
chapter 17

Chapter 66 Sherlock Moriarty

  "Mr. Moretti, you gave us a big surprise."

  The flesh and blood pushed the bones back into place, making a few weak crisp sounds under the skin. Mr. A vigilantly scanned the lifeless cemetery and pushed Jerry Zaratul who was trying to make his face look human again.

  "That 'Death Archon', His Highness, is an acquaintance of yours?"

  "Death Archon"?

  In the world of extraordinary people, the only people who can be called His Highness are angels from major churches, and demigods of the same angelic level... "Death Archon" is the name of the second sequence of the "God of Death" path?

  I just don't know whether Mr. Azik is Sequence 1 or Sequence 2...

  Klein raised his eyebrows, did not answer the other party's question, and asked instead.

  "I just heard Mr. Azik say that you are going to pry open my grave?"

  He moved the palm of his left hand, which was covered with translucent human skin, and an illusory mouth opened in the palm, with two rows of illusory teeth opening and closing.

  "It's only a matter of time before you come back from the dead. Tingen is not safe for you." Mr. A put on his hood again and hid his expression in the shadows. "We plan to take your body away first."

  "Then, you plan to take me to the Southern Continent?"

  Mr. A shook his head calmly.

  "I received no such order."

  "Without the intervention of the 'Death Archon', our destination should be Backlund or the sea."

  Backlund or the sea?

  Klein was stunned, pointed at himself at Mr. A, and looked around again.

  Not to mention the latter, Backlund is the capital of Loen, the headquarters of the official Loen and the three major churches except the Holy Land. There are at least three archbishops sitting in charge, and there may even be angels...

  Mr. A's words overturned all his previous conjectures.

  In his speculation about the real creator, the real mastermind of many divine descending rituals in the Northern Continent, this loyal ally of "Mystery" is nothing more than trying to create a possibility to awaken "Mystery".

  Although there were some mistakes, and the consciousness of the "mystery" did not come, but was replaced by the unlucky guy himself, the true creator still achieved half of the goal and obtained a medium to re-establish communication with the "mystery".

  And now Mr. A actually told himself that this god might not want him to be taken to the Southern Continent?

  why is that?

  Mr. A understood Klein's expression and held the hanging silver cross on his chest.

  "I just fulfilled the orders I received. I was not told any more secrets, and I can't answer your questions."

  "Besides, the appearance of the 'Death Archon' has broken our plan now. Whether to leave or not, the power of choice is in your own hands."

  Even if he prays to Zaratul now, the "Angel with Lamp" whose identity is far away in Backlund will not be able to answer his prayer.

  Roen, surrounded by seven gods, rashly clashed with an angel. It was undoubtedly a suicidal act, and the possibility of continuing his plan and succeeding was zero.

  "Why are there two targets, and what's going on at sea?" Klein tried to get more information.

  He realized that the order Mr. A received may itself be vague, but taking him away was one of the more precise orders among many.

  "I am not sure."

  Sure enough, Mr. A still didn't give the answer Klein wanted.

  This devout fanatic was still clutching the inverted cross on his chest, his eyes slightly closed, as if he didn't want to say anything more, and he quietly waited for Klein's reply.

  It was almost like an NPC in the game... Klein only felt tired.

  Compared with Mr. A, who does not involve any subjective factors as soon as he enters the work state, and everything is based on faith and the will of his superiors, he is now more willing to chat with "faceless people" who are full of prevarication and half-truths. .

  At least some additional information can be obtained from him.

  Klein couldn't help but glance at the "faceless man" whose face was pale and had not emerged from the haze just now. He was struggling to even stand, and sighed again.

  Backlund or the sea, that is a question.

  He skillfully took off the citrine pendant wrapped around his right wrist, let the crystal hang down in the air, and while drawing the direction of divination in his mind, he asked:

  "Did you put the characteristics in 2-065 into my pendulum?"

  The originally ordinary pendulum in his hand, the color of the citrine has become much darker, as if wrapped in gray mist. Just looking at it will give people the illusion of dizziness. If you look carefully, You can also find that there seems to be an eye hidden in it, lying quietly in the center of the crystal, peering out at everyone's heads.

  Mr. A opened his eyes, shook his head and said:

  "Before tonight, we never got close to your body. It was your colleagues who collected your body."

  The remains... The corners of Klein's mouth became much darker again.

  "My colleagues... they are now..."

  "Shortly after the divinity that the Lord left in Megoos was solved by you, Ince Zangwill entered the underground, but he did not stay for long before disappearing with Selena's ashes." Mr. A faced He described the facts he saw expressionlessly, with no fluctuation in his voice, "The 'Red Gloves' of the Church of the Night arrived at the scene five minutes after he left, and they treated the unconscious 'Nighthawk'. The only dead, besides Megoos, are you and the two men fighting behind Chanis Gate."

  "As for more details, Crestel Sesima holds the sacred object of the night. He used his ability to shield the area near Chanis Gate so that I can't see it."

  The dead man behind Chanis Gate...Klein couldn't help but sigh again.

  He looked around, and sure enough, he found that not far from his own grave, there was a pit where the soil had not yet dried and a new tombstone had been erected.

  There are portraits of two people on the rectangular tombstone, a young man and woman. The man among them is wearing a mage robe and has a smile in his eyes.

  May you rest in peace... Klein habitually drew the outline of the crimson moon on his chest, but Mr. A beside him seemed not to have seen this scene and continued to silently recite praises to the Creator.

  There is no need for Mr. A to lie to me in a place like this, so it's really not that they recovered 2-065, but that after the sealed object faced the true Creator's divine damage, the characteristics it contained attached to my pendulum by itself?

  It shouldn't be... This goes against Klein's occult knowledge.

  Although extraordinary characteristics can be combined with various things, among living things and inorganic things, common sense should give priority to living things.

  Especially since Klein himself is a Sequence Seven "divineer" and is on the same path as the "Secret Puppet Master" in 2-065. According to the law of extraordinary characteristic aggregation, there will be an aggregation effect between the two, and 2-065 takes priority. The choice object should also be himself, his corpse that has not completely lost its vitality.

