
Chapter 14 it is a pleasure to meet you

I waved her words away. "Enough of that. Let's just agree we're both appreciative of one-another and move on." I pulled a piece of paper and pen from a drawer in my desk and started scribing a letter. "Let's see what kind of person my future wife is."


Growing irritated, I checked my watch again. Rias was now one hour and twenty minutes late for our lunch. If she waited any longer to show up, we would be having dinner instead.

"Perhaps she was called away by an emergency?" Yubelluna said, trying to sound genuine.

"Or, the much more likely scenario, she just doesn't give a shit about our time."

Just as I was getting ready to wave down the waiter to get another drink, the door to the establishment opened and two figures entered.

The first was a little taller than five feet and had bushy red hair that fell down below her waist. Her companion was of similar height, but her hair was black, bound in a pony-tail, and not quite as long as the first. Both figures wore matching clothes, a white, button up shirt and a maroon skirt cut way to high up their legs. The right breeze would reveal everything.

Taking a deep breath to banish the simmering fury at the disrespect of being made to wait this long, I put on my best smile and stood to greet them as they walked over to our table.

"Heiress Gremory, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Riser Phe-"

I was cut off as the girl with red hair picked up Yubelluna's half-finished drink and threw the glass in my face, covering me in sparkling water and shattered glass. The cuts in my face began to sear themselves closed the moment they were made.

Yubelluna stood so abruptly her chair shattered under the force of her strength. She brought her hands up and began casting something, but a single signal from me stopped her dead in her tracks. I would not be drawn into a fight in a public setting where collateral damage was a certainty.

All activity in the restaurant stopped as the pillar heiress leaned towards me, glaring hatefully as she spat, "I will never marry you, you scumbag!" Without another word, she spun on her heel and stormed off, her henchwoman following behind her after shooting me a venom-filled glare.

A small part of me noticed several cameras capturing the exchange, but I was too pissed off to care. I needed to not be in this restaurant anymore. "Yube? Would you be so kind as to pay for our drinks and give a generous tip for wasting the waiter's time? I will meet you back at the manor." Not waiting for a reply, I cast a lengthy teleportation spell and reappeared back at the Phenex estate.

"Finally!" A voice called as I appeared. "I expected you half-an-hour ago. How did…it…go…" Ruval trailed off as he took in my soaked shirt and overall pissed off demeanor. "What happened, little brother?"

My arms were shaking, but I forced myself to take several deep breaths. I was mad, but it was better to channel that rage into something useful than to let it consume me. "Ruval. I need an exact copy of the marriage contract mother and father signed with the Gremory family. I'm going to find a way to annul this marriage if it fucking kills me."

Ruval winced. "That bad?"

The look I shot him must have shown I wasn't in the mood for jokes because he said, "I'll get you one." before quickly leaving.

As he was leaving a dark teleportation circle shattered next to me and Yube stepped forward with a napkin from the restaurant we were just at.

"I hope you paid for that." I said as Yube began to wipe the blood and drink off my face.

"I did, my king." Yube looked over her shoulder towards the hallway Ruval retreated down, before leaning close and feverishly whispering. "Why did you stop me, Riser? That bitch-"

"Was looking for a fight, and she got one. But I'll be damned before I fight on her terms. We are going to dismantle her, but we're not going to let her pick her battles. She's fighting my war now."

Yubelluna looked like she wanted to say something else, but she bit her tongue and continued to help me clean my face.

I hadn't expected my meeting with Rias Gremory to go well, but that was completely unjustifiable. I was going to make her bleed.


"Riser, don't you think this is a little rash?" mother tried to reason with me as she looked uncertainly between the paper I'd handed her and me.

"Rash as in telling your son he's getting married after the agreement was already made?" I said, my voice dripping with displeasure.

"Riser! You will speak to your mother respectfully. Do you understand!" father yelled as he stood from his chair.

Grudgingly meeting his eyes, I said, "Yes, sir."

Father held my gaze a moment longer before retaking his seat. "Son, I understand your first meeting did not go well–"

"She showed up over an hour late, threw my queen's drink in my face, called me a scumbag and left, making sure everyone around recorded it so the entire Underworld could see it. If that's 'not going well', I'd hate to see what 'poorly' would entail."

Father narrowed his eyes and said. "You will not interrupt me again. Your first meeting did not go well, but that does not mean you should dissolve the contract. In time, she will accept you and you will become Lord Gremory. A Phenex will be lord Gremory. That is what you stand to lose. What we stand to lose." I couldn't bring myself to care about a Phenex being Lord Gremory. I was not going to torture myself for eternity by marrying that woman just so my parent's influence grew.

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