
Inner Level [3]

They continued their journey and covered five more kilometers.

As it was already evening, they decided to rest during the night and start heading back at dawn.

They quickly set up their camps, while used the same night watch plan as yesterday.

The next day at dawn, they again formed the same formation as yesterday and started sprinting.

After covering around six kilometres they reached the Kobolds Territory. There they noticed that kobolds were still searching for them as many kobold parties were scattered all around the territory.

They decided to head back quickly to the middle level, while killing all the enemies, that came in their way.

As they walked forward, they killed any kobolds that came their way.

And as soon as they reached the place where that underground dungeon was, they found that the kobold king was standing with his army.

"Let's break our way through them," Hutiya said to everyone.

"If we can do that,why didn't we did that back then?" Arya asked in confusion as if they could do this now, why didn't they do it three days ago?

"Well we were underground back then, so our movements were restricted in that close place and there were way too many kobolds to fight which would have lead to our demise." Setanta replied to Arya.

But this also cleared everyone else's doubt too.

Seeing them getting ready to fight, caused Kobold King to become angry thinking .

How can these insects, who ran away two days ago?

Now think they can defeat him and his army.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaa" the kobold king ordered his men to attack the humans.

Kobolds following their leader, attacked the humans.

Noticing that the kobolds were coming to attack them,

The archers fired a rain of arrows on them. Few of the kobolds died but those that passed through the rain were blocked by the tanks and Killed by the melee Yantra users.

This continued and they killed many of the Kobolds.

Seeing the humans were able to easily kill his soldiers, the kobold king decided to act himself and kill these humans once and for all.


The Kobold king shouted and pulled out his Yantra from the ground need the tree.

It was a seven-foot-long rod with a sharp pointy end, when the kobold king himself was around seven and a half feet.

He bent his knee and looked directly into the humans. Suddenly his veins in the legs bulged as if increasing his power.

'Primary Tantra: Enhancement .'

This is one of the basic tantras that many weak monsters have but everyone uses it differently.

The normal kobolds also have this tantra and its function is to improve their physical power, but not something drastic.

But as the kobold king is an awakened beast, other than gaining a new tantra. His basic tantra too improved.

Seeing him use his tantra, Setanta orders the tanks to guard the attack, while he with the archers readied their arrows to attack at the right movement.

Hutiya ordered all the Melle Yantra users to attack at the time when the tanks stopped the attack.

The Kobold king jumped and pushed his stick and threw it directly at the humans.

One of the tank from Hutiya's party tried to stop the attack with his shield.

But though he was able to shield, the attack pierced through his shield and killed him in a strike.


Everything happened too fast and one of their party members just died. And they could even react to this.

"F*ck!!!" Hutiya shouted angrily as all his teammates were his friends.

He looked directly at the Kobold king, who had a long smile. While looking at the humans.

"Everyone, he is really strong. Give it your all" Setanta shouted and alerted everyone to do their best.

Then the Kobold king walked slowly towards the humans.



Slowly he reached the dead body he held his stick and revolved it to place it on his shoulder.

This caused the body to get thrown away. Seeing the body of their party member thrown away made them grit their teeth and look at the Kobold king with hatred.

The kobold king holds his stick with both hands as if holding a spear ready to thrust.

Noticing he was about to do that again, Setanta shouted at Munda to be the main tank and use both of his shields together to stop the attack.

While he looked at Hutiya and said,

"Use that, or the situation will turn into something that we will not like."

To which Hutiya nodded as this was the only way to defeat the Kobold king.

Though this caused others to get confused they didn't ask as it was not the right time for such things.

As the Kobold king thrusts his stick, Munda as Setanta suggested used both of his shields to cushion the attack. And he was able to stop that attack.

This caused the kobold king to be confused and angry, as it was the first time anyone was able to stop his attack.

Just as Munda stopped the attack the other members took action, and the Meele Yantra user attacked the kobold king.

But this time Hutiya decided not to go in the first place.

While others were attacking, he was standing and concentrating his Jiva on his sword.

Yes, by 'that' Setanta meant fusing 'Jiva' with his weapon.

He was able to do it and it was a little faster than Arya, after his attack was ready he ran towards the Kobold king, and at the right moment, he slashed at the Kobold king's chest.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" the kobold king screamed as the attack just now caused a deep scar on his chest.

Before anyone could notice anything, an arrow came and it pierced the same place as the cut, and caused the kobold king to scream and blood started coming out of the wound.

The Kobold king jumped back hurriedly and released a unique kind of sound.


'Secondary Tantra: Blood thrust."

This is the secondary tantra Kobold king had, this is not something that improves his abilities but his soldiers.

Listening to the sound, the soldier Kobold started to act differently.

Their eyes which were pitch black started having a red hue in them, their claws increased in size and they pulled out their tongue as if they entered a bloodthirsty state.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaa" the kobold king shouted and pointed toward the humans as if ordering the kobolds where their enemy was.

The Kobold turned towards the human and started running towards them.

When Setanta noticed the kobold king singing, he understood this was something related to his secondary tantra.

So he asked everyone to get ready, while he and other Archers readied their arrows.

When the kobolds started running towards them, the archers released their arrows and struck the kobold.

These arrows were able to kill a few kobolds, but in those arrows, there were a few arrows Pierced that all the kobolds that came their way and created a strip between the kobold sea.

The Kobold however didn't even bat an eye to all these, as if they can't feel anything.

They just want to complete their task, that was to kill the human.

Anything else didn't matter.

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