  Although the characteristics of the ownerless combined with a corpse with extraordinary characteristics may give birth to aberrant creatures like the terrifying monsters he had seen in Raphael Cemetery, it is still better than the current pendulum with no active characteristics. .

  why is that?

  Is it because of the gray fog?

  Klein still remembered that he had seen gray-white mist in the cracks of 2-065. At that time, he regarded this strange phenomenon as a sign that "Mystery" was about to lose its power.

  The precipitation characteristics of 2-065 after being damaged are also very strange, just like the changes that occur when an extraordinary person dies.

  Does this mean that sealed objects or magical items also have their own "life"?

  And the prerequisite for these inorganic objects to "die" is to be impacted by divine power?

  The pendulum slowly stopped spinning, and Klein got some vague revelations from the direction of the two rotations of the pendulum.

  I'm afraid that ordinary divine power is not enough to destroy the shell of the sealed object. 2-065 was damaged only by looking directly at the breath of the true creator. The "mutated sun holy symbol" also contains the divine blood of the eternal blazing sun. They are all the same as About the true God.

  I don't know if "Mystery" can use his own personality to crush the pendulum if I bring the pendulum with the gray mist, so that I don't need to worry about potions until sequence four...

  "Ince Zangwill, and Lanruth, who defected from among you, do you know their whereabouts?"

  This is Klein's final question.

  "Langerwuth will pay the price for what he has done, Ince Zangwill..." Mr. A's eyes narrowed to a slit, with a faint hint of dangerous blood, "The next paragraph With time, he will probably be promoted to demigod successfully with the help of the witches."

  "You can't be sure of his whereabouts, can you?"

  "No, the 0-08 he stole is of great significance to us. We must take back the zero-level sealed artifact in his hand," Mr. A shook his head. "As for tracking his whereabouts, we should be informed later by' The Saint of Darkness and the Angel of the Lamp are in charge. If you want to participate, you can apply to the Angel of the Lamp."

  Lanrevus only has Sequence Eight, and Ince Zangwill will soon become a demigod... The road must be walked step by step...

  Klein raised his head, met Mr. A's blood-red eyes, and smiled flatly.

  "I can join you, but I hope Lanerwus can be left to me, and I want to see my family again before leaving."

  "Don't worry, I'm just taking a look from a distance."

  Mr. A nodded and waited for the next step.

  The smile on Klein's lips became even wider.

  "I choose Backlund."

  Mr. A's expression did not change. It seemed that no matter what choice Klein made, he would happily accept it, even if he was going to the capital of an enemy country that was the most dangerous for intelligence agents like him.

  He thought for a moment, then held Jerry Zaratul, who was in a much more stable state, with one hand, and put the other hand on his chest, holding the air in his hands.

  "You can say goodbye to His Highness 'Death Archon' first."

  As he spoke, an illusory ancient book appeared in front of him, falling on the palm of his chest.

  The ethereal and distant voice then sounded, but due to Mr. A's deliberate waiting, it was never clear enough.

  Seizing this opportunity, Klein looked in the direction where Mr. Azik had just disappeared. The colors there had long returned to normal. The bronze-skinned history teacher was standing under the crimson moonlight, his heavy face looking over him. The corners of his mouth twitched up at that moment.

  "Write a letter if you have something to do."

  "I come, I see, I record."

  The voice from the illusory heights clearly recited a spell in Klein's ears.

  He watched as abstract symbols filled the space from his head to his feet. The scene in the cemetery gradually became transparent, replaced by dim cellars and candlelight.

  Klein smiled back at the blurry figure in the distance.

  "Goodbye, Mr. Azik."


  On the dirty street, an old man in tattered robes sat on the stone pier of the pier's long embankment, quietly looking ahead.

  The sparks extend along the entire Tasok River. From the farthest darkness, one grows to the brightly lit factory area in the west. Many scavengers and children work in pairs, holding torches made of rotten wood. Walking under this long embankment forms this endless river.

  On the dry branches, several crows were attracted by the movement in the distance, fluttering their wings, and their inorganic red eyes like glass beads moved dexterously, quietly blending into the night sky.

  The old man under the tree followed the movements of the crow, looked at the torches gathered in one place, and stood up.

  He walked very slowly towards the place where the fire was brighter, his cloudy eyes suddenly turned, and he stretched out his hand to grab at his side.

  A running child felt the force coming from behind, and turned his head back angrily, his eyes widened, wanting to teach the guy who had hindered his good deeds a lesson.

  However, the boy's anger lost its motivation when he looked into those dirty eyes. It was as if he was seeing his dearest person, and an innocent smile actually appeared on his dirty little face.

  "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

  "What happened in front?" Zaratul, an old man with a thick white beard, asked knowingly. UU read books www.uukanshu.net

  "Don't you know?"

  "The merchant ship of Downton Company, their merchant ship ran aground on the river beach. The plateau people surrounded it and drove away the people of Downton Company. They said that anyone can go to that ship and take what they want. Anything is fine as long as it can be taken away!"

  The little boy's immature blue eyes were shining with excitement, and he wanted to fly to the ship immediately and take away his own wealth.

  However, he did not do this, but stayed with Zaratul honestly.

  "People from the plateau did it..."

  The ordinary angel let go of the illusion he had exerted on the little boy and watched as the little boy quickly ran under the cargo ship. He walked slowly to a higher slope and looked down at the scene in the river.

  In the deep dark night, the haze with a strong smell of sulfur obscured the moon in the sky, and people could only move by firelight.

  They were climbing up and down a huge cargo ship. There were probably thousands of moving oranges. Some were holding baskets in their hands, some were holding axes and pliers, and some were knocking on the iron sheet of the ship with crowbars.

  All kinds of people were moving at the same time on the stranded freighter, trying to break out the ownerless treasure and remove anything that could be sold for money.

  They are like a group of unnoticed microorganisms, clinging to the surface of Loen, a powerful maritime country, decomposing a corpse and the remains of prey that others have casually abandoned.

  Zaratul admired the performance in front of him, with no emotion visible in his cloudy eyes.

  He thought for a while, then reached out and pulled out an identity certificate out of thin air.

  This is a miracle.

  The miracle of a false life that is absolutely true has been compiled.

