
A Named Monster [Part 2]: Daughter Of The Lost Skies

The beast slowly and majestically moved its powerful legs, its blue eyes gleaming at Northern with the dangerous oversight of a predator eyeing its prey.

Northern stood straight, looking at the beautiful monster.

To top it all, the Mortal Blade was unable to get through its scales.

With more force, it probably would, but the whole thing was just annoying.

Northern wondered for a second where the rest of the cohort was and if they were facing the same thing.

But he quickly pushed the thought to the back of his head. Right now, he just needed to focus on himself alone.

He thought about materializing Koll's soul again, but it wouldn't work like that.

Right now, he knew he wouldn't be able to. While he was able to use Koll's soul on another level and execute a level of attack that could even be considered near an Ascendant's, it placed a great burden on his own soul.

Frequent use was bound to cause some damage.

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