and my info comes from a reliable source. I wish to make contact with you. Enclosed in this envelope is a VIP invitation to The Grand Ball Gala Event being held in Saffron City." Ash continued, checking the envelope and finding a black and gold invitation card.

"By the date you receive this letter, the event will be held the following night. Their will be undercover police on the scene, as several high class beautiful women will be attending the event. They want to see you make a move and catch you red handed." Ash continued reading.

"I cannot allow this to happen. If you wish to meet up with me, I will be in the crowd undercover as well. Use this VIP to your advantage. The invitation is tied to a special suite in the hotel the event is being held in. Spend some time at the event. Socialize and look ordinary. Make sure the police see you as the honest Kanto Champion you are." Ash further read.

"Then after a while, make your way up to the top floor, Suite number 5. I will make contact with you there to help advise you anyway I can. Also, only bring one of your slave girls. Have her act normal during the event too. Make sure she acts like your one and only girlfriend." Ash further read, realizing that the letter was almost over.

"I hope that you can trust me enough to help you out. We once met a long time ago, you gave me confidence, so now I will give you my assistance in anyway I can. Your's truly, Your Friend." Ash finished, setting down the letter to ponder.

"What does that mean? Do you have any idea who this person might be?" The honey blonde slave asked her Master.

"I don't know, but whoever they might be, they know enough that have have more than one slave girl. I had never imagined the cops would present a problem to me." Ash said, a sign of concern etched into his face, slight sweat forming on his forehead.

"It looks like bait, but if this is a public outing, the police wouldn't dare risk their reputation by making a scene that involves the Champion of the Region." Ash thought aloud.

"I'll go, but not without an insurance policy." Ash said, clutching the box that held the Mind Stone.

"I'll be taking you with me too, slave." Ash commanded his harem's head Mistress.

"Oh this sounds so romantic!" Serena said wistfully. "Oh but the invitation says that the party is in a few hours from now. I'll go get ready!"

As Serena rushed off to the Master bedroom to change, Ash walked back over to the living rooms where his slaves were still getting acquainted.

"Alright, my little sex toys, listen up! There's something Serena and I have to handle tonight, so Bonnie will be in charge of you all until we're back!" Ash commanded with a powerful voice.

"Yes, Master!" They replied in unison.

As Ash himself walked up to his bedroom, he opened the door a laid eyes upon Serena. She was putting on a stunning red dress. It had a leg cut out for her left leg, allowing her to show her skin. The dress also had cut off from the shoulders, exposing Serena's smooth skin on her shoulders and back.

Noticing his slave was struggling to tie the back of her her dress, Ash gestured to her to tell her he'd help. As he finished tying the back of the dress up, his hand trailed along her backside and up to her shoulders. Upon feeling her Master's touch, she gave him a sign of her arousal, humming seductively in response to his advances.

"You know, Master? Being used and treated like a sex object is honestly the hottest thing ever. I love it when you look at me like a piece of meat." She said, erotic undertones dripping from her sultry voice.

"And while I love thinking of you and your slave sisters as nothing but, we will need to focus." Ash commanded.

After dressing himself in a black Tuxedo and bow tie with black dress shoes to match, he then held out his hand for her to take it.

"If you want to continue being my slave, we'll need to make sure we don't attract police suspicion."

"So in other words, we'll have to act like a tradition couple." Serena said, reaching the talk's conclusion. "When you've been a sex slave that takes part in some of the most sexy and kinky sex acts you could think of, pretending to be a tradition girlfriend seems so basic in comparison."

"Well, we were dating before I made you my willing sex toy, so I think you'll be able to find the ability to act it out." Ash chuckled as he guided his ballroom date down the stairs.

Upon reaching the ground floor, the duo were met by their slaves, all applauding them with smiles and a couple claps every now and then.

"Good luck, Master!" Alexa said.

"Be careful, Mistress!" Mallow pleaded to her new Head Mistress.