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Chapter 1 The Promised Land

  "This is the best of times and the worst of times."

  "This is an age of wisdom and an age of foolishness."


  "This is the spring of hope and the winter of despair; people have everything before them, people have nothing before them; people are on the road to heaven, people are on their way to the gates of hell."

  Among the bustling crowd at Backlund Station, a poet wearing a leather jacket was reciting the opening lines written by Emperor Russell in his masterpiece "Two Cities", trying to use his own voice to fight against people's minds. The impression solidified in the film is that society is heading towards prosperity. A single person is fighting against the mighty power of industry amidst the roar of the whistle of a steam locomotive.

  He looked sadly at the passing passers-by in front of him, standing in a tall building with a dome, and trains passing by one after another.

  Backlund, in the early days of the post-industrial revolution, is worthy of the title of "City of All Capitals". It is the center of the Northern Continent, the continuation of great changes, a paradise, a hope, a place for spending money, and a hell.

  After Russell's death, Intis, who was the first to start the Industrial Revolution, fell into a long change of power. Republican governments with dissident political views came to power one after another, dragging the entire country into a period of stagnation that lasted forty years. .

  The Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, which had been fully reaping the dividends brought by the "Sons of Steam", was forced to give up considerable benefits after the coup in order to appease the dissatisfaction of the Church of the Eternal Sun.

  Fortunately, the secular power of the steam engine has conquered the world with its charm. Even though Intis's country has been hampered by various changes, the development of the church and technology, small countries such as Lundborg, which have always respected knowledge, and are seeking changes Loen, who has improved his national power, is happy to open the door to preaching to the God of Steam and Machinery.

  The God of Steam and Machinery finally chose to settle in Lun, because small countries like Lunberg that believe in the God of Wisdom and Knowledge do not have much development potential, or is it because Lun, like Intis, is a dual faith ruled by the True God with non-adjacent paths? nation?

  For such an obvious poaching act, Eternal Sun didn't attack the Lord of Storms?

  They are sworn enemies... Klein shook his head. If any of the questions he was thinking about just were thrown out, he could be sentenced to death on an expedited basis for blasphemy.

  He looked at his current appearance in the reflection of the car window. He heard the sound of the whistle in his ears and felt a sense of inertia from back to front.

  In a crowded train, a man who had been staring at the window for a long time stood up from his seat like the people next to him.

  This man has a pair of gray eyes and an unusually thin body, which makes him look extraordinarily tall. He has a slicked back hair popular in the Jianhai area, a sharp-edged diamond face, and a slender aquiline nose that makes his appearance particularly special. Alert and decisive.

  His jaw was square and protruding, and his eyes had a perseverance and stubbornness that was different from ordinary people. However, the extra pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose suppressed this particularly irritating temperament a lot.

  To become like this, Klein took advantage of the ability of the "faceless man" who was grazing in "Creeping Hunger".

  I don't know if it was due to the influence of the "secret", but the "Creeping Hunger" became much more well-behaved in his hands. Even though he used his ability, he did not urge him to hurry up and feed him. Instead, he quietly waited until Mr. A brought back their dinner.

  Especially last night, after Mr. A pledged his faith and participated in a pre-meal prayer with "Creeping Hunger", the gloves became completely silent, so much so that Klein doubted that as long as it was not too excessive, even if he was hungry for a few meals, It can also find reasons to comfort itself and hold back its innate desires.

  The light yellow gas that smelled of sulfur was mixed in the steam. Klein picked up the exaggeratedly sized suitcase at hand and was pushed forward by the flow of people behind him while sizing up the magnificent building in front of him.

  The Backlund Station under his feet is the railway hub of the entire Loen. It is a station group composed of several stations. It was only with the continuous development of the railway industry that it was merged into a large transfer node with the approval of the government.

  The ceiling of this station uses a large amount of colored glass as a skylight, half of which is light black and half of which is dark blue, which respectively symbolize the two most important true gods of the country. The symbol of the God of Steam is cleverly used by the government to symbolize the royal family. The "Sword of Judgment" emblem is integrated into the design elements of the main building inside the station, which means that it is under the protection of the two gods.

  This square-shaped building, made entirely of marble and bright white, is surrounded by four overpasses leading to different platforms. A large number of passengers shuttle through it, and Klein is one of them.

  "When you get to the overpass and look up, you'll know why I said this bell tower symbolizes the God of Steam and Augustus."

  Jerry Zaratul continued his absolutely rebellious remarks with a sarcastic smile that didn't matter if others heard him.

  Under his guidance, Klein walked out of the bell tower and came to the overpass to look above his head.

  He saw at the top of the main building, a huge spire with protruding spiers extending to both sides one or two meters from the top of the tower. Different from the common towers, its top was a slightly thinner rectangular parallelepiped, matching the two sides. It looks like a straight sword stuck upside down in the earth.

  Klein looked further down and saw an exquisitely crafted clock on the front of the steeple. The entire clock was powered by a steam engine. There were religious elements such as the holy emblem of the God of Steam and Machinery on the dial.

  "Interesting, no wonder you said that when I get to Backlund Station, I can understand the real situation of Roen." Klein pushed up the glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose unaccustomedly, and his tone was smiling but without much sincerity, " Just like you taught me how to correctly interpret newspapers in the car, many things are clearly placed where the public can see them, but they fail to attract people's attention, so that important information is ignored, and useless chores are promoted to the throne. Go up and accept the tribute of public opinion."

  He sincerely agreed that Jerry Zaratul was mature in terms of experience, but he did not intend to lose this good look to him.

  Klein looked sideways at the gentleman who was wearing an elegant formal suit, a half-high silk top hat, and an ordinary face, and said very seriously:

  "So when are you going to give me my ID?"

  Since leaving Tingen, Jerry Zaratul has pretended to be Klein's new identity in the form of one person playing two roles, and deceived all the checks that required proof of identity. It seemed that he was afraid that Klein would deceive Mr. A at any time. Maybe running away.

  Jerry Zaratul, who always pays attention to style, smiled "haha".

  "You need to understand me, Klein."

