
30. Carnehill Forest

"Your Highness.." Inspector Xi greeted him but before he proceeded further, Benjamin interrupted him.

"Just call me Benjamin."

"Alright, Mr Benjamin, I'm sure you've been informed of the current situation. We hope to seek your assistance in this matter. Usually we will not investigate a missing person's report until 24 hours has passed, but judging from the circumstances of Ms Zane's disappearance, we have strong reasons to believe that she's in fact has been kidnapped." Inspector Xi briefed the man in front of him.

Benjamin's eyes reddened at this new information and he held his forehead, trying to ease the throbbing pain that had yet to subside. 

"Do you have any suspect?" He managed to ask.

"We found out that Ms Zane had left the house promptly at 8 in the morning, but didn't show up at the hospital for work. A neighbour found her car parked by the roadside at around noon. We have checked the car and there was no sign of a breakdown. The road leading up to the Zane Manor is a one way in and out. Thanks to the affluent families who lived up the hill, CCTVs are placed in strategic locations along the road. We have checked the recordings from this morning and found out a black SUV had blocked the road, prompting Ms Zane to leave her car and check on the other driver. She was drugged by the driver and taken away in the black SUV." Inspector Xi explained.

"Do you know who's the driver?" Benjamin suddenly became alert when Inspector Xi finished reporting.

"The man was dressed all black and wore a cap and a face mask. His car number plate was fake upon investigation. However, we managed to check the CCTVs from the midsection to the highway and tracked the car. The black SUV was seen driving into Carnehill Forest. That was the last movement we could track. The surrounding area of Carnehill Forest was vast and dense with trees. There were few cabins owned by private owners built in various places inside Carnehill Forest. We have sent a team there to investigate. I'm still waiting report on the whereabout of the black SUV." Inspector Xi further explained.

"How about the cabin owners?" Benjamin queried further.

"My subordinates are checking the information as we speak. Mr Benjamin, do you have any idea who might have done this? Any name would be useful as a lead." Inspector Xi asked.

Before Benjamin could answer, Inspector Xi received a call and after awhile, he hung up. 

"They have found the black SUV. It was left on the road leading up to the hiking trails of Carnehill Forest." Inspector Xi relayed the information he just received.

"Inspector, these are the information of all the private owners of the cabins located in Carnehill Forest." A policeman came over to hand Inspector Xi a piece of document.

Inspector Xi scanned through the list and his eyes caught a name. "Dr Marcus Lee." 

"Isn't he the founder of National Hospital, the same hospital where Ms Zane works at?" His subordinate asked. 

"Get Dr Marcus Lee on the line, now." Inspector Xi instructed. 

"His son, Dr Gerald Lee is Alexandra's colleague." Suddenly Benjamin said, startled Inspector Xi. They both exchanged glances and Inspector Xi immediately turned to ask his subordinates. 

"Did Dr Gerald Lee turn up for work at the hospital today?" 

"We have checked the doctors' and nurses' schedule. Only three doctors did not come in today. Dr Zane, Dr Amelia Se who's on maternity leave, and Dr Gerald Lee." A policeman reported after he checked his notes. 

"Inspector, Dr Marcus is on line two." Suddenly a voice sounded, prompting Inspector Xi to answer the call. 

Benjamin's mind at this time was already numb with fear. He somehow knew that damn doctor had something to do with this. The look he gave him that night was unmistakable, he liked Alexandra. 

Inspector Xi felt more trouble coming when he confirmed with Dr Marcus Lee about the cabin in the woods. 

"Get me the map of Carnehill Forest! I've pinpoint the location of the cabin owned by Dr Marcus Lee. We need to get there immediately!!" Inspector Xi shouted at his team members. Everyone scrambled to their feet and left the station in a dash.

"Mr Benjamin, follow my car." Inspector Xi told Benjamin, to which he agreed. 

When they reached Carnehill Forest, which was located five hours away from the city, it was already late night. The police personnel were divided into three teams and they quickly went ahead to scan the surrounding area. Inspector Xi led the main team, together with Benjamin, to the said cabin. Everyone moved in an orderly manner, without a sound, afraid that the kidnapper might be alerted and eventually harm Ms Zane. However, the area was pitched black and it made it harder for the policemen to move faster, not to mention they had to be extra careful of any ravines or wild animals along the way. 

Meanwhile, still trapped in the room, Alexandra appeared haggard and tired from lack of sleep. She had forced herself to stay awake. It was already night and outside, it was pitch black. Dr Gerald had not returned after he left earlier, and Alexandra didn't know what was he doing at the moment. She shuddered at the thought of him harming her and probably killed her in the end. Dr Gerald's mental state was obviously unstable and was beyond reason. Her only way out was to get out of there. 

Suddenly she heard a noise and someone rushing up the stairs. Dr Gerald banged the door opened and pulled her with him roughly. "We need to go now!"

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you!!" Alexandra screamed in fear and tried to pull her hand away from him.

Dr Gerald ignored her protest and pulled her down the stairs. They went out of the back door of the cabin and suddenly Alexandra could hear noises and lights flashing from a distance. She immediately shouted for help but Dr Gerald immediately covered her mouth. He dragged her away with him in the dark, Alexandra didn't know where he was heading. Along the way, she struggled but due to her weak body, she couldn't break free. She desperately hoped her scream had alerted whoever the people that were nearby. 

"It's Alex! That's her voice!" Benjamin turned to Inspector Xi who was next to him. 

Inspector Xi immediately spoke in his walkie talkie. "We're in the right direction. He must've been alerted. We need to surround the area to prevent him from escaping. All of you, be on alert. The suspect is on the move with the victim." 

They moved swiftly ahead to where Alexandra's voice last heard and they saw the cabin. Inspector Xi instructed few policemen to inspect the premise and guard it. He went ahead to continue with the search when it was informed the cabin was empty.

Alexandra was exhausted and eventually she fell to the ground. Dr Gerald was getting impatient and carried her on his shoulders. Alexandra's face and body was badly scratched by the trees branches and wild plants surrounding them. She cried silently. However, a sudden thought crossed her mind. 'No, I can't give up. I've never given up in my whole life. I worked hard for my future. I found Benji too. I can't give up, I can't die like this.'

Alexandra suddenly bit hard into Dr Gerald's shoulder, causing the man to shout in pain and instantly released his grip on her. When her feet landed on the ground, she began to run. She didn't know where she was heading but she ran, her life clearly depended on it. 

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