
Trial [2]

After clearing The First level of the trial. The hundred survivors including Arya were transported to a new place.

After Arya and others reached this new place they started looking around at the new place.

They were in a large field and everyone that arrived here was just as confused as them.

As if answering their confusion The voice from before was heard by everyone present.

[Congratulations to all of you as you have passed the First Level.]

[30,000,000 People is the number that participated in the Trial. Now only 600,000 of That Number Remains.]

[You will be given a rest of two weeks before The Next trial Starts.]

[There are living quarters present in the area where you can rest. there you will be provided with food.]

After the Announcement ended everyone started leaving the Field and started walking towards it.

Arya too started walking towards the leaving quarters after exiting the field. He found a building with a board in front of them stating the name of everyone and their resting place.

After checking his Number Arya went to his room and decided to take a good nap before anything else.

After a nap of twelve hours, Arya woke up. He decided to roam the surroundings, So he exited the building.

He went to the Map present on the board showcasing the entire area.

In the center was the rectangular field adjacent to it where the living quarters, on the opposite side was the hunting ground where a person can hunt weak monsters.

The other two sides have mountains.

Arya decided that he would hunt and would try to assess how much stronger he became as he was stronger than he was in the orphanage.

After reaching the other side he noticed many people were going into the forests. While many were asking for people to join their parties 

"A place for a 'Astra Dhari', though the preferred ones are the bow user."

"A 'Shastra Dhari' can join, be it a sword, spear, or even a dagger."

Many people were asking the people to join their parties to hunt together. These parties mainly belong to the people who have been in this trial for more than six months, as though a new batch arrives every year. They stay for three years.

Arya ignored everyone and started heading directly towards the forest.

"Hey you, the guy with the spear, want to join our party we need a person. And you seem to be alone to want to join my party?!"

A tall handsome guy, with blond hair and green eyes with a charming smile, asked Arya.

"Ohh, where are my manners, I should introduce myself!"

"Hi, myself Setanta, I am an Astra Dhari as I use a bow, This is my last year. So would you like to join us?"

After listening to Setanta, Arya didn't find any malice in him as he felt from Virala.

"Arya, I am a Shastra Dhari as you can see and yes I am alone."

"Great, So would you like to join our party."

As Arya never joined a party, he decided to give it a try and Setanta's personality is also great so he decided to join.

"Sure, I would love to join your Party."

"Good, so let me introduce you to everyone."

"Guys, come Meet our new member that will join us in the hunt."

Setanta called the other members of his party and introduced them to Arya.

"She is also a Shastra Dhari like you, her name is Anaya, and she uses a dagger. She is a good person."

"He is Munda. He is also a Shastra Dhari, He uses a shield, he is a great guy."

"She is Muniya, She is an Astra Dhari and uses a bow like me. She is also a good person."

"Guys, He is Arya, a Shastra Dhari he will join our party. He uses a spear."

Setanta quickly introduced everyone to Arya and the party was also like him they got comfortable very easily.

After The introduction, they started heading towards the forest.

"So, what are we going to hunt, any particular beast or any random beast?"

Arya asked Setanta while walking with the party.

Setanta replied," Well first we will hunt a few weak beasts to make everyone comfortable, then we will hunt for some Grey wolves as they give a good amount of points. Maybe we might even find a dungeon but that's just a wishful thinking , hahaha"

Arya after listening to Setanta frowned as he didn't know that people can get points outside and what this dungeon is?!

"Ahh, Well if you don't mind me asking, Can you tell me what this dungeon is?! And I know that points are important but what exactly?!"

Now this was Setanta's time to get shocked

How can anyone who's arriving on to trail not know about points and dungeons?

"Were you living under some rock or something?!, Didn't your parents or even your school didn't tell you anything? It is part of the school schedule for the last three years of school."

"Well I am an orphan, so my parents can't tell me about anything, as for school....."

Arya got embarrassed at this as he left the school three years ago to train himself.

"Well, I left the school to train myself for the trial. So I don't know much about the Trial than basic things."

After listening to Arya's answer Setanta facepalmed himself as how can be anyone this stupid as the most basic rule of the trial is 'Survival of the Fittest'.

And how can one survive if they didn't even have basic knowledge?

"Well You are quite stupid, like I know training is important but knowledge is equally important. But well it's good you meet me before anything else"

"So let me tell you all the things you should know."

Then Setanta started telling Arya all the things one should know about the trial and The 'Jambo Dvipa' as a whole.

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