  "Look, even if you don't seek help from the 'Death Archon', the sealed artifacts in your hands are enough to escape from both of us. If you really run away, it doesn't matter. I believe you If you can take care of yourself, you are eager for revenge and promotion, and you will find us sooner or later."

  "But if you not only run away by yourself, but also run away with this identity certificate, then I will be at a loss." Jerry Zaratulo especially took out the identity certificate that Klein was so obsessed with, and held it in front of his face. Shaking it, "Do you know how much an identity certificate with detailed experience, a life trajectory that can withstand investigation, and every detail can be found worth?"

  "To be honest, I have worked for so many years and even including the monthly payment from my family, I can't afford such a certificate."

  That's nonsense, it's not like I haven't seen the case... Klein resisted the urge to roll his eyes and looked to the other side.

  The maximum cost of a piece of identification is fifty pounds, which is already quite a high price.

  "He did not lie."

  Mr. A felt the gaze from Klein and withdrew his attention from the pedestrians nearby.

  This "shepherd" also changed his appearance, but compared to Jerry Zaratul and Klein who relied on extraordinary power to change it from beginning to end, Mr. A's method was quite simple and crude.

  He took advantage of his face, which was more beautiful than most women, and combined with the unique flesh and blood magic of "Bishop Rose" to dress himself in a heavy gauze skirt and a gauze bonnet, pretending to be a man with certain assets. widow.

  Mr. A's hoarse voice was deliberately controlled, giving people a strange feeling.

  "This identity certificate was made by His Highness Zaratul himself and is very valuable."

  Compared to Jerry Zaratul, who is full of lies and is respected by Klein only when he shares his knowledge and experience, Mr. A's strict behavior pattern is more popular with Klein.

  Seeing the divine messenger nodding his assurance, Klein also accepted the excuse.

  The three of them passed through the arched gate of the station, and under the leadership of Jerry Zaratul, walked into a small alley that was only one and a half people wide. There was a large amount of cinders discarded by the station accumulated in it, and few people passed by.

  "Where should we go next?" Klein looked around the alley and found no additional exits.

  "Let's save time and get there another way."

  The illusory and ancient book on Mr. A's chest floated in the air, and a three-part chant passed by in a flash. When Klein came to his senses, he was already in the corridor of an apartment.

  Jerry Zaratul expertly groped under the carpet and fumbled for a while before pulling out a brass-colored key.

  He inserted the key into the door lock, turned it slightly, and turned to look at Klein, who had a confused look on his face.

  "Didn't I say that I would arrange accommodation for you to suit your new identity?"

  "This is your place."


  The wind was howling and the rain was pouring. The three-masted sailing ship "Blue Avenger" was galloping among the deep blue and almost black "peaks" one after another. Alger spread his legs apart and nailed himself firmly to the violently shaking deck. The waves hit me all over, but I didn't even dodge.

  Under his control, the "Blue Avenger" quickly moved away from the dangerous waters, and the sailors who had previously been hiding in the mast and cabin were able to resume their normal work, replacing the invisible ghosts.

  Staring at the long-lost bright sunshine, Alger nodded imperceptibly as if he was thinking about something, and remained silent for a full five minutes.

  His gaze slowly downwards, finally stopping at his left hand.

  A head that still retained an expression of fear was held in Alger's hand by his hair. This was the captain of a small and medium-sized pirate group. He was only at the level of Sequence Eight, and was a "provocateur" of the "Hunter" path.

  Alger chose him as his hunting target because of the two thousand pounds bounty and the characteristics of this unlucky guy.

  This is not his style, and such behavior may arouse the dissatisfaction of the church if it is frequent, but Alger still did it, and after his instigation, his crew members were very satisfied with their share of the stolen money and were happy to do it a few more times. Buy and sell.

  The legacy of Qilingos... Alger repeated the words that had made him uneasy in recent days, clenched his fingers, turned and walked towards the cabin.

  To exchange for the characteristics of Qilingos and the magic potion of the "Wind Blessed" from Mr. "Fool"'s favored one, it would cost about six thousand to eight thousand pounds... It can't be because of Mr. "Fool" The creed of equivalent exchange does not consider premiums.

  The buyer's desire for what he wants is often part of the value of what the seller is selling.

  As long as I can successfully advance to Sequence Six, I will be able to independently explore the edge of that mysterious island, obtain more extraordinary materials, and build a bridge with the elves through the "magician" channel...

  In addition to the Church of the Lord of Storms, the most powerful force on the sea, other than the military of various countries, is the elves led by the "Disaster Queen" and mainly living on the coast of the southern continent. They almost monopolize all "sailors" outside the sphere of influence of the Lord of Storms Church. Pathway materials.

  If Alger wanted to continue to advance to Sequence Five, exchanging formulas and materials from the elves would be the clearest choice.

  Of course, there are more intuitive ways.

  As a member of the Church of Storms, Alger can completely rely on his own hard work and the merits he has accumulated over the years. UU Reading www. uukanshu.n in exchange for a promotion application, waiting to be queued...

  The muscles on the rugged face were squeezed together, and Alger was amused by his own thoughts.

  If he really had such a good chance of promotion within the church, why would he risk collaborating with the enemy to participate in a gathering led by Mr. Fool?

  The shadow of the Rhoside Islands slowly appeared on the sea level, and the cheers of the sailors spread through the wooden boards into the cabin. Alger also looked at the land he had not seen for a long time, and his smile became much weaker.

  This is his only chance.


  Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul have left, leaving only the means for transmitting information and contacting each other.

  Klein sat in an old easy chair, feeling the strange flesh-and-blood texture under the black iron exterior of the badge in his hand. He looked at it carefully for a while, and then hid the badge in the inner pocket of Azik's coat containing Azik's bronze whistle.

  He is sitting in a standard two-bedroom and one-living room. The apartment itself is equipped with an independent bathroom and kitchen. However, the decoration is very old-fashioned. Rent, this trivial shortcoming has become much more lovely.

  "Sherlock Moriarty, well, His Highness Zaratul seems to be friends with Russell. Did he hear this from Russell?"

  Klein was very sure that Russell did not plagiarize...created works such as "Sherlock Holmes", nor did he use these two classic names in any form.

  That would be weird...

