
Chapter 5 Defying Restrictions

As fate would have it, Rohan entered Shivin's life at a time when he needed guidance and support the most. Their shared interests and mutual fluency in British English allowed them to connect on a deeper level. They spent quality time talking to each other on the phone, finding solace in their talks and battling the loneliness that often plagued their hearts. During their talks, Rohan shared the challenges he faced after his girlfriend left him for someone else, believing that someone else was necessary to bring him ecstasy.

Shivin disagreed, emphasizing that true contentment stems from within and doesn't rely on external factors. Shivin's positive mindset and unwavering self-confidence struck a chord with Rohan, aiding him in rediscovering his own identity. Rohan saw Shivin as a guiding light in his life, recognizing that he possessed valuable lessons and a contagious positivity. Shivin's moral compass and innate charm captivated Rohan, making him an influential presence. They shared identical perspectives on strict, overbearing Brown parents. Being only children, they were cherished yet constrained, regarded as precious gems in their families.

Rohan happened to live in Bangalore, and he suggested the idea of meeting in person. Shivin, aware of his priorities and commitments, explained that it would only be possible for him to meet after his 12th grade. Nonetheless, the bond between Shivin and Rohan continued to grow stronger. They connected on Instagram, where Rohan found Shivin's posts aesthetically pleasing and admired his overall appeal. As Rohan scrolled through Shivin's Instagram posts, he couldn't help but be captivated by the aesthetic and allure they exuded.

The vibrant colors, breathtaking landscapes, and carefully curated compositions showcased Shivin's artistic eye and attention to detail. Rohan found himself leaving comments filled with genuine admiration, appreciating Shivin's talent for capturing beauty in the world. He praised Shivin for his ability to make ordinary moments extraordinary through his lens, and commended him for his unique perspective and creativity. Rohan's compliments reflected his genuine awe and respect for Shivin's photography skills, bringing a sense of joy and encouragement to Shivin's artistic journey.

In their heartfelt talks, Rohan and Shivin often vented about the challenges they faced with their Indian parents. The bitterness had driven a wedge between Rohan and his parents, and Shivin couldn't help but wonder if he would face a similar fate. Rohan shared the pain of his shattered dream to study abroad after completing his 12th grade, as his parents had not supported his aspirations.

The disappointment hovered, leaving him with a sense of resentment towards them. Despite his love for them, Rohan confessed that he couldn't forgive them for crushing his lifelong dream. As an only child, he felt the weight of unfulfilled ambitions on his shoulders, believing that his parents prioritized their own plans over his desires. Both Rohan and Shivin agreed that parental support for their children's dreams seemed to be a rare occurrence, often burdened by expectations and predetermined paths.

Shivin found solace in his talks with Rohan. While his school friends doubted his aspirations of studying abroad, Rohan was the only one who wholeheartedly believed in him. With each phone call, Rohan reaffirmed that dreaming of going abroad was not odd and that Shivin was on the right path. The hope that Rohan instilled in Shivin's heart was immeasurable, reminding him that he was not alone in his journey.

Rohan became more than just a mentor to Shivin; he became a friend who understood him deeply. Their connection grew stronger within just one week of knowing each other, and Shivin cherished the fact that Rohan was only one call away. The liveliness and spirit of Shivin's personality reminded Rohan of his younger self, reigniting a sense of purpose within him. Rohan felt a strong sense of responsibility toward Shivin. He wanted nothing more than to see him succeed and make his dream of studying abroad a reality. With an unwavering grit, Rohan vowed to do everything in his power to assist Shivin in achieving his aspirations.

For Shivin, Rohan was not just a mentor but a true friend who offered unwavering support and encouragement. As their bond continued to strengthen, Shivin found himself slowly shedding the fear and doubt that had plagued his mind. With Rohan by his side, he felt a renewed sense of confidence and tenacity. Rohan's belief in him became a driving force, propelling him forward even when faced with obstacles.

The weeks flew by, filled with phone calls that uplifted their spirits and kindled their dreams. Shivin knew that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but he was no longer intimidated. With Rohan's unwavering support and the newfound belief in himself, he was ready to face any challenges that lay ahead. The ray of hope that Rohan brought into Shivin's life would guide him through the darkness and lead him toward a future filled with endless possibilities. With Shivin's growing bond with Rohan, his parents became increasingly concerned about his constant communication with someone they suspected he had never met in person. Shivin's mother, in particular, disapproved of him talking to strangers online and often pestered him with questions about Rohan. "I can't recall you ever mentioning a friend named Rohan. Who is he? Where is he from? How did you meet him?" Shivin's mother persistently questioned him about his relationship with Rohan. Shivin perceived his mother's concern as unwarranted and over the top.

"I see you are too much occupied in your phone, not giving a damn on other aspects of his life," his father commented.

