

Adeline quickly looked away from him, biting her lower lip, her face flushing a light shade of red.  

"It's cold outside. Wear this," Caesar said, grabbing his coat that had been spread out on the bed and putting it over and around her.  

She grasped its hem and slipped her arms into it. It completely reminded her of Caesar, and she liked it more than she would have loved to wear her own coat. 

"Come here." Caesar pulled her in, hugging her for no reason. 

But Adeline had no question. She rather enjoyed it, drawing a deep breath of relief. 

They left the room a bit later, and currently, they had made it to the airport and were now flying back to Russia in first class. Roman was flying with them as well. He had no reason to stay in Italy anymore, and it had also been years since he'd been to the pack. 

Adeline sat next to Caesar, whose glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, focused on the laptop settled on his lap. 

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