  Klein lay on the easy chair and stared at the flames in the stove, his brown eyes becoming suspicious little by little.

  Sherlock Moriarty...it was almost like he was hinting at something.

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Chapter 2 Baron Sindras

  Monday morning.

  Klein Moretti, whose alias was Sherlock Moriarty, woke up from the three-bedroom apartment he rented in the Backlund Bridge area.

  It was just dawn, and the apartment that Jerry Zaratul prepared for him was located between the factory area and the dock area. As long as he looked out the window, he could easily see the huge freighter docked at the port, standing in the square warehouse. red brick chimneys, and a pungent yellowish mist that filled the air.

  Many gray or dark blue figures shuttled through this deadly fog. Even without turning on his spiritual vision, Klein could feel a decadent, stagnant death aura.

  The lower streets of Bittingen are at least ten times more serious. If the Witch Sect had spread the curse here, they might have been able to easily cause widespread death before the official Beyonders noticed...

  And it's still "normal"... Klein's eyes quickly closed and opened again, with a faint aura attached to them.

  All kinds of abnormal dark purple, dark brown and pale colors are moving slowly in the light yellow mist. Almost no worker's spiritual aura is normal. Even the parts that are not abnormal appear to be different compared with normal people. Pretty bleak.

  This is Backlund, the capital of all cities, the land of hope... Klein felt a sense of absurdity, and the corners of his mouth habitually wanted to curl up, but were suppressed by an inexplicable heaviness, showing a strange twitching.

  He looked at it for a while, then took off his neatly dressed formal clothes, searched in the closet, and put on a linen shirt and jacket that Klein Moretti often wore when he went to school.

  Although this is much better than the real East Enders, it is not much different from the people in Backlund Bridge District.

  Well, since they all have this name, how can they not have a matching outfit...

  While walking, Klein saw a clothing store with a promotion sign in front of him, and walked in without thinking.

  The owner of this shop is a man about fifty years old. He has slightly sparse short hair and a pair of gray eyes hidden behind thick glasses. He wears a linen shirt and a pullover sweater, which is very different from the workers on the street. Not a bad dark blue uniform, but it looks much cleaner.

  Seeing Klein walking into the store, the old man only looked up and continued to browse the newspaper in his hand. He didn't recommend it and just waited for Klein to finish selecting the clothes and pay.

  Most of them are factory uniforms, a few are second-hand old clothes, and there are almost no new ones...

  Klein's eyes swept across the rows of neatly arranged and relatively clean-looking shelves, and he fell into deep thought.

  Last night, in addition to packing his luggage, he had been thinking about the identity and career he would need to play in the future.

  Affected by "mystery" and gray fog, he has been digesting magic potions very quickly, and his body has changed from "divineer" to "magician". Now only "magician" needs to deliberately seek one or two acting opportunities in order to Digest thoroughly.

  After a night of review, Klein suspected that Ince Zangwill's script played an important role in his performance.

  If the role of "divineer" can be obtained by doing a lot of daily fortune-telling and spying on destiny, then it is much more difficult to play the role of "clown".

  The true meaning of it is that "Although I can predict my fate slightly, I still feel helpless about my fate, so I can only cover up all the sadness, pain, confusion and depression with a smile."

  For Klein, this sadness and pain lies in his inability to destroy Ince Zangwill's conspiracy. Even if he tried his best, he could only be forced to become the fuel for others to achieve their goals, losing the bond that he had finally established. Forced to join a cult and wander around.

  And confused and depressed...

  If the "mystery" of the true God doesn't find its way home, what are the chances for me?

  Negative thoughts were running through his mind. Klein maintained a smiling mask and took down two sets of workers' uniforms of different colors from the hangers in the front row.

  If he wants to continue to operate near the East District and Backlund Bridge, this is the best disguise.

  Back to digestion, the heart of "The Magician" is the performance and the audience's feedback... Klein recalled several magicians he has met.

  Jerry Zaratul is already a "faceless man" and no longer needs to deliberately play the role of an exaggerated "magician", but he still retains many of the habits of the "magician" period and always likes to use exaggerated actions and methods to attract people. Others pay attention.

  The "magicians" in the circus are relatively calm and reserved, and do not deliberately show off themselves. Instead, they like to step into the spotlight at important climaxes and make a momentary appearance, so as to gain the audience's most emotional expression. feedback.

  Tsk, if you look at efficiency alone, Jerry Zaratul is undoubtedly the best person to learn from. Unfortunately, this guy is simply a hidden pervert. He likes to play with other people's emotions. His moral bottom line is called flexible at best. In fact, He is an anti-social personality, and his pursuit of bad taste is simply pathological!

  If he plays the way he does, he will be targeted by the hidden Beyonders and the official team within a week of being in Backlund... Klein breathed a sigh of relief, looked left and right, and saw a man wearing a thick coat. Among the second-hand sweaters and brown coats that smelled strongly of mothballs, I chose the latter.

  Without even looking at it, he passed the shoe cabinet with boots and walked to the last row.

  This time he didn't stay long, only one minute, and returned to the first row carrying a few brand new but lower-priced innerwear and pants.

  Klein knocked on the table, and the old man whose face was buried behind the newspaper slowly raised his head and glanced at him from behind his thick glasses.

  "Overcoat...ten sores and sevenpence."

  so cheap?

  Klein smiled and took out a few banknotes and change. After counting for a while, he separated out a ten-sulu banknote and a few coins and handed them to the old man sitting behind the cashier.

  While the old man was packing, he pointed behind him.

  "Are there any other clothing stores around here?"

  "I'm looking for two cheaper formal suits."

  "Cheap, formal wear?"

  The old man seemed to have heard some joke. He straightened his glasses and looked at Klein carefully from top to bottom.

  He sneered, showing two rows of neat teeth.

  "Where can formal clothes be cheap?"

  "We don't have it here. If you want to find that kind of ready-made clothes, you need to go to a department store or tailor shop in the Jowood District. You don't even know where this place sells formal clothes, haha."

  A middle-class neighborhood called Joe Wood? Klein smiled awkwardly.

  He wanted to find some exaggerated clothes for his performance, but he was not in a hurry to bankrupt himself.

