
Chapter 142 Conversation



The night was cool and still as walking through the brightly lit street Kazuki approached the most famous barbeque restaurant of the village, his steps measured and calm.

The village lights flickered softly against the backdrop of a darkening sky, Kazuki's attire striking-a blend of traditional and current fashion, evoking the image of a shogun.

His haori was a deep indigo, lined with silver patterns that caught the light, and his hakama flowed with each step,exuding both grace and authority.

"Is that Hokage-Sama? Gods how charming!!

The eyes of young ones in the street were drawn to the silver haired man, couldn't help but praise him for his good looks and the aura he gave.


As Kazuki neared the restaurant his brown eyes narrowed a little as he noticed a woman waiting outside. The woman had clearly spent a lot of time preparing for tonight, her usual strong look softened by a touch of elegance.

Her blonde hair styled beautifully and her emerald eyes sparkled in the low light. She wore a deep blue kimono, accentuating her figure, and her usually strong and determined demeanor was now tinged with a hint of nervousness.

Kazuki approaching her greeted with a respectful nod. "Tsunade-san."

"You look incredible tonight, Kazuki!" Tsunade greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes tracing the details of his attire.

Kazuki, ever calm and composed offered a small nod of appreciation.

"Thank you, Tsunade-san. You look beautiful as always." His voice was steady, his words sincere, yet his expression remained guarded, as always.

Tsunade's smile widened at the compliment though she quickly masked the excitement in her eyes.

"I'm glad you could make it, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Nawaki were supposed to join us, but…"

Kazuki raised an eyebrow, a subtle hint of curiosity in his expression. "I noticed they aren't here. What happened?"

Tsunade hesitated for a moment as deep in her eyes a momentary panic but quickly she got in control and gave a casual explanation.

"Jiraiya and Orochimaru got called away by sarutobi sensei for some reason, and Nawaki… well, you know how he is. Suddenly making plans to train."

Kazuki's gaze lingered on her for a moment, as if considering her words, but he chose not to press further. "I see"


Seeing him not pressing further Tsunade let out a small relieved breath and quickly gestured toward the restaurant entrance.

"Shall we?"

Inside, the warmth of the restaurant welcomed them, the rich aroma of grilling meat filling the air. They settled into a cozy private booth where they could talk without interruption.

As they ordered their meal, Tsunade took the lead in conversation. "It's been a while since we've had a chance to relax like this. It was much needed after the village and everyone went through a war".

She smiled, trying to keep the conversation going. Kazuki nodded, his tone calm. "The village is strong now. It has survived way worse… this war was barely anything compared to the past"

Tsunade's eyes softened as she looked at him.

"You've played a big part in that, Kazuki. Everyone knows how much you've done. Once again defeating Iwa all by yourself and once again… saving me…

Kazuki met her gaze at her words, his expression unreadable. "I've only done what's necessary"

His words fell and the restaurant staff entered the booth with the food.

Tsunade continued to talk, sharing stories about the village and their mutual friends. Kazuki listened intently, responding when needed, but his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.

He was focused, but distant, his mind still occupied by the matter of Yasuke.


As they ate, Tsunade's laughter filled the space between them, lightening the mood.

"You should've seen the look on sarutobi sensei's face when jiraiya's toad splashed water and oil all over him during

training. I swear he looked like a drowned rat!"

Kazuki couldn't help but let out a little laugh at her words "I can imagine that"

"Hold on, let me order something to drink as well" Tsunade buoyed by his response, ordered sake for them.

Soon the drinks arrived and Tsunade began to chug down one cup after another, Kazuki taking his time with the sake and enjoying it.


Tsunade poured herself another cup of sake, the warm, inviting glow of the restaurant making the night feel more intimate.

As she set the bottle down, her eyes caught kazuki's. His calm, steady demeanor was

something she had always admired, but tonight, it felt like a barrier to her.

"You know" Bringing a smile on her slightly flushed face, she started "I wasn't expecting you to agree to come out tonight… you always seem so occupied…

Tsunade's voice was slightly shaky a sign that the alcohol had started to affect her a little.

Kazuki could see that the alcohol was starting to affect her so as was his way, he simply nodded in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable but not unkind. His silence, however, left room for Tsunade to continue.

Tsunade leaned back slightly, her gaze thoughtful. "It's just that, seeing you here, away from your responsibilities… it makes me realize how much you carry on your shoulders. You're always the one everyone relies on."

There was a quiet moment where Kazuki's eyes met hers, and thought he didn't say anything, the weight of his presence spoke volumes.

It was in this silence that Tsunade found herself thinking about the things he never spoke of- everything hidden behind that calm façade.

Her voice softened, carrying a blend of affection and concern. "You know, Kazuki, everyone sees the strong, dependable man. But I've always wondered… who there's for you?"

Her words fell and Kazuki's heart skipped a beat though Tsunade watching him closely, hoping for any sign that her words might reach him failed to find it.

He was composed and his gaze was steady, offering no more than his usual calm.


Tsunade sighed, feeling the tension of unspoken emotions. She poured herself another drink, the alcohol giving her the courage to push further.

"I've known you for a long time, I've seen what you've been through,I just wish… I could help. Somehow."

Kazuki' silence continued, but his steady eyes were glued at the woman before him as unknown to her every word she said had reached him and he understood her concern yet he couldn't bring himself to show a weak look, it was like if he did everything that he had been working on for years would crumble to nothing.

The fake smile he had perfected over the years and the ability to hide his emotions, the reason why he went through this stayed in his mind.

Tsunade leaned in, her voice tinged with the vulnerability that only sake could bring out. "You don't have to carry it all alone, Kazuki. I want to be there for you… if you'll let me."


She hesitated, then reached out, her hand brushing lightly against his. When Kazuki didn't pull away, Tsunade took a breath, gathering the last of her courage.

The silence between them felt charged, filled

with all the things left unsaid.

"I care about you," she whispered, her eyes

searching for any hint of response. "More than you know."

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, without thinking, Tsunade leaned in and brushed her lips with his, a soft tentative gesture that conveyed all the emotions she had kept buried for so long.

Kazuki remained still, letting the kiss linger for a brief moment before gently pulling her back.

His calm gaze met hers, and though he didn't say anything, the look in his eyes told her that he understood.

Tsunade feeling of mix of relief and regret, looked away, her cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry," she murmured, not sure what else to say.

Kazuki once again didn't offer many words in return. Instead, he stood, extending a hand to help her up.

"Let's get you home," he said quietly, his tone gentle but firm.

Tsunade nodded, accepting his help as they left the restaurant. As they walked through the quiet streets, Tsunade leaned on Kazuki for support, her mind swirling with the events of the night.

Kazuki ever the steady presence, guided her with care, his thoughts as guarded as his expressions.

(I know there is an age gap between two but the female lead in my mind was always Tsunade, I tried my best not to write any intimate scene between them before mc turned eighteen, it's still a little bit weird but somewhat in an acceptable range as well)

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