"I saw the note you were reading, and I read it to these sexy slurs here." Bonnie explained. "Don't worry, I'll hold down the fort here, and I'll do everything in my power to ensure your slave girls remain your's."

"Thank you Bonnie." The young raven haired man said to his blonde hair teen slave.

Upon taking the VIP invitation from Bonnie, Ash and Serena walked out to the driveway, where there was already a Limousine parked outside waiting for them.

Upon entering the backseat, the driver pulled away from the Mansion, Saffron City bound. It wasn't long until the driver spoke up to Ash.

"If you was wondering why I was waiting for ya's, it's courtesy of your friend." The driver spoke up with a thick Unovan accent.

"She gave me this note here, told me to give it to ya's." The driver added, passing a blank envelope through the window and into the back seat for Ash to take it.

"She?" Ash questioned, taking the envelope from the driver as he immediately closed the privacy window afterwards.

Upon opening the note, Ash found some instructions written on it.

"Hello again, Ash Ketchum. I'm hoping that upon you reading this, you will be heading to the Gala Event and will be arriving any minute now. I'm sorry this was the only way we could make contact. Nothing would have thrilled me more than to meet you at your home address, but I can't risk blowing my cover simply to gaze at your handsome face once again." Ash began reading aloud.

"When you attend the event on the main floor, there will be a special performance that will commence within the first hour of the event. Most police would suspect you'd watch since they suspect you'd be interested in the beautiful women onstage, but instead, you'll head up to the suite." Ash continued reading.

"If you wish to meet up with me, simply head over to the food catering area, and grab a glass of red wine and a slice of chocolate cake in that order then wait five minutes. If you do that, that will be my call sign to meet with you in Suite 5 on the top floor." Ash continued on, seeing he was close to the end.

"After reading these instructions, destroy this letter and dispose of it discreetly. Police cars might already be tailing the Limo I requested for you as we speak. P.s: Make sure you keep the Mind Stone safely tucked in a concealable place." Ash finished reading.

"She knows about the Mind Stone too." Serena said in concern. "Who could this person be?"

"I have no idea, but this could be one of two things. This could truly be an ally to me, although I'm unsure as to why that is. The second possibility could be that she's a cop trying to catch me. Acting on this when she knows all of this could mean that she'd arrest me for following instructions under assumption I'm guilty of what they claim me of doing." Ash thought out loud.

"But if she knows about the Mind Stone, then she knows I can subdue anyone who tries anything against me without problem. She also told me to destroy evidence which could implicate me." He added on.

As the limo made its way ever closer to Saffron, Ash came to a conclusion.

"I'll go through with it. Let's find out who this person really is and see if she's truly on our side." He affirmed, now dug in too deep to truly back out anyways.

Taking what the note said into account, Ash reached for a cigar lighter kept in the limo for patrons, Ash lit the paper note over an ashtray, setting the paper ablaze, the evidence it contained destroyed.

After another half hour passed the duo by, the limo finally came to a stop, a red carpet stretched out for members of the party could walk. As the limo driver exited the vehicle, opening the door for his guests to exit, Ash stepped out onto the red velvet runway, taking his "girlfriend" by the hand chivalrously and helping her out of the limo.

As the duo walked down the runway, several bystanders beyond the fenced gate cheered and took photos.

"Champion, over here!" A fanboy cried out.

"Champion, could you sign my shirt?" Another one begged.

"Ash Ketchum, could we get word on when you will expecting to resume your duties as Champion of the Region?" A news reporter asked him, practically reaching over the fence to hold her mic up to his face, only to be stopped by a nearby bouncer.

Ash responded to none of these inquires. He simply smiled and waved, as he had no better excuse for temporarily leaving the League Scene inexplicably after his victory in Kanto.

Upon reaching the front door, Ash revealed the VIP invitation he kept in his pocket. Upon seeing the invitation, a employee nodded his approval and guided the duo to the main hall, where all the other VIP members were currently already partaking in the event.