  After leaving Tingen, he didn't take any property with him except the two hundred pounds he had in his bearer account at Backlund Bank.

  The two hundred pounds include his various living expenses in the future, as well as the money to purchase spiritual items. I am afraid that this savings will have negative growth for a long time. How can he squander it casually?

  As if he noticed Klein's embarrassment, the old man smacked his lips and became more serious.

  "Actually, there aren't any places around here that can sell what you want."

  "You can go to the bar and ask around. The plateau people robbed a cargo ship the night before yesterday, which was loaded with goods shipped from the sea. The wool there is good, and the cargo ships coming from there will basically carry their coats and formal wear. Plateau People don't understand business, so they must be anxious to sell what they have."

  The plateau people are a militant people who live at the beginning of the Honakis Mountains and are sandwiched between three countries. They have a bad reputation and are nicknamed the gang reserve team?

  Klein decisively ruled out this option.

  "Is there a safer channel? I don't really want to deal with gangs."

  Looking at Klein, the old man shook his head in embarrassment.

  "That would be a lot of trouble. You can only find a professional tailor."

  "You can ask anyone who used to work in a garment factory. Recently, many garment factory owners have replaced machines and laid off a large number of tailors. They will not be able to find jobs for a while, so they should be happy to take over your job at a cheaper price. Delegate."

  "Hey, what's that look on your face? Don't look down on these tailors," the old man misunderstood the hesitation on Klein's face and said angrily, "The department stores in the Jowood District actually buy goods directly from the factory area."

  "In the past, the fabric in the factory area was less than two pounds, and when the tailor made it and put it on the shelf, it turned into six gold pounds!"

  "Of course, if you are willing to pay a little more to the tailor, excluding the cost of the fabric, you can probably buy a formal suit for only three pounds. Just forget about the shoes and cane."

  Klein listened to the clothing store owner's talk and found that he was gradually becoming convinced.

  He took the packed clothes and asked tentatively.

  "Do you know such a tailor?"

  The old man pointed at himself.

  "I used to be a tailor myself."

  Ha... Klein felt that his "Joker" potion had been digested a lot more. He didn't want to talk about this topic any more, so he casually said:

  "I guess it will take a while to... uh, are the plateau people you just mentioned so powerful?"

  "They dare to rob a freighter in the dock area of ​​Backlund?"

  The old man was not disappointed when he saw that the trick was not successful, and he chuckled along with Klein's words.

  "Of course they don't dare to mess around in the dock area. The dock area is protected by big shots."

  "What's going on?" Klein became even more curious.

  The old man turned the newspaper open on the table and pushed it down in front of Klein.

  "The Downton Company's freighter ran aground in the East End. Is it anyone else's fault?"

  "It didn't swim well on its own. It crashed into an empty warehouse managed by plateau people for no reason, and was detained by them. Is it reasonable?"

  "As for the goods inside, hey."

  A freighter belonging to the Downton Company accidentally ran aground, and the goods were robbed by thugs. Where will the chaotic law and order in the East District go?

  Klein's eyes stopped on the headline of "Tasok River News" and nodded slightly.

  "Indeed, very reasonable."


  The carriage has exquisite patterns on the carriage, and the overall color is dark and unobtrusive. The carriage is moving slowly.

  A middle-aged gentleman with black hair mixed with silver combed back neatly, revealing a broad forehead and a slightly high hairline, opened the curtains of the window on one side of the carriage to a gap, and indifferently swept across the streets and dilapidated brick houses. .

  His face is round, but lacks enough flesh to support it. His cheekbones are relatively high and his wrinkles are clear everywhere, giving people a mean and inhumane impression.

  However, unlike most Loen people of his age, he did not have a beard, his cheeks were clean shaven, and his blue eyes were so light that they were almost colorless.

  Baron Sindras, who had become an invisible joke in Backlund's upper class circles for no reason, put down the hand holding the curtain and asked to the side without turning his head:

  "What do people from the plateau say?"

  "They rejected our conditions," the valet deliberately paused for a second, observing his employer's expression, and then carefully added the second half, "They said they didn't believe in your credibility."

  "Don't trust my credibility?"

  Sindras was not angry, only a little amused.

  "It's understandable. After all, my family doesn't have a good reputation on the plateau or overseas. If the accident this time was not my freighter, but an enlightened person like Earl Hall who is willing to be charitable, I think things might change. It's much simpler."

  Listening to Baron Sindras's cold joke, the valet did not dare to answer.

  Of course he knew what his employer meant.

  With the current prosperity of the surname Sindras, they have trampled on the blood of too many rural natives and colonials. They used the gold they grabbed from remote and barbaric areas to gain aristocratic status in the center of civilization. Of course, they will not be treated like plateau people. See.

  Compared to Earl Hall, for many years of charity activities, even the controversial plateau areas have benefited from him, and a considerable number of children of plateau people have become recipients of funding from the foundation under his name. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

  If the freighter owned by Earl Hall ran aground, there would indeed be a high probability that such a ridiculous thing would not happen.

  It's just that unlike other bankers who have made a fortune, Baron Sindelas neither likes to show off his wealth by lavishing money on food and accommodation, nor does he follow the example of the Intis people who like to put gold on everything and become a nouveau riche. The general style, even the title, was not to add a few meaningless patterns to his family coat of arms, but was given to him personally by His Majesty the King for his merits.

  In the valet's opinion, his employer, although not perfect, was better than most people in the world.

  This accident was entirely due to the savage and reckless plateau people's ignorance.

  "I heard that those plateau people circulate banned guns privately?"

  The valet, who was slightly distracted, was suddenly asked by Baron Sindras. He took a moment to react before nodding in confirmation.

  "There are such rumors."

  "Teach them a lesson, just take back the most important batch of goods," Baron Sindras ordered in a tone that left no room for doubt. "As long as that batch of goods is given to them, it doesn't matter if the others are given to them. I believe they are not stupid yet." I couldn't tell what was valuable and what was not, so I definitely kept it in my own hands."

  "Hire some private detectives who are active in the East District all year round, and you can also hire bounty hunters..." The valet subconsciously talked about his usual practice, but he realized halfway through that it was not appropriate, "Is there something wrong with plateau people in the East District?" Small influence..."

