
Big Scaly Things

Thor roared in rage as Karl called him out to prepare for the fight. He couldn't see the enemy yet, but he could smell them, and every Cerro knew the smell of their natural predators.

"The scaly things are some sort of bipedal lizard." Karl relayed as he tried to interpret Thor's enraged thoughts.

His mind just called them enemies, and the Cerro packs didn't have a name for them either, but there was no doubt that they were carnivorous and pack hunters. What he hadn't expected was the size. 

The first of them came crashing through the trees, standing three metres tall, but nearly seven metres long as it stood on two powerful legs with its tail extending behind it, and Karl could hear more of them coming.

Thor bugled a challenge at them, and the reptilian beasts turned to charge at their natural prey, forgetting about the small humans in favour of a real meal.


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