

There at the table in the meeting-like room, the grown up Roman, about the age of twenty, stood before his father who held a smile.

"We won't hurt him, but this will be the last of his training. Once we are done with this, Caesar will no longer be hurt and he will be just as happy," Mr. Sergey said. 

Roman who didn't entirely believe him furrowed his brows at him. "How do I know you mean your words?"  

"I will never deceive you. I'm sure I've never done such a thing before. And I swear on my life, this will be the last." Mr. Sergey's smile widened. "All you have to do is help me take him to the location. Caesar hates me, and he will never agree to come. He would rather throw a tantrum, which I don't want." 

Roman was quiet for a few seconds before drawing a deep breath. "This will be the last time. I won't allow any of you to hurt him ever again." 

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