
Chapter 45

"Take this! Heavenly Bonk Attack!"

I laugh as I spin around with my mace and hit all the zombies running toward me. I roar and swing down the mace to turn the last zombie into chunks. I release a happy sigh and wipe the sweat on my forehead.

The mace is great. It is heavy, and I have a hard time swinging it quickly. However, in exchange, it is great to destroy something. It can kill a zombie in a single hit; sadly, if the zombies are wearing armor, it still takes more than one hit to kill them.

However, what makes me so happy is that I found out that the higher I jump for a fall attack, the bigger the damage, and also nullify the fall damage if the attack connects. What makes matters even more great is that as long as my target is not the ground, I can target anything and cancel the fall damage as long as it is connected.

If my target runs away, I can put down a block and hit the block with my hammer to cancel the fall damage.

I release a sigh and put the mace on my shoulder as I walk back to my home. While here, I decide to plant all the saplings I get from my adventure while searching for the village and the Trial Chamber. 

Most of them are trees I don't have in my miniature forest near my home, such as acacia and cherry saplings. However, I also plant some fruits I don't have on my farm, like sweet berries, beetroot, and glowberries.

I got beetroot from one of the villagers who sold five seeds for one emerald. I don't know if this is because I saved their villages or not. However, I feel that if I go to the other village, I will need a dozen or so to buy five seeds. Villagers are known as scammers, after all. They need to go to the 'Curing' room full of zombies before they give me the real price of their goods.

Not only that, I also returned to the End and took some samples for the End Fruit so I could grow them in the overworld and hunted some shulker to create more shulker boxes. At the moment, I have ten shulkers boxes, which is great because I can store important things and make it a ready-to-go box in case of emergency.

After putting my armor away, I walk to the bed and release a sigh. Today is a tiring but productive day.


|3rd POV|

Melisandre looks at the location of the portal in worry. She believes in her lord to be able to overcome the trial and win the weapon R'hllor showed her. However, she is still worried because her god shows her the possible future where her lord fails the trial, and his body will be forever entombed in the chamber where only monsters and the dead reside.

The longer she waits for her lord's arrival, the more worried she becomes. If her lord died in the other world, they could not take his body back because only Viserys could open the portal to the Minecraft world.

However, her worry vanishes when the portal appears in front of her. She gasps a little when she feels a mighty power wash over her. She can feel magic appear inside of her lord. Viserys always have magic inside him, but it is like a candle flame. It is small, and a small breeze can extinguish the flame.

Now? Now, it is like a raging storm that is ready to unleash upon the masses.

Viserys does not know it, but the Trial Chamber does not only give him the items from the vault, it also gives him the magic he drinks from the Ominous Bottle. The cursed magic turned into a blessing, and now it fuels the small magic inside of him. The candle flame is not like a raging fire that can burn anything in its path.

"What? Is there something on my face? I already took a bath before returning."

Melisandre snaps from her thoughts and says.

"M-My lord… D-Do you get another blessing?"

"Blessing? No. Not really. Why? I don't feel anything new."

She stays silent and gets closer to him. She put her hand on his chest and used her senses to look deeper into his magic. It looks like Viserys' magic will burn anything it touches, but to her surprise, it does not burn her magic but rather coats her magic, and she can feel the warmth coursing through her body.

'It is wild but also protective, just like Viserys,' Melisandre thought.


Viserys looks at the Red Witch in confusion. Melisandre only smiles and says.

"It is nothing, my lord. It looks like Lord R'hllor is happy for you. He grants you magic. You now can use magic just like me and have the potential to surpass me."

"You look happy at the last bit."

"Of course! Azor Ahai needs to be the best at everything! Even magic! If you are the best at magic, you shall have an easier time when the time for the Fateful Battle comes."

"Right. Will you teach me some magic then? And no blood magic or any magic that requires human sacrifice."

Melisandre nods her head and says.

"Then we shall do Totem Magic. It is magic from Westeros, the Northern Magic."

"How do you know this magic?"

"Ah, you underestimate us too much, my lord. We are the keepers of magic, and we make sure to store them in our library so that the magic does not disappear because of the wind of time. When we see the Order of Maesters think they are the only truth in this world, we know that we need to secure the magic of Westeros and give them to Azor Ahai to help him accomplish his destiny."

The Red Religion is made to help their Azor Ahai in destiny, and gathering all magic around the world is among those duties.

"What kind of magic is the Totem Magic?"

"It is magic that requires the sacrifice of an animal and takes their strength. However, to finalize it, you need to be the one hunting the animal from which you want to take their strength. The Northerners love to hunt bears, wolves, and mammoths."

"So, I need to go to the north if I want this magic to work?"

"Not at all. You can hunt them in the other world. We can hunt some wolves there."

"And polar bear."

"Polar bear?"

"Ah, it is another name for Snow Bear."

"I see. That can work. However, I never once saw any Snow Bear."

"You remember the sea of ice we crossed when we were about to kill the Ender Dragon?"

"Yes. Are there any snow bears there?"

"Yup. On the other side of the mountain. There are a lot of them there."

Melisandre nods and says.

"Then we can go there to hunt some of them and perform the ritual."

Viserys nods his head and says.

"We can talk later tonight. For now, I need to eat and play with Dany. I need to recharge my Danium."

Melisandre only smiles and shakes her head in fondness at her lord's weird words. Sometimes, he invents weird words for something that does not exist. However, that is what makes her adore him.

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