  "Sir, I'm afraid not many people will accept our commission."

  Baron Sindras smiled easily.

  "It doesn't matter, French, there will be people willing to take the risk."

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Chapter 3 The Angel Given by God

  Praise for the steam subway... thought the breathless Klein.

  After gathering the necessary equipment to play "Detective Sherlock Moriarty", Klein worked all morning to figure out the intricate distribution of forces in the east of Backlund.

  Different from the legal society in the west of Backlund, in the east represented by the East District, unspoken rules under order are more popular. Compared with the law, the will of the gang is more thoroughly implemented in this land.

  For example, the old shopkeeper mentioned the plateau people. After some investigation, Klein reluctantly understood that not all plateau people were from the same camp.

  There is also a chain of contempt between them based on the region of their hometown. The plateau people who are close to the industrial city of Loen are squeezed out by the same people who live in the center of the plateau. This is a common thing among gangs where plateau people exist.

  However, it was the Tories and Whigs who held the greatest influence in the East End, and even if the Highlanders were warlike, they were only a small minority.

  Considering that the identity and residence arranged for him by Jerry Zaratul were inseparable from the East End, when Klein chose a career, he did not imitate the greatest detective of the nineteenth century, but mixed it with Some bounty hunter ingredients.

  In this way, while maintaining his daily work and actions, it will also be more convenient for him to participate in some actions that are beyond the reach of detectives.

  This would allow him to get in touch with all kinds of people from all walks of life in Backlund as much as possible, and quickly integrate into the local circle of extraordinary people - as a free person independent of the followers of the true Creator, and thus gradually capture Lan Er The possible clues left by Us and Ince Zangwill.

  Of course, bounty hunters may often face life-threatening commissions, and it is reasonable to encounter gangsters who are full of evil...


  The translucent human skin showed a bit of blood, and he tried his best to open his illusory mouth and chirp.

  Klein felt speechless for a while.

  He seemed to see his glove turning into a pitiful puppy, with the index and middle fingers wagging constantly, just like a puppy wagging its tail to pretend to be pitiful.

  Are you really a Sealed Artifact worth at least 10,000 pounds... Klein, who was slumped in the easy chair, turned over and did not look at his left hand. He took out his pocket watch from his pocket and looked at it for a few seconds.

  Two forty-six.

  He just informed the little "Sun" in advance that he didn't need to stay so long, but there was one more thing... Klein reluctantly walked to the center of the living room and walked four steps backwards in a familiar manner. His eyes were filled with gray fog. .

  He sat at the top and looked at his hands first.

  The citrine pendulum that he had always worn on his right wrist lay quietly on the table, attracting the gray mist nearby.

  First, he needs an appearance... Klein pondered, and then a man wearing a hooded robe appeared on the seat opposite the ancient long table.

  As the product of the first attempt, this body is quite passable. Just by looking at it with spiritual vision, you can find that "his" spirit body does not fluctuate normally. Instead, it looks like a dead person, lacking the most basic reaction to the outside world and unable to do anything. Deceived members of the "Tarot Society"

  The marionette controlled by the "Maritime Master" is also a dead person, but ordinary extraordinary people cannot find out that the marionette is dead. This is because the "Marijuchi Master" controls the marionette's spiritual body thread, allowing the marionette to give corresponding feedback. ?

  Klein picked up the pendulum at hand and wrapped it around his wrist as usual.

  As spirituality spread, his vision turned gray, and he once again saw several familiar illusory black lines.

  Immediately afterwards, Klein carefully used the pendulum to absorb the spiritual threads floating on the dummy, and the dummy then made the same movements as him.

  "He" raised his right hand.

  Sure enough, it is possible, and unlike 2-065, my pendulum has no obvious side effects, especially above the gray mist... This feeling, like I have become a "Secret Puppet Master", just needs Pay more consumption to maintain this marionette at most...

  While there were still a few minutes left, Klein repeatedly discussed how to make the dummy's movements more flexible.

  After he was able to get the dummy to speak, he carefully left enough spirituality to support the party, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

  "Welcome, new member, which tarot card do you want to draw as a code name?"

  On the opposite side of the long table, the hooded man raised his head and examined the "Fool" at the top, his dark eyes blinking.


  "I choose 'World'."

  A seal similar to the one on the back of "The Fool" was outlined on the seat of "The World". At the same time, Klein also stretched out his hand and touched the stars corresponding to several members, and the dome burst into a deep red.


  The place abandoned by God, Silver City, in the church of the "God of Mystery".

  Derrick Berg maintained a restrained silence, quietly listening to the bishop's praise to the Lord below the altar.

  Suddenly, he felt a call from above, and subconsciously looked up, only to see thick gray mist pouring out from the top of the church with countless silk threads hanging, covering his eyes.

  "Get ready for the party."

  The top voice said so.


  Backlund, in an apartment in Backlund Bridge District.

  As soon as Forsi Wall's spirit body disappeared from her body, light blue ripples appeared on her smooth back.

  The illusory wings unfolded in layers, and the gem she wore on her chest floated in the air, like an eye, looking towards the east.

  "Very close..."


  Above the gray mist, in a palace that looks like a giant's residence.

  "Justice" Audrey was about to greet each member as usual, when her eyes suddenly caught sight of a figure sitting at the very end.

  It was a new member he had never seen before.

  "This is the 'world'." Klein nodded and smiled, without any intention of explaining too much.

  Like Little "Sun", they were both members brought in by Mr. Fool alone... Audrey looked in the direction of the other members and got the answer from their expressions.

  Mr. "World" conceals his characteristics and has no connection with any of the members.

  While her thoughts were swirling, Audrey put on a polite smile and said hello to the seat at the end.

  "Hello, Mr. World."

  Unfortunately, the hooded "World" did not respond to this enthusiasm. Even after the remaining three members greeted each other in turn, he just nodded lightly.

  He was good at hiding himself, could not see his strength clearly, and always kept a straight face... "The Hanged Man" looked away from the somewhat embarrassed "Justice" with indifference, and he probably made a judgment in his heart.

  He didn't care about other people's attitudes towards him, and was used to being coldly rejected, so he just put aside the matter in an instant and turned to look at his superiors.

