
Leaving the Azure Peak Sect

After three hours of intense Yin-Yang Cultivation, Wang Li halted the energy exchange as Su Yuerong began to experience the unmistakable signs of spiritual transformation. The transition from Refined Elemental Roots to Spiritual Elemental Roots induced a wave of spiritual pain, a necessary discomfort on the path to greater power.


Observing Su Yuerong's struggle, Wang Li ended the cultivation session, his gaze filled with concern and determination. He understood the significance of this transition—it heralded a profound enhancement in Su Yuerong's abilities, one that would benefit their cause immensely.


As Su Yuerong endured the pain throughout the night, Wang Li tended to her diligently, ensuring her comfort and well-being. The flickering light of dawn found him preparing a simple meal, the aroma of cooking filling the cavernous abode.


With raw vegetables and rice retrieved from his Interspatial Ring, Wang Li deftly prepared a nourishing meal, his hunger urging him to work swiftly. Amidst the rhythmic chopping of vegetables and the gentle simmering of rice, he kept a watchful eye on Su Yuerong, his concern for her well-being evident in his every movement.


The night passed in a haze of discomfort and anticipation, but with the dawn came a new beginning.


By the next morning, Su Yuerong finally stirred from her unconscious state, greeted by the exhilarating sensation of her transformed Spiritual Roots. The realization of her heightened cultivation speed and the enhanced power of her Earth Elemental techniques filled her with elation.


Meanwhile, Wang Li made his way back to the concealed hideout where Wang Xiangyi awaited him. Together, they deliberated on their future plans, particularly regarding the liberation of the enslaved members of the Wang Family.


Aware of the challenges ahead, they acknowledged the magnitude of their undertaking—a daring mission that would pit them against the formidable forces of the five righteous sects.


Despite the daunting odds, Wang Li remained resolute, his determination unshaken by the prospect of conflict.


Amidst their strategizing, Wang Xiangyi voiced her desire for her own Spiritual Roots to undergo enhancement through the Yin-Yang Cultivation Technique. Eager to support his cousin's aspirations, Wang Li readily acquiesced to her request.


Wang Xiangyi's innate cultivation talent, coupled with her existing Spiritual Elemental Root aligned with the Metal Element, held immense potential. With Wang Li's assistance, her cultivation prowess could ascend to unprecedented heights, further bolstering their collective strength.


However, as Wang Li delved deeper into the intricacies of his unique ability, he encountered an unexpected limitation. Following Su Yuerong's advancement, each subsequent session of Yin-Yang Cultivation induced intense pain, signaling a temporary impediment to further progression.


Undeterred, Wang Li and Su Yuerong persisted, attempting the Yin-Yang Cultivation daily. After nearly ten days, they observed a significant reduction in Su Yuerong's pain, indicating her Spiritual Roots were once again responsive to enhancement.


This discovery led them to understand the existence of a cooldown period following each advancement, during which the body adapted to the heightened spiritual capabilities. With this newfound insight, they approached their cultivation endeavors with renewed focus and determination.


As Wang Li continued to employ the Yin-Yang Cultivation Method with both Su Yuerong and his cousin Wang Xiangyi, he emerged as the one experiencing remarkable progress. Delving into the depths of his spiritual essence, Wang Li made a startling discovery—his Spiritual Roots exhibited not just the Wood Element but resonated with the energies of Flame, Water, Metal, and Earth.


The revelation perplexed him. Yet, he attributed this extraordinary phenomenon to the unique abilities bestowed upon him by the Yin-Yang Cultivation. It seemed his Spiritual Roots had transcended conventional classifications, evolving into something beyond the norm.


With his enhanced absorption of spiritual energy, Wang Li's cultivation soared at an astonishing rate, surpassing even that of his cousin. In a mere half-month, he ascended to the mid-stage of the Core Formation Realm, a testament to the potency of his newfound abilities.


Meanwhile, as Wang Li thrived in his cultivation, Ye Fan and Elder Hu reluctantly abandoned their fruitless search for Wang Xiangyi within the confines of the Azure Peak Sect. Their efforts yielded no trace of her, leading them to speculate that her liberator possessed either a potent artifact or a Teleportation Escape Talisman, enabling their swift departure before the sect's boundary fields were activated.


