
Clash in Dumbledore's Office

"I would pay good money to watch that." Harry said as he took a seat, Moody had chosen to stay standing and positioned himself right behind Harry. "So Professor how are you?" Harry asked Dumbledore is a conversational tone. "Where's Fawkes?" Harry asked as he looked around the room, not seeing the phoenix.

"Fawkes sometimes likes to disappear though I would not worry as he always does come back sooner or later. As for myself I am quite well, may I ask how you are doing Harry?" Dumbledore responded, matching Harry's tone.

"I am fine I suppose," Harry shrugged. "bit stressed from the tournament and all."

"Ah yes, I must say you were quite impressive in the tournament." Dumbledore complimented. "It was certainly far beyond what I was expecting of you."

"Thanks," Harry nodded. "I guess that is what happens when you get rid of dead weight."

"Dead weight?" Dumbledore repeated, raising a white eyebrow.

"Yes, the two who I am sure you want to talk about." Harry replied. "So shall we skip the part where we beat around the bush and you just ask me about Granger and Weasley?"

"Very well," Dumbledore replied, taking notice of Harry's use of their last names. In the past Harry would always refer to both of his friends as Hermione and Ron, though now he was using their last names. "as you undoubtedly know Mr Weasley and Miss Granger have made a complaint saying that you attacked them when they attempted to apologise to you after the first task."

"Of course they did." Harry snorted.

"Do you disagree?" Dumbledore asked.

"I do," Harry nodded. "I really do think that they are wrong."

"Are you saying they are lying?"

"I don't know about lying but it is possible that they have a different view of what has happened compared to me."

"And I am sure that you would be willing to explain your version." Dumbledore said, it was not a question.

"Fine with me, matter of fact let's compare what has happened. You'll say their version and I'll say mine, does that work for you?"

"Very well," Dumbledore nodded. "you may start Harry."

"After the task I was checked to make sure that I was not injured or harmed, when it was proved that I was not I found myself with just the other three champions. We spent a few seconds discussing the task, I was about to leave when Miss Granger and Mr Weasley entered the tent. Your turn."

"Very well," Dumbledore said, taking note of how Harry called his friends Miss Granger and Mr Weasley once again instead of referring to them by their first names as he usually did. "Miss Granger had told us that she tried to hug you but you refused."

"I think we may have very different definitions of what a hug is." Harry said in a dry voice. "From my understanding a hug is a display of physical affection and/or a greeting."

"Then what did Miss Granger do?"

"Well the harpy screamed my name, temporarily deafening me, before I saw her charging towards me while looking like she was about to tackle me. So I dodged then asked what she was doing, she said that she was worried and I basically asked where her state of worry had gone before I went out to face a dragon."

"They both told us that they had apologised to you and you refused to accept their apology." Dumbledore responded.

"Well that's wrong. It's about as accurate as saying Han shot second," Harry paused and looked at each of their reactions. "okay none of you understood that reference. It's fine I suppose, I haven't watched star wars myself. But it is on my to do list."

"Mr Potter." McGonagall frowned at him for getting off topic.

"Alright, alright, anyway 'they' didn't apologise. Granger did apologise but Weasley did not, I believe he was under the impression that I would have simply forgiven him and that we'd be friend again. I chose not to accept Granger's apology, but as far as I'm aware that is not a crime nor is the act a punishable offence by school rules."

"They said you insulted them, that is a punishable offense." Snape said, looking proud of himself.

"If you're going to punish me for simple school insults then I insist that Draco Malfoy be punished as well." Harry smirked.

"What?!" Snape demanded. "Have you fell on your head boy?! You must have since you're brain is clearly not working."

"Ah hem," Harry coughed and looked at Dumbledore, he then gestured with his head to Snape. "you want to do something about that or should I ask Professor Moody to do it?"

"Severus," Dumbledore sighed. "please control yourself."

"Very effective." Harry said sarcastically while rolling his eyes. "Now if I may continue, Snape said that..."

"Professor Snape." McGonagall corrected.

"Snape said that insults are a punishable offence," Harry said as if he hadn't heard her. "well in that case Draco Malfoy should be punished. He's been insulting me, Miss Granger and Mr Weasley since first year. He has called Miss Granger 'mudblood' and Mr Weasley 'blood traitor' on many occasions while also calling me 'scar head' amongst many other things, and that's just this year. So if you're going to put me in detention or take points from me for insulting people, not that you could this year since I am a champion, then I insist that Malfoy loses the same amount and is right next to me in detention."

"Why you little brat!" Snape snarled.

"Snape!" Moody snapped, aiming his wand at the scowling potions master.

"Alastor, lower your wand." Dumbledore ordered.

"I will lower my wand when you control your little pet death eater!" Moody responded.

"Death eater?" Harry glanced at Snape. "Hmm, that does explain quite a lot. I mean unlikable, death eater behaviour..."

"Enough," Dumbledore interrupted. "Alastor you will lower your wand. And Severus, you will control yourself!" Dumbledore demanded, his face daring the potions master to argue against him. Snape glared at everyone in the room before taking a step back and nodding to Dumbledore, Dumbledore looked to Moody who looked quite disappointed missing out on a chance to blast Snape, not that Harry could blame him as hurting Snape was a lovely dream that Harry had at least once a week, Moody reluctantly lowered his wand before gesturing Harry to continue.

"Alright, I told them that I didn't want to be their friend anymore, something that once again does not break any rules and is not punishable by British or Hogwarts laws, then I tried to leave. I only took a few steps when Ron Weasley started getting aggressive so I blasted him."

"Mr Weasley and Miss Granger have said that you shot the first spell without provocation." McGonagall frowned, not believing him.

"Oh I had plenty of provocation. First of all if you build up all my emotions from since they abandoned and betrayed me, plus I had just beat a dragon only to have the two traitors come in and then demand that we suddenly be friends again. Then like I said, Weasley got aggressive."


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