One day, in an attempt to fit in with his classmates, Shivin decided to bring his phone to school without letting his parents know. During lunch break, while he was engrossed in a video call with Rohan, proudly showing him his classroom, his class teacher caught him in the act. She confiscated his phone and handed it over to the principal. Shivin's heart sank as he realized the consequences he would face at home. In the evening, Shivin's father collected the phone from the principal's office. He apologized on Shivin's behalf and articulated his embarrassment over the situation. He warned Shivin that there would be severe repercussions waiting for him once they reached home. However, Shivin was unfazed by his father's threat. He knew that his passion for staying connected with Rohan and pursuing his dreams would not be deterred by such obstacles.

Upon reaching home, Shivin's mother couldn't resist the urge to check his phone and discovered the extensive phone calls he had been having with Rohan.

"Shivin, who's this Rohan? Do you care to explain about your relatiom with him is?" his mother inquired one fine evening.

Feeling caught off guard, Shivin quickly improvised a story, claiming that Rohan was a friend he had met at a recent book fair. However, his parents didn't believe him, suspecting that he was hiding something more significant. In an attempt to limit his communication with Rohan, Shivin's parents decided to delete his number from his phone. This act of control only further ignited Shivin's tenacity to continue talking to Rohan through Instagram. Despite the restrictions imposed on him, Shivin found solace in knowing that he could still connect with Rohan through social media.

To Shivin's dismay, his parents forbade him from carrying his phone with him on his walks and restricted his ability to make phone calls altogether. These limitations frustrated him, as he longed to hear Rohan's voice and maintain their close connection. Seeking support and understanding, Shivin turned to Rohan on Instagram, explaining the situation and sharing his feelings of being cut off from him. Rohan empathized with Shivin's frustration, acknowledging the significance of hearing each other's voices and expressing their thoughts more freely. He suggested that Shivin find an excuse to talk to him, assuring him that their bond was strong and they would find a way to overcome the obstacles together.

With Rohan's encouragement, Shivin mustered the courage to confront his parents. Sitting with his mother, he realized the importance of being truthful. She asked him once again about Rohan, her curiosity mixed with concern. Shivin took a deep breath and confessed, "Mom, I need to tell you the truth. Rohan is actually a senior who graduated this year and is preparing to go abroad. He's been guiding and helping me with my dreams of studying overseas." Shivin paused, gauging his mother's reaction. He continued, "I lied to you initially because I knew you wouldn't approve of me talking to someone older. But Rohan has been a genuine friend, and he's played a significant role in shaping my aspirations."

Shivin's mother listened intently, her expression a mixture of surprise and apprehension. After a moment of silence, she spoke, her voice tinged with concern, "Shivin, I understand your desire to pursue your dreams, but as your parents, we worry about your safety and well-being. We need to know that you're making the right choices and surrounding yourself with trustworthy people." Shivin nodded, acknowledging his mother's concerns, but also hoping to bridge the gap between their perspectives.

With persistence and empathy, Shivin continued, "Mom, I know it might be difficult for you to comprehend the bond I share with Rohan. But he has become an important mentor and friend to me. He believes in my potential and supports my aspirations. Cutting off contact with him completely would be unfair to both of us."

His mother remained silent for a moment, contemplating Shivin's words. Finally, she spoke softly, "Shivin, I want what's best for you. I may not fully understand your connection with Rohan, but if he has been a positive influence in your life and has helped shape your dreams, then I don't want to stand in your way. However, I need reassurance that you're being cautious and mindful of your interactions."

Relieved by his mother's openness, Shivin smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Mom. I promise to be cautious, and I'll always prioritize my safety and well-being. But please understand that Rohan's guidance and support mean a lot to me at this point. I want to continue talking to him, even if it's through Instagram." His mother nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and concern. She acknowledged that Shivin was growing up and needed to navigate his own path, even if it meant connecting with people beyond their immediate circle. With an agreement reached, Shivin felt a renewed sense of freedom and relief. That evening, as Shivin held his phone in his hands, he hesitated for a moment before dialing Rohan's number. The familiar voice on the other end of the line brought a rush of ecstasy to Shivin's heart. They spoke for an hour, sharing stories, dreams, and Rohan, like always, cheered and encouraged his "bro" Shivin to pursue his goals relentlessly. The connection they had forged grew stronger, their shared experiences and unwavering support guiding them through the ups and downs of their respective journeys.

As days turned into weeks, Shivin and Rohan continued to nurture their bond, defying the restrictions placed upon them. They found solace in their talks, sharing their love for literature and exchanging recommendations for English songs that spoke to their souls. These shared passions and talks further solidified their connection, creating a tapestry of understanding and encouragement. Over the course of one month, they had become each other's pillars of support, reminding one another that no obstacle was too great when faced with unwavering grit and unwavering friendship. In a late night chat on Instagram, Rohan urged Shivin to confront his father about his desire to study abroad. Shivin hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

"Mention your plans everyday whenever you talk to your parents," Rohan suggested that Shivin bring up his plans every day, gradually persuading his father. Shivin felt overwhelmed, unable to formulate a response, unsure of the best course of action.

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