
Chapter 50

AN: it's so hot from where I'm from right now. 🥵 It's killing me.

My schedule is still a bit hectic right now, so I'm still struggling with when to write, it also doesn't help that I have the concentration of a toddler and am not good at putting my thoughts into writing.

For those who recommended a Patreon so they can support me, I can't, it'll be too much for me at the moment because I can't save chapters or write that fast. If you really want to send some donations, my PayPal is always at the end of the chapter. 😅 I still have an IRL job. Yeah, adulting is hard.


Previous scene:

The waitress was in deep thought for a bit, and we were just waiting for her response when we heard a voice coming from behind her, and our gaze went to him.

"How about my place then?"

With that goofy himbo-like smile, there stood the not so big of man yet that was all too familiar to me.




I look at my all-time favorite himbo. He pretty much looks like the movie version, but his build isn't as robust... Yet... It's possible that his build changed to his ideal when he transitioned because he wished or thought for strength when he got mauled by the bear.

I then noticed something, it was quiet, correction, my best friend was quiet, i shifted my gaze to him and found him blatantly gawking at Emmett, and it wasn't his regular lustful gaze, not even with his ex that he claimed to have been the one that got away, did he make this kind of lovestruck look.

So that's it huh? Are you planning to make a lot of the canon cast gay? But I don't hate this change, I might not regret having Rosalie as my mate, but I did always have this little guilt from taking her away from Emmett.

[AN: Not a lot of them. Just a few, maybe an OC next. I'm just tryna show different kinds of relationships and experiences 🤔]

I know I shouldn't, because this is an AU, things are bound to be different, and even the bond works differently, which I was thankful for, I didn't want to be controlled by a bond like I was fate's puppet. I might have had my heart broken because of it, but still, it's better than being controlled.

Seeing that the two were definitely mates, this could be either a lot easier or harder for us to turn him. The easiest would still be to let the plot happen, but seeing his goofy smiling face right now, and how my bestie is quickly falling for him without even having a proper talk yet, I don't think that's gonna happen, my conscience won't let me, and Isaac will definitely won't let it happen.

The waitress was now long gone, I didn't even notice when she. Left, but that doesn't matter now. Emmett was who mattered at the moment, the guy was just smiling at us, waiting for a response, while he did give me some attention, I did notice that he glanced at my best friend more, which is a good sign... I wasn't sure if he was gay or if he realized that he was gay yet in this universe, because even if they were mates, given how the bond in this AU works, it doesn't mean they would be sexually compatible, they might just be life-long partners or something of the sort... But I hope for both of them that it'll be bxb, it's less complicated. Even if he wasn't gay-gay, Isaac might be his exception.

I'm not judging the other types of relationships ok. I support almost every kind of love, as long as it's between two consenting adults. Also, I believe that everyone has that one exception, that even if they were straight or gay, they can end up with them in °That° way.

I gave Emmett a friendly smile while sending a kick on Isaac's shin to wake him up from his stupor, which was effective enough to stop his gawking at the black-haired man, and instead looked at her with a questioning look.

I could guess from that look that he wasn't just questioning me about what to respond to the man, but also what he felt at the moment, the feeling a vampire gets once they meet their mate is quite unique and strong, one might have already experienced falling in love or being in love when they were still human, and if they haven't experienced the bond forming, they might imagine it as the same as how they felt how love was when they were still human. But nope, whilst it is kind of the same, it is more, it feels surreal, that even if you just met the person for the first time, you immediately feel this pull, the attraction, it isn't necessarily just because of their appearance, because I assure you, even if Rosalie looked like a naked mole rat when I saw her, the bond will make me feel good towards her... But again, as I've mentioned, the bond doesn't force you to be together, it's just a strong attraction... A very strong one, and if it was paired with good looks? You're done for. As long as you don't completely seal the deal, you could still walk away from one another...

Rosalie and I didn't... Haaah... I should've let her fuck me, if so... She wouldn't have been even be able to think of anybody, including her family or what the society says... But just me. Well, we met young. I might have lived longer if you included my past life, but to be honest, I didn't really actually lived then... I was always working or entangled in some trial or tribulation, if my partner cheated I broke up with them or stayed with them still until they finally left by themselves... I'm not even sure if I was even ever in love back then, because, though I cried for a while, I also recovered fast and forgot them afterward... so I don't have much experience in dealing with love...

What I do know is that what I felt for her was different... What we had is different... I know we'll be together again someday, my heart hurts... I long for her to be with me... But I chose to let go and not force it. It might not be too young anymore in this period since people married young now... But we were just 18 when we met... We're still both young and stupid... I've been thinking about it... And there might have been circumstances that led her to make that decision, and I stupidly made the decision to lock her memories of us, instead of investigating more... Now it's too late. I can't just go back there and ruin her peaceful and normal life.

Let's not think about that for now, I'm starting to get sad again. Let's focus on the now.

*Ask him about his offer for accommodations.* I told Isaac who nodded and shifted his gaze to Emmett who gave him a bright boyish smile that almost sent my best friend into another trance, but I kicked his shin again to stop it.

He sent me a glare before looking back at Emmett who looked at us, amused at our silent interaction.

"My BEST FRIEND is asking if you could give us more details about your offer of accommodation. For example, do you own an in, cabins, if you're single, the location and what not," He asked him while giving Emmett a flirty grin.