  "Dear Mr. Fool, I have collected three pages of Emperor Russell's diary."

  Is this the reward paid by "The Hanged Man" to Mr. "Fool"?

  Forsi was thoughtful, and after applying for help, he also materialized a few pages of paper.

  "Mr. Fool, this is the diary sent this week. It has three pages."

  It's good to be organized, and you don't have to pay Miss Magic... Klein received the six pages of the diary with satisfaction and turned his eyes expectantly to the other one.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Fool," "Justice" smiled bitterly and bowed, "Father was afraid that I would be retaliated by the forces behind Qilinges, so he hired several bodyguards to protect me around the clock. It is very likely that during this period of time, I Neither can participate in occult gatherings and collect Emperor Russell's diary."

  "It doesn't matter." Klein did not show his regret.

  He looked down and scanned the contents of the first page.

  "On February 9, I had my third child, and I named him Bonova."

  "Unlike my lucky eldest daughter Bernadette, and not as good as the mediocre Charles, my second son Benoit seems to have been cursed since birth. Is this a punishment for my atrocities for more than ten years?"

  "Zarath told me that compared to my first two children, his life lacks the possibility of growth. This is not because he will die young or accomplish nothing, but because he has been unable to grow since he left his mother's arms. Destined to be an angel."

  "I don't want to believe Zaratul's words. His father, I have struggled for so many years and overcome so many obstacles to barely achieve my current status. But now he suddenly told me that as soon as my child was born, his starting point would be where I am now. end?"

  "I don't want to believe it."

  "This does not mean that I am jealous of my children, but it stems from the rumors I recently heard at that unspeakable party."

  "Acquiring extraordinary power is not the only way to take magic potions. Theoretically, any true god can make his followers become extraordinary without magic potions and only rely on gifts. Although for him, this may be a kind of Burden can only be used as a temporary means, and even if there are too many gifts, it will directly affect His state."

  "But sometimes, risky efforts are often accompanied by unimaginable rewards."

  "If Zaratul's prophecy is true - to be honest, this guy has not made any mistakes so far, then Bonova, who is destined to become an angel, his characteristics definitely do not come from me, but will only come from me who can communicate through language. Handicapped autistic boss."

  "Why, why would He do this?"

  The gift of the gods can actually turn ordinary people into extraordinary beings!

  Klein's pupils dilated slightly in disbelief, and although his facial expression was properly controlled, there were still traces of wrinkles on his brows.

  And judging from Russell's words, this kind of gift may be different from 3-0782. It is not that the gods store a part of themselves with characteristics somewhere and directly integrate it into the believer's body, but directly lowers the power.

  It was just like...Klein's subtle teeth force.

  It's like Megoose who was forced to conceive the son of the true Creator and was contaminated by the divine power.

  With the testimony of Megoose, Klein accepted the overly subversive knowledge in Russell's diary.

  He quickly turned to the next few pages, trying to find the continuation of this diary page, or supplements related to the above content.

  Unfortunately, he looked through the three pages of the diary provided by "The Hanged Man" and found nothing below. Instead, he found a few interesting sentences in the three pages of the diary provided by "The Magician", which mostly recorded daily life.

  "Are the people in the Eternal Sun Church without any brains?"

  "They also slandered the 'listeners' who believe in the true Creator by eating their own brains while praying. I think they are more extreme than the 'listeners'."

  "They only ate part of it, but luckily for them, the first time they 'praised the sun', their brains completely evaporated!"

  "There are so many gods in the world, even the most brainless 'tyrant' believers, in addition to 'praising the storm', they also know how to solve problems with their fists!"

  "How can you govern the country well with such a bunch of religious idiots!"

  This is the diary left by Russell in the early days of the First Republic of Intis. It is full of complaints and slander against the Eternal Sun Church...

  Well, maybe it's not a slander. After all, the negative effects of 3-0782 are quite anti-intellectual... Klein irresponsibly complained along with Russell.

  Turning people into retarded people who can only praise the sun. It is said that the high position of the path will have an impact on the bottom. The influence of the eternal blazing sun is too outrageous, right?

  At least the True Creator only makes people crazy... As Klein complained like this, the smile in his eyes disappeared little by little.


  He took out the first page of the diary and read it again.

  The blessing mentioned by Russell seems to be different from the unfortunate experience of Megoos.

  He still remembered that Mr. Dust, who was recruited as an informant by the "Nighthawks", once provided a very important clue.

  Hood Eugen, a member of the Psychological Alchemy Society, participated in the divine descent plan planned by Lanrevus, and played an important role. He hypnotized Megoose, unconsciously intercourse with the phantom of the true Creator, and became pregnant. Divine fetus.

  Jerry Zaratul also said that UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Lannus was able to escape because the people imprisoned with him lost control and caused a certain amount of commotion.

  It was Hood Ogen who was crazy, but it was not necessarily him who carried the phantom of the true Creator and intercourse with Mego Ogen.

  Lanerwus wouldn't be so bold... Klein could hardly believe his guess.

  Just because he is a "scammer" and does not belong to the path of the True Creator's rule, so he is confident that he can escape the influence of the True Creator?

  No wonder Mr. A vowed to me that he would definitely catch Lanrewus... This guy has been marked!

  I'm afraid Lanervus still retains the divinity of the true creator...

  Thinking of this, Klein suddenly had the urge to find a piece of tofu and kill himself.

  He left Tingen because Ince Zangwill took advantage of the divinity of the True Creator. Now that he was in Backlund, by coincidence, he encountered a similar time bomb.

  But this didn't bother him for long, because Klein soon realized that in this world, he couldn't even find tofu.

  Well, after the party is over, I will contact Mr. A to confirm this guess... Klein realized that he had been struggling with this page of the diary for too long, and if he continued like this, it might arouse the suspicion of the following members, So he decisively paused and continued to delve deeper, and looked at the second page of the diary without changing his expression.

  "On May 16th, damn Florent, the dog barked again."

  "But this time he mentioned something that interested me."

  "It turns out that the Zaratul family was not loyal to the true creator at the beginning. In addition to the 'Black Emperor' of the Fourth Age, they also have another master."

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