
Volume 0 (62): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 62 : Initiation Part 2.

The revelation of Marshack stunned Irithia and Oxxana, in their minds, an Entity as Evolved and filthy rich as he has shown, would have an extended harem ready to please him.

As it is the case with how many Females approacheds to the Apex daily, however, he ignores most of them due to their poor Evolution Development.

On the other side of the spectrum, his words provokes an intense blushing on Katherine and Ényel, his "Boldness" is a bit too direct for them, even if Marshack just said a fact.

All of this happens while Zergirion scream incredulously —No way!; Stuttering unintelligible words and cutting sentences for a short span »—You …, what!, but, and …, that, wait …, No! …

Not understanding the situation or the expressions on those near, Marshack inquires searching for answers —Why your reactions are so severe?.

The Females struggles to respond, even Irithia doesn't like to speak too much of the subject due to what Katherine almost expirience with Persea.

Zergirion screams again with annoyance and incredulousness —Because you are too mature, emanating wisdom and expirience more than me or "Perfect" i mean "Prefect Blanchard".

His voice shows exasperation »—How can you lack practice in the only subject that truly matters when someone is alive!.

Without changing his behavior Marshack proclaims —I am the Apex of my Species, and i was unable to Practice due to lack of Females Evolved enough to interact with until My Bride accepted the proposal, furthermore, i promise to her, that i am not going to engage in full sexual intercourse until i find a Partner that has less than 250 Hûrngöth Years or i surpass such age, usually, i omit the last part because i believe in the probabilities of me finding an adequate Partner before reaching the time limit, after all, i just berely reach 97 Hûrngöth Years.

This series of revelations let flabbergasted Marshack's teammates for different reasons.

Oxxana admonishing retorts to the Apex —If you are going to get married, why do you pursuit Onice?.

—I don't do that, is entirely the opposite, i allow her to pursue me; Nonchalantly said Marshack »—What is so strange about having a fiancée and looking for more Partners?.

This sudden question startled Oxxana, and Katherine reply shyly —Shouldn't you be faithful to "Her"?.

Again, the Apex can't understand their thought process —What part of my behavior doesn't clarify how faithful i am?.

Confusion appear on Marshack's teammates faces »—I follow My Bride petition when i don't have to, i respect her decisions limiting our intimate interactions when i can force her the moment i desire to do so, how that doesn't show my faithfulness and commitment?.

This shows how different the Mentality, Culture and Traditions of the distinct Species are, in order of how they developed and progress their values alongside the entire Civilization they built, silencing any other reply.

Irithia keeps staring at the Apex until she resolves herself to ask —Bverxkka, Can you destroy the aftermath of what was provocated by the Pheromones of Persea?.

The change of subject is followed by Marshack, he negates immediately the possibility —Unlikely, i berely delve in this type of interactions and it is not one of my priorities, personally, i find abhorrent to employ pheromones without the consent of your Partner, and even in that case, should be done to enhance the sensations of the interaction, not to make someone codependent of you or altering their chemical process to manipulate the actions they perform.

Irithia maintain a straight facade, her mother is objectively enslaved by one of the Queens the Vöulmmurn have, this is one of the many reasons she can't tolerate Veronnika.

The Status inside of the Vöulmmurn Species is obtained in base of the Individuals they lure from other Species, her Mother, being the only Wife of the first and last Ark Count of the Icyan, catapult the Stealer to her current position, showing off this prose as a Trophy on every reunion they encouter each other.

Whispering, Irithia comments —It is better to know she can't be herself anymore …

This downcasted atmosphere around Irithia is dissipated fastly by Zergirion with his loud voice —Now that everyone is here!, let's grab our "Uniforms" and depart to … , to … ; The Playboy clumsy face expression and tone of voice inquire apologetically »—Where are we going?.

—It is not possible to determine this for safety measurements and to prevent cheating; Marshack informs with detachment, cheating is a practice forbidden for the Hûrngöth, punishable with immediate execution, as it is the case of having access to Fotonic Matter, which is why the Apex is wary of Ényel.

Together, the Team goes to a nearby circular reception desk, like the one present on the Residential Barracks, an similar to the one on that location, has an Elevator in the center, in which is visible numerous Entities going up or down.

The wait in line does not last too long, and the receptionist quickly provides the Team with their Endodermis Suits and Slaidts.

Mentioning to them, the importance of not using any other equipment during the test, unless they obtained after departing from the installations.

Reaching the Elevator, the Team start ascending to the next floor, where they can change their attire for the reglamentary Uniform of Barloen College.

The Slaidt is placed over the nose between the eyes, quickly disappearing, while the Endodermis Suit has the texture and apparency of the En'ihg Algaes, covering almost all the body, except for the head and additional appendages like tails, wings, dorsal fins or spines.

Lastly they storage their belongings inside the College Ring, locking the access to this additaments as a proof of not being cheaters.

After tge changing area, the Team is faced once again with a new Hexxal, but is a bit different that the previous they used, with different design, having an equilateral hexagon not an elongated one, but its size and function change too, being smaller, about 150 Vul (75 meters) of diameter, and generating a bubble that protect the travelers before they are launched into the Hexxal.

—That looks really fun!; Scream Zergirion, rushing his Teammates to be the next group launched into the vortex.

Lined up inside the marked area, the Team is surrounded by a translucent Gravity bubble, causing them to levitate for a few seconds before being thrown into the Hexxal.

The trip is different from the one they had before, it is not instantaneous, on the contrary, it is relatively slow, allowing them to observe the energetic ramifications through which they move towards their uncertain destination.

This ramifications are of a transluscent electric blue extremely dark resembling the energy employed by one of the greatest aberrations inside of the Hellaven Duality Society, "The Nefh'lim".

— … , … , … ; Ényel Attempts to mentioned the fact, but her voice is not heard, that surprise her and makes her panic a bit, still, what she said was observed by Marshack, who express to her employing the function of the Slaidt *—This location forbids sound transmission, if you want to communicate, use the Slaidt.*

*—How long this is going to be?*; Asked Oxxana and Marshack reply *—Until this Gravity Bubble start to collapse in 11 Standard Minutes.

—Bverxkka; Shyly called Katherine to the Apex »—You know how long is a Cycle Week?.

—I don't know; Mention Marshack and Ényel intervene saying —A Cycle Week has 12 Days of 120 Hours, constituted by 120 Minutes of 120 Seconds.

—115.5 Standard Days: Translate Marshack immediately causing panic on Oxxana —So you think we have to survive for more than two Standard Months?!.

—Unlikely, must be another factor and we have up to that date to achieve it.

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