
Desperation and Valor

Master Kale, amidst the ruins of what once were hallowed grounds of learning, faced his new adversary with a grim look.

The spine-mace creature, having failed to incapacitate him with its initial sneak attack, begun launching more spines.

Around them, the academy and city was a maelstrom of destruction, with the sounds of battle echoing through the air.

Ever so frequently it was punctuated by the distant sonic booms of a titanic clash high above. The two powerhouses during it out far in the atmosphere.

With the silver aura still shimmering around him, Master Kale stood with a defiant stance. His hawk-like spear defended against each of the missiles that came his way. His constellation, in it's hawk-shaped glory blazed brightly overhead, casting an ethereal glow. The constellation sent star dust down from it's figure towards him, empowering him with a much higher tier of power and mana.

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