

Hi, I'm "Marshack" the author of this Novel, is the first time i write with the intention of others to read my work, I'm not good speaking English but i thought it is nice improving while you do something you like, so expect mistakes, I'm going to try and fix them as fast as possible.

Now, after that boring introduction, let me explain some aspects that will make easy and consistent your reading: Dialogues, Thoughs and Others.

Now, the nomenclature with Aezza as a guinea pig, i mean, as a volunteer.

Dialogues - — … … …

Same character Dialogue »— … … …

Other Language - ‡— … … …

Thoughts - { … … … }

Skills or Abilities - [ … … … ]

Sounds - *… … …*

Interface of the Slaidt - § Aezza §

Separation of Events - ∆×∆×∆×∆

Looks like her didn't survive, or maybe she is just shy …

(Indignated)Ax: I just don't like to talk if it's not needed!

Hey!, what are you doing?!, i didn't explain the use of parentheses yet …

(Mocking)Ax: That's because you are slow and forgot to doing so

No, it's because has a certain complexity

(Annoyed)Ax: What is complex about provide some explenation

Precisely that, it is not an explanation, it's a clarification 

(Annoyed)Ax: The same

Wrong!, tell me how many hours have a day

(Mocking)Ax: Are you dumb?!, its 24 hours

Yeah …, that's acceptable for a human day, not an Hûrngöth day or a Cycle day

(Annoyed)Ax: You don't clarify that!, Smart ass!

Jeez, language plis …, now you see how the differences are relevant 

(Annoyed)Ax: Unfair …, so how long it is?

A Hûrngöth Day has 90 hours of 90 minutes of 90 seconds, 202.5 hours (8.4375 Human days), 

(Mocking)Ax: You don't thought to much in that, right?

Irrelevant …, and focus in the clarification, if an Hûrngöth ask you out tomorrow, you gonna have to wait more than a week, because for him, that is normal, and obviously he is going to express in the way he was rise, so things like "1 hour"(2¼hours), has a different connotation depending on the individual preferences and knowledge.

(Mocking)Ax: You are such a smart ass

And you love it

(Blushing)Ax: Sh-Shut up!!

To bad that i can't …, so continuing with the explenation, goes …, my personal taste and I'm not referring to Aezza juicy, bouncy and smackable ass, i am talking about the development of the characters and thus the advancement of the story, so …


Don't expect plot armor, i hate it so much that i am unable to express it properly.

Don't expect cheese progress events in the relevant characters, most of them are just really focused in their goals to get involved, simply they don't care or has another reason culture/personal related.

Don't expect the usual, i had receive a thing and a couple of seconds later results in something that barely saves my life "Lucky me"…, i mean, have you play and RPG, this scenario only occur when is important equipment, and rarely you needed immediately, except when you literally, search or make the thing with the purpose of using it, like producing silver bullets to kill a werewolf.

Don't expect long fights in the first chapters and i'm not referring only to combat related, i'm referring to the usual garbage of "I want him alive", the antagonist dies because someone appears out of nowhere and saves the day …, if you need to catch some one, you and your minions already know that, wasting time speaking gives that, time, not everyone is a fast thinker, but hell they going to have an answer with enough time.

Don't expect the characters walk around and get a power up, if they get it, that means that everyone can access to this.

Don't expect repeatedly the same mistakes on certain characters, again, it's not the same someone say "I don't drink again" (Being alcoholic) and getting drunk hours later …, to "Don't go there or you could get rape", gets violated again as if not was his/her fault (Victims most of the time don't enter this category, but if you are warned and you already experience something similar, it's like …, Seriously?!, you enter a cave wanting a bear and when he chomp your ass, you get mad).

Don't expect to much stupidity, not everyone has super intelligence, high IQ or is smart enough to learn every knowledge available, still while you are trying to survive, you gonna attempt your best performance on your capabilities, sometimes provoking incongruity, like a damsel seducing someone to get protection, she is not like that, but maybe thers no other options.

I know, i know …, most of the previous ones could count as plot armor or script convenience, and lies a certain amount of plausibility, still, if you get a situation of a character going to die, well …, they die, i'm not going to kill characters with out a reason, and i'm not gonna save them, so …


Expect development of characters and a good story, not everyone Bloom in the heat of a battle.

Expect a lot of gore and explicit content, so my recommendation is …, if you like vanilla maybe this Novel is not for you, everyone has their taste, kinks, likes and those little things that could trigger something dark and deep inside of even the most tolerant and passive person.

Expect steady story, good explanations and consistent characters, change in their personalities going to happen only as consequences or realization, arguments and misunderstandings lead to a little of incongruity because of their nature, after all, who doesn't, loose the tonguew when is, angry, insecure, self contempt or similar reasons.

Expect sex, lots of sex, different performances and perspectives, a story is developed by the interactions and actions of characters so at least on this Novel, the MC is not the responsable for everything or things rotate around him, he is relevant, a lot, but he doesn't do everything even when is capable, had you been feed on a game of lol just to your team force a fight without you and loses, or a teammate finally scale and goes 1v5 and win the game alone, i had experience that, so i decided my story takes a not so conventional road.

I think that's it all for my side, so don't get fooled about who is the protagonist, and leave a comment if you discover him or not. So decides if you want to be in this journey and i hope you like it.

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