

Harry and the other Slytherin second years found themselves sat in the defence against the dark arts classroom, today would be their first day getting taught by Professor Lockhart. A lot of the girls were looking forward to it because apparently 'he is a really, really great wizard' to quote Hermione Granger. Harry was just thankful that Daphne and Tracey were not the same as those girls, they had both opted for a 'wait and see' approach which - as far as Harry was concerned - puts them leagues above the intelligence of the other witches in the class.

The classroom itself was fairly interesting, stone walls with a wooden floor, an iron chandelier hung from the ceiling, as well as a dragon's skeleton. Though Harry suspected that the several portraits of Gilderoy Lockhart -including the one where he was painting a painting of himself - were newer additions.

"Good day everyone." Lockhart said with a smile as he entered from his office and stopped alongside the painting of him painting himself. "You all naturally know who I am but I will introduce myself in case some poor soul does not. I am Gilderoy Lockhart, your new defence against the dark arts professor, you lucky, lucky little people. Order of Merlin, third class and, honorary member of the Dark Forces Defense League and five time winner of 'Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile' award. But I don't like to talk about that, I didn't get rid of the 'Bandon Banshee' by smiling at her." Lockhart said before pausing to laugh at his own joke. Harry frowned and was sure that if he had a mirror then his present look would best be described as 'kill me now'.

"What a blithering idiot." Jet said from his position on Harry's shoulders.

"I see you have all brought a complete set of my books, well done." Lockhart quickly continued when he realized nobody was laughing at his joke. "I want to start today with a little quiz." He smiled as he picked up some quiz papers and began handing them out. "Nothing to worry about, just to see how much you remember."

"They're all about him." Blaise hissed to Harry with disbelief as they looked at the papers. Harry skimmed through the test and saw that Blaise was right.

"Professor," Harry spoke, gaining Lockhart's attention. "sorry for asking the stupid question but a lot of these don't have anything to do with...you know...actual defence."

"Sure they do," Lockhart laughed, though it seemed slightly more forced than before. "this will see how much you remember."

"Sir, are you by any chance short of a marble?" Harry asked before he could stop himself.

"I...I'm not quite sure what you mean Mr Potter, I don't carry marbles with me." Lockhart frowned.

"That explains so much." Harry whispered to Jet.

"Anyway...you have thirty minutes to finish, begin." Lockhart ordered.

"Might as well have fun with this." Harry whispered to Blaise who quickly caught on, he whispered to Draco which started a quick and short chain reaction of whispering amongst the Slytherin students.

"Tut, tut." Lockhart said about thirty minutes later when he was skimming through the quiz results of multiple students. "Hardly any of you have remembered that my favorite color is lilac, hmm, let's see the other answers. Oh, that's odd. No, my favorite colour is not sunburst orange to the side of an orangutan butt cheek, whatever that means. No, my greatest achievement is not 'wibbling' whatever that means. Nor is my favorite achievement dogging with seventy nine year old men in the country side...hmmm...I'm not sure that's even a real position. Hugh Jazz is not my best friend. Hugh Jazz, does anybody know who Hugh Jazz is? Does anyone know a Hugh Jazz? Come on, I want to talk to someone who knows a Hugh Jazz, is anybody here a Hugh Jazz? Nobody? Disappointing." Lockhart said, not noticing the restrained laughter from most of the class. "Anyway, let's get on with this."

Lockhart stood up and drew his wand, he walked over to an owl sized cage that was covered in dark cloth. Harry perked up slightly, hopeful that they'd finally start learning something useful, later on he would call himself an idiot for letting himself have that hope for even a second.

"Get ready class, in here you will learn to face creatures darker than those in your worst dreams." Lockhart warned, "I will ask you not to scream, it might...provoke them!" Lockhart said in a dramatic voice as he pulled the cage off, revealing a bunch of pixies. They were electric blue and about eight inches high, with pointed faces and voices so shrill it was like listening to a lot of budgies arguing.

"Cornish pixies?" Seamus from Gryffindor laughed.

"Freshly caught Cornish pixies," Lockhart corrected just as Seamus and several other students laughed. "laugh if you will but they can be devilishly tricky little blighters, let's see what you make of them." He said before he released the pixies.

With that single act the room fell into chaos as pixies began flying everywhere, destroying the classroom and chasing the students while pulling on their hair, pulling on their ears and generally wrecking their things. Lockhart proved his worth by trying and failing to cast a spell before running away and hiding in his office before asking everyone else to round them up. Though the chaos didn't last long because one of the pixies made the unfortunate mistake of heading towards Harry which meant he was also heading towards Jet.

Jet leaped off of Harry's shoulders and wrapped his body around the pixie, Harry caught them both in midair with a levitation charm before putting them down on his desk. Jet tightened his body around the pixie so it couldn't escape, the pixie scream loudly as Jet opened his mouth to show his impressive fangs. The scream of the pixie caught the attention of the other pixies, the pixies stopped what they were doing and looked towards Jet. The rest of the class did the same when they noticed that the pixies were looking at Harry.

"Alright, you pixies had better stay calm and behaved or this blue midget gets it." Harry said as he gestured to the pixie that Jet had. "All of you get back in your cage or my hungry friend gets a Cornish treat, which basically means you lot." The pixies seemed unsure of themselves so Jet brought his fangs closer to the pixie he had captured, it scream louder and all of the other pixies quickly flew back into their cage. "Jet, pass the pixie." Harry said before taking the pixie in his hand, he kept a firm grip so it didn't escape but not hard enough to hurt it. "You're alright," Harry whispered as he stroked its head before getting up and walking towards the cage. "you're alright." He kept whispering in a calming and soothing voice before he gently put the pixie in the cage and locked the door. "Sorry about that." Harry said to the pixies before he picked up the cage and walked over to his desk before getting all of his stuff.

"What are you doing?!" Hermione Granger demanded.

"First of all I am taking these pixies to Professor McGonagall, she might know how to get them to someone who can properly look after them." Harry replied. "Second of all I am leaving."

"But you can't leave!" She protested. "We're still in a lesson."

"One without a teacher." Tracey shrugged before she and Daphne joined Harry in gathering their things, in a short while all Slytherins had gathered their stuff and walked out of the class. Soon after the Gryffindors decided to do the same, until the only person left in the room was Hermione Granger who found herself stuck trying to decide between following the rules or the overwhelming peer pressure.

Later that day Harry was in his room and writing a letter to the Tonks family, Jet was currently downstairs with Daphne who was pretty much the only other person Jet willingly allowed to touch or hold him.

"Harry," Angela's voice called, Harry turned around and saw Angela stood by his door. "Blaise and the others are downstairs and I kind of needed to talk to you."

"Oh, come in." Harry said as he gestured her to come in, he turned his chair around so he was facing her. She stopped in front of him and had a small smile on her face. "Is this about that important thing that you wanted to talk to me about before?"

"Yes, it is." Angela nodded. "I'm sorry, I've just...I've just been stalling." She admitted. "This is just a hard thing to ask and I wanted to be sure that I wanted to ask it."

"Take your time." Harry replied in calm voice.

"Thank you." She smiled before she took a deep breath before she slowly got down on one knee.

"Angela, what are you..." Harry was cut off as she took both of her hands in her own.

"Harry Potter," Angela began, locking her eyes with Harry's. "I humbly request that you allow me, Angela Zabini, to swear unwavering loyalty to you, become your loyal servant, to swear fealty to you and to become your devoted vassal." She said, in a quiet but passionate voice.











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