In response to the security breach, the sect issued missions aimed at fortifying the boundary fields. Ye Fan and Elder Hu, along with other disciples, undertook the task of patrolling key points to ensure the integrity of the sect's defenses remained intact. The safety of the sect and its members hung in the balance, prompting a concerted effort to fortify their protective measures.


As the days passed, Wang Li continued to refine his cultivation, honing his skills and deepening his understanding of his newfound abilities. With each passing moment, he grew more formidable, his resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.


Upon receiving news of Ye Fan and Elder Hu's cessation of their search, Su Yuerong hastened to inform Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi of the development.


One evening, while Wang Li meditated in his secluded abode, a knock echoed at his door, interrupting his concentration. Rising from his meditation, he approached the entrance, curious about the unexpected visitor.


Opening the door, he was met with the sight of Su Yuerong, her expression a mix of determination and anticipation. She greeted him warmly, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


"Follow me," Su Yuerong instructed, handing them garments to obscure their faces and bodies. "It's time to leave."


Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi donned their disguises, concealing their features as they prepared to depart under Su Yuerong's guidance.


As they ventured forth from the concealment of the cavern, they remained vigilant, wary of encountering any disciples or elders who might recognize them despite their disguises. Following Su Yuerong's lead, they navigated the corridors of the Azure Peak Sect with stealth and caution.


Their departure remained undetected as they traversed the sect's grounds, skirting the periphery to evade any unwanted attention.


Su Yuerong's familiarity with the sect proved invaluable as she led them through hidden passages and secluded pathways, ensuring their safe passage beyond the confines of the Azure Peak Sect.


Curiosity gnawed at Su Yuerong as they traversed the secluded corridors. "Where do you plan to go now?" she inquired, her gaze shifting between Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi.


Wang Li exchanged a glance with his cousin before responding, his tone measured. "We intend to head north, toward Meigu Town."


The revelation piqued Su Yuerong's interest, prompting her to probe further. "And why Meigu Town?" she pressed, her curiosity evident.


Wang Li cast a sidelong glance at Su Yuerong, gauging her reaction before divulging their purpose. "There's a mercenary group in that area," he explained, "and its leader has a longstanding conflict with Ye Fan."


A flicker of understanding illuminated Su Yuerong's features as she absorbed the information. "I see," she murmured, nodding thoughtfully. "A strategic move."


Wang Xiangyi, who had been listening intently, interjected with a note of determination in her voice. "We must seek allies wherever we can find them," she asserted, her resolve unwavering.


Su Yuerong nodded in understanding, her expression serious. "Have a great journey. I will help you in any way I can, Wang Li," Su Yuerong spoke.


Before parting ways, Wang Li offered Su Yuerong a word of caution. "Take care of yourself, Su Yuerong. And keep a vigilant eye on Ye Fan. He may hold a grudge against you, and I wouldn't put it past him to strike when the opportunity arises."


Su Yuerong's expression grew solemn as she absorbed Wang Li's words. "Thank you, Wang Li. I'll remain cautious," she assured him, determination gleaming in her eyes.


With their farewells exchanged, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi soared away on their Flying Swords, leaving the Azure Peak Sect behind them. As they traversed the skies, the distant horizon beckoned, promising new adventures and challenges ahead.


Despite the swiftness of their flight, the journey to Meigu Town stretched before them, a day-long endeavor that would test their resolve and patience. Yet, with each passing moment, anticipation mounted as they drew closer to their destination.


Amidst the tranquility of the open skies, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi found solace in each other's company.


With the first light of dawn, Meigu Town came into view, its bustling streets and lively marketplaces a stark contrast to the solitude of the open road. Landing on the outskirts of town, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi steeled themselves for the tasks ahead, their hearts brimming with hope and determination.


As they ventured into the heart of Meigu Town, they were greeted by the sights and sounds of a bustling marketplace, its streets alive with activity and commerce. Amidst the throngs of people, they sought out the mercenary group rumored to be harboring grievances against Ye Fan.


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