
Have a Nice Trip

Approaching the front gate, Noble got her identification ready. The gatekeeper knew her, of course, but protocol always needed to be followed. 

After shaking the frozen rain from her umbrella, Noble thrust the documentation into the booth.

As Praised opened her mouth to speak Noble held up one hand. "If you are about to say some phrase or nonsensical saying that is going to drive me crazy for the next couple of days until I figure out what it means, please don't. I have had quite enough riddles for today." 

Praised looked at the Master with a strange expression. Her eyes shifted from side to side. "I was just going to say hello, Noble."

The professor winced. "Oh, sorry." 

"Your paperwork is in order." Praised motioned Noble through. "Have a wonderful day." 

"Thank you." The professor felt like she had entered an alternate universe.

The gatekeeper looked oddly normal, placid even. Had someone taken over Praised's body? 

Noble quickly examined the other woman's emotional signature and heaved a sigh of relief. 

"You have a good day also, Praised. Sorry for my harshness earlier." 

"You have lasted longer than most. I commend you for that." Praised's smile grew bright.

Dipping her head, the professor turned and headed into the compound. But she was not fast enough.

The gatekeeper's voice wafted her way as she left. "Oh, and Noble? Have a wonderful trip!" 

Noble screamed internally. 'I almost made it! But she couldn't resist. Maybe it's her flaw. Let's hope the only trip I am taking is to my husband's office.'

Crossing the grounds with unusual haste, Noble almost missed pausing to look up at her father's statue.

The rain had ceased when Noble left the gatehouse, and a coat of half-frozen snow partially obscured his face.

'This will not do,' the professor shook her head.

Silently Noble called forth a Memory and floated it to the statue's head.

"Sorry," she whispered as the small hammer tapped against the ice. It took six such taps before the frozen water cracked and gave way, revealing the handsome visage of Director Lance underneath.

Noble was relieved to see her gentle hits had not damaged the metal.

"Much better," she nodded with approval.

Blowing the memorial of her father a kiss, Noble turned and headed into the building. Fort's office as Director was on an even higher floor, being only one below the Chancellor's.

'Probably because it makes meeting easier,' Noble reasoned.

It made sense to have the people who needed to speak most often close together.

The elevator opened onto the floor and Noble immediately locked on to her husband. It was a good thing he wasn't trying to hide from her. He was waiting in his office.

She knocked lightly on the door before entering. Teddy was sitting up alertly with her hands folded neatly on the table.

"Hello Master Ma'am," the assistant waved.

'Creative nickname.' Noble grinned at the younger woman. "It is always good to see you, Teddy. I'm here because my husband wanted to speak with me?"

Teddy nodded. "I'll let the boss man know you are here, one moment!"

Teddy spun in her chair and deftly rolled across the tiled floor before knocking on the door to her left.

"Coming!" Fort called.

Teddy opened the door. "I don't need to come in, I was just trying to let you know that Mrs. Boss is here." 

Fort rushed toward the door and pulled it closed behind him. "I didn't say come in. I said I was coming." 

The Director took one look at his wife and knew that his effort was in vain. His secret was blown. 

Noble raised one eyebrow at him. "How long have you had it?" 

"Not long," Fort's smile became strained. "I was going to tell you." 

"Mhmm, I am sure that is why you have it here in your office and not in our home." Using her ability, Noble opened the door and floated the trinket into her hands. 

The professor inspected it with a grim expression. 

"You aren't mad, are you?" Fort chewed his lip. 

"Of course I am mad!" Noble touched the statue's head and let the head bounce in every direction. "They got my nose completely wrong!" 

Fort's shoulders relaxed and a small smile came onto his face. "I was thinking the same. That is why I have already commissioned a better copy." 

"You...what?" It was one thing for him to have a single bobbling-headed Queen Bee with her face, but two?!

The Director continued with a serious nod. "The merchandiser is particularly excited about the Helios figurine to accompany it. Every child will want one!" 

Noble rubbed her forehead. Her husband has well and truly gone insane. 

"Did you send for me just to propose Queen Bee merchandise?" 

"Oh." Fort's sudden enthusiasm drained as quickly as it came. His face became serious. "No, that's not why we are here. Teddy?" The Director turned his head slightly. 

The younger woman had made her way back to her desk. "I already notified the others. They should be convening across the hall." 


There was that word again. 

"This isn't about Crestfall, is it?" Noble felt her husband's emotions register slight surprise before he shook his head.


"Is it about Master Yosh?" 

"No," Fort rubbed the back of his neck. "But I do have news on that front. Master Yosh's credentials were used to gain access to the Archive's files. Those are harder to fake than his appearance. He really was there." 

"That's a shame," Noble pursed her lips. "I hope I never see him again." 

The professor felt for him inside the government building. Her body relaxed when she could not find the enraged emotional signature that she would never forget.

"It's unlikely that you will see him, at least in the Waking World. Yosh is no longer in the NQSC. He has decided to move to the Eastern Quadrant. Australia, I believe." 

"What? He's gone?" Noble pinched her nose. "Did he decide that or did Saint Cor?"

"I think he and Wake of Ruin had a small falling out over it. But Yosh was very insistent." 

"I see." Noble chewed the inside of her cheek. It was a load of off her mind to know the man was far away from her and her children. But then a second thought struck her. 

'That's two evil people I've heard about heading to Eastern Quadrant in one day. I know it's a big place, but what are the odds of that?' It was a strange coincidence. 

"If you didn't bring me here for Yosh or Crestfall. Why am I here?" Noble searched her husband's face for the answer.

He looked away. 

"We need to get going. The sooner we get there, the quicker all will be explained." Fort took the figurine from Noble's hand and placed it on the edge of Teddy's desk. "Take care of her."

"Absolutely!" Teddy dragged the piece to the center of her workspace. "You can count on me. I will guard it with my life!"

"Maybe don't go that far," Fort smiled slightly. "We will be back later."

Fort pulled his wife into the hall and glanced at the other door on the opposite side of the hall.

Noble tried to sense who was inside, but her powers were blocked either by a Memory or powerful Spelltech.

Noble furrowed her brow. "What exactly have you gotten me into?"

Fort squeezed her hand. "Nothing is set in stone yet. All I ask is that you keep an open mind."

"You are scaring me." Noble's eyes swirled.

What would be so serious that Fort would make such a strange request? These days, Noble held most things loosely, only clinging to the few things that mattered.

"Afraid? You? I didn't think that was possible anymore." Fort turned up a corner of his mouth. "You are the bravest person I know."

"Am I going to need that bravery for this conversation?" Noble asked seriously.

The Director hesitated. "Yes."

Taking a deep breath, Noble forced a smile. "Well, as long as it isn't a cockroach on the other side of that door, I think I will be able to handle it."

"There will be no insects today," Fort assured her.

The director knocked lightly and Noble felt her sense return the protective shield lowered.

An Awakened answered the door and, upon seeing the Director, let the couple enter.

Inside, Noble quickly realized that there was something that gave her more fear than insects or even psychopathic manifestations of the Spell.

Inside the room were her mother and Chancellor Gui.

And by the looks on their faces, they did not have good news.

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