My eyes widened at my friend's boldness, slipping in such a question. I looked at Emmett's reaction and saw that he was looking at Isaac with an amused smile and raised eyebrows, catching my friend's personal question mixed with the serious ones.

Emmett let out a chuckle before he responded while looking back and forth between us.

"I currently live alone at the edge of the town, it's my family's land and we have extra log cabins that you can use, it's a bit away from the town proper, but looking at how young and... Fit... You both are, I don't think it will be a big deal for you to walk or I can lend you my bike to... or... guide you around myself," he said, while sending a flirty grin towards my friend who was now releasing that all too familiar smell of arousal.

Down boy! Why are you being so easy! I did not raise you to be this way! Hold back a little will yah?! But I must say, Emmett was being as proactive as I could imagine, his personality seems to be similar to the canon, which was a relief for me he'll match Isaac well... Also my worries about him not being physically attracted to Isaac seem to have been solved since I could also smell the same scent from Emmett. Animals, I'm surrounded by animals... Huhuhu why do yah have to feed me dog food?

[AN: Nobody's stopping you from playing around again you know? 🙄]

As if it's that easy... I'm guessing you're single right now huh? What do you know about moving on and mates? Be a vamp first before you comment ok?

[AN: this effing rascal! First off, why are breaking the 4th wall again huh? 2nd, I'm still currently single by choice, not just because I got dumped ok?! 🤬]

Yeah yeah... Whatever. Anyway... Let's continue observing our new favorite ship rather than wasting words with the author.

[AN: 🤬🖕]

"Our backyard is basically the forest, you mentioned that you loved nature right? You could explore, hunt, and camp as much as you want. I'm actually this town's best hunter... I can accompany you and teach you a lot of things..." he said in a bit of a suggestive tone to Isaac. Damn, isn't he being a little too obvious?

Do all gay guys flirt like this? I've only been close to Isaac and that one friend I had in my past life, but They're both extroverted and proactive... And now Emmett... If you compare it to how gay women flirt, there's a whole lotta difference, we basically just stare at each other from across the room, wishing that the other person would make the first move. Well, that's just based on my past life experiences, and how the women I °befriended° acted to me.

Isaac's eyes turn crescent from sheer joy, that the boy he likes, his mate... Is taking an interest in him, theyre almost eye fucking at the moment, and while I'm happy for them, I just wish they do it somewhere more private. I do not need to see this... Huhuhu

I decided to interfere for now so we could proceed to go there, we could just discuss the finer details on the way or when we get there since I don't think Isaac will want to stay anywhere else. Good for you, I'm gonna make sure you get your forever love.

I got Isaac's attention by tapping the table, then I nodded at him to accept Emmett's proposal.

"We accept, what are we waiting for? Let's go. By the way, how will we get there? On foot or did you bring a vehicle?" Isaac accepted and asked.

"I go to town using my motorcycle, it has a sidecar attached, so your best friend could sit there comfortably, then you could ride behind me," Emmett grinned at him.

Damn, calm down my future brother and husband to my bestie, you keep attacking. And you! ISAACC! Stop swooning at every word he says!

I rolled my eyes at them and then tapped the table again to get Isaac's attention.

*We need to buy supplies first, maybe a bit of clothes too, ones appropriate for the woods. You can flirt with him all you want later. Ask him to guide us around so we can be done with it faster*

My lovestruck friend conveyed what I said and Emmett looked at me with that goofy friendly smile, devoid of lust like other humans, proving that he was definitely mated now... Lucky Isaac... Tsk.

"I apologize if I might have seemed rude by just talking to your friend... Uh... Wait, I just realized we haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet.

"Oh my ROB your right, we haven't... This is my best friend and sister Robin Cullen, and my name is Isaac Cullen. You might be confused since we have the same last name, but we don't look alike, she's a bit uglier than me, I know... But don't tease her about it, because she's a bit conscious about it." Isaac introduced us while also insulting me jokingly.

Bitch! I'll get you later for that. I'll make your training harder, I'll make sure to hit you °There° accidentally...What? How can it be accidental if I made sure it hit? Don't mind me. And when did you start changing your religion to ROB

Emmett chuckled at his words and our exchange of expressions, and then proceeded to introduce himself.

"You guys are amusing and funny, I can already imagine how much fun we'll have while you stay here in our little town. My name is Emmett McCarty, it's a pleasure to meet both of you, he held out both his hands, one for me and one for Isaac.

We accepted the handshake and exchanged smiles. I also think this will be a fun trip. Don't you all think so too?


AN: this is the 50th chapter! Woohoo!

While I was writing this, I received notifications for comments, but they were all deleted, I've already said this before, but the authors could still read the deleted comments... I'll ignore the mean comments and just mention the ones that requested to reveal my plot for Rosalie, or Her POV, or the request to do a large time skip. Guys, I can't do a large time skip and do the canon timeline directly, the MC would need to encounter some people and join some events in history... As for the Rosalie POV... Uuuh... I'm planning to do it... Not so soon tho, you'll all laugh at how stupid the plot and reasoning... But if you insist, since this is the 50th chapter, give me 50 and I'll do it. 😂 If not, just enjoy the MC's adventure ok?

Thanks for all the power stones, comments, and reviews. Thanks for sticking around even though the story has been dubbed to give emotional Rollercoasters.

Imma be shameless since I was advised that I should do it... Since it would still be the person's choice to donate or not. If you wish to send support... Just if... here's my PayPal 👇


If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself, here's the invite👇


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