Plenty of familiar faces were there, including most of the current Kanto Elite Four. Seeing their current boss step into the room, they began to approach him.

"Ash, it's been awhile! How are you doing?" Lance spoke up in a happy tone, reaching out his hand to shake.

"Lance, it's good to see you!" Ash said, putting on a easygoing, friendly facade, all the while scanning the room discreetly, eyeballing who could potential be an undercover cop as well as find out who his mystery ally could be.

"We haven't heard from our new Champ in weeks. We were a little worried about you." Lorelei spoke up.

"So who's this doll?" Karen said, taking in Serena's fine figure. "She's got a great body."

"This is Serena, my girlfriend." Ash said, introducing his slave all the while trying to avoid biting his lip in desire.

Lorelei and Karen were wearing such tight blue and black dresses respectively that their breasts and butts would practically burst out of them. Ash found it difficult to keep his hormonal desire to conquering them repressed, but he managed to do so regardless.

He thought to himself in soon enough time, after the whole situation was sorted out, he would make them his property in no time.

After a few more brief formalities, Ash dismissed himself and Serena from the group, taking a moment to blend in further as ballroom dance music kicked in. As Ash and Serena took to the floor to slow dance like the company around them, Ash took this time to further assess his surroundings.

Using his basic training in Aura, he was able to pick out a few members of the crowd with an imposing aura around them. Upon realizing that the music ended and a special performance was to take place, Ash then began to follow the instructions given to him.

Walking over to the catering table, Ash grabbed a glass of red wine and a slice of cake, walking back to Serena to give her the slice, simply finding way to buy just a little time so his mysterious ally saw he did what was instructed of him.

After finishing his glass of wine and Serena finishing her cake, the couple waited a few more minutes, allowing the climax of the act of stage to captivate even the police. Noticing that his marks were distracted, Ash took Serena by the hand and led her to the elevators.

After quickly stepping in, Ash noticed the level for the Penthouse Suites required a keycard for the elevator to take them up. Beginning to realize that his invitation never had a keycard contained in it, Ash began to get nervous.

However, just a he was about to bail, a long blue haired woman entered the elevator and slid her keycard. Just letting the scene play itself out and avoid risking himself being made, Ash made no conversation with the woman.

The group never once spoke or made eye contact the whole ride up to the top floor. As the doors opened, the woman quickly stepped off the elevator, making her way into Suite number four.

Perplexed by the odd behavior, but not willing to risk standing out, Ash simply grabbed Serena by the hand again and led her down to the final Suite in the hall, Suite number 5. Upon reaching the door handle though, Ash noticed it was already opened up, a crack in the door gesturing the duo to enter.

Despite how conspicuous it looked, Ash took the risk and stepped into the Suite. It was a miniature home in there. A pool room right inside the main lobby, a living room just beyond that, and the Master bedroom just up a fight of stairs on a second floor of the suite.

On the nightstand just inside the door way was a note, simply reading "If you see this note, don't worry about locking me out. I have a key. We'll meet soon. Stay in the Master bedroom until then."

After locking the door to the Suite and making his way up to the bedroom, Ash and Serena sat down on the bed. A few tense minutes passed by, until Ash heard the door downstairs unlock, open, shut and then lock again.

Hearing soft footsteps on the carpet floor make their way up the stairs, Ash and Serena got off the bed, standing tensely, waiting for a confrontation. As the door to the bedroom opened up, the form of the long blue haired woman from the elevator entered the room, her elegant form showing in her sparkling ballroom dress.

Soaking in her appearance and features, Ash slowly began to realize who it was.

"Annabel?!" Ash asked out in shock and awe.

"I just disabled the wiretaps and monitoring equipment. We can talk in private but not for long." The blue haired beauty explained plainly, following up with a smile. "It's good to see you again Ash